Understanding PeopleSoft Contracts Implementation Issues

This chapter provides an overview of contract implementation and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Contract Implementation

To implement PeopleSoft Contracts, you first need to design the system's business structure and put that structure in place. You must determine the best way to map your new system to your organization's business structures, practices, and procedures.

Click to jump to parent topicCreating and Administering PeopleSoft Contracts

The high-level steps involved in creating and administering a contract are:

Click to jump to parent topicMapping Enterprise Data Flow

You need to determine the flow of data into and out of PeopleSoft Contracts. Mapping which applications integrate with PeopleSoft Contracts and how to carry out that integration helps you with setup decisions.

Here are some questions to help with this mapping:

Click to jump to parent topicRecognizing Your Business Structure

Implementing PeopleSoft Contracts requires an iterative method of examining your business processes and investigating the software. When designing your system, take into account your policies, procedures, and existing structures. Assess how they can be incorporated in PeopleSoft Contracts. Ask questions such as the following:

Click to jump to parent topicDefining an FTP Server for Document Attachments

PeopleSoft Contracts uses an FTP server to store document attachments. You must establish an FTP server with adequate disk storage to store your documents. The CA_ATTACHMENTS URL is delivered with PeopleSoft Contracts, but you must update the data in the URL field so that the path to the appropriate FTP server is specified. To designate the path to the FTP server, use the URL Maintenance page.

The syntax for this URL is ftp://<username>:<password>@<machinename>.


Name of the user account under which you want all users to connect to the FTP server for adding, updating, viewing, and deleting documents.


Password associated with the user account under which you want all users to connect to the FTP server.


The name by which the FTP server is identified on your network. You may want to create a directory on the server where your documents are stored. If you create an optional directory, then include this directory name when citing your path. You can also store the attachments in the root directory of the FTP server.

Important! The user name and password specified are critical. The system uses these to connect all users to the FTP attachment server.

See Also

PeopleTools PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Application Designer Developers Guide

PeopleTools PeopleBook: System and Server Administration