PeopleSoft Grants Preface

This preface lists common elements and discusses:

Note. This PeopleBook documents only page elements that require additional explanation. If a page element is not documented with the process or task in which it is used, then it either requires no additional explanation or is documented with the common elements for the section, chapter, or PeopleBook.

Click to jump to parent topicPeopleSoft Applications

This PeopleBook refers to the following PeopleSoft applications:

Click to jump to parent topicPeopleSoft Application Fundamentals

The PeopleSoft Grants PeopleBook provides implementation and processing information for the PeopleSoft Grants system. However, additional, essential information describing the setup and design of the system resides in companion documentation. The companion documentation consists of important topics that apply to many or all PeopleSoft applications across Oracle's PeopleSoft Financial Management Solutions (FMS), Oracle's PeopleSoft Enterprise Service Automation (ESA), and Oracle's PeopleSoft Supply Chain Management (SCM) product lines. You should be familiar with the contents of these PeopleBooks.

The following companion PeopleBooks also apply to PeopleSoft Grants:

Click to jump to parent topicPages with Deferred Processing

Several pages in PeopleSoft Grants operate in deferred processing mode. Most fields on these pages are not updated or validated until you save the page or refresh it by clicking a button, link, or tab. This delayed processing has various implications for the field values on the page. For example, if a field contains a default value, any value that you enter before the system updates the page overrides the default. Another implication is that the system updates quantity balances or totals only when you save or otherwise refresh the page.

See Also

PeopleTools PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Application Designer Developers Guide, "Guidelines for Designing Pages"

Click to jump to parent topicPeopleBooks and the PeopleSoft Online Library

A companion PeopleBook called PeopleBooks and the PeopleSoft Online Library contains general information, including:

You can find PeopleBooks and the PeopleSoft Online Library in the online PeopleBooks Library for your PeopleTools release.

Click to jump to parent topicCommon Elements Used in This PeopleBook


ChartField that identifies the nature of a transaction for corporate accounts.


The unit of work in PeopleSoft Project Costing that provides a further breakdown of projects, usually into specific tasks. Resources are assigned directly to activities within a project, not directly to projects.

Adverse Effect (Event)

An undesirable and unintended, although not necessarily unexpected, result of therapy or other intervention; for example, headache following spinal tap or intestinal bleeding that is associated with aspirin therapy.


ChartField that is used to map transactions between business units when you are using a single interunit account.

Alt Acct (alternate account)

ChartField that identifies the nature of a transaction for statutory accounts. This field appears only if you enable the alternate account option for the organization and for the general ledger business unit.

Analysis Type

A three-character, user-definable identifier that enables you to label the different types of costs in PeopleSoft Project Costing. For example, you might want to track budgeted costs (BUD), committed costs (COM), and actual costs (ACT).


Any live, vertebrate animal that is used or intended for use in research, research training, experimentation, or biological testing or for related purposes.

Animal Facility

Any and all buildings, rooms, areas, enclosures, or vehicles, including satellite facilities, that are used for animal confinement, transport, maintenance, breeding, or experiments inclusive of surgical manipulation. A satellite facility is any containment outside of a core facility or centrally designated or managed area in which animals are housed for more than 24 hours.


A formal written, binding commitment that is submitted to a federal agency in which an institution promises to comply with applicable regulations governing research with human subjects and that stipulates the procedures through which compliance will be achieved.


Executed agreement between an institution and a sponsor. The system stores pertinent award information within records in PeopleSoft Contracts, PeopleSoft Project Costing, and PeopleSoft Grants.

Budget Ref (budget reference)

ChartField that identifies unique control budgets when individual budgets share budget keys and overlapping budget periods.

CFDA Number (catalog of federal domestic assistance number)

The federal sponsor funding classification of the opportunity. It is typically identified in program announcements and award notices. It is applicable only to federal awards and federal flow-through, and is required by OMB Circular A-133 on the Schedule of Expenditures of Federal awards.

Chartfield 1 to Chartfield 3

ChartFields that you configure to meet the organization's requirements.


Persons who have not attained the legal age for consent to treatment or procedures involved in the research, as determined under the applicable law of the jurisdiction in which the research will be conducted.


ChartField that identifies a particular appropriation when you combine it with a fund, department ID, program code, and budget reference.

Classification B

Animals being bred, conditioned, or held for use in teaching, testing, experiments, research, or surgery, but not yet used for such purposes.

Classification C

Animals upon which teaching, research, experiments, or tests will be conducted involving no pain, distress, or use of pain-relieving drugs.

Classification D

Animals upon which experiments, teaching, research, surgery, or tests will be conducted involving accompanying pain or distress to the animals and for which appropriate anesthetic, analgesic, or tranquilizing drugs will be used.

Classification E

Animals upon which teaching, experiments, research, surgery, or tests will be conducted involving accompanying pain or distress to the animals and for which the use of appropriate anesthetic, analgesic, or tranquilizing drugs will adversely affect the procedures, results, or interpretation of the teaching, research, experiments, surgery, or tests.


Payment or medical care that is provided to subjects that are injured in research; does not refer to payment (remuneration) for participation in research.

Co-PI (co-principal investigator)

Individual who is responsible for conducting portions of the sponsored project. This responsibility may include the intellectual conduct of the project, fiscal responsibility, administrative oversight, and the project's adherence to relevant policies and regulations.

CS (cost sharing)

Cost Sharing.


Code that identifies the type of currency for an amount, such as USD (United States Dollar) or EUR (Euro).

Dept (department)

ChartField that indicates who is responsible for or affected by the transaction.

Effective Date

Date on which a table row becomes effective; the date that an action begins. For example, if you want to close out a ledger on June 30, the effective date for the ledger closing would be July 1. This date also determines when you can view and change the information. Pages and batch processes that use the information use the current row.

Expedited Review

Review of proposed research by the IRB chair or a designated voting member or group of voting members rather than by the entire IRB. Federal rules permit expedited review for certain kinds of research involving no more than minimal risk and for minor changes in approved research.

F and A, FA, and F&A (facilities and administration)

Facilities and Administration (Overhead) costs that are associated with the grant. The system captures the sponsor amounts (SFA) and waived amounts (WFA) as well as Cost Shared amount (CFA) of the grant or amounts that are shared between the sponsor and the institution receiving the grant.


Food and Drug Administration: An agency of the federal government that was established by Congress in 1912 and is presently part of the Department of Health and Human Services.

Full Board Review

Review of proposed research at a convened meeting at which a majority of the membership of the committee are present. For the research to be approved, it must receive the approval of a majority of those members present at the meeting.


ChartField that represents structural units for education and government accounting. It can also represent a divisional breakdown in the organization.

Fund Affiliate

ChartField that is used to correlate transactions between funds when you use a single intraunit account.

Human Subject

Individuals whose physiologic or behavioral characteristics and responses are the object of study in a research project. Under the federal regulations, human subjects are defined as living individuals about whom an investigator conducting research obtains (1) data through intervention or interaction with the individual; or (2) identifiable private information.


Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee. Each institution that receives PHS (public health service) support for activities involving vertebrate animals or is subject to the authority of the Animal Welfare Act (AWA) must operate an animal care and use program with clear lines of authority and responsibility. The program must include:

  • A properly constituted and functioning Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC).

  • Procedures for self monitoring.

  • An adequate veterinary care program.

  • An occupational health and safety program (not required under the AWA).

  • A personnel training program.

  • An environment, housing, and management program for animals.

  • Appropriately maintained facilities for housing and support.

PHS requires an institutional Animal Welfare Assurance that provides details on the institutional program in order to award funds; USDA requires registration of facilities.

Informed Consent

A person's voluntary agreement, based upon adequate knowledge and understanding of relevant information, to participate in research or to undergo a diagnostic, therapeutic, or preventive procedure. In giving informed consent, subjects may not waive or appear to waive any of their legal rights, or release or appear to release the investigator, the sponsor, the institution or agents thereof from liability for negligence.


The overall organization of a university. An institution may use multiple business units within PeopleSoft Financials.

Institutional Officer

An officer of an institution with the authority to speak for and legally commit the institution to adherence to the requirements of the federal regulations regarding the involvement of human subjects in biomedical and behavioral research.

Investigational Device Exemptions (IDE)

Exemptions from certain regulations found in the Medical Device Amendments that allow shipment of unapproved devices for use in clinical investigations.

Investigational New Drug or Device (IND)

A drug or device that is permitted by FDA to be tested in humans but not yet determined to be safe and effective for a particular use in the general population and not yet licensed for marketing.


Institutional Review Board. Under FDA regulations, an IRB is an appropriately constituted group that has been formally designated to review and monitor biomedical research involving human subjects. In accordance with FDA regulations, an IRB has the authority to approve, require modifications in (to secure approval), or disapprove research. This group review serves an important role in the protection of the rights and welfare of human research subjects. The purpose of IRB review is to ensure, both in advance and by periodic review, that appropriate steps are taken to protect the rights and welfare of humans participating as subjects in the research. To accomplish this purpose, IRBs use a group process to review research protocols and related materials (for example, informed consent documents and investigator brochures) to ensure protection of the rights and welfare of human subjects of research.

Letter of Credit

Cash management method by which most federal agencies do project and grant accounting and financial transfers.

Milestone Type

A label that is used to track events. You can define many types of milestones . For example, you might have billing milestones, reporting milestones, and construction milestones.

Oper Unit (operating unit)

ChartField that is used to identify a location, such as a distribution warehouse or sales center.

Operating Unit Affiliate

ChartField that is used to correlate transactions between operating units when you use a single intraunit account.

Perform Action

The type of action that will be performed by the role of the user. The value is applied to workflow type Worklist/Email only.

PI (principal investigator)

An individual who is ultimately responsible for the conduct of a sponsored project. This responsibility includes the intellectual conduct of the project, fiscal accountability, administrative organization, and the project's adherence to relevant policies and regulations. The PI is usually the same person as the project manager.

Primary Sponsor

In PeopleSoft Grants, this refers to the federal government in relation to federal flow-through.

Process Frequency

Designates the appropriate frequency in the Process Frequency group box. Values are:

Once: Processes the request the next time the batch process runs.

After the batch process runs, the process frequency is automatically set to Don't Run.

Always: Processes the request every time the batch process runs.

Don't Run: Ignores the request when the batch process runs.

Process Monitor

This is a PeopleSoft tool that you can use to review the status of scheduled or running processes. You can view all processes to see the status of any job in the queue and control processes that you initiated.

See PeopleTools PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Process Scheduler


ChartField that captures additional information that is useful for profitability and cash flow analysis by product sold or manufactured.


An employee within PeopleSoft Human Resources Management. In PeopleSoft Grants, you can enter the names of professionals into the system even if they are not yet official employees.


ChartField that identifies groups of related activities, cost centers, revenue centers, responsibility centers, and academic programs. Tracks revenue and expenditures for programs.


The highest level of hierarchical organization within PeopleSoft Project Costing. Projects provide the structure to which activities and resources are added. Each node on a projects tree represents a project. Projects can contain activities and resources. This provides a hierarchical relationship between projects and facilitates cost roll-ups.

A project in PeopleSoft Grants is a subset of a proposal; proposals may contain or entail multiple projects.


A request to a sponsor for support for any valid institution-approved activity. The proposal refers to the whole package that you send to a sponsoring agency and may contain multiple projects.

Proposal ID

A unique number that is created by PeopleSoft Grants or entered by a user to track the proposal throughout the proposal development and submission process. You can also use NEXT numbering for the proposal ID, which is obtained from the PeopleSoft Contracts numbering schema. Using NEXT as your numbering system provides consistent numbering for both your proposals and contracts.


The formal design or plan of an experiment or research activity; specifically, the plan that is submitted to a committee for review and to an agency for research support. The protocol includes a description of the research design or methodology to be employed, the eligibility requirements for prospective subjects and controls, the treatment regimens, and the proposed methods of analysis that will be performed on the collected data.


A majority of the members of a committee/board (for example, IRB and IACUC). A quorum is needed to approve a Full Review protocol.

Radioactive Drug Research Committee (RDRC)

An institutional committee that is responsible for the use of radioactive drugs in human subjects for research purposes. Research involving human subjects that proposes to use radioactive drugs must meet various FDA requirements, including limitations on the pharmacological dose and the radiation dose. Furthermore, the exposure to radiation must be justified by the quality of the study and the importance of the information that it seeks to obtain. The committee is also responsible for continuing review of the drug use to ensure that the research continues to comply with FDA requirements, including reporting obligations. The committee must include experts in nuclear medicine and the use of radioactive drugs, as well as other medical and scientific members.

Report ID

The report identifier.

Report Manager

This link takes you to the Report List page, where you can view report content, check the status of a report, and see content detail messages (which display a description of the report and the distribution list).

See PeopleTools PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Process Scheduler

Resource Categories and Resource Subcategories

Enables you to identify resources at a very detailed level.

Resource Transaction

An individual cost line within PeopleSoft Project Costing. It is through resource transactions that individual costs and types of costs are tracked. Each resource transaction contains a cost and a quantity and as many identifiers of that cost as necessary.

Resource transactions are created when you receive information from other systems, run allocations with project resources as the target, or perform internal transactions such as billing, project closure, or adjustments.

Resource Type

The resource transaction field in PeopleSoft Project Costing that identifies the resource that is associated with a given cost. Resource types may be very general or very specific depending on the needs of an organization; they are used in conjunction with resource categories, resource subcategories, and resource groups.


The list of available roles. These are user-defined. The list of roles in each transaction type may be different.

Routing Rules

Indicate who will be involved and what kind of action that person can perform.


Click this button to go to the Process Scheduler request page, where you can specify the location where a process or job runs and the process output format.

See PeopleTools PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Process Scheduler

Run Control ID

Code that identifies the run parameters for a report or process.


Code that represents a set of control table information or tablesets. A tableset is a group of tables (records) that are necessary to define a company's structure and processing options.

Short Description

Enter up to 15 characters of freeflow text.


An external entity or source that funds research and other projects.

Statistics Code

ChartField that identifies non-monetary statistical amounts.


Indicates whether a row in a table is active or inactive. You cannot display inactive rows on transaction pages or use them for running batch processes. Inactivate rather than delete data that you no longer use in order to maintain an audit trail.


Companies or institutions that receive funds under a primary award on any permissible basis other than the purchase of goods and services. Subrecipients are treated similarly to vendors in the PeopleSoft environment.

Workflow Type

The type of workflow function that is provided by the workflow transaction.