Stress Testing with Send Request (SR)



The Enterprise Gateway provides a command-line tool for stress testing named Send Request (SR). The SR tool is available in the following directory of your Enterprise Gateway installation:

  • GW_INSTALL/posix/lib
  • GW_INSTALL/Win32/lib

The SR tool is also available from the root directory of the Service Explorer installation.

Important Note:
On Linux, the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable must be set to the directory from which you are running sr.

Basic SR Examples

The following are some basic examples of using the SR command:

sr http://testhost:8080/stockquote

POST file contents (content-type inferred from file extension):
sr -f StockQuoteRequest.xml http://testhost:8080/stockquote

Send XML file with SOAP Action 10 times:
sr -c 10 -f StockQuoteRequest.xml http://testhost:8080/stockquote

Send XML file with SOAP Action 10 times in 3 parallel clients:
sr -c 10 -p 3 -f StockQuoteRequest.xml http://testhost:8080/stockquote

Send the same request quietly:
sr -c 10 -p 3 -qq -f StockQuoteRequest.xml http://testhost:8080/stockquote

Run test for 10 seconds:
sr -d 10 -qq -f StockQuoteRequest.xml http://testhost:8080/stockquote

POST file contents with SOAP Action:
sr -f StockQuoteRequest.xml -A SOAPAction:getPrice http://testhost:8080/stockquote

Advanced SR Examples

The following are some advanced examples of using the SR command:

Send form.xml to split at 171 character size, and trickle 200 millisecond delay between each send with a 200 Content-Length header:
sr -h -s 8080 -u /healthcheck -b 171 -t 200 -f form.xml -a "Content-Type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -a "Content-Length:200"

Send a multipart message to, 2 XML docs are attached to message:
sr -h -s 8080 -u /test -{ -a Content-Type:text/xml -f soap.txt -a Content-Type:text/xml -f attachment.xml -a Content-Type:text/xml -} -A c-timestamp:1234

Send only headers using a GET over one-way SSL running 10 parallel threads for 86400 seconds (1 day) using super quiet mode:
sr -h -C -s 8443 -u /nextgen -f soapboxreq.xml -a givenName:SHViZXJ0 -a sn:RmFuc3dvcnRo -v GET -p10 -d86400 -qq

Send query string over mutual SSL presenting client certificate and key doing a GET running 10 parallel threads for 86400 seconds (1 day) using super quiet mode:
sr -h -C -s 8443 -X client.pem -K client.key -u "https://localhost:8443/idp?TargetResource=" -f soapboxreq.xml -v GET -p10 -d86400 -qq

Send zip file in users home directory to testhost on port 8080 with /zip URI, save the resulting response content into the file, and do this silently:
sr -f ~/ -h testhost -s 8080 -u /zip -a Content-Type:application/zip -J -qq

SR Arguments

The main arguments to the SR command include the following:

Argument Description
--help List all arguments
-a attribute:value Set the HTTP request header (for example, -a Content-Type:text/xml)
-c [request-count] Number of requests to send per process
-d [seconds] Duration to run test for
-f [content-filename] File to send as the request
-h [host] Name of destination host
-i [filename] Destination of statistics data
-l [file] Destination of diagnostic logging
-m Recycle SSL sessions (use multiple times)
-n Enable nagle algorithm for transmission
-o [output] Output statistics information every [milliseconds] (only with -d)
-p [connections] Number of parallel client connections (threads) to simulate
-q , -qq, -qqq Quiet modes (quiet, very quiet, very very quiet)
-r Do not send HTTP Request line
-s [service] Port or service name of destination (default is 8080)
-t [milliseconds] Trickle: delay between sending each character
-u [uri] Target URI to place in request
-v [verb] Set the HTTP verb to use in the request (default is POST)
-w [milliseconds] Wait for [milliseconds] between each request
-x [chunksize] Chunk-encode output
-y [cipherlist] SSL ciphers to use (see OpenSSL manpage ciphers(1))
-z Randomize chunk sizes up to limit set by -x
-A attribute:value Set the HTTP request header (for example, -a Content-Type:text/xml) in the outermost attachment
-B Buckets for response-time samples
-C enCrypt (use SSL protocol)
-I [filename] File for Input (received) data (- = stdout)
-K RSA Private Key
-L Line-buffer stdout and stderr
-M Multiplier for response-time samples
-N origiN for response-time samples
-O [filename] File for Output (sent) data (- = stdout)
-S [part-id] Start-part for multipart message
-U [count] reUse each connection for count requests
-V [version] Sets the HTTP version (1.0, 1.1)
-X X.509 client certificate
-Y [cipherlist] Show expanded form of [cipherlist]
[-{/-} Create multipart body (nestable: use -f for leaves)

Further Information
For a listing of all arguments, enter sr --help. For more information, and details on advanced use, see the srmanpage.pdf file in your sr installation directory.