Invoke Policy per Message Body



In cases where Enterprise Gateway receives a multipart related MIME message, the Invoke Policy per Message Body filter can be used to pass each body part to a specified policy for processing.

So, for example, if other XML documents have been attached to an XML message (using the SOAP with Attachments specification perhaps), each of these documents can be passed to an appropriate policy where they can be processed by the full compliment of message filters.


Complete the following fields:

Enter a name for the filter in this field.

Policy Shortcut:
Select the policy to invoke for each MIME body part in the message. Each body part will be passed to the selected policy in turn. The filter will fail if the selected policy fails for any of the passed body parts.

Maximum Level to Unzip:
In cases where a MIME body part is a MIME message itself, which may, in turn, contain more multi-part messages, the setting here determines how many levels of enveloped MIME messages to attempt to unzip. A default value of "2" levels ensures that the server will not attempt to unwrap unnecessarily deep MIME messages.

If one of the body parts is actually an archive file (e.g. tar or zip), this setting determines the maximum depth of files to unzip in cases where the archive file contains other archive files, which may contain others, and so on.