SiteMinder/SOA Security Manager Connection



This topic explains how to create connections to CA SiteMinder and CA SOA Security Manager. Under the External Connections tree node in the Policy Studio, right-click the SiteMinder/SOA Security Manager Connection node, and select Add CA SiteMinder Connection or Add CA SOA Security Manager Connection.

You can specify how the Enterprise Gateway connects to CA SiteMinder using the SiteMinder Connection Details dialog. You can specify how the Enterprise Gateway connects to CA SOA Security Manager using the CA SOA Security Manager Connection Details dialog. In both cases, the Enterprise Gateway must have already been set up as an agent in the CA Policy Server.

The connection details to be configured for the Enterprise Gateway are the same for both SiteMinder and SOA Security Manager, with an additional setting for SOA Security Manager.

SiteMinder and SOA Security Manager Connection Details

This section describes details that are common to both SiteMinder and CA SOA Security Manager connections.

Agent Name:
Enter the name of the agent to connect to SiteMinder or SOA Security Manager in the Agent Name field. This name must correspond to the name of an agent previously configured in the CA Policy Server.

Agent Configuration Object:
The name entered must match the name of the Agent Configuration Object (ACO) configured in the CA Policy Server. The Enterprise Gateway currently does not support any features represented by the ACO parameters except for the PersistentIPCheck setting. For example, the Enterprise Gateway ignores the DefaultAgent parameter, and uses the agent value it collects separately during agent registration.

When the PersistentIPCheck ACO parameter is set to yes, this instructs the Enterprise Gateway to compare the IP address from the last request (stored in a persistent cookie) with the IP address in the current request to see if they match. If the IP addresses do not match, the Enterprise Gateway rejects the request. If this parameter is set to no, this check is disabled.

Connection Details:
The Enterprise Gateway host machine must be registered with SiteMinder or SOA Security Manager. To register the host machine, you must use the smreghost tool on the Enterprise Gateway machine. The smreghost tool creates a file called SmHost.conf. You must then use the Browse button to upload this file into the Enterprise Gateway configuration.

If you have already generated a suitable SmHost.conf file, and have copied it to the machine on which you are running the Policy Studio, you can browse to the location of this file using the Browse button at the bottom right of the Connection Details text area. After selecting the configuration file, the connection details are displayed in this text area.

If you do not have a suitable SmHost.conf file, you can generate one by running the smreghost command on the machine running the Enterprise Gateway. Complete the following steps:

  1. You need to run the smreghost command on the machine on which you have installed the Enterprise Gateway. The smreghost tool is found in the following location, depending on your target platform:
    Windows: /win32/lib
    Linux: /Linux.i386/bin
    Solaris: /SunOS.sun4u-32/bin
  2. Open a command prompt at this directory, and run the smreghost command. You must pass the appropriate command-line arguments, depending on the hostname and hostconfigobject configured to represent the Enterprise Gateway in the CA Policy Server. Similarly, you must specify the hostname/IP and port of the CA Policy Server.
  3. The smreghost tool writes its output to a SmHosts.conf file in the same directory. You must manually copy this file from the machine running the Enterprise Gateway to the machine running the Policy Studio.
  4. Browse to the location of this file using the Browse button on the connection details dialog.

SOA Security Manager Connection Details Only

This section describes details that are specific to CA SOA Security Manager connections only. In addition to the fields already described in the previous section, you must also configure the following field on the CA SOA Security Manager Connection Details dialog.

This setting controls whether the CA SOA Security Manager authentication filter accepts a single sign-on token for authentication purposes. The single sign-on token must reside in the HTTP header field named SMSESSION to authenticate using this mechanism. This token is created and updated when the CA SOA Security Manager authorization filter runs successfully.

When this checkbox is selected, the authentication filter allows authentication using a single sign-on token. Note that if no single sign-on token is present in the message, the authentication filter authenticates fully by gathering credentials from the request in whatever manner has been configured in the CA SOA Security Manager. When this checkbox is unselected, the authentication filter authenticates fully (it never allows authentication using a single sign-on token).