Certificate Attributes



The Enterprise Gateway can authorize access to a Web Service based on the X.509 attributes of an authenticated client's certificate. For example, a simple Certificate Attributes filter might only authorize clients whose certificates have a Distinguished Name (DName) containing the following attribute: O=oracle. In other words, only oracle users are authorized to access the Web Service.

An X.509 certificate consists of a number of fields. The Subject field is the one of most relevance to this topic. It gives the DName of the client to which the certificate belongs. A DName is a unique name given to an X.500 directory object. It consists of a number of attribute-value pairs called Relative Distinguished Names (RDNs). Some of the most common RDNs and their explanations are as follows:

  • CN: CommonName
  • OU: OrganizationalUnit
  • O: Organization
  • L: Locality
  • S: StateOrProvinceName
  • C: CountryName

For example, the following is the DName of the sample.p12 client certificate supplied with the Enterprise Gateway:

 CN=Sample Cert, OU=R&D, O=Company Ltd., L=Dublin 4, S=Dublin, C=IE

Using the Certificate Attributes filter, it is possible to authorize clients based on (for example, the CN, OU, or C in the DName).


The X.509 Attributes table lists a number of attribute checks to be run against the client certificate. Each entry tests a number of certificate attributes in such a way that the check only passes if all of the configured attribute values match those in the client certificate. In effect, the attributes listed in a single attribute check are AND-ed together.

For example, imagine the following is configured as an entry in the X.509 Attributes table:

 OU=Eng, O=Company Ltd

If the Enterprise Gateway receives a certificate with the following DName, this attribute check passes because all the configured attributes match those in the certificate DName:

 CN=User1, OU=Eng, O=Company Ltd, L=D4, S=Dublin, C=IE
 CN=User2, OU=Eng, O=Company Ltd, L=D2, S=Dublin, C=IE

However, if the Enterprise Gateway receives a certificate with the following DName, the attribute check fails because the attributes in the DName do not match all the configured attributes (the OU attribute has the wrong value):

 CN=User1, OU=qa, O=Company Ltd, L=D4, S=Dublin, C=IE

The X.509 Attributes table can contain several attribute check entries. In such cases, the attribute checks (the entries in the table) are OR-ed together, so that if any of the checks succeed, the overall Certificate Attributes filter succeeds.

So to summarize:

  • Attribute values within an attribute check only succeed if all the configured attribute values match those in the DName of the client certificate.
  • The filter succeeds if any of the attribute checks listed in the X.509 Attributes table succeed.

To configure a Certificate Filter complete the following fields:

Enter a suitable name for the filter here.

X.509 Attributes:
To add a new X.509 attribute check, click the Add button button. In the Add X.509 Attributes dialog, enter a comma-separated list of name-value pairs representing the X.509 attributes and their values (for example, OU=dev,O=Company).

The new attribute check is displayed in the X.509 Attributes table. You can edit and delete existing entries by clicking the Edit and Remove buttons.