5 Cloud Infrastructure CLI Reference

This chapter provides a reference to using the cloud infrastructure CLI once it is installed. The chapter includes a description, syntax, options, and examples for each command.

The following topics are covered in this chapter:

5.1 Common Command Options

All the cloud infrastructure CLI commands have one of two common prefixes:

  • akm – Use only for commands related to access keys, for example akm-create-access-key.

  • iaas – Use for all other cloud computing management commands, for example iaas-create-volume.

All the cloud infrastructure CLI commands share some common options. Other options are common for commands with the same prefix. Table 5-1 lists the command options and their descriptions, and indicates whether the option is required for the command.

Table 5-1 Common Command Options

Command Type Option Description Required

akm and iaas

--base-url <base_url>

Base URL of the Enterprise Controller where the Web service is running. https://<EnterpriseControllerhost>.




The user name for authentication.



--password-file|-p <pw_file>

Path to the password file for authentication. If this option is not supplied, then the cloud user is prompted for a password.



--access-key-file|-a <access_key_file>

Path of the file storing the access key


akm and iaas

--help | -h

Explains the command usage and its argument.


akm and iaas

--header | -H

Adds a header row to the output


akm and iaas

--sep <separator>

Specifies a column separator character. The default separator is TAB.


akm and iaas


Displays the output result in XML format. The default output is in table format.


akm and iaas

--verbose | -v

Starts the command in verbose mode


akm and iaas

--debug | -D

Starts the command in debug mode


Alternatively, the value for soe common required options can be specified using the environment variables: IAAS_PASSWORD_FILE, IAAS_BASE_URL, IAAS_USER, and IAAS_ACCESS_KEY_FILE.

List of Commands

Each command is delivered as separate file. Every command has a short and long form. The following CLI commands are described in this section:


Creates an access key for a cloud user.


akm-create-access-key|akm-cak  [--base-url <base_url>] [--debug] [--header]
                               [--user <username>] [--help] 
                               [--password-file <password_file>]
                               [--sep <separator>][--xml]
                               [--trust-store <truststore_file>]
                               [--for-user <username>]
                               --account <account_id> [--verbose]
                               --access-key-file <access_key_file>


This command delivers the access key ID and the access key file containing the private key of the newly created access key for the specified cloud user. The command also registers the access key to the specified account.

The access key file created by this command is used for authentication of every iaas command.


--base-url <base_url>

Base URL of the Enterprise Controller where the Web service is running. The value for this option must use the following syntax: https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>. If this option is not specified, then the URL information is taken from the value set in the IAAS_BASE_URL environment variable.

--debug | -D

Starts the command in debug mode.

--header | -H

Adds a header row to the output. The default output shows no header.

--user <username>

User name of the cloud user. The command validates the cloud user in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center instance and verifies that the cloud user has the correct privileges for the specified account. If this option is not specified, then the user name is taken from the value set in the IAAS_USER environment variable.

--help | -h

Displays the usage information for this command.

--access-key-file | -a <access_key_file>

Complete path and name of the file that will store the access key created after using this command (for example, /tmp/ak.file). If a path is not specified, the file is created in the current directory.

--password-file | -p <password_file>

Complete path and name of the file containing the password of the cloud user (for example, /tmp/akpsswd.file). If a path is not specified for this file, then the command-line interface looks for the file in the current directory. If this option is not specified, and the value is not set in the IAAS_PASSWORD_FILE environment variable, then the cloud user is prompted for a password.

--sep <separator>

Column separator character. The default separator is TAB.

--trust-store <truststore_file>

Name of the file that stores the trusted SSL certificate. The default is $HOME/.oracle_iaas/truststore.

--for-user | -f <username>

User name of another cloud user to create an access key on behalf of that cloud user. The user executing the command using this option requires cloud administrator privileges.

--account | -d <account_id>

Account ID of the account for which the access key is created. The command checks that the specified user is already registered for that account. To get the account ID, use the akm-describe-accounts command.

--verbose | -v

Starts the command in verbose mode.


Displays the output result in XML format. The default output is in table format.


Example 1   

This example creates an access key with the ID AK_3. It uses the following options and values:

Option Option Value
base-url https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/
user <username>
password-file ~/pwd.file
account ACC-e7ed508a-dad3-4866-a41a-bf8850163b2e
access-key-file ak.file

bash-3.2$ ./akm-create-access-key --base-url https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/ --user <username> --password-file ~/pwd.file --account ACC-e7ed508a-dad3-4866-a41a-bf8850163b2e -a ak.file

Example 2   

This example creates an access key with ID AK_4 using the value set in the environment variables. It uses the following options and values:

Option Environment Variable Value
base-url IAAS_BASE_URL https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/
user IAAS_USER <username>
password-file IAAS_PASSWORD_FILE ~/pwd.file
account NA ACC-g7fg508a-dad3-4866-a41a-bf8850163c3f
access-key-file NA ak.file

bash-3.2$ ./akm-create-access-key --account ACC-g7fg508a-dad3-4866-a41a-bf8850163c3f --access-key-file ak.file

Example 3   

In this example a cloud administrator creates, on behalf of a cloud user, an access key with ID AK_10. It uses the following options and values:

Option Environment Variable Value
base-url IAAS_BASE_URL https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/
user IAAS_USER cloudadmin
for-user NA <username>
password-file IAAS_PASSWORD_FILE ~/pwd.file
account NA ACC-g7fg508a-dad3-4866-a41a-bf8850163c3f
access-key-file NA ak.file

bash-3.2$ ./akm-create-access-key --account ACC-g7fg508a-dad3-4866-a41a-bf8850163c3f --access-key-file ak.file --for-user <username>


Exit Status

(Success) – The command returns the access key ID of the newly created access key. When the akm-describe-access-keys command is used, the new access key ID is listed.

(Failure) – The command displays a descriptive error message and error code.


Unregisters an access key from the specified account.


akm-delete-access-key|akm-delak  [--base-url <base_url>] [--debug] [--header]
                                 [--user <user name>] [--help] 
                                 [--password-file <pw_file>]
                                 [--sep <separator>]
                                 [--trust-store <truststore_file>]
                                 [--verbose] [--xml]


This command deletes the access key association to the account. The access key file is not deleted with this command, but the access key is no longer usable.


--base-url <base_url>

Base URL of the Enterprise Controller where the Web service is running. The value for this option must use the following syntax: https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>. If this option is not specified, then the URL information is taken from the value set in the IAAS_BASE_URL environment variable.

--debug | -D

Starts the command in debug mode.

--header | -H

Adds a header row to the output. The default output shows no header.

--user <username>

User name of the cloud user. The command validates the cloud user in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center instance and verifies that the cloud user has the correct privileges for the specified account. If this option is not specified, then the user name is taken from the value set in the IAAS_USER environment variable.

--help | -h

Displays the usage information for this command.

--password-file | -p <password_file>

Name of the file containing the password of the cloud user. If a path is not specified for this file, then the command-line interface looks for the file in the current directory. If this option is not specified, and the value is not set in the IAAS_PASSWORD_FILE environment variable, then the cloud user is prompted for a password.

--sep <separator>

Column separator character. The default separator is TAB.

--trust-store <truststore_file>

Name of the file that stores the trusted SSL certificate. The default is $HOME/.oracle_iaas/truststore.

--verbose | -v

Starts the command in verbose mode.


Displays the output result in XML format. The default output is in table format.


Access key ID of the access key that will be unregistered. Access key IDs are displayed in the user interface or by using the akm-describe-access-keys command.


Example 1   

This example unregisters an access key. It uses the following options and values:

Option Option Value
base-url https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/
user <username>
password-file ~/pwd.file
access-key-id AK_3

bash-3.2$ ./akm-delete-access-key --base-url https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/ --user <username> --password-file ~/pwd.file

Example 2   

This example unregisters an access key. It uses the following options and values:

Option Environment Variable Value
base-url IAAS_BASE_URL https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/
user IAAS_USER <username>
password-file IAAS_PASSWORD_FILE ~/pwd.file
access-key-id NA AK_4

bash-3.2$ ./akm-delete-access-key AK_4


Exit Status

(Success) – The command does not return any value, only the command prompt is returned. When the akm-describe-access-keys command is used, the access key is not listed.

(Failure) – The command displays a descriptive error message and error code.


Displays a list of the access keys of a cloud user.


akm-describe-access-keys|akm-dak  [--base-url <base_url>] [--debug] [--header]
                                   [--user <user name>] [--help] 
                                   [--password-file <password_file>]
                                   [--sep <separator>]
                                   [--trust-store <truststore_file>]
                                   [--for-user <username>]
                                   [--verbose] [--xml]


This command list information about the access keys created for a cloud user. The command displays the access key ID, the account ID, and user name of the cloud user for each access key available for the specified cloud user.


--base-url <base_url>

Base URL of the Enterprise Controller where the Web service is running. The value for this option must use the following syntax: https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>. If this option is not specified, then the URL information is taken from the value set in the IAAS_BASE_URL environment variable.

--debug | -D

Starts the command in debug mode.

--header | -H

Adds a header row to the output. The default output shows no header.

--user <username>

Username of the cloud user. The command validates the cloud user in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center instance and verifies that the cloud user has the correct privileges for the specified account. If this option is not specified, then the user name is taken from the value set in the IAAS_USER environment variable.

--help | -h

Displays the usage information for this command.

--password-file | -p <password_file>

Name of the file containing the password of the cloud user. If a path is not specified for this file, then the command-line interface looks for the file in the current directory. If this option is not specified, and the value is not set in the IAAS_PASSWORD_FILE environment variable, then the cloud user is prompted for a password.

--sep <separator>

Column separator character. The default separator is TAB.

--trust-store <truststore_file>

Name of the file that stores the trusted SSL certificate. The default is $HOME/.oracle_iaas/truststore.

--for-user | -f <username>

User name of a different cloud user to display the access keys created for that cloud user. The cloud user using this option requires cloud administrator privileges.

--verbose | -v

Starts the command in verbose mode.


Displays the output result in XML format. The default output is in table format.


Example 1   

This example displays the access keys of a cloud user. It uses the following options and values:

Option Option Value
base-url https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/
user <username>
password-file ~/pwd.file

bash-3.2$ ./akm-describe-access-keys --base-url https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/ --user <username> --password-file ~/pwd.file

AK_3    ACC-d7td508a-dad3-4866-a41a-bf8850163c3g        <username>
Example 2   

This example displays the access keys of a cloud user, adding a header row to the output. It uses the following options and values:

Option Environment Variable Value
base-url IAAS_BASE_URL https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/
user IAAS_USER <username>
password-file IAAS_PASSWORD_FILE ~/pwd.file

bash-3.2$ ./akm-describe-access-keys -HaccessKeyId     account      user

AK_3    ACC-d7td508a-dad3-4866-a41a-bf8850163c3g        <username>

Exit Status

(Success) – The command displays a list containing the access key ID, the account ID, and username of the specified cloud user.

(Failure) – The command displays a descriptive error message and error code.


Displays account information for a cloud user.


akm-describe-accounts|akm-dac  [--base-url <base_url>] [--debug] [--header]
                               [--user <user name>] [--help] 
                               [--password-file <password_file>]
                               [--sep <separator>]
                               [--trust-store <truststore_file>]
                               [--for-user <username>]
                               [--account <account_id>] [--verbose]


This command lists information about the accounts available for a cloud user. The command displays the user name of the specified cloud user along with the account ID, name, and description of each account available for that cloud user.


--base-url <base_url>

Base URL of the Enterprise Controller where the Web service is running. The value for this option must use the following syntax: https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>. If this option is not specified, then the URL information is taken from the value set in the IAAS_BASE_URL environment variable.

--debug | -D

Starts the command in debug mode.

--header | -H

Adds a header row to the output. The default output shows no header.

--user <username>

Username of the cloud user. The command validates the cloud user in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center instance and verifies that the cloud user has the correct privileges for the specified account. If this option is not specified, then the user name is taken from the value set in the IAAS_USER environment variable.

--help | -h

Displays the usage information for this command.

--password-file | -p <password_file>

Name of the file containing the password of the cloud user. If a path is not specified for this file, then the command-line interface looks for the file in the current directory. If this option is not specified, and the value is not set in the IAAS_PASSWORD_FILE environment variable, then the cloud user is prompted for a password.

--sep <separator>

Column separator character. The default separator is TAB.

--trust-store <truststore_file>

Name of the file containing the trusted SSL certificate. The default is $HOME/.oracle_iaas/truststore.

--for-user | -f <username>

User name of another cloud user. This option validates that the cloud user using this option has cloud administrator privileges.

--account | -d <account_id>

Account ID of the account. This option can be used as a filter to limit the number of accounts displayed.

--verbose | -v

Starts the command in verbose mode.


Displays the output result in XML format. The default output is in table format.


Example 1   

This example displays the account information for a cloud user. It uses the following options and values:

Option Option Value
base-url https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/
user <username>
password-file ~/pwd.file

bash-3.2$ ./akm-describe-accounts --base-url https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/ --user <username> --password-file ~/pwd.file

ACC-f7gd508a-dad3-4866-a41a-bf8850163c3g        account0        account0 for user <username>        <username>ACC-95gdb073-d569-4a45-ac24-f14eba689a8g        account1        account1 for user <username>        <username>ACC-eag64db9-c0ee-43de-bb17-55cfb9d105fg        account2        account2 for user <username>        <username>
Example 2   

This example displays the account information for a different cloud user, and includes a header row. It uses the following options and values:

Option Environment Variable Value
base-url IAAS_BASE_URL https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/
user IAAS_USER <username>
password-file IAAS_PASSWORD_FILE ~/pwd.file
for-user NA <username2>

bash-3.2$ ./akm-describe-accounts --for-user <username2> -H

account name    description     user
ACC-f7gd508a-dad3-4866-a41a-bf8850163c3g        account0        account0 for user <username2>        <username>ACC-95gdb073-d569-4a45-ac24-f14eba689a8g        account1        account1 for user <username2>        <username>

Exit Status

(Success) – The command returns a list containing the account ID, the account name, the account description, and user name of the specified cloud user.

(Failure) – The command displays a descriptive error message and error code.


Allocates a number of IP addresses from a virtual network.


iaas-allocate-ip-addresses|iaas-aip [--base-url <base_url>] [--debug]
                                    [--header] [--help] 
                                    [--access-key-file <access_key_file>] 
                                    [--vnet] <vnet-id>
                                    [--num <num>]
                                    [--sep <separator>]
                                    [--trust-store <truststore_file>]
                                    [--verbose] [--xml]


This command allocates a number of IP addresses from a public or private virtual network that can be associated later with a vServer.


--base-url <base_url>

Base URL of the Enterprise Controller where the Web service is running. The value for this option must use the following syntax: https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>. If this option is not specified, then the URL information is taken from the value set in the IAAS_BASE_URL environment variable.

--debug | -D

Starts the command in debug mode.

--header | -H

Adds a header row to the output. The default output shows no header.

--access-key-file | -a <access_key_file>

Complete path and name of the file that stores the access key (for example, /tmp/ak.file). If a path is not specified, then the command looks for the file in the current directory.

--help | -h

Displays the usage information for this command.

--vnet <vnet-id>

vNet ID from which IP addresses are allocated.

--num <num>

Number of IP addresses to be allocated. The default value is 1.

--sep <separator>

Column separator character. The default separator is TAB.

--trust-store <truststore_file>

Name of the file containing the trusted SSL certificate. The default is $HOME/.oracle_iaas/truststore.

--verbose | -v

Starts the command in verbose mode.


Displays the output result in XML format. The default output is in table format.


Example 1   

This example allocates an IP address from the specified virtual network. It uses the following options and values:

Option Option Value
base-url https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/
access-key-file ak.file
vNet ID VNET-9634972a-bcdd-4714-8c7f-b67d8010f13c

bash-3.2$ ./iaas-allocate-ip-addresses --base-url https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/ -a ak.file --vnet VNET-9634972a-bcdd-4714-8c7f-b67d8010f13c
Example 2   

This example allocates three IP addresses from the specified virtual network. It uses the following options and values:

Option Option Value
base-url https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/
access-key-file ak.file
vNet ID VNET-9634972a-bcdd-4714-8c7f-b67d8010f13c

bash-3.2$ ./iaas-allocate-ip-addresses --base-url https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/ -a ak.file --vnet VNET-9634972a-bcdd-4714-8c7f-b67d8010f13c --num 3

Exit Status

(Success) – The command returns a list of the allocated IP addresses. When using the iaas-describe-ip-addresses command, the new allocated IP addresses are listed.

(Failure) – The command displays a descriptive error message and error code.


Attaches one or more volumes to a vServer.


iaas-attach-volumes-to-vserver|iaas-attvol [--base-url <base_url>] [--debug]
                                           [--access-key-file <access_key_file>]
                                           [--debug] [--header][--help]] 
                                           --vserver-id <vserver-id>
                                           [--volume-ids] <vol-id>[,<vol-id>]*
                                           [--sep <separator>]
                                           [--trust-store <truststore_file>]
                                           [--verbose] [--xml]


This command attaches one or more volumes to a vServer.


--base-url <base_url>

Base URL of the Enterprise Controller where the Web service is running. The value for this option must use the following syntax: https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>. If this option is not specified, then the URL information is taken from the value set in the IAAS_BASE_URL environment variable.

--debug | -D

Starts the command in debug mode.

--header | -H

Adds a header row to the output. The default output shows no header.

--access-key-file | -a <access_key_file>

Complete path and name of the file that stores the access key (for example, /tmp/ak.file). If a path is not specified, then the command looks for the file in the current directory.

--help | -h

Displays the usage information for this command.

--vserver-id | -i <vserver-id>

ID of the vServer to which the volume will be attached.

--volume-ids <vol-id>[,<vol-id>]*

IDs of the volumes to be attached.

--sep <separator>

Column separator character. The default separator is TAB.

--trust-store <truststore_file>

Name of the file containing the trusted SSL certificate. The default is $HOME/.oracle_iaas/truststore.

--verbose | -v

Starts the command in verbose mode.


Displays the output result in XML format. The default output is in table format.


Example 1   

This example attaches a volume to a vServer. It uses the following options and values:

Option Option Value
base-url https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/
access-key-file ak.file
vserver-id VSRV-8ae29df9-ccfe-4184-acb8-10080665d7f6

bash-3.2$./iaas-attach-volumes-to-vserver --base-url https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/ -a ~/ak.file -vserver-id VSRV-8ae29df9-ccfe-4184-acb8-10080665d7f6  --volume-ids VOL-052cb4b4-5e56-4303-8b3a-82d6ba743a15


Exit Status

(Success) – The command attaches the specified volume to the vServer. This command does not return any value, only the command prompt is returned. When the iaas-describe-volumes command is used, the vServer is listed as part of the volume information.

(Failure) – The command displays a descriptive error message and error code.


Creates a new distribution group for an account.


iaas-create-distribution-group|iaas-cdg [--base-url <base_url>] [--debug]
                              [--desc <descr>][--header] [--help]
                              [--access-key-file <access_key_file>]
                              --name <name> 
                              [--sep <separator>]
                              [--size <size>]
                              [--trust-store <truststore_file>]
                              [--verbose] [--xml]


This command creates a distribution group for an account.


--base-url <base_url>

Base URL of the Enterprise Controller where the Web service is running. The value for this option must use the following syntax: https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>. If this option is not specified, then the URL information is taken from the value set in the IAAS_BASE_URL environment variable.

--debug | -D

Starts the command in debug mode.

--header | -H

Adds a header row to the output. The default output shows no header.

--access-key-file | -a <access_key_file>

Complete path and name of the file that stores the access key (for example, /tmp/ak.file). If a path is not specified, then the command looks for the file in the current directory.

--help | -h

Displays the usage information for this command.

--desc | -d <descr>

An optional description for the distribution group.

--name | -n <name>

Name of the distribution group.

--sep <separator>

Column separator character. The default separator is TAB.

--size <size>

Size of the distribution group. The size is the maximum limit of vServers that can be added to a distribution group. The default size is 50000.

--trust-store <truststore_file>

Name of the file containing the trusted SSL certificate. The default is $HOME/.oracle_iaas/truststore.

--verbose | -v

Starts the command in verbose mode.


Displays the output result in XML format. The default output is in table format.


Example 1   

This example creates a distribution group for an account. It uses the following options and values:

Option Option Value
base-url https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/
access-key-file ak.file
name myDistributionGroup

bash-3.2$ ./iaas-create-distribution-group --base-url https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/ -a ak.file --name myDistributionGroup

Example 2   

This example creates a distribution group with size for 10 vServers. It uses the following options and values:

Option Option Value
base-url https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/
access-key-file ak.file
name myDistributionGroup2

bash-3.2$ ./iaas-create-distribution-group --base-url https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/ -a ak.file --name myDistributionGroup2 --size 10


Exit Status

(Success) – The command returns the distribution group ID. When using the iaas-describe-distribution-groups command, the new distribution group is listed.

(Failure) – The command displays a descriptive error message and error code.


Creates a key pair for an account.


iaas-create-key-pair|iaas-ckp [--base-url <base_url>] [--debug]
                              [--header] [--help]
                              [--access-key-file <access_key_file>] 
                              --key-file <key-file-name>
                              --key-name <key-pair-name>
                              [--sep <separator>]
                              [--trust-store <truststore_file>]
                              [--verbose] [--xml]


This command creates a key pair for an account. The command stores the private key of the key pair in the specified key file.


--base-url <base_url>

Base URL of the Enterprise Controller where the Web service is running. The value for this option must use the following syntax: https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>. If this option is not specified, then the URL information is taken from the value set in the IAAS_BASE_URL environment variable.

--debug | -D

Starts the command in debug mode.

--header | -H

Adds a header row to the output. The default output shows no header.

--access-key-file | -a <access_key_file>

Complete path and name of the file that stores the access key (for example, /tmp/ak.file). If a path is not specified, then the command looks for the file in the current directory.

--help | -h

Displays the usage information for this command.

--key-name | -n <key-pair-name>

Name of the key pair.

--key-file | -k <key-file-name>

Name of the key file that will store the private key of the key pair. If a path is not specified, then the command creates the file in the current directory.

--sep <separator>

Column separator character. The default separator is TAB.

--trust-store <truststore_file>

Name of the file containing the trusted SSL certificate. The default is $HOME/.oracle_iaas/truststore.

--verbose | -v

Starts the command in verbose mode.


Displays the output result in XML format. The default output is in table format.


Example 1   

This example creates a key pair in an account. It uses the following options and values:

Option Option Value
base-url https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/
access-key-file ak.file
key-name myKeyPair
key-file myKeyFile

bash-3.2$ ./iaas-create-key-pair --base-url https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/ -a ak.file --key-name myKeyPair --key-file myKeyFile

dx a9:60:cb:88:4a:42:2d:c5:d4:f1:23:63:64:54:d9:0a:e0:c5:a5:9e

Exit Status

(Success) – The command returns the key pair name and fingerprint. When using the iaas-describe-key-pairs command, the new key pair is listed.

(Failure) – The command displays a descriptive error message and error code.


Creates a set of new server templates based on an assembly. Names of the new server templates are taken from the assembly.


iaas-create-server-template-from-assembly|iaas-cstfa  [--base-url <base_url>] 
                                             [--debug] [--header] [--help]
                                             [--access-key-file <access_key_file>]
                                             [--desc <descr>]
                                             [--url] <url>
                                             [--sep <separator>]
                                             [--trust-store <truststore_file>]
                                             [--verbose] [--xml]


This command imports an assembly and creates one or more server templates in an account based on the assembly. Snapshots can be also created as a result of this action.


--base-url <base_url>

Base URL of the Enterprise Controller where the Web service is running. The value for this option must use the following syntax: https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>. If this option is not specified, then the URL information is taken from the value set in the IAAS_BASE_URL environment variable.

--debug | -D

Starts the command in debug mode.

--header | -H

Add a header row to the output. If this option is not specified, then no header row is displayed.

--access-key-file | -a <access_key_file>

Complete path and name of the file that stores the access key (for example, /tmp/ak.file). If a path is not specified, then the command looks for the file in the current directory.

--help | -h

Displays the usage information for this command.

--desc | -d <descr>

Description of the server template.

--url | -u <url>

An assembly URL.

--sep <separator>

Column separator character. The default separator is TAB.

--trust-store <truststore_file>

Name of the file containing the trusted SSL certificate. The default is $HOME/.oracle_iaas/truststore.

--verbose | -v

Starts the command in verbose mode.


Displays the output result in XML format. The default output is in table format.


Example 1   

This example creates a server template from the specified assembly. It uses the following options and values:

Option Option Value
base-url https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/
access-key-file ak.file
url http://myServer.com/myAssemly.ova

bash-3.2$ ./iaas-create-server-template-from-assembly --base-url https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/ --access-key-file ak.file --url http://myServer.com/myAssembly.ova


Exit Status

(Success) – The command returns the assembly ID and loads the server templates for an account. When the iaas-describe-server-templates command is used, the new server templates are listed.

(Failure) – The command displays a descriptive error message and error code.


Creates a server template based on a file accessible through a URL.


iaas-create-server-template-from-url|iaas-cstfu  [--base-url <base_url>] [--debug] 
                                         [--header] [--help]
                                         [--access-key-file <access_key_file>]
                                         --name <name> [--desc <descr>]
                                         [--url] <url>
                                         [--sep <separator>]
                                         [--trust-store <truststore_file>]
                                         [--verbose] [--xml]


This command downloads the server template from the specified URL and then loads the server template to the associated account.


--base-url <base_url>

Base URL of the Enterprise Controller where the Web service is running. The value for this option must use the following syntax: https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>. If this option is not specified, then the URL information is taken from the value set in the IAAS_BASE_URL environment variable.

--debug | -D

Starts the command in debug mode.

--header | -H

Adds a header row to the output. The default output shows no header.

--access-key-file | -a <access_key_file>

Complete path and name of the file that stores the access key (for example, /tmp/ak.file). If a path is not specified, then the command looks for the file in the current directory.

--help | -h

Displays the usage information for this command.

--name | -n <name>

Name of the server template.

--sep <separator>

Column separator character. The default separator is TAB.

--trust-store <truststore_file>

Name of the file containing the trusted SSL certificate. The default is $HOME/.oracle_iaas/truststore.

--desc | -d <descr>

Description of the server template.

--url | -u <url>

Server template URL from which the server template is downloaded.

--verbose | -v

Starts the command in verbose mode.


Displays the output result in XML format. The default output is in table format.


Example 1   

This example creates a server template from the specified URL. It uses the following options and values:

Option Option Value
base-url https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/
access-key-file ak.file
name myST
url http://myServer.com/vm-templates/OVM.tar.gz

bash-3.2$ ./iaas-create-server-template-from-url --base-url https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/ --access-key-file ak.file --name myST --url http://myServer.com/vm-templates/OVM.tar.gz


Exit Status

(Success) – The command returns the server template ID and loads the server template in an account. When using the iaas-describe-server-templates command, the server template is listed.

(Failure) – The command displays a descriptive error message and error code.


Creates a new server template based on a stopped vServer.


iaas-create-server-template-from-vserver|iaas-cstfi [--base-url <base_url>]
                                             [--header] [--help]
                                             [--access-key-file <access_key_file>]
                                             [--desc <descr>]
                                             --name <name>
                                             --vserver-id <vserver-id>
                                             [--sep <separator>]
                                             [--trust-store <truststore_file>]
                                             [--verbose] [--xml]


This command creates a new server template based on a stopped vServer in the account.


--base-url <base_url>

Base URL of the Enterprise Controller where the Web service is running. The value for this option must use the following syntax: https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>. If this option is not specified, then the URL information is taken from the value set in the IAAS_BASE_URL environment variable.

--debug | -D

Starts the command in debug mode.

--header | -H

Adds a header row to the output. The default output shows no header.

--access-key-file | -a <access_key_file>

Complete path and name of the file that stores the access key (for example, /tmp/ak.file). If a path is not specified, then the command looks for the file in the current directory.

--help | -h

Displays the usage information for this command.

--desc | -d <descr>

Description of the template.

--name | -n <name>

Name of the template.

--vserver-id | -i <vserver-id>

vServer ID.

--sep <separator>

Column separator character. The default separator is TAB.

--trust-store <truststore_file>

Name of the file containing the trusted SSL certificate. The default is $HOME/.oracle_iaas/truststore.

--verbose | -v

Starts the command in verbose mode.


Displays the output result in XML format. The default output is in table format.


Example 1   

This example creates a server template from the specified URL. It uses the following options and values:

Option Option Value
base-url https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/
access-key-file ak.file
name myST
vServer ID VSRV-a959be32-6237-40c7-b44b-47d392e7a0ac

bash-3.2$ ./iaas-create-server-template-from-vserver --base-url https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/ --access-key-file ak.file --name myST --vserver-id VSRV-a959be32-6237-40c7-b44b-47d392e7a0ac


Exit Status

(Success) – The command returns the server template ID and loads the server template in the account. When using the iaas-describe-server-templates command, the server template is listed.

(Failure) – The command displays a descriptive error message and error code.


Creates a snapshot based on an existing volume for an account.


iaas-create-snapshot|iaas-cs [--base-url <base_url>] [--debug]
                             [--access-key-file <access_key_file>] 
                             [--header] [--help] 
                             --name <name> [--desc <descr>]
                             [--volume-id] <volume-id>
                             [--sep <separator>]  
                             [--trust-store <truststore_file>]
                             [--verbose] [--xml]


This command creates a snapshot based on an existing volume.


--base-url <base_url>

Base URL of the Enterprise Controller where the Web service is running. The value for this option must use the following syntax: https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>. If this option is not specified, then the URL information is taken from the value set in the IAAS_BASE_URL environment variable.

--debug | -D

Starts the command in debug mode.

--header | -H

Adds a header row to the output. The default output shows no header.

--access-key-file | -a <access_key_file>

Complete path and name of the file that stores the access key (for example, /tmp/ak.file). If a path is not specified, then the command looks for the file in the current directory.

--help | -h

Displays the usage information for this command.

--desc | -d <descr>

Description of the snapshot.

--name | -n <name>

Name of the snapshot.

--volume-id <volume-id>

ID of the volume.

--sep <separator>

Column separator character. The default separator is TAB.

--trust-store <truststore_file>

Name of the file containing the trusted SSL certificate. The default is $HOME/.oracle_iaas/truststore.

--verbose | -v

Starts the command in verbose mode.


Displays the output result in XML format. The default output is in table format.


Example 1   

This example creates a snapshot from the specified volume ID. It uses the following options and values:

Option Option Value
base-url https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/
access-key-file ak.file
volume-id VOL-246b5c62-4072-41cf-885b-99d6c63583bd

bash-3.2$ ./iaas-create-snapshot --base-url https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/ -a ak.file --volume-id VOL-246b5c62-4072-41cf-885b-99d6c63583bd --name mySnapshot

Example 2   

This example creates a snapshot from the specified volume ID. It uses the following options and values:

Option Environment Variable Value
base-url IAAS_BASE_URL https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/
access-key-file IAAS_ACCESS_KEY_FILE ak.file
volume-id NA VOL-246b5c62-4072-41cf-885b-99d6c63583bd

bash-3.2$ ./iaas-create-snapshot --volume-id VOL-246b5c62-4072-41cf-885b-99d6c63583bd --name mySnapshot2


Exit Status

(Success) – The command returns the snapshot ID of the snapshot created. When using the iaas-describe-snapshots command, the snapshot is listed.

(Failure) – The command displays a descriptive error message and error code.


Creates tags for a resource in an account.


iaas-create-tags|iaas-ctag [--base-url <base_url>] [--debug]
                           [--header] [--help]
                           [--access-key-file <access_key_file>] 
                           --id <resource-id>
                           [--tags] <name>=<val>[,<name>=<val>]*
                           [--sep <separator>]
                           [--trust-store <truststore_file>]
                           [--verbose] [--xml]


This command adds or overwrites tags for the specified resource ID that exists in an account.


--base-url <base_url>

Base URL of the Enterprise Controller where the Web service is running. The value for this option must use the following syntax: https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>. If this option is not specified, then the URL information is taken from the value set in the IAAS_BASE_URL environment variable.

--debug | -D

Starts the command in debug mode.

--header | -H

Adds a header row to the output. The default output shows no header.

--access-key-file | -a <access_key_file>

Complete path and name of the file that stores the access key (for example, /tmp/ak.file). If a path is not specified, then the command looks for the file in the current directory.

--help | -h

Displays the usage information for this command.

--id <resource-id>

ID of a resource in the account.

--tags <name>=<val>[,<name>=<val>]*

List of tag names and values.

--sep <separator>

Column separator character. The default separator is TAB.

--trust-store <truststore_file>

Name of the file containing the trusted SSL certificate. The default is $HOME/.oracle_iaas/truststore.

--verbose | -v

Starts the command in verbose mode.


Displays the output result in XML format. The default output is in table format.


Example 1   

This example adds a tag to the specified virtual network ID. It uses the following options and values:

Option Option Value
base-url https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/
access-key-file ak.file
id VNET-5d74972a-bcdd-4714-8c7f-b67d8010f25t

bash-3.2$ ./iaas-create-tags --base-url https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/ -a ak.file --id VNET-5d74972a-bcdd-4714-8c7f-b67d8010f25t --tags myTag=myTagValue

Example 2   

This example adds two tags to the specified virtual network ID. It uses the following options and values:

Option Option Value
base-url https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/
access-key-file ak.file
vNet ID VNET-5d74972a-bcdd-4714-8c7f-b67d8010f25t

bash-3.2$../iaas-create-tags --base-url https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/ -a ak.file --id VNET-5d74972a-bcdd-4714-8c7f-b67d8010f25t --tags myTag=myTagValue myTag2=myTag2Values


Exit Status

(Success) – The command adds or overwrites tags to the specified resource. This command does not return any value, only the command prompt is returned. You can see the attributes of the new tags using the iaas-describe-tags command.

(Failure) – The command displays a descriptive error message and error code.


Creates a private virtual network for the account.


iaas-create-vnet|iaas-cvn  [--base-url <base_url>] [--debug]
                           [--header] [--help]
                           [--access-key-file <access_key_file>] 
                           --name <name> [--desc <descr>]
                           [--size <size>]
                           [--sep <separator>]
                           [--trust-store <truststore_file>]
                           [--verbose] [--xml]


This command creates a private virtual network for an account.


--base-url <base_url>

Base URL of the Enterprise Controller where the Web service is running. The value for this option must use the following syntax: https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>. If this option is not specified, then the URL information is taken from the value set in the IAAS_BASE_URL environment variable.

--debug | -D

Starts the command in debug mode.

--header | -H

Adds a header row to the output. The default output shows no header.

--access-key-file | -a <access_key_file>

Complete path and name of the file that stores the access key (for example, /tmp/ak.file). If a path is not specified, then the command looks for the file in the current directory.

--help | -h

Displays the usage information for this command.

--name | -n <name>

Name of the virtual network.

--size|-s <size>

Size of the subnet of the virtual network.

--desc | -d <descr>

Description of the virtual network.

--sep <separator>

Column separator character. The default separator is TAB.

--trust-store <truststore_file>

Name of the file containing the trusted SSL certificate. The default is $HOME/.oracle_iaas/truststore.

--verbose | -v

Starts the command in verbose mode.


Displays the output result in XML format. The default output is in table format.


Example 1   

This example creates a virtual network with the default subnet size. It uses the following options and values:

Option Option Value
base-url https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/
access-key-file ak.file
name myVNET

bash-3.2$ ./iaas-create-vnet --base-url https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/ --access-key-file ak.file --name myVNET

Example 2   

This example creates a virtual network with a subnet size of 16. It uses the following options and values:

Option Environment Variable Value
base-url IAAS_BASE_URL https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/
access-key-file IAAS_ACCESS_KEY_FILE ak.file
name NA myVNET2
size NA 16

bash-3.2$ ./iaas-create-vnet --name myVNET2 --size 16


Exit Status

(Success) – The command returns the vNet ID of the vNet created. You can see the attributes of the new vNet using the iaas-describe-vnets command.

(Failure) – The command displays a descriptive error message and error code.


Creates a volume for an account.


iaas-create-volume|iaas-cvol [--base-url <base_url>] [--debug] [--header]
                             [--access-key-file <access_key_file>] [--help] 
                             [--desc <descr>] [--snapshot-id <snapshot-id>]
                             --name <name> [--shared] [--size <size>]
                             [--sep <separator>]
                             [--trust-store <truststore_file>]
                             [--verbose] [--xml]


This command creates an empty volume of the specified size for the account. This command also provides an option to create a volume from a snapshot.


--base-url <base_url>

Base URL of the Enterprise Controller where the Web service is running. The value for this option must use the following syntax: https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>. If this option is not specified, then the URL information is taken from the value set in the IAAS_BASE_URL environment variable.

--debug | -D

Starts the command in debug mode.

--header | -H

Adds a header row to the output. The default output shows no header.

--access-key-file | -a <access_key_file>

Complete path and name of the file that stores the access key (for example, /tmp/ak.file). If a path is not specified, then the command looks for the file in the current directory.

--help | -h

Displays the usage information for this command.

--name | -n <name>

Name of the volume.


Specifies if the volume is a shared volume. The default is a nonshared volume.

--size|-s <size>

Size of the volume in gigabytes (GB). This option is required if a snapshot ID is not given.

--snapshot-id|-i <snapshot-id>

Snapshot ID. The volume is created based on the specified snapshot.

--sep <separator>

Column separator character. The default separator is TAB.

--trust-store <truststore_file>

Name of the file containing the trusted SSL certificate. The default is $HOME/.oracle_iaas/truststore.

--desc | -d <descr>

Description of the volume.

--verbose | -v

Starts the command in verbose mode.


Displays the output result in XML format. The default output is in table format.


Example 1   

This example creates an empty volume of 2 GB. It uses the following options and values:

Option Option Value
base-url https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/
access-key-file ak.file
name firstVol

bash-3.2$ ./iaas-create-volume --base-url https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/ --access-key-file ak.file --name firstVol --size 2

Example 2   

This example creates a volume based on the specified snapshot. It uses the following options and values:

Option Environment Variable Value
base-url IAAS_BASE_URL https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/
access-key-file IAAS_ACCESS_KEY_FILE ak.file
snapshot-id NA SNAP-7a717e39-fe67-4573-a93d-889b3446176b

bash-3.2$ ./iaas-create-volume --base-url https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/ --access-key-file ak.file --name myVol --snapshot-id SNAP-7a717e39-fe67-4573-a93d-889b3446176b


Exit Status

(Success) – The command returns the volume ID of the volume created. Attributes of the new volume are listed using the iaas-describe-volumes command.

(Failure) – The command displays a descriptive error message and error code.


Deletes an existing distribution group.


iaas-delete-distribution-group|iaas-deldg  [--base-url <base_url>] [--debug]
                                 [--header] [--help]
                                 [--access-key-file <access_key_file>] 
                                 [--distribution-group-id] <distribution group-id>
                                 [--sep <separator>]
                                 [--trust-store <truststore_file>]
                                 [--verbose] [--xml]


This command deletes a distribution group from an account.


--base-url <base_url>

Base URL of the Enterprise Controller where the Web service is running. The value for this option must use the following syntax: https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>. If this option is not specified, then the URL information is taken from the value set in the IAAS_BASE_URL environment variable.

--debug | -D

Starts the command in debug mode.

--header | -H

Adds a header row to the output. The default output shows no header.

--access-key-file | -a <access_key_file>

Complete path and name of the file that stores the access key (for example, /tmp/ak.file). If a path is not specified, then the command looks for the file in the current directory.

--help | -h

Displays the usage information for this command.

[--distribution-group-id] <distribution group-id>

ID of the distribution group.

--sep <separator>

Column separator character. The default separator is TAB.

--trust-store <truststore_file>

Name of the file containing the trusted SSL certificate. The default is $HOME/.oracle_iaas/truststore.

--verbose | -v

Starts the command in verbose mode.


Displays the output result in XML format. The default output is in table format.


Example 1   

This example deletes an existing distribution group from an account. It uses the following options and values:

Option Option Value
base-url https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/
access-key-file ak.file
distribution-group-id DG-3206ed4d-44c9-42c4-8df7-511709a49ead

bash-3.2$ ./iaas-delete-distribution-group --base-url https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/ --access-key-file ak.file --distribution-group-id DG-3206ed4d-44c9-42c4-8df7-511709a49ead


Exit Status

(Success) – The command deletes the specified distribution group from the account. The command does not return any value, only the command prompt is returned.

(Failure) – The command displays a descriptive error message and error code.


Deletes an existing key pair from an account.


iaas-delete-key-pair|iaas-delkp  [--base-url <base_url>] [--debug]
                                 [--header] [--help]
                                 [--access-key-file <access_key_file>] 
                                 --key-name <key-pair-name>
                                 [--sep <separator>]
                                 [--trust-store <truststore_file>]
                                 [--verbose] [--xml]


This command deletes a key pair from an account.


--base-url <base_url>

Base URL of the Enterprise Controller where the Web service is running. The value for this option must use the following syntax: https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>. If this option is not specified, then the URL information is taken from the value set in the IAAS_BASE_URL environment variable.

--debug | -D

Starts the command in debug mode.

--header | -H

Adds a header row to the output. The default output shows no header.

--access-key-file | -a <access_key_file>

Complete path and name of the file that stores the access key (for example, /tmp/ak.file). If a path is not specified, then the command looks for the file in the current directory.

--help | -h

Displays the usage information for this command.

--key-name <key-pair-name>

ID of the key pair.

--sep <separator>

Column separator character. The default separator is TAB.

--trust-store <truststore_file>

Name of the file containing the trusted SSL certificate. The default is $HOME/.oracle_iaas/truststore.

--verbose | -v

Starts the command in verbose mode.


Displays the output result in XML format. The default output is in table format.


Example 1   

This example deletes an existing key pair from an account. It uses the following options and values:

Option Option Value
base-url https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/
access-key-file ak.file
key-name key1

bash-3.2$ ./iaas-delete-key-pair --base-url https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/ --access-key-file ak.file --key-name key1


Exit Status

(Success) – The command deletes the key pair. The command does not return any value, only the command prompt is returned.

(Failure) – The command displays a descriptive error message and error code.


Deletes an existing server template.


iaas-delete-server-template|iaas-delstem  [--base-url <base_url>] [--debug] 
                                  [--header] [--help]
                                  [--access-key-file <access_key_file>]
                                  [--sep <separator>]
                                  [--trust-store <truststore_file>]
                                  [--verbose] [--xml]


This command deletes the server template with the specified server template ID.


--base-url <base_url>

Base URL of the Enterprise Controller where the Web service is running. The value for this option must use the following syntax: https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>. If this option is not specified, then the URL information is taken from the value set in the IAAS_BASE_URL environment variable.

--debug | -D

Starts the command in debug mode.

--header | -H

Adds a header row to the output. The default output shows no header.

--access-key-file | -a <access_key_file>

Complete path and name of the file that stores the access key (for example, /tmp/ak.file). If a path is not specified, then the command looks for the file in the current directory.

--help | -h

Displays the usage information for this command.

[--server-template-id] <server-template-id>

ID of the server template.

--sep <separator>

Column separator character. The default separator is TAB.

--trust-store <truststore_file>

Name of the file containing the trusted SSL certificate. The default is $HOME/.oracle_iaas/truststore.

--verbose | -v

Starts the command in verbose mode.


Displays the output result in XML format. The default output is in table format.


Example 1   

This example deletes an existing server template from an account. It uses the following options and values:

Option Option Value
base-url https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/
access-key-file ak.file
server-template-id TMPL-aaaaaaa8-bbb4-ccc4-ddd4-eeeeeeeeee03

bash-3.2$ ./iaas-delete-server-template --base-url https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/ --access-key-file ak.file --server-template-id TMPL-aaaaaaa8-bbb4-ccc4-ddd4-eeeeeeeeee03


Exit Status

(Success) – The command deletes the server template. The command does not return any value, only the command prompt is returned.

(Failure) – The command displays a descriptive error message and error code.


Deletes a snapshot from an account.


iaas-delete-snapshot|iaas-dels [--base-url <base_url>] [--debug]
                               [--access-key-file <access_key_file>] 
                               [--header] [--help]
                               [--snapshot-id] <snapshot-id>
                               [--sep <separator>]
                               [--trust-store <truststore_file>]
                               [--verbose] [--xml]


This command deletes a snapshot from an account.


--base-url <base_url>

Base URL of the Enterprise Controller where the Web service is running. The value for this option must use the following syntax: https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>. If this option is not specified, then the URL information is taken from the value set in the IAAS_BASE_URL environment variable.

--debug | -D

Starts the command in debug mode.

--header | -H

Adds a header row to the output. The default output shows no header.

--access-key-file | -a <access_key_file>

Complete path and name of the file that stores the access key (for example, /tmp/ak.file). If a path is not specified, then the command looks for the file in the current directory.

--help | -h

Displays the usage information for this command.

--snapshot-id <snapshot-id>

ID of the snapshot

--sep <separator>

Column separator character. The default separator is TAB.

--trust-store <truststore_file>

Name of the file containing the trusted SSL certificate. The default is $HOME/.oracle_iaas/truststore.

--verbose | -v

Starts the command in verbose mode.


Displays the output result in XML format. The default output is in table format.


Example 1   

This example deletes the specified snapshot from an account. It uses the following options and values:

Option Option Value
base-url https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/
snapshot-id SNAP-d743e90c-53c5-4b01-a297-e2c944755c48
access-key-file ak.file

bash-3.2$ ./iaas-delete-snapshot --base-url https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/ -a ak.file --snapshot-id SNAP-d743e90c-53c5-4b01-a297-e2c944755c48


Exit Status

(Success) – The command deletes the specified snapshot. The command does not return any value, only the command prompt is returned.

(Failure) – The command displays a descriptive error message and error code.


Deletes tags from a resource.


iaas-delete-tags|iaas-deltag [--base-url <base_url>] [--debug]
                             [--header] [--help]
                             [--access-key-file <access_key_file>] 
                             --id <resource-id>
                             [--tags] <name|val>[,<name|val>]*
                             [--sep <separator>]
                             [--trust-store <truststore_file>]
                             [--verbose] [--xml]


This command deletes tags from a resource in an account.


--base-url <base_url>

Base URL of the Enterprise Controller where the Web service is running. The value for this option must use the following syntax: https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>. If this option is not specified, then the URL information is taken from the value set in the IAAS_BASE_URL environment variable.

--debug | -D

Starts the command in debug mode.

--header | -H

Adds a header row to the output. The default output shows no header.

--access-key-file | -a <access_key_file>

Complete path and name of the file that stores the access key (for example, /tmp/ak.file). If a path is not specified, then the command looks for the file in the current directory.

--help | -h

Displays the usage information for this command.

--id <resource-id>

ID of a resource in an account.

--tags <name>=<val>[,<name>=<val>]*

List of tag names or values of the tags to be deleted.

--sep <separator>

Column separator character. The default separator is TAB.

--trust-store <truststore_file>

Name of the file containing the trusted SSL certificate. The default is $HOME/.oracle_iaas/truststore.

--verbose | -v

Starts the command in verbose mode.


Displays the output result in XML format. The default output is in table format.


Example 1   

This example deletes a tag from the specified resource. It uses the following options and values:

Option Option Value
base-url https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/
access-key-file ak.file
id VNET-5d74972a-bcdd-4714-8c7f-b67d8010f25t
tags myTag

bash-3.2$ ./iaas-delete-tags --base-url https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/ -a ak.file --id VNET-5d74972a-bcdd-4714-8c7f-b67d8010f25t --tags myTag

Example 2   

This example deletes two tags from the specified resource. It uses the following options and values:

Option Option Value
base-url https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/
access-key-file ak.file
id VNET-5d74972a-bcdd-4714-8c7f-b67d8010f25t
tags myTag,myTag2

bash-3.2$../iaas-delete-tags --base-url https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/ -a ak.file --id VNET-5d74972a-bcdd-4714-8c7f-b67d8010f25t --tags myTag,myTag2


Exit Status

(Success) – The command deletes tags from the specified resource. This command does not return any value as part of the output, only the command prompt is returned.

(Failure) – The command displays a descriptive error message and error code.


Deletes a private vNet.


iaas-delete-vnet|iaas-delvn [--base-url <base_url>] [--debug]
                            [--header] [--help]
                            [--access-key-file <access_key_file>]
                            [--vnet] <vnet-id>
                            [--sep <separator>]
                            [--trust-store <truststore_file>]
                            [--verbose] [--xml]


This command deletes a private vNet from an account. The vNet must not be associated with a vServer.


--base-url <base_url>

Base URL of the Enterprise Controller where the Web service is running. The value for this option must use the following syntax: https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>. If this option is not specified, then the URL information is taken from the value set in the IAAS_BASE_URL environment variable.

--debug | -D

Starts the command in debug mode.

--header | -H

Adds a header row to the output. The default output shows no header.

--access-key-file | -a <access_key_file>

Complete path and name of the file that stores the access key (for example, /tmp/ak.file). If a path is not specified, then the command looks for the file in the current directory.

--help | -h

Displays the usage information for this command.

--vnet <vnet-id>

ID of the virtual network.

--sep <separator>

Column separator character. The default separator is TAB.

--trust-store <truststore_file>

Name of the file containing the trusted SSL certificate. The default is $HOME/.oracle_iaas/truststore.

--verbose | -v

Starts the command in verbose mode.


Displays the output result in XML format. The default output is in table format.


Example 1   

This example deletes the specified virtual network. It uses the following options and values:

Option Option Value
base-url https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/
access-key-file ak.file
vnet VNET-5d74972a-bcdd-4714-8c7f-b67d8010f25t

bash-3.2$./iaas-delete-vnet --base-url https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/ -a ak.file --vnet VNET-5d74972a-bcdd-4714-8c7f-b67d8010f25t


Exit Status

(Success) – The command deletes the specified vNet. This command does not return any response, only the command prompt is returned.

(Failure) – The command displays a descriptive error message and error code.


Deletes a volume from an account.


iaas-delete-volume|iaas-delvol [--base-url <base_url>] [--debug] [--header]
                               [--access-key-file <access_key_file>] [--help]
                               [--volume-id] <volume-id>
                               [--sep <separator>]
                               [--trust-store <truststore_file>]
                               [--verbose] [--xml]


This command deletes a volume. A deletion of a volume does not affect any volume snapshots that have been created prior based on the deleted volume.


--base-url <base_url>

Base URL of the Enterprise Controller where the Web service is running. The value for this option must use the following syntax: https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>. If this option is not specified, then the URL information is taken from the value set in the IAAS_BASE_URL environment variable.

--debug | -D

Starts the command in debug mode.

--header | -H

Adds a header row to the output. The default output shows no header.

--access-key-file | -a <access_key_file>

Complete path and name of the file that stores the access key (for example, /tmp/ak.file). If a path is not specified, then the command looks for the file in the current directory.

--help | -h

Displays the usage information for this command.

--volume-id <volume-id>

ID of the volume.

--sep <separator>

Column separator character. The default separator is TAB.

--trust-store <truststore_file>

Name of the file containing the trusted SSL certificate. The default is $HOME/.oracle_iaas/truststore.

--verbose | -v

Starts the command in verbose mode.


Displays the output result in XML format. The default output is in table format.


Example 1   

This example deletes the specified volume. It uses the following options and values:

Option Option Value
base-url https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/
access-key-file ak.file
volume ID VOL-82b4661e-de12-4931-b9a4-cce8edd23532

bash-3.2$./iaas-delete-volume --base-url https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/ -a ak.file --volume-id VOL-82b4661e-de12-4931-b9a4-cce8edd23532


Exit Status

(Success) The command deletes the specified volume. This command does not return any response, only the command prompt is returned.

(Failure) – The command displays a descriptive error message and error code.


Displays attributes of a resource in an account.


iaas-describe-attributes|iaas-dat [--base-url <base_url>] [--debug]
                                  [--header] [--help]
                                  [--access-key-file <access_key_file>]
                                  --id <resource-id>
                                  [--attr-names] <name>[,<name>]*
                                  [--sep <separator>]
                                  [--trust-store <truststore_file>]
                                  [--verbose] [--xml]


This command displays the attributes of a resource in an account. This command requires the input of the ID of the resource and the name of the attribute.

The name of the attribute is displayed as part of the header in the describe command for the related resource. For example, you can use the iaas-describe-volumes command with the --header option to see the attribute names for volumes.


--base-url <base_url>

Base URL of the Enterprise Controller where the Web service is running. The value for this option must use the following syntax: https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>. If this option is not specified, then the URL information is taken from the value set in the IAAS_BASE_URL environment variable.

--debug | -D

Starts the command in debug mode.

--header | -H

Adds a header row to the output. The default output shows no header.

--access-key-file | -a <access_key_file>

Complete path and name of the file that stores the access key (for example, /tmp/ak.file). If a path is not specified, then the command looks for the file in the current directory.

--help | -h

Displays the usage information for this command.

--id <resource-id>

The ID of the resource. The ID of the resource can be obtained using the corresponding iaas-describe* command, for example iaas-describe-server-template.

--attr-names <name>[,<name>]*

List of attribute names. The name of the attribute is any of the names displayed in the header of the output of an iaas-describe-* command (for example, iaas-describe-server-template -H).

--sep <separator>

Column separator character. The default separator is TAB.

--trust-store <truststore_file>

Name of the file containing the trusted SSL certificate. The default is $HOME/.oracle_iaas/truststore.

--verbose | -v

Starts the command in verbose mode.


Displays the output result in XML format. The default output is in table format.


Example 1   

This example displays the name attribute of the specified vNet. It uses the following options and values:

Option Option Value
base-url https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/
access-key-file ak.file
id VNET-7403e87f-1bab-4097-98ae-ea72d8fe4b3f

bash-3.2$ ./iaas-describe-attributes --base-url https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/ -a ak.file --id VNET-7403e87f-1bab-4097-98ae-ea72d8fe4b3f --attr-names name

name myVnet2bash-3.2$
Example 2   

This example displays the name and status attributes of the specified server template. It uses the following options and values:

Option Option Value
base-url https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/
access-key-file ak.file
id TMPL-aaaaaaa8-bbb4-ccc4-ddd4-eeeeeeeeee01

bash-3.2$ ./iaas-describe-attributes --base-url https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/ -a ak.file --id TMPL-aaaaaaa8-bbb4-ccc4-ddd4-eeeeeeeeee01 --attr-names name,status

name    default-server-template1
status  OK

Exit Status

(Success) – The command returns the list of attributes of the specified resource.

(Failure) – The command displays a descriptive error message and error code.


Lists distribution groups for an account.


iaas-describe-distribution-groups|iaas-ddg  [--base-url <base_url>] [--debug] 
                                     [--access-key-file <access_key_file>]
                                     [--help] [--header]
                                     [--filters <name>=<val>[,<name>=<val>]*]
                                     [--ids <dg-id>[,<dg-id>]*]
                                     [--sep <separator>]
                                     [--trust-store <truststore_file>]
                                     [--verbose] [--xml]


This command lists the distribution groups in an account.


--base-url <base_url>

Base URL of the Enterprise Controller where the Web service is running. The value for this option must use the following syntax: https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>. If this option is not specified, then the URL information is taken from the value set in the IAAS_BASE_URL environment variable.

--debug | -D

Starts the command in debug mode.

--header | -H

Adds a header row to the output. The default output shows no header.

--access-key-file | -a <access_key_file>

Complete path and name of the file that stores the access key (for example, /tmp/ak.file). If a path is not specified, then the command looks for the file in the current directory.

--help | -h

Displays the usage information for this command.

--filters|-f <name>=<val>[,<name>=<val>]*

List of filters.

--ids|-i <dg-id>[,<dg-id>]*

List of distribution group IDs.

--sep <separator>

Column separator character. The default separator is TAB.

--trust-store <truststore_file>

Name of the file containing the trusted SSL certificate. The default is $HOME/.oracle_iaas/truststore.

--verbose | -v

Starts the command in verbose mode.


Displays the output result in XML format. The default output is in table format.


Example 1   

This example lists all the distribution groups in an account. It uses the following options and values:

Option Option Value
base-url https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/
access-key-file ak.file

bash-3.2$././iaas-describe-distribution-groups --base-url https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/ -a ~/ak.file -H

id      name    description     status     vservers        size
DG-8e7b0d64-57ca-492d-806d-a2db6b9a00df myDistributionGroup2               OK       VSRV-0f9b005f-bd7d-4166-a4db-5d81cabf5c89             10
DG-068ae84c-d0fc-406d-aa37-0be4f88d411c myDistributionGroup             OK              50000

Exit Status

(Success) – The command returns the list of distribution groups and their attributes. If no distribution groups are found, then the response is empty.

(Failure) – The command displays a descriptive error message and error code.


Lists of the IP addresses allocated in an account.


iaas-describe-ip-addresses|iaas-dip  [--base-url <base_url>] [--debug] 
                                     [--access-key-file <access_key_file>]
                                     [--help] [--header]
                                     [--filters <name>=<val>[,<name>=<val>]*]
                                     [--sep <separator>]
                                     [--trust-store <truststore_file>]
                                     [--verbose] [--xml]


This command lists the IP addresses allocated in an account. The attributes displayed as part of the list include the IP address, the vNet ID, and the vServer ID if the IP address is associated with a vServer.


--base-url <base_url>

Base URL of the Enterprise Controller where the Web service is running. The value for this option must use the following syntax: https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>. If this option is not specified, then the URL information is taken from the value set in the IAAS_BASE_URL environment variable.

--debug | -D

Starts the command in debug mode.

--header | -H

Adds a header row to the output. The default output shows no header.

--access-key-file | -a <access_key_file>

Complete path and name of the file that stores the access key (for example, /tmp/ak.file). If a path is not specified, then the command looks for the file in the current directory.

--help | -h

Displays the usage information for this command.

--filters|-f <name>=<val>[,<name>=<val>]*

List of filters. Valid names are ipAddress, vnet, and vserver.

--sep <separator>

Column separator character. The default separator is TAB.

--trust-store <truststore_file>

Name of the file containing the trusted SSL certificate. The default is $HOME/.oracle_iaas/truststore.

--verbose | -v

Starts the command in verbose mode.


Displays the output result in XML format. The default output is in table format.


Example 1   

This example lists all allocated IP addresses for an account. It uses the following options and values:

Option Option Value
base-url https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/
access-key-file ak.file

bash-3.2$./iaas-describe-ip-addresses --base-url https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/ -a ak.file VNET-cde375904-9d34-4ec8-86b9-d917712abaaa VSRV-123456789-1234-1234-1234-123456789123 VNET-vfr4375904-9d34-4ec8-86b9-d917712abaaa
Example 2   

This example lists the allocated IP addresses from the specified virtual network. It uses the following options and values:

Option Option Value
base-url https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/
access-key-file ak.file
vnet VNET-cde375904-9d34-4ec8-86b9-d917712abaaa

bash-3.2$./iaas-describe-ip-addresses --base-url https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/ -a ak.file --filters vnet=VNET-cbd75904-9d34-4ec8-86b9-d917712abaaa     VNET-cde375904-9d34-4ec8-86b9-d917712abaaa   VSRV-123456789-1234-1234-1234-123456789123     VNET-cde375904-9d34-4ec8-86b9-d917712abaaa

Exit Status

(Success) – The command returns the list of allocated IP addresses and their attributes. If no IP addresses are found, then the response is empty.

(Failure) – The command displays a descriptive error message and error code.


Displays the available key pairs for an account.


iaas-describe-key-pairs|iaas-dkp [--base-url <base_url>] [--debug]
                                 [--header] [--help]
                                 [--access-key-file <access_key_file>] 
                                 [--filters <name>=<val>[,<name>=<val>]*]
                                 [--key-names <key-pair-names>]
                                 [--sep <separator>]
                                 [--trust-store <truststore_file>]
                                 [--verbose] [--xml]


This command lists the key pairs for an account. This command also allows filtering of the key pairs displayed.


--base-url <base_url>

Base URL of the Enterprise Controller where the Web service is running. The value for this option must use the following syntax: https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>. If this option is not specified, then the URL information is taken from the value set in the IAAS_BASE_URL environment variable.

--debug | -D

Starts the command in debug mode.

--header | -H

Adds a header row to the output. The default output shows no header.

--access-key-file | -a <access_key_file>

Complete path and name of the file that stores the access key (for example, /tmp/ak.file). If a path is not specified, then the command looks for the file in the current directory.

--help | -h

Displays the usage information for this command.

--filters|-f <name>=<val>[,<name>=<val>]*

List of filters.

--key-name|-n <key-pair-name>

Name of key pairs.

--sep <separator>

Column separator character. The default separator is TAB.

--trust-store <truststore_file>

Name of the file containing the trusted SSL certificate. The default is $HOME/.oracle_iaas/truststore.

--verbose | -v

Starts the command in verbose mode.


Displays the output result in XML format. The default output is in table format.


Example 1   

This example lists the attributes of all the existing key pairs in an account. It uses the following options and values:

Option Option Value
base-url https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/
access-key-file ak.file

bash-3.2$ ./iaas-describe-key-pairs --base-url https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/ -a ak.file

key1    d8:ab:f4:ca:51:ee:40:61:a1:c2:c0:13:49:7c:23:77
Example 2   

This example lists the attributes of the specified key pair. It uses the following options and values:

Option Option Value
base-url https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/
access-key-file ak.file
key pair name key1

bash-3.2$./iaas-describe-key-pairs --base-url https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/ -a ak.file --key-names key1 -H

name    fingerprint
key1    d8:ab:f4:ca:51:ee:40:61:a1:c2:c0:13:49:7c:23:77

Exit Status

(Success) – The command returns the list of existing key pairs and their attributes. If no key pairs are found, then the response is empty.

(Failure) – The command displays a descriptive error message and error code.


Lists server templates and their attributes for an account.


iaas-describe-server-templates|iaas-dstem  [--base-url <base_url>] [--debug]
                                   [--access-key-file <access_key_file>] 
                                   [--header] [--help] 
                                   [--filters <name>=<val>[,<name>=<val>]*]
                                   [--ids <t-id>[,<t-id>]*]
                                   [--sep <separator>]
                                   [--trust-store <truststore_file>]
                                   [--verbose] [--xml]


This command lists the server templates and their attributes associated with the account. This command also allows filtering of the server templates displayed.


--base-url <base_url>

Base URL of the Enterprise Controller where the Web service is running. The value for this option must use the following syntax: https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>. If this option is not specified, then the URL information is taken from the value set in the IAAS_BASE_URL environment variable.

--debug | -D

Starts the command in debug mode.

--header | -H

Adds a header row to the output. The default output shows no header.

--access-key-file | -a <access_key_file>

Complete path and name of the file that stores the access key (for example, /tmp/ak.file). If a path is not specified, then the command looks for the file in the current directory.

--help | -h

Displays the usage information for this command.

--filters|-f <name>=<val>[,<name>=<val>]*

List of filters to limit the server templates listed by this command. Valid names for filters are description, ID, imageType, memory, name, public, readOnly, size, and status.

--sep <separator>

Column separator character. The default separator is TAB.

--trust-store <truststore_file>

Name of the file containing the trusted SSL certificate. The default is $HOME/.oracle_iaas/truststore.

--ids|-i <t-id>[,<t-id>]*

List of server template IDs to filter the server templates listed by this command.

--verbose | -v

Starts the command in verbose mode.


Displays the output result in XML format. The default output is in table format.


Example 1   

This example displays all existing server templates of an account and adds a header row. It uses the following options and values:

Option Option Value
base-url https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/
access-key-file ak.file

bash-3.2$ ./iaas-describe-server-templates --base-url https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/ --access-key-file ak.file -H

id      name    description     status  size    public  imageType       readOnly
TMPL-aaaaaaa8-bbb4-ccc4-ddd4-eeeeeeeeee03 default-server-template3 Default Server Template OK 197912092999680 false VDMK false
TMPL-aaaaaaa8-bbb4-ccc4-ddd4-eeeeeeeeee05 default-server-template5 Default Server Template OK 197912092999680 false VDMK false
Example 2   

This example displays server templates that are public to other accounts. It uses the following options and values:

Option Environment Variable Value
base-url IAAS_BASE_URL https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/
access-key-file IAAS_ACCESS_KEY_FILE <username>
filters NA public=true

bash-3.2$ ./iaas-describe-server-templates --filters public=true

TMPL-aaaaaaa8-bbb4-ccc4-ddd4-eeeeeeeeee02       default-server-template2       Default Server Template  OK      197912092999680 true   VDMK    false
TMPL-aaaaaaa8-bbb4-ccc4-ddd4-eeeeeeeeee01       default-server-template1       Default Server Template  OK      197912092999680 true   VDMK    false

Exit Status

(Success) – The command returns a list of the found server templates.

(Failure) – The command displays a descriptive error message and error code.


Displays the snapshots for an account.


iaas-describe-snapshots|iaas-ds [--base-url <base_url>] [--debug]
                                [--header] [--help]
                                [--access-key-file <access_key_file>]
                                [--filters <val>[,<name>=<val>]*]
                                [--ids <vs-id>[,<vs-id>]*]
                                [--sep <separator>]
                                [--trust-store <truststore_file>]
                                [--verbose] [--xml]


This command lists the available snapshots for an account. The command also allows filtering of the snapshots displayed.


--base-url <base_url>

Base URL of the Enterprise Controller where the Web service is running. The value for this option must use the following syntax: https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>. If this option is not specified, then the URL information is taken from the value set in the IAAS_BASE_URL environment variable.

--debug | -D

Starts the command in debug mode.

--header | -H

Adds a header row to the output. The default output shows no header.

--access-key-file | -a <access_key_file>

Complete path and name of the file that stores the access key (for example, /tmp/ak.file). If a path is not specified, then the command looks for the file in the current directory.

--help | -h

Displays the usage information for this command.

--filters|-f <val>[,<name>=<val>]*

List of filters. Valid names are description, id, name, and status.

--ids|-i <vs-id>[,<vs-id>]*

IDs of the snapshots.

--sep <separator>

Column separator character. The default separator is TAB.

--trust-store <truststore_file>

Name of the file containing the trusted SSL certificate. The default is $HOME/.oracle_iaas/truststore.

--verbose | -v

Starts the command in verbose mode.


Displays the output result in XML format. The default output is in table format.


Example 1   

This example lists the attributes of all the existing snapshots in an account. It uses the following options and values:

Option Option Value
base-url https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/
access-key-file ak.file

bash-3.2$ ./iaas-describe-snapshots --base-url https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/ -a ak.file -H

id      name    description     status
SNAP-2f2039cd-943b-4072-9ded-e96b54b7ca79       mySnapshot2             OK
SNAP-d743e90c-53c5-4b01-a297-e2c944755c48       mySnapshot              OK

Exit Status

(Success) – The command returns a list of the snapshots and their attributes.

(Failure) – The command displays a descriptive error message and error code.


Displays the existing tags in an account.


iaas-describe-tags|iaas-dtag [--base-url <base_url>] [--debug]
                             [--header] [--help]
                             [--access-key-file <access_key_file>] 
                             [--filters <name>[=<val>][,<name>[=<val>]]*]
                             [--ids <res-id>[,<res-id>]*]
                             [--sep <separator>]
                             [--trust-store <truststore_file>]
                             [--verbose] [--xml]


This command lists the resources in an account that have a tag associated with them. The attributes displayed by this command are the resource ID, the name of the tag, and the value of the tag. The command also allows filtering of the tags displayed.


--base-url <base_url>

Base URL of the Enterprise Controller where the Web service is running. The value for this option must use the following syntax: https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>. If this option is not specified, then the URL information is taken from the value set in the IAAS_BASE_URL environment variable.

--debug | -D

Starts the command in debug mode.

--header | -H

Adds a header row to the output. The default output shows no header.

--access-key-file | -a <access_key_file>

Complete path and name of the file that stores the access key (for example, /tmp/ak.file). If a path is not specified, then the command looks for the file in the current directory.

--help | -h

Displays the usage information for this command.

--filters|-f <name>[=<val>][,<name>[=<val>]]*

List of filters to limit the resources listed by this command.

Allows the filtering of tags by tag name, tag value, and resource identifier. The result contains only tags that match all elements of the filter list.

--ids|-i <res-id>[,<res-id>]*

IDs of resources in the account to limit the output to only those tags associated with these resources.

--sep <separator>

Column separator character. The default separator is TAB.

--trust-store <truststore_file>

Name of the file containing the trusted SSL certificate. The default is $HOME/.oracle_iaas/truststore.

--verbose | -v

Starts the command in verbose mode.


Displays the output result in XML format. The default output is in table format.


Example 1   

This example lists the resources that have a tag associated with them in an account, along with the tag name and value. It uses the following options and values:

Option Option Value
base-url https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/
access-key-file ak.file

bash-3.2$ ./iaas-describe-tags --base-url https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/ -a ak.file

VNET-77d2b71b-a5ff-4d76-bdc4-fbd9317bbdc1       vNet1Tag  vNet1TagValue
VNET-5d74972a-bcdd-4714-8c7f-b67d8010f25t       vNet2Tag  vNet1TagValue
Example 2   

This example lists the tag names and values of the specified virtual network. It uses the following options and values:

Option Option Value
base-url https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/
access-key-file ak.file
ids VNET-5d74972a-bcdd-4714-8c7f-b67d8010f25t

bash-3.2$./iaas-describe-tags --base-url https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/ -a ak.file --ids VNET-5d74972a-bcdd-4714-8c7f-b67d8010f25t

VNET-5d74972a-bcdd-4714-8c7f-b67d8010f25t       vNet2Tag  vNet1TagValue
Example 3   

This example identifies server templates from a particular assembly filtering with the tag name assemblyKey. It uses the following options and values:

Option Option Value
base-url https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/
access-key-file ak.file
filters assemblyKey=ASSM-ad6c7baa-0373-41bd-bd5a-051e4ec5f896

bash-3.2$./iaas-describe-tags --base-url https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/ -a ~/ak.file -H --ids TMPL-955e701d-1396-4e9a-b427-45b278870e1b,TMPL-fa591348-bfd1-40a3-b3a2-e030af76b968,TMPL-bc78b1c1-3a78-4f78-a486-6b2849e8040a,TMPL-5179af29-4332-434f-a25f-8002e61e87ee --filters assemblyKey=ASSM-ad6c7baa-0373-41bd-bd5a-051e4ec5f896

resourceId      name    value
TMPL-955e701d-1396-4e9a-b427-45b278870e1b       assemblyKey     ASSM-ad6c7baa-0373-41bd-bd5a-051e4ec5f896
TMPL-fa591348-bfd1-40a3-b3a2-e030af76b968       assemblyKey     ASSM-ad6c7baa-0373-41bd-bd5a-051e4ec5f896

Exit Status

(Success) – The command returns the list of resources with the name and value of the associated tag.

(Failure) – The command displays a descriptive error message and error code.


Displays the vDC capabilities for an account.


iaas-describe-vdc-capabilities|iaas-dvcap [--base-url <base_url>] [--debug]
                                 [--header] [--help]
                                 [--access-key-file <access_key_file>] 
                                 [--filters <name>[=<val>][,<name>[=<val>]]*]
                                 [--sep <separator>]
                                 [--trust-store <truststore_file>]
                                 [--verbose] [--xml]


This command displays the virtual datacenter (vDC) capabilities for an account. It also allows filtering of the vDC capabilities displayed.


--base-url <base_url>

Base URL of the Enterprise Controller where the Web service is running. The value for this option must use the following syntax: https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>. If this option is not specified, then the URL information is taken from the value set in the IAAS_BASE_URL environment variable.

--debug | -D

Starts the command in debug mode.

--header | -H

Adds a header row to the output. The default output shows no header.

--access-key-file | -a <access_key_file>

Complete path and name of the file that stores the access key (for example, /tmp/ak.file). If a path is not specified, then the command looks for the file in the current directory.

--filters|-f <name>[=<val>][,<name>[=<val>]]*

List of capability names and optional values to filter.

--help | -h

Displays the usage information for this command.

--sep <separator>

Column separator character. The default separator is TAB.

--trust-store <truststore_file>

Name of the file containing the trusted SSL certificate. The default is $HOME/.oracle_iaas/truststore.

--verbose | -v

Starts the command in verbose mode.


Displays the output result in XML format. The default output is in table format.


Example 1   

This example lists the capabilities of the vDC associated with the account. It uses the following options and values:

Option Option Value
base-url https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/
access-key-file ak.file

bash-3.2$ ./iaas-describe-vdc-capabilities --base-url https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/ -a ak.file -H

name    value
VirtualizationType      OVM
VirtualizationVersion   3.0.2
ProcessorArch   Default_Intel_F6_M23
ProcessorVersion        Default_Intel_Family:6_Model:23
DistributionGroupSupport        disabled
Example 2   

This example lists only the virtualization type of the vDC for an account. It uses the following options and values:

Option Option Value
base-url https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/
access-key-file ak.file
filters VirtualizationType

bash-3.2$./iaas-describe-vdc-capabilities --base-url https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/ -a ak.file --filters VirtualizationType

VirtualizationType      OVM

Exit Status

(Success) – The command returns the list of vDC capabilities of the account.

(Failure) – The command displays a descriptive error message and error code.


Lists virtual network information for an account.


iaas-describe-vnets|iaas-dvn  [--base-url <base_url>] [--debug]
                              [--header] [--help]
                              [--access-key-file <access_key_file>] 
                              [--filters <name>=<val>[,<name>=<val>]*]
                              [--ids <vn-id>[,<vn-id>]*]
                              [--sep <separator>]
                              [--trust-store <truststore_file>]
                              [--verbose] [--xml]


This command lists the available virtual networks for an account. It also allows filtering of the vNets displayed.


--base-url <base_url>

Base URL of the Enterprise Controller where the Web service is running. The value for this option must use the following syntax: https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>. If this option is not specified, then the URL information is taken from the value set in the IAAS_BASE_URL environment variable.

--debug | -D

Starts the command in debug mode.

--header | -H

Adds a header row to the output. The default output shows no header.

--access-key-file | -a <access_key_file>

Complete path and name of the file that stores the access key (for example, /tmp/ak.file). If a path is not specified, then the command looks for the file in the current directory.

--help | -h

Displays the usage information for this command.

--filters|-f <name>=<val>[,<name>=<val>]*

List of filters to limit the virtual networks listed by this command. Valid names for filters are id, name, description, status, and ipAddress. The result contains only virtual networks that match all elements of the filter list.

--ids <vn-id>[,<vn-id>]*

IDs of the virtual networks.

--sep <separator>

Column separator character. The default separator is TAB.

--trust-store <truststore_file>

Name of the file containing the trusted SSL certificate. The default is $HOME/.oracle_iaas/truststore.

--verbose | -v

Starts the command in verbose mode.


Displays the output result in XML format. The default output is in table format.


Example 1   

This example lists the attributes of all the virtual networks in an account. It uses the following options and values:

Option Option Value
base-url https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/
access-key-file ak.file

bash-3.2$ ./iaas-describe-vnets --base-url https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/ -a ak.file

VNET-9634972a-bcdd-4714-8c7f-b67d8010f13c       vnet1 descvnet1   OK
VNET-8521f019-b50d-4051-8028-7ed2b0f5d767       vnet2  descvnet2  OK
VNET-7418613f-efaa-42f4-bc96-9583ec39a481       vnet3  descvnet3  OK
VNET-5d74972a-bcdd-4714-8c7f-b67d8010f25t       vnet4  descvnet4  OK
Example 2   

This example lists the attributes of the specified virtual network IDs. It uses the following options and values:

Option Option Value
base-url https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/
access-key-file ak.file
ids VNET-5d74972a-bcdd-4714-8c7f-b67d8010f25t


bash-3.2$./iaas-describe-vnets --base-url https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/ -a ak.file --ids VNET-5d74972a-bcdd-4714-8c7f-b67d8010f25t,VNET-7418613f-efaa-42f4-bc96-9583ec39a481

VNET-7418613f-efaa-42f4-bc96-9583ec39a481       vnet3  descvnet3  OK
VNET-5d74972a-bcdd-4714-8c7f-b67d8010f25t       vnet4  descvnet4  OK

Exit Status

(Success) – The command returns the list of existing virtual networks and their attributes. If no virtual networks are found, the response is empty.

(Failure) – The command displays a descriptive error message and error code.


Displays volume information for an account.


iaas-describe-volumes|iaas-dvol [--base-url <base_url>] [--debug]
                                [--access-key-file <access_key_file>] 
                                [--filters <name>=<val>[,<name>=<val>]*] 
                                [--ids] <vol-id>[,<vol-id>]*
                                [--sep <separator>] [--header] [--help] 
                                [--trust-store <truststore_file>]
                                [--verbose] [--xml]


This command lists the available volumes for an account. This command also allows filtering of the volumes displayed.


--base-url <base_url>

Base URL of the Enterprise Controller where the Web service is running. The value for this option must use the following syntax: https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>. If this option is not specified, then the URL information is taken from the value set in the IAAS_BASE_URL environment variable.

--debug | -D

Starts the command in debug mode.

--header | -H

Adds a header row to the output. The default output shows no header.

--access-key-file | -a <access_key_file>

Complete path and name of the file that stores the access key (for example, /tmp/ak.file). If a path is not specified, then the command looks for the file in the current directory.

--help | -h

Displays the usage information for this command.

--filters|-f <name>=<val>[,<name>=<val>]*

List of filters. Valid names are: id, status, name, description, size, shared, and vservers.

--ids|-i <vol-id>[,<vol-id>]*

List of volume IDs.

--sep <separator>

Column separator character. The default separator is TAB.

--trust-store <truststore_file>

Name of the file containing the trusted SSL certificate. The default is $HOME/.oracle_iaas/truststore.

--verbose | -v

Starts the command in verbose mode.


Displays the output result in XML format. The default output is in table format.


Example 1   

This example lists the attributes of all the volumes found in an account. It uses the following options and values:

Option Option Value
base-url https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/
access-key-file ak.file

bash-3.2$ ./iaas-describe-volumes --base-url https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/ -a ak.file -H
id      name    description     status  size    shared  vservers

VOL-9dc9039c-012c-4b4b-9ea8-533ec0678eb9        testvolumeshared        this is a shared volume OK   4.0      true    VSRV-5100c512-fc39-4a59-ade9-653a1e041c10,VSRV-76ed9c11-d5d5-4418-833d-b2025c7bfdeb
VOL-3469f96d-d1bf-4a22-8b6c-5046df2d66d7        test-volume             OK      16.0    false   VSRV-76ed9c11-d5d5-4418-833d-b2025c7bfdeb
VOL-87d9bd57-0ac1-443c-8e44-67daeb42412b        testvolumeunused                OK      4.0     false 
Example 2   

This example lists the attributes of the specified volume IDs. It uses the following options and values:

Option Option Value
base-url https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/
access-key-file ak.file
ids VOL-7f7b1963-283c-4f2d-9748-30cf87119cef


bash-3.2$./iaas-describe-volumes --base-url https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/ -a ak.file --ids VOL-7f7b1963-283c-4f2d-9748-30cf87119cef,VOL-82b4661e-de12-4931-b9a4-cce8edd23532

VOL-7f7b1963-283c-4f2d-9748-30cf87119cef myVol1 DescmyVol1 OK 4.0    false
VOL-82b4661e-de12-4931-b9a4-cce8edd23532 myVol2 DescmyVol1 OK 8.0    false   VSRV-76ed9c11-d5d5-4418-833d-b2025c7bfdeb

Exit Status

(Success) – The command returns the list of existing volumes and their attributes. If no volumes are found, the response is empty.

(Failure) – The command displays a descriptive error message and error code.


Displays vServers metrics for an account.


iaas-describe-vserver-metrics|iaas-dvm  [--access-key-file <access_key_file>]
                                  [--base-url <base_url>] [--debug] 
                                  [--header] [--help]
                                  [--filters <name>=<val>[,<name>=<val>]*]
                                  [--ids <id>[,<id>]*]
                                  [--sep <separator>]
                                  [--trust-store <truststore_file>]
                                  [--verbose] [--xml]


This command displays attributes of vServers in an account. The command also allows filtering of vServers displayed.


--base-url <base_url>

Base URL of the Enterprise Controller where the Web service is running. The value for this option must use the following syntax: https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>. If this option is not specified, then the URL information is taken from the value set in the IAAS_BASE_URL environment variable.

--debug | -D

Starts the command in debug mode.

--header | -H

Adds a header row to the output. The default output shows no header.

--access-key-file | -a <access_key_file>

Complete path and name of the file that stores the access key (for example, /tmp/ak.file). If a path is not specified, then the command looks for the file in the current directory.

--help | -h

Displays the usage information for this command.

--filters|-f <name>=<val>[,<name>=<val>]*

List of filters. Valid filter names are: description, name, id, and cpuUsage.

--ids|-i <id>[,<id>]*

List of vServer IDs.

--sep <separator>

Column separator character. The default separator is TAB.

--trust-store <truststore_file>

Name of the file containing the trusted SSL certificate. The default is $HOME/.oracle_iaas/truststore.

--verbose | -v

Starts the command in verbose mode.


Displays the output result in XML format. The default output is in table format.


Example 1   

This example lists the attributes of all the vServers found in an account. It uses the following options and values:

Option Option Value
base-url https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/
access-key-file ak.file

bash-3.2$ ./iaas-describe-vserver-metrics --base-url https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/ -a ak.file -H

id      name    description     status  cpuUsage
VSRV-2e4f6688-2c57-4f41-8d3d-83d2d71d1a64       testvserver3   Oracle VM Virtual Machine       RUNNING      0.1508
VSRV-71f63b37-d61e-4900-a1a5-2b7d51b029c9       testvserver5 Oracle VM Virtual Machine       RUNNING      0.067
Example 2   

This example lists the attributes of the specified vServers filtering by vServer name. It uses the following options and values:

Option Option Value
base-url https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/
access-key-file ak.file
filters name=testvserver3

bash-3.2$./iaas-describe-vserver-metrics --base-url https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/ -a ak.file --filters name="testvserver3" -H

id      name    description     status  cpuUsage
VSRV-2e4f6688-2c57-4f41-8d3d-83d2d71d1a64       testvserver3   Oracle VM Virtual Machine       RUNNING      0.1508

Exit Status

(Success) – The command returns the list of existing vServers and their metrics. If no vServers are found, the response is empty.

(Failure) – The command displays a descriptive error message and error code.


Displays vServer information for an account.


iaas-describe-vservers|iaas-dvss  [--base-url <base_url>] [--debug] 
                                  [--header] [--help]
                                  [--access-key-file <access_key_file>]
                                  [--filters <name>=<val>[,<name>=<val>]*]
                                  [--ids <id>[,<id>]*]
                                  [--sep <separator>]
                                  [--trust-store <truststore_file>]
                                  [--verbose] [--xml]


This command displays the attributes of vServers in an account. The command also allows filtering of vServers displayed.


--base-url <base_url>

Base URL of the Enterprise Controller where the Web service is running. The value for this option must use the following syntax: https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>. If this option is not specified, then the URL information is taken from the value set in the IAAS_BASE_URL environment variable.

--debug | -D

Starts the command in debug mode.

--header | -H

Adds a header row to the output. The default output shows no header.

--access-key-file | -a <access_key_file>

Complete path and name of the file that stores the access key (for example, /tmp/ak.file). If a path is not specified, then the command looks for the file in the current directory.

--help | -h

Displays the usage information for this command.

--filters|-f <name>=<val>[,<name>=<val>]*

List of filters. Valid filter names are: description, name, status, id, serverTemplateId, keyPair, vserverType, ha, distributionGroup, volumes, vcpu, memoryMb, dedicatedStorageMb, and attachedStorageMb.

--ids|-i <id>[,<id>]*

List of vServer IDs.

--sep <separator>

Column separator character. The default separator is TAB.

--trust-store <truststore_file>

Name of the file containing the trusted SSL certificate. The default is $HOME/.oracle_iaas/truststore.

--verbose | -v

Starts the command in verbose mode.


Displays the output result in XML format. The default output is in table format.


Example 1   

This example lists the attributes of all the vServers found in an account. It uses the following options and values:

Option Option Value
base-url https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/
access-key-file ak.file

bash-3.2$ ./iaas-describe-vservers --base-url https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/ -a ak.file -H

id      name    description     status  vnets   ipAddresses    serverTemplateId        keyName vserverType   ha      distributionGroup      volumes vcpu    memoryMb        dedicatedStorageMb      attachedStorageMb
VSRV-5100c512-fc39-4a59-ade9-653a1e041c10       testvserver2    Oracle VM Virtual Machine       RUNNING       VNET-9bdbf831-5404-48c0-99c7-a1a8fc879ca3    TMPL-c11f3a91-80c1-4f28-b54c-23331dddd398            597     true            VOL-9dc9039c-012c-4b4b-9ea8-533ec0678eb9       2       8192    6443499520      3221225472
VSRV-76ed9c11-d5d5-4418-833d-b2025c7bfdeb       testvserver     Oracle VM Virtual Machine       RUNNING       VNET-9bdbf831-5404-48c0-99c7-a1a8fc879ca3    TMPL-c11f3a91-80c1-4f28-b54c-23331dddd398            597     true            
VOL-3469f96d-d1bf-4a22-8b6c-5046df2d66d7,VOL-9dc9039c-012c-4b4b-9ea8-533ec0678eb9       1       4096    6443499520      7516192768
VSRV-0f9b005f-bd7d-4166-a4db-5d81cabf5c89       testvserver4    vserver for the distribution group   RUNNING  VNET-9bdbf831-5404-48c0-99c7-a1a8fc879ca3    TMPL-c11f3a91-80c1-4f28-b54c-23331dddd398             597    true    DG-b534de55-8abe-4eb8-a5a3-918a84d39c8f           1       4096    6443499520      0
VSRV-2e4f6688-2c57-4f41-8d3d-83d2d71d1a64       testvserver3   Oracle VM Virtual Machine       RUNNING VNET-025a35bf-828d-4e3f-a0f4-76f3d9a73c42    TMPL-557952b6-0b00-4a00-a2ca-ada480d99cc6598 597   true            VOL-dc80ef69-109d-4e7d-968d-2fa90b68db1b        2       8192    6443499520      3221225472
VSRV-71f63b37-d61e-4900-a1a5-2b7d51b029c9       testvserver5 Oracle VM Virtual Machine       RUNNING VNET-025a35bf-828d-4e3f-a0f4-76f3d9a73c42    TMPL-557952b6-0b00-4a00-a2ca-ada480d99cc6597 597   true                    1       4096    6443499520      0
Example 2   

This example lists the vServers that have a total of storage attached of 3221225472. It uses the following options and values:

Option Option Value
base-url https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/
access-key-file ak.file

bash-3.2$./iaas-describe-vservers --base-url https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/ -a ak.file --filtersattachedStorageMb=3221225472 -H

id      name    description     status  vnets   ipAddresses     serverTemplateId keyName vserverType   ha     distributionGroup     volumes vcpu    memoryMb        dedicatedStorageMb      attachedStorageMb
VSRV-2e4f6688-2c57-4f41-8d3d-83d2d71d1a64       testvserver2   Oracle VM Virtual Machine       RUNNING VNET-025a35bf-828d-4e3f-a0f4-76f3d9a73c42    TMPL-557952b6-0b00-4a00-a2ca-ada480d99cc6598      true            VOL-dc80ef69-109d-4e7d-968d-2fa90b68db1b        2       8192    6443499520      3221225472
VSRV-2e4f6688-2c57-4f41-8d3d-83d2d71d1a64       testvserver3   Oracle VM Virtual Machine       RUNNING VNET-025a35bf-828d-4e3f-a0f4-76f3d9a73c42    TMPL-557952b6-0b00-4a00-a2ca-ada480d99cc6598      true            VOL-dc80ef69-109d-4e7d-968d-2fa90b68db1b        2       8192    6443499520      3221225472

Exit Status

(Success) – The command returns the list of existing vServers and their attributes. If no vServers are found, the response is empty.

(Failure) – The command displays a descriptive error message and error code.


Displays the available vServer types for an account.


iaas-describe-vserver-types|iaas-dvst  [--base-url <base_url>] [--debug]
                                       [--header] [--help]
                                       [--access-key-file <access_key_file>]
                                       [--sep <separator>]
                                       [--trust-store <truststore_file>]
                                       [--verbose] [--xml]


This command displays the available vServers types for an account.


--base-url <base_url>

Base URL of the Enterprise Controller where the Web service is running. The value for this option must use the following syntax: https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>. If this option is not specified, then the URL information is taken from the value set in the IAAS_BASE_URL environment variable.

--debug | -D

Starts the command in debug mode.

--header | -H

Adds a header row to the output. The default output shows no header.

--access-key-file | -a <access_key_file>

Complete path and name of the file that stores the access key (for example, /tmp/ak.file). If a path is not specified, then the command looks for the file in the current directory.

--help | -h

Displays the usage information for this command.

--sep <separator>

Column separator character. The default separator is TAB.

--trust-store <truststore_file>

Name of the file containing the trusted SSL certificate. The default is $HOME/.oracle_iaas/truststore.

--verbose | -v

Starts the command in verbose mode.


Displays the output result in XML format. The default output is in table format.


Example 1   

This example lists all the permitted vServer types for an account. It uses the following options and values:

Option Option Value
base-url https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/
access-key-file ak.file

bash-3.2$ ./iaas-describe-vserver-types --base-url https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/ -a ak.file -H

id      name    description     memorySize      storageSize     vcpu
small   small   small instance type     1073741824      10737418240    1
medium  medium  medium instance type     4294967296      107374182400   2
large   large   large instance type     17179869184     1073741824000  4

Exit Status

(Success) – The command returns the list of existing vSever types and their attributes. If no vServer types are found, then response is empty. If the response is an empty list, contact your cloud administrator to verify your cloud user's privileges.

(Failure) – The command displays a descriptive error message and error code.


Detaches one or more volumes from a vServer.


iaas-detach-volumes-from-vserver|iaas-detvol [--base-url <base_url>] [--debug]
                                             [--access-key-file <access_key_file>]
                                             [--header] [--help]
                                             --vserver-id <vserver-id> 
                                             [--volume-ids] <vol-id>[,<vol-id>]*
                                             [--sep <separator>] 
                                             [--trust-store <truststore_file>]
                                             [--verbose] [--xml]


This command detaches one or more volumes from a vServer.


--base-url <base_url>

Base URL of the Enterprise Controller where the Web service is running. The value for this option must use the following syntax: https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>. If this option is not specified, then the URL information is taken from the value set in the IAAS_BASE_URL environment variable.

--debug | -D

Starts the command in debug mode.

--header | -H

Adds a header row to the output. The default output shows no header.

--access-key-file | -a <access_key_file>

Complete path and name of the file that stores the access key (for example, /tmp/ak.file). If a path is not specified, then the command looks for the file in the current directory.

--help | -h

Displays the usage information for this command.

--vserver-id | -i <vserver-id>

ID of the vServer.

[--volume-ids] <vol-id>[,<vol-id>]*

Volume IDs.


Force the detach operation.

--sep <separator>

Column separator character. The default separator is TAB.

--trust-store <truststore_file>

Name of the file containing the trusted SSL certificate. The default is $HOME/.oracle_iaas/truststore.

--verbose | -v

Starts the command in verbose mode.


Displays the output result in XML format. The default output is in table format.


Example 1   

This example detaches the specified volume from a vServer. It uses the following options and values:

Option Option Value
base-url https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/
access-key-file ak.file
vserver-id VSRV-0fb57293-347c-4717-96ef-6dd23154596f

bash-3.2$./iaas-detach-volumes-from-vserver --base-url https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/ -a ~/ak.file --vserver-id VSRV-0fb57293-347c-4717-96ef-6dd23154596f  --volume-ids VOL-052cb4b4-5e56-4303-8b3a-82d6ba743a15 --force


Exit Status

(Success) – The command detaches the specified volumes from the vServer. This command does not return any response, only the command prompt is returned.

(Failure) – The command displays a descriptive error message and error code.


Imports an existing key pair to an account.


iaas-import-key-pair|iaas-ikp [--base-url <base_url>] [--debug]
                              [--header] [--help]
                              [--access-key-file <access_key_file>] 
                              --key-file <key-file-name>
                              --key-name <key-pair-name>
                              [--sep <separator>]
                              [--trust-store <truststore_file>]
                              [--verbose] [--xml]


This command stores a public RSA key to the application. This public key is created with a third-party tool, and it is stored in the key-file used as part of this command.

The supported formats of the public key to be imported are:

  • OpenSSH



--base-url <base_url>

Base URL of the Enterprise Controller where the Web service is running. The value for this option must use the following syntax: https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>. If this option is not specified, then the URL information is taken from the value set in the IAAS_BASE_URL environment variable.

--debug | -D

Starts the command in debug mode.

--header | -H

Adds a header row to the output. The default output shows no header.

--access-key-file | -a <access_key_file>

Complete path and name of the file that stores the access key (for example, /tmp/ak.file). If a path is not specified, then the command looks for the file in the current directory.

--help | -h

Displays the usage information for this command.

--key-file|-k <key-file-name>

Name of the file containing the public key.

--key-name|-n <key-pair-name>

Name of the key pair.

--sep <separator>

Column separator character. The default separator is TAB.

--trust-store <truststore_file>

Name of the file containing the trusted SSL certificate. The default is $HOME/.oracle_iaas/truststore.

--verbose | -v

Starts the command in verbose mode.


Displays the output result in XML format. The default output is in table format.


Example 1   

This example imports a key pair based on the specified key pair file. It uses the following options and values:

Option Option Value
base-url https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/
access-key-file ak.file
key-file myOtherPair.key
key-name myOtherPair

bash-3.2$ ./iaas-import-key-pair --base-url https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/ -a ak.file --key-name myOtherPair --key-file myOtherPair.key

myOtherPair    d9:ab:f4:ca:51:ee:40:61:a1:c2:c0:13:49:7c:23:77

Exit Status

(Success) – The command returns the name and the fingerprint of the imported key.

(Failure) – The command displays a descriptive error message and error code.


Imports a volume.


iaas-import-volume|iaas-ivol  [--base-url <base_url>] [--debug]
                              [--access-key-file <access_key_file>]
                              [--header] [--help] 
                              --name <name>
                              [--desc <descr>]
                              [--url] <url>
                              [--sep <separator>]
                              [--trust-store <truststore_file>]
                              [--verbose] [--xml]


This command imports a volume from another location.


--base-url <base_url>

Base URL of the Enterprise Controller where the Web service is running. The value for this option must use the following syntax: https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>. If this option is not specified, then the URL information is taken from the value set in the IAAS_BASE_URL environment variable.

--debug | -D

Starts the command in debug mode.

--header | -H

Adds a header row to the output. The default output shows no header.

--access-key-file | -a <access_key_file>

Complete path and name of the file that stores the access key (for example, /tmp/ak.file). If a path is not specified, then the command looks for the file in the current directory.

--help | -h

Displays the usage information for this command.

--name | -n <name>

Name of the volume.

--url <>

URL of the volume to import.

--sep <separator>

Column separator character. The default separator is TAB.


Flag to indicate that the volume is shared.

--trust-store <truststore_file>

Name of the file containing the trusted SSL certificate. The default is $HOME/.oracle_iaas/truststore.

--desc | -d <descr>

Description of the volume.

--verbose | -v

Starts the command in verbose mode.


Displays the output result in XML format. The default output is in table format.


Example 1   

This example imports a volume based on the image file of the specified URL. It uses the following options and values:

Option Option Value
base-url https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/
access-key-file ak.file
url http://ovm.oracle.com/volume-image/volume.img
volume name myVolume

bash-3.2$ ./iaas-import-volume --base-url https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/ -a ak.file --name myVolume --url http://ovm.oracle.com/volume-image/volume.img


Exit Status

(Success) – The command returns the volume ID.

(Failure) – The command displays a descriptive error message and error code.


Modifies the attributes of a resource in an account.


iaas-modify-attributes|iaas-ma [--base-url <base_url>] [--debug]
                               [--header] [--help]
                               [--access-key-file <access_key_file>] 
                               --id <resource-id>
                               [--attributes] <name>=<val>[,<name>=<val>]*
                               [--sep <separator>]
                               [--trust-store <truststore_file>]
                               [--verbose] [--xml]


This command modifies the attributes of a resource in an account.


--base-url <base_url>

Base URL of the Enterprise Controller where the Web service is running. The value for this option must use the following syntax: https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>. If this option is not specified, then the URL information is taken from the value set in the IAAS_BASE_URL environment variable.

--debug | -D

Starts the command in debug mode.

--header | -H

Adds a header row to the output. The default output shows no header.

--help | -h

Displays the usage information for this command.

--access-key-file | -a <access_key_file>

Complete path and name of the file that stores the access key (for example, /tmp/ak.file). If a path is not specified, then the command looks for the file in the current directory.

--id <resource-id>

ID of the resource. The ID of the resource can be obtained by using the corresponding iaas-describe* command (for example, iaas-describe-server-templates).

--attributes <name>=<val>[,<name>=<val>]*

List of attribute names. The name of the attribute is any of the names displayed in the header of output of an iaas-describe-* command (for example, iaas-describe-server-templates -H).

--sep <separator>

Column separator character. The default separator is TAB.

--trust-store <truststore_file>

Name of the file containing the trusted SSL certificate. The default is $HOME/.oracle_iaas/truststore.

--verbose | -v

Starts the command in verbose mode.


Displays the output result in XML format. The default output is in table format.


Example 1   

This example modifies the name attribute of the specified vNet. It uses the following options and values:

Option Option Value
base-url https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/
access-key-file ak.file
id VNET-7403e87f-1bab-4097-98ae-ea72d8fe4b3f

bash-3.2$ ./iaas-modify-attributes --base-url https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/ -a ak.file --id VNET-7403e87f-1bab-4097-98ae-ea72d8fe4b3f --attributes name=myNewName

Example 2   

This example modifies the name and public attribute of the specified server template. It uses the following options and values:

Option Option Value
base-url https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/
access-key-file ak.file
id TMPL-aaaaaaa8-bbb4-ccc4-ddd4-eeeeeeeeee01

bash-3.2$ ./iaas-modify-attributes --base-url https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/ -a ak.file --id TMPL-aaaaaaa8-bbb4-ccc4-ddd4-eeeeeeeeee01 --attributes name=myNewName,public=true


Exit Status

(Success) – The command modifies the specified attributes. This command does not return any value, only the command prompt is returned.

(Failure) – The command displays a descriptive error message and error code.


Reboots vServers for an account.


iaas-reboot-vservers|iaas-rebvss [--base-url <base_url>] [--debug]
                                 [--header] [--help]
                                 [--access-key-file <access_key_file>] 
                                 [--vserver-ids] <id>[,<id>]*
                                 [--sep <separator>]
                                 [--trust-store <truststore_file>]
                                 [--verbose] [--xml]


This command reboots one or more vServers for an account.


--base-url <base_url>

Base URL of the Enterprise Controller where the Web service is running. The value for this option must use the following syntax: https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>. If this option is not specified, then the URL information is taken from the value set in the IAAS_BASE_URL environment variable.

--debug | -D

Starts the command in debug mode.

--header | -H

Adds a header row to the output. The default output shows no header.

--help | -h

Displays the usage information for this command.

--access-key-file | -a <access_key_file>

Complete path and name of the file that stores the access key (for example, /tmp/ak.file). If a path is not specified, then the command looks for the file in the current directory.

--vserver-ids <id>[,<id>]*

vServer IDs.

--sep <separator>

Column separator character. The default separator is TAB.

--trust-store <truststore_file>

Name of the file containing the trusted SSL certificate. The default is $HOME/.oracle_iaas/truststore.

--verbose | -v

Starts the command in verbose mode.


Displays the output result in XML format. The default output is in table format.


Example 1   

This example reboots a vServer. It uses the following options and values:

Option Option Value
base-url https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/
access-key-file ak.file
vserver-ids VSRV-8ae29df9-ccfe-4184-acb8-10080665d7f6

bash-3.2$./iaas-reboot-vservers --base-url https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/ -a ak.file  --vserver-ids VSRV-0fb57293-347c-4717-96ef-6dd23154596f


Exit Status

(Success) The command restarts the specified vServers. This command does not return any response, only the command prompt is returned.

(Failure) – The command displays a descriptive error message and error code.


Receives one message from a vServer.


iaas-receive-message-from-vserver|iaas-rmfvs [--base-url <base_url>] [--debug]
                                             [--header] [--help]
                                             [--access-key-file <access_key_file>] 
                                             --vserver-id <vserver-id>
                                             [--key] <key> 
                                             [--sep <separator>]
                                             [--trust-store <truststore_file>]
                                             [--verbose] [--xml]


This command receives a message from a vServer. The command reads the message from the common buffer in the virtualization layer by name. This action might return an error if the vServer is not in an appropriate state to receive messages.


--base-url <base_url>

Base URL of the Enterprise Controller where the Web service is running. The value for this option must use the following syntax: https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>. If this option is not specified, then the URL information is taken from the value set in the IAAS_BASE_URL environment variable.

--debug | -D

Starts the command in debug mode.

--header | -H

Adds a header row to the output. The default output shows no header.

--access-key-file | -a <access_key_file>

Complete path and name of the file that stores the access key (for example, /tmp/ak.file). If a path is not specified, then the command looks for the file in the current directory.

--help | -h

Displays the usage information for this command.

--vserver-id | -i <vserver-id>

vServer ID.

--key <key>

Key of the message to retrieve.

--sep <separator>

Column separator character. The default separator is TAB.

--trust-store <truststore_file>

Name of the file containing the trusted SSL certificate. The default is $HOME/.oracle_iaas/truststore.

--verbose | -v

Starts the command in verbose mode.


Displays the output result in XML format. The default output is in table format.


Example 1   

This example receives a message from a vServer. It uses the following options and values:

Option Option Value
base-url https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/
access-key-file ak.file
vServer ID VSRV-8ae29df9-ccfe-4184-acb8-10080665d7f6

bash-3.2$../iaas-receive-message-from-server --base-url https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/ -a ~/ak.file  --vserver-id VSRV-8ae29df9-ccfe-4184-acb8-10080665d7f6 --key com.oracle.ovab.test-response


Exit Status

(Success) – The command displays the message received from the specified vServer.

(Failure) – The command displays a descriptive error message and error code.


Releases allocated IP addresses of a virtual network.


iaas-release-ip-addresses|iaas-rip [--base-url <base_url>] [--debug]
                                   [--header] [--help]
                                   [--access-key-file <access_key_file>]
                                   --vnet <vnet-id>
                                   [--ip-addresses] <ip>[,<ip>]*
                                   [--sep <separator>]
                                   [--trust-store <truststore_file>]
                                   [--verbose] [--xml]


This command releases the allocated IP addresses of a public or private virtual network. The IP addresses must not be associated with a vServer.


--base-url <base_url>

Base URL of the Enterprise Controller where the Web service is running. The value for this option must use the following syntax: https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>. If this option is not specified, then the URL information is taken from the value set in the IAAS_BASE_URL environment variable.

--debug | -D

Starts the command in debug mode.

--header | -H

Adds a header row to the output. The default output shows no header.

--access-key-file | -a <access_key_file>

Complete path and name of the file that stores the access key (for example, /tmp/ak.file). If a path is not specified, then the command looks for the file in the current directory.

--help | -h

Displays the usage information for this command.

--vnet <vnet-id>

vNet ID of the IP addresses to be released.

--ip-addresses <ip>[,<ip>]*

List of IP addresses to be released.

--sep <separator>

Column separator character. The default separator is TAB.

--trust-store <truststore_file>

Name of the file containing the trusted SSL certificate. The default is $HOME/.oracle_iaas/truststore.

--verbose | -v

Starts the command in verbose mode.


Displays the output result in XML format. The default output is in table format.


Example 1   

This example releases an allocated IP address of the specified virtual network. It uses the following options and values:

Option Option Value
base-url https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/
access-key-file ak.file
vnet VNET-9634972a-bcdd-4714-8c7f-b67d8010f13c

bash-3.2$ ./iaas-release-ip-addresses --base-url https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/ -a ak.file --vnet VNET-9634972a-bcdd-4714-8c7f-b67d8010f13c --ip-addresses

Example 2   

This example releases three allocated IP addresses of the specified virtual network. It uses the following options and values:

Option Option Value
base-url https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/
access-key-file ak.file
vnet VNET-9634972a-bcdd-4714-8c7f-b67d8010f13c

bash-3.2$ ./iaas-release-ip-addresses --base-url https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/ -a ak.file --vnet VNET-9634972a-bcdd-4714-8c7f-b67d8010f13c --ip-addresses,,


Exit Status

(Success) – The command releases the allocated IP addresses of the specified virtual network. The command does not return any messages.

(Failure) – The command displays a descriptive error message and error code.


Runs a single vServer.


iaas-run-vserver|iaas-rvs [--base-url <base_url>] [--debug]
                          [--header] [--help]
                          [--access-key-file <access_key_file>]
                          [--dist-group <dg-id>]
                          --ip-addresses <ip>[,<ip>]*
                          [--key-name <key-pair-name>]
                          --name <name>
                          [--desc <descr>]
                          --server-template-id <server-template-id>
                          --vnets <vn-id>[,<vn-id>]*
                          [--volumes <vol-id>[,<vol-id>]*]
                          --vserver-type <type>
                          [--ha <true/false>]
                          [--mesages <key>=<value>[,<key>=<value>]*]
                          [--hostname <hostname>]
                          [--root-password <root-password>]
                          [--sep <separator>]
                          [--trust-store <truststore_file>]
                          [--verbose] [--xml]


This command creates and starts a single vServer.


--base-url <base_url>

Base URL of the Enterprise Controller where the Web service is running. The value for this option must use the following syntax: https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>. If this option is not specified, then the URL information is taken from the value set in the IAAS_BASE_URL environment variable.

--debug | -D

Starts the command in debug mode.

--header | -H

Adds a header row to the output. The default output shows no header.

--access-key-file | -a <access_key_file>

Complete path and name of the file that stores the access key (for example, /tmp/ak.file). If a path is not specified, then the command looks for the file in the current directory.

--help | -h

Displays the usage information for this command.

--dist-group <dg-id>

A distribution group ID.

--ip-addresses <ip>[,<ip>]*

List of IP addresses, one for each virtual network.

--key-name|-k <key-pair-name>

Name of a key pair.

--name | -n <name>

Name of the vServer.

--desc | -d <descr>

Description of the vServer.

--server-template-id <server-template-id>

ID of the server template.

--vnets <vn-id>[,<vn-id>]*

List of virtual network IDs.

--volumes | -m <vol-id>[,<vol-id>]*

List of volume IDs.

--vserver-type <type>]

vServer type.

--ha <true/false>

Flag to indicate if HA is enabled or disabled for the vServer. Default value is taken from the HighAvailabilityDefault capability of the vDC.

--messages <key>=<value>[,<key>=<value>]

List of messages for the vServer.

--hostname <hostname>

Internal host name for the vServer. It must be RFC 1123 compliant.

--root-password <root-password>

Root password for the vServer.

--sep <separator>

Column separator character. The default separator is TAB.

--trust-store <truststore_file>

Name of the file containing the trusted SSL certificate. The default is $HOME/.oracle_iaas/truststore.

--verbose | -v

Starts the command in verbose mode.


Displays the output result in XML format. The default output is in table format.


Example 1   

This example creates and starts a vServer. It uses the following options and values:

Option Option Value
base-url https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/
access-key-file ak.file
key-name myKeyPair

bash-3.2$../iaas-run-vserver --base-url https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/ -a ~/ak.file  --vnets VNET-84ada392-1c13-4f86-8365-1cf7f9c8aadf --key-name myKeyPair --name myVserver --server-template-id TMPL-9e4a9ed3-e675-45f1-9d7c-b21c25a55632 --ip-addresses --vserver-type 457


Exit Status

(Success) – The command creates and starts a vServer. This command returns the vServer ID.

(Failure) – The command displays a descriptive error message and error code.


Creates and starts one or more vServers.


iaas-run-vservers|iaas-rvss [--base-url <base_url>] [--debug]
                            [--header] [--help]
                            [--access-key-file <access_key_file>]
                            [--key-name <key-pair-name>]
                            --name <name>
                            [--desc <descr>]
                            [--dist-group <dg-id>]
                            [--num <num>]
                            --server-template-id <server-template-id>
                            --vnets <vn-id>[,<vn-id>]*
                            [--volumes <vol-id>[,<vol-id>]*]
                            --vserver-type <type>
                            [--ha <true/false>]
                            [--mesages <key>=<value>[,<key>=<value>]*]
                            [--hostname <hostname>]
                            [--root-password <root-password>]
                            [--sep <separator>]
                            [--trust-store <truststore_file>]
                            [--verbose] [--xml]


This command creates and starts one or more vServers. A suffix is appended to the vServer name to distinguish among all the vServers created. The suffix is a numerical sequence.


--base-url <base_url>

Base URL of the Enterprise Controller where the Web service is running. The value for this option must use the following syntax: https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>. If this option is not specified, then the URL information is taken from the value set in the IAAS_BASE_URL environment variable.

--debug | -D

Starts the command in debug mode.

--header | -H

Adds a header row to the output. The default output shows no header.

--access-key-file | -a <access_key_file>

Complete path and name of the file that stores the access key (for example, /tmp/ak.file). If a path is not specified, then the command looks for the file in the current directory.

--help | -h

Displays the usage information for this command.

--key-name|-k <key-pair-name>

Name of the key pair.

--name | -n <name>

Name of the vServer.

--desc | -d <descr>

Description of the vServer.

--dist-group <dg-id>

Distribution group ID.

--num <num>

The number of vServers to run. The default is 1.

--server-template-id <server-template-id>

ID of the server template.

--vnets <vn-id>[,<vn-id>]*

List of virtual network IDs.

--volumes|-m <vol-id>[,<vol-id>]*

List of volume IDs.

--vserver-type <type>]

vServer type.

--ha <true/false>

Flag to indicate wether HA is enabled or disabled for the vServer. Default value is taken from the HighAvailabilityDefault capability of the vDC.

--messages <key>=<value>[,<key>=<value>]

List of messages for the vServers.

--hostname <hostname>

Internal host name for the vServers. It must be RFC 1123 compliant.

--root-password <root-password>

Root password for the vServers.

--sep <separator>

Column separator character. The default separator is TAB.

--trust-store <truststore_file>

Name of the file containing the trusted SSL certificate. The default is $HOME/.oracle_iaas/truststore.

--verbose | -v

Starts the command in verbose mode.


Displays the output result in XML format. The default output is in table format.


Example 1   

This example creates two vServers. It uses the following options and values:

Option Option Value
base-url https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/
access-key-file ak.file
key-name myKeyPair

bash-3.2$./iaas-run-vservers --base-url https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/ -a ak.file  --key-name myKeyPair --name myVserver --num 2 --server-template-id TMPL-2f313208-433c-4b92-aae6-6373c38b795e --vnets VNET-6ea466f5-6e6b-4159-adf3-8867473d4cf4 --vserver-type 457


Exit Status

(Success) – The command creates and starts the number of specified vServers. This command returns the vServer IDs.

(Failure) – The command displays a descriptive error message and error code.


Sends messages to a vServer.


iaas-send-messages-to-vserver|iaas-smtvs [--base-url <base_url>] [--debug]
                                       [--header] [--help]
                                       [--access-key-file <access_key_file>] 
                                       --vserver-id <vserver-id>
                                       [--messages] <key>=<value>[,<key>=<value>]*
                                       [--sep <separator>]
                                       [--trust-store <truststore_file>]
                                       [--verbose] [--xml]


This command sends messages to a vServer. These messages can be read from the guest operating system. The message is sent to a common buffer in the virtualization layer that has a limited size. This action might return an error if the size limit is reached or if the vServer is not in an appropriate state to send messages.


--base-url <base_url>

Base URL of the Enterprise Controller where the Web service is running. The value for this option must use the following syntax: https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>. If this option is not specified, then the URL information is taken from the value set in the IAAS_BASE_URL environment variable.

--debug | -D

Starts the command in debug mode.

--header | -H

Adds a header row to the output. The default output shows no header.

--access-key-file | -a <access_key_file>

Complete path and name of the file that stores the access key (for example, /tmp/ak.file). If a path is not specified, then the command looks for the file in the current directory.

--help | -h

Displays the usage information for this command.

--vserver-id | -i <vserver-id>

vServer ID.

--messages <key>=<value>[,<key>=<value>]*

List of messages.

--sep <separator>

Column separator character. The default separator is TAB.

--trust-store <truststore_file>

Name of the file containing the trusted SSL certificate. The default is $HOME/.oracle_iaas/truststore.

--verbose | -v

Starts the command in verbose mode.


Displays the output result in XML format. The default output is in table format.


Example 1   

This example sends a message to a vServer. It uses the following options and values:

Option Option Value
base-url https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/
access-key-file ak.file
vserver-id VSRV-8ae29df9-ccfe-4184-acb8-10080665d7f6

bash-3.2$../iaas-send-message-to-vserver --base-url https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/ -a ak.file  --vserver-id VSRV-8ae29df9-ccfe-4184-acb8-10080665d7f6 --messages com.oracle.ovab.test=Running


Exit Status

(Success) – The command sends the message to the specified vServer. This command does not return any response, only the command prompt is returned.

(Failure) – The command displays a descriptive error message and error code.


Starts one or more vServers for an account.


iaas-start-vservers|iaas-stavss [--base-url <base_url>] [--debug]
                                [--header] [--help]
                                [--access-key-file <access_key_file>] 
                                [--vserver-ids] <id>[,<id>]*
                                [--sep <separator>]
                                [--trust-store <truststore_file>]
                                [--verbose] [--xml]


This command starts one or more vServers for an account.


--base-url <base_url>

Base URL of the Enterprise Controller where the Web service is running. The value for this option must use the following syntax: https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>. If this option is not specified, then the URL information is taken from the value set in the IAAS_BASE_URL environment variable.

--debug | -D

Starts the command in debug mode.

--header | -H

Adds a header row to the output. The default output shows no header.

--access-key-file | -a <access_key_file>

Complete path and name of the file that stores the access key (for example, /tmp/ak.file). If a path is not specified, then the command looks for the file in the current directory.

--help | -h

Displays the usage information for this command.

--vserver-ids <id>[,<id>]*

List of vServer IDs.

--sep <separator>

Column separator character. The default separator is TAB.

--trust-store <truststore_file>

Name of the file containing the trusted SSL certificate. The default is $HOME/.oracle_iaas/truststore.

--verbose | -v

Starts the command in verbose mode.


Displays the output result in XML format. The default output is in table format.


Example 1   

The following example starts the specified vServer. It uses the following options and values:

Option Option Value
base-url https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/
access-key-file ak.file
vserver-id VSRV-c1e236e6-ef4d-4936-911a-97923dfbc291

bash-3.2$ ./iaas-start-vservers --base-url https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/ -a ak.file --vserver-ids VSRV-c1e236e6-ef4d-4936-911a-97923dfbc291


Exit Status

(Success) – The command starts the specified vServer. This command does not return any value, only the command prompt is returned.

(Failure) – The command displays a descriptive error message and error code.


Stops one or more vServers for an account.


iaas-stop-vservers|iaas-stovss [--base-url <base_url>] [--debug]
                               [--header] [--help]
                               [--access-key-file <access_key_file>] 
                               [--vserver-ids] <id>[,<id>]*
                               [--sep <separator>]
                               [--trust-store <truststore_file>]
                               [--verbose] [--xml]


This command stops one or more vServers for an account.


--base-url <base_url>

Base URL of the Enterprise Controller where the Web service is running. The value for this option must use the following syntax: https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>. If this option is not specified, then the URL information is taken from the value set in the IAAS_BASE_URL environment variable.

--debug | -D

Starts the command in debug mode.

--header | -H

Adds a header row to the output. The default output shows no header.

--access-key-file | -a <access_key_file>

Complete path and name of the file that stores the access key (for example, /tmp/ak.file). If a path is not specified, then the command looks for the file in the current directory.

--help | -h

Displays the usage information for this command.

--vserver-ids <id>[,<id>]*

List of vServer IDs.

--sep <separator>

Column separator character. The default separator is TAB.

--trust-store <truststore_file>

Name of the file containing the trusted SSL certificate. The default is $HOME/.oracle_iaas/truststore.

--verbose | -v

Starts the command in verbose mode.


Displays the output result in XML format. The default output is in table format.


Example 1   

The following example stops the specified vServer. It uses the following options and values:

Option Option Value
base-url https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/
access-key-file ak.file
vserver-id VSRV-c1e236e6-ef4d-4936-911a-97923dfbc291

bash-3.2$ ./iaas-stop-vservers --base-url https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/ -a ak.file --vserver-ids VSRV-c1e236e6-ef4d-4936-911a-97923dfbc291


Exit Status

(Success) – The command stops the specified vServer. This command does not return any response, only the command prompt is returned.

(Failure) – The command displays a descriptive error message and error code.


Stops and deletes one or more vServers for an account.


iaas-terminate-vservers|iaas-tvss [--base-url <base_url>] [--debug]
                                  [--header] [--help]
                                  [--access-key-file <access_key_file>]
                                  [--vserver-ids] <id>[,<id>]*
                                  [--sep <separator>]
                                  [--trust-store <truststore_file>]
                                  [--verbose] [--xml]


This command stops and deletes one or more vServers for an account.


--base-url <base_url>

Base URL of the Enterprise Controller where the Web service is running. The value for this option must use the following syntax: https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>. If this option is not specified, then the URL information is taken from the value set in the IAAS_BASE_URL environment variable.

--debug | -D

Starts the command in debug mode.

--header | -H

Adds a header row to the output. The default output shows no header.

--access-key-file | -a <access_key_file>

Complete path and name of the file that stores the access key (for example, /tmp/ak.file). If a path is not specified, then the command looks for the file in the current directory.

--help | -h

Displays the usage information for this command.


Forces the execution of the command.

--vserver-ids <id>[,<id>]*

List of vServer IDs.

--sep <separator>

Column separator character. The default separator is TAB.

--trust-store <truststore_file>

Name of the file containing the trusted SSL certificate. The default is $HOME/.oracle_iaas/truststore.

--verbose | -v

Starts the command in verbose mode.


Displays the output result in XML format. The default output is in table format.


Example 1   

This example deletes a vServer. It uses the following options and values:

Option Option Value
base-url https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/
access-key-file ak.file
vserver-id VSRV-0fb57293-347c-4717-96ef-6dd23154596f

bash-3.2$./iaas-terminate-vservers --base-url https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/ -a ~/ak.file  --vserver-ids VSRV-0fb57293-347c-4717-96ef-6dd23154596f --force


Exit Status

(Success) – The command stops and deletes the specified vServers. This command does not return any response, only the command prompt is returned.

(Failure) – The command displays a descriptive error message and error code.