Processing Bank Statements in Financial Gateway

This chapter provides an overview of statement updates, lists prerequisites and common elements, and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Statement Updates

The loading of bank statement information is an integral part of the reconciliation, bank statement accounting, and cash position processes. The system processes previous-day statements that it uses for reconciliation and accounting, current-day statements for cash position worksheets, and account analysis statements for bank fee analysis. PeopleSoft enables you to enter bank statement information in one of three ways.

The first method to enter bank statement information is to import a bank statement. Using one of the many PeopleSoft-supported bank statement formats, the statement can be imported using:

The second method, used if you receive only hardcopy statements from a bank, requires you to manually enter the statement information online using the following entry pages:

The third method of entering bank statement data is to integrate with a bank or bank communications partner by using PeopleSoft Integration Broker.

See Also

Setting Up Common Components for Bank Statement, Payment, and Payment Acknowledgment Processing

PeopleTools PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Integration Broker

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicTechnical Overview of Bank Statement Data Transmittal

When you import bank statements, the data are transmitted to the PeopleSoft system, which automatically loads the data to the production tables.

To import data, you run the File Import Application Engine process (IMPORT_FILES) from the Import Bank Statements page; this automatically loads bank statements from a file. You specify information that the system needs to retrieve the files, such as file location, layout, and type, and run the process. The process obtains the file contents, converts the content to a PeopleSoft standard layout, and loads the data into staging tables. After the files are loaded into the staging tables, the Treasury Bank Statement Load Application Engine process (TR_BSP_LOAD) copies the information from the staging tables into the production tables. It also determines whether a statement is a duplicate statement. Information for duplicate statements appears on the PeopleTools Process Monitor Process List (PMN_PRCSLIST) and Message Log (PMN_BAT_MSGLOG) pages.

Note. The system considers previous day statements as duplicates if a statement already exists with the same bank ID, bank account, and as of date.

Click to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

Prior to importing bank statements, you must perform the following tasks, as required by the particular bank integration:

  1. Define bank statement codes.

  2. Define transaction codes.

  3. Define code mappings.

  4. Review delivered bank statement layouts.

  5. (Optional) Define event notification.

  6. Define bank node and encryption profile settings in PeopleSoft Integration Broker.

  7. Define bank integration layouts.

Click to jump to parent topicCommon Elements Used in This Chapter

Request Number

Displays the unique identification number for each request row. The system automatically numbers this field when you add multiple request rows to a run control ID. This number does not determine processing order.

Statement Type

Select from the following options:

  • Current Day

  • Previous Day

  • Statement Analysis

The system places the imported file contents into specific database tables for the statement type that you select. For example, if you select Current Day, the system retrieves current-day statement information and stores it on the current day tables.

If you select Statement Analysis, the system loads a list of fees that were charged. This provides the ability to compare the fees charged by the bank to what was defined in the system, as well as to compare them with the fees charged by other banks.

View Layout Details

Click to access the Layout Catalog page, and view detailed processing information about the selected layout.

Click to jump to parent topicImporting Bank Statements

This section discusses how to import bank statements.

See Also

Setting Up Electronic Banking Using Financial Gateway

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Import Bank Statements

Page Name

Definition Name



Import Bank Statements


Banking, Bank Statements, Import Bank Statements

Import bank statements (for example, BAI2 statements) into the Bank Statement staging tables. Define file import information and run the File Import Application Engine process (IMPORT_FILES). This process imports any file from any bank if the statement type complies with the accepted layouts

See Understanding the Layout Catalog.

Note. You also use this page to transmit bank statement data to JD Edwards General Ledger, if that integration is enabled.

See Integrating PeopleSoft Treasury with JD Edwards General Accounting.

Bank Node Details


Click View Bank Node Details on the Import Bank Statements page.

Review bank node property details.

Layout Catalog


Click View Layout Details on the Import Bank Statements page.

View details of the layout that you are importing.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicImporting Bank Statements

Access the Import Bank Statements page (Banking, Bank Statements, Import Bank Statement).


Request Number

Enter a number for this request. This is a required field.

Import Type

Select the method to import the bank statement data. Options are:

  • FTP: Select if you are importing the file by using file transfer protocol, and enter a bank node through which to transfer the data.

  • File: Select if you are importing a file, and complete the File Path and File Name fields.

  • HTTP: Select if you are importing a file using a URL that is included as part of the node configuration. No file path or file name is required.

Bank Node

Enter the bank node to use to transfer the data. This field appears only if FTP or HTTP is selected as the Import Type.

View Bank Node Details

Click to access the Bank Node Details page and review property details of the selected node. This link appears only if FTP or HTTP is selected as the Import Type.

File Path

Enter the complete file path location. To select files by using the Select File button, the file path must have a trailing backslash (\).

You can also search for files of a specific type by entering an asterisk and the extension suffix. For example, to search all files with a .BAI suffix enter:


File Selection Help

Click to view help information about specifying file paths and file names.

File Name

Select the specific file to import. If you want to import multiple files based on extension, leave this field blank.

Statement Type

Select one of these values for the type of statement that you want to import:

  • Previous Day

  • Current Day

  • Statement Analysis


Select the file layout of the bank statement file being imported.

View Layout Details

Click this link to access the details of the selected layout on the Layout Catalog page.

Advanced Options

Encryption Profile

Select an encryption profile to decrypt bank statements. Encryption profiles contain both encryption and decryption information.

Use Integration Broker

Select to lay out the files and publish the formatted document to PeopleSoft Integration Broker. Integration Broker then processes the formatted file accordingly.

You select this option if you want to use the bank statement information as a trigger to Integration Broker to perform other processes, or to integrate with other systems.

Note. You must select this option to integrate bank statement data with JD Edwards General Ledger.

See Integrating PeopleSoft Treasury with JD Edwards General Accounting.

See JD Edwards Application Integrations with PeopleSoft Applications

Post Process File Action

Select what action, if any, to perform on the bank statement files after the data has been processed. The options are:

  • Copy: Copy the file to the directory that is entered in the Post Process File Directory field.

  • Delete: Delete the file after the data in it is processed.

  • Move: Move the file to the directory that is entered in the Post Process File Directory field.

  • None: Take no action.

Post Process File Directory

Enter a file path to the directory to which the file will be moved or copied if either option is selected as the post process file action.

Layout Properties

Allowed Values

Click to access the Allowed Values page and select the values that you want to use for this layout. You select list values or code map values on the Layout Properties section of the Layout Catalog.


Property codes and values appear by default from values that are defined on the selected layout ID.

If you configure unique code mappings for a layout (on the Code Mappings page), you need to modify the displayed CODE_MAP_GROUP value with the appropriate unique map value.

See Defining Code Mappings for Bank Statements, Payments, and Payment Acknowledgments.

Note. If you are importing multiple files for a single run control ID, you must add requests (by using the Add button) for each file that is being requested. Do not enter a file name, run the import process, then edit the file name and run the import process again. Doing this can result in duplicate-statement-loading errors.

See Also

PeopleTools PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Integration Broker, "Configuring Nodes and Transactions"

Click to jump to parent topicReviewing Bank Statement Files

This section discusses how to review bank statement files.

The Review Bank Statement Files page enables you to review the imported bank statement files. You can see whether the system successfully loads a file. And if a file does is not load successfully, use the View Bank Statement File Log page to determine exactly where the system encounters a file loading error.

Important! Any user with access to these pages can view the file details. Restrict user access by using PeopleTools Security functionality.

See PeopleTools PeopleBook: Security Administration.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Review Bank Statement Files

Page Name

Definition Name



Review Bank Statement Files


Banking, Bank Statements, Review Bank Statement Files

Review summary and detail information about the import status of bank files.

View Bank Statement File Log


Click View Event Log on the Review Bank Statement Files page.

View summary information of system events that were logged for a specific bank statement file.

View Bank Statement File


Click View File on the Review Bank Statement Files page.

View the bank statement file that is transmitted from the bank.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Bank Statement Files

Access the Review Bank Statement Files page (Banking, Bank Statements, Review Bank Statement Files).

Enter the search parameters and click Search.

File Status

Options are:

  • Error: Appears if the file is not successfully loaded. A red square also appears next to the file name. You must correct the error and then reimport the file.

  • Formatting: Appears if the system is still transforming the file to a PeopleSoft-readable layout.

  • Reading: Appears if the system is still reading the file data before loading the data to the staging tables.

  • Staged: Appears if the system has loaded the transformed data to the staging tables. A green circle also appears next to the file name.

  • Warning: Appears if the file is loaded with errors. A yellow, inverted triangle also appears next to the file name.

View Files

Click to review bank-statement file transmittal information.

View File Detail

Click to review event log information for a bank statement file.