Running Expense Transaction Processes

This chapter provides an overview of running expense transaction processes and discusses how to select parameters and business units.

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Running Expense Transaction Processes

Several functions in PeopleSoft Expenses require running processes that move data, change a record, or perform an intermediate step in processing expenses. You initiate many of these processes on the Expense Processes page.

Warning! Do not run the Stage Payments and the Unstage Payments processes in the same run control. Do not run the Stage Time to Project Costing and Publish Elapsed Time processes in the same run control. These combinations prevent staging.

If the stage, unstage, post liabilities, or post payment process abends during the process, you must restart the abended instance from the Process Scheduler.

Warning! Do not run the payment staging process concurrently with the budget checking process to ensure that the system does not select the same transaction for both processes.

Warning! When you run the Stage Payments and Post Liabilities processes, do not change the Accounting Entry Template. Specifically, do not populate the Accounting Entry Template with ChartFields that are already populated for employee-generated expense distributions.

See Also

PeopleTools PeopleBook: Application Engine

Click to jump to parent topicSelecting Parameters and Business Units

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Run Expense Transaction Processes

Page Name

Definition Name



Expense Processes


Travel and Expenses, Process Expenses, Expense Processing, Expense Processes

Run jobs that are integral to the expense process. The Process Scheduler runs the EX_TRAN_PRCS process, which drives other programs, depending on the options selected.

Selected Business Units


Travel and Expenses, Process Expenses, Expense Processing, Selected Business Units

Specify business units for expense processing.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSelecting Expense Process Parameters

Access the Expense Processes page (Travel and Expenses, Process Expenses, Expense Processing, Expense Processes).


Click to redisplay the Expense Processes page and update the number of expense reports, cash advances, payments, time reports, reconciliations, and payments that await processing. Save a new run control before clicking Refresh to update the transaction counts.

Transfer to Pay Cycle Process

Click to access the Pay Cycle Manager in PeopleSoft Payables.

Stage Payments

Select to move expense transaction data into staging tables for payables or payroll processing.

Publish to Payroll

Select to trigger an application message that publishes expense data to your payroll system for employee reimbursement.

Post Liabilities

Select to create rows in the EX_ACCTG_LINE table for the journal generator to send to PeopleSoft General Ledger to post liabilities. The Post Liabilities process generates accounting entries for expense reports, cash advances, and reconciled cash advances.

The system adds accounting entries for expenses and for cash advances that you reconciled on the Cash Advance Reconciliation page.

OR: The system adds accounting entries for expenses and reconciled cash advances.

Post Payments

Select to create rows in the EX_ACCTG_LINE table for the journal generator to send to PeopleSoft General Ledger to post payments.

Unpost Expense Report

Select to reverse accounting liability entries for expense reports that are marked for unposting. You can edit and resubmit unposted expense reports.

Cancel Payments

Select to reverse accounting entries for payments that you canceled in PeopleSoft Payables.

Note. If you selected the Do Not Reissue/Close Liability option on the Payment Cancellation - Cancel a Payment page, the Cancel Payments process in PeopleSoft Expenses performs the close liability step and reverses the amounts. If you use PeopleSoft Commitment Control, you must manually run budget checking on the Request Budget Check page and select Cancel Void Expense Reports as the transaction type.

If you selected the Re-Open Voucher(s)/Re-Issue option on the Payment Cancellation - Cancel a Payment page, the Cancel Payments process in Expenses will not perform the close liability step.

See Additional Processing Options.

Close Liability

Select to reverse liability entries for cash advances and expense reports that are marked for closure.

Stage Time to Project Costing (Stage Time and Expense to Project Costing)

Select to run the EX_PC_TM_STG process to move time report data to staging tables for processing by PeopleSoft Project Costing.

If PeopleSoft Project Costing is installed and you selected the Enable One Step Staging check box in the Installation Options - Expenses page, the EX_PC_TM_STG process automatically calls the PC_EX_TO_PC process. If you have not selected the Enable One Step Staging check box, you must manually run the PC_EX_TO_PC process after the EX_PC_TM_STG process completes.

Note. To use the one-step staging process, use the EX_TO_PC run control ID that PeopleSoft Expenses delivers. A corresponding run control ID also exists in the PeopleSoft Project Costing Cost Collection process. The one-step staging process runs properly only if matching run control IDs exist in both PeopleSoft Expenses and PeopleSoft Project Costing.

Publish Elapsed Time

Select to trigger an application message that publishes elapsed time reporting data to PeopleSoft Time and Labor for billing purposes.

Advance Reconciliation

Select to update expense tables to indicate that cash advances are reconciled against corresponding expense reports.

Airline Ticket Reconciliation

Select to update expense tables to indicate that airline tickets reconciled against expense reports.

Unstage Payments

Select to move expense transaction data out of staging tables that have not been selected by the payables or payroll systems.

Update Paid Statuses

Select to change the status of cash advances or expense reports to Paid. Run this process to mark transactions as Paid prior to posting payments without generating accounting lines.

Note. Posting payments also changes the status of cash advances or expense reports to Paid.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSelecting Business Units for Processes

Access the Selected Business Units page (Travel and Expenses, Process Expenses, Expense Processing, Selected Business Units).

Select All Business Units or a specific business unit to process, as defined on the Expense Processes page. Add or delete rows to create a list of business units for processing.