Managing Invoices for Buyers

This chapter provides an overview of buyer invoice management and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Buyer Invoice Management

Invoice review pages enable you to easily and intuitively monitor payables information. Buyers can drill quickly from aggregate information to detailed information, track and participate in dispute resolution, and pay invoices.

Buyers can also analyze scalable information on receivables recorded in the system. This analysis might include supplier balance, aging balance, invoice inquiry, and payment inquiry. Buyers can quickly analyze the invoice portfolio and take appropriate action, such as initiating or resolving disputes, overriding match exceptions, or forecasting cash outflows.

Click to jump to parent topicAssessing Invoice Activity

When buyers log in, they can access a page containing summary worklist with a count of invoices requiring action, the total amount due, and a chart presenting the information.

This section discusses how to assess invoice activity.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Assess Invoice Activity

Page Name

Definition Name



Buyer Dashboard


eSettlements, Buyer Dashboard, Buyer Dashboard

Assess invoice activity by viewing a high-level summary of the activity pending approval or review, and evaluate outstanding actions to be taken.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAssessing Invoice Activity

Access the Buyer Dashboard page (eSettlements, Buyer Dashboard, Buyer Dashboard).

Display Currency

Displays the currency governing the values displayed. The default is the user's preferred currency, as specified in the user profile. Select a new code and click Convert to view the amounts in a different currency.

Chart Type

Select 2D Stacked Bar, 2D Vertical Bar, 3D Stacked Bar, or 3D Vertical Bar.

Draw Chart

Click to recreate the chart after you change the value in the Chart Type field.

Invoices to Approve

Click this link to view the list of invoices that are awaiting approval. Only those invoices assigned to the particular user are accessible. The corresponding value in the Count column is the number of invoices that are awaiting approval and their sum value.

Note. When you click the Invoices to Approve link, the Review Invoices - Invoice Inquiry page opens, where the system displays regular invoices. To approve prepayment type invoices as well, select the Advanced Search collapsible section and then select Prepayment in the Invoice Type group box before clicking Search.

The invoice count on the Review Invoices - Invoice Inquiry page and the count on the Buyer Dashboard page may differ because the prepayment type invoices are not part of the total invoice count on the Review Invoices - Invoice Inquiry page.

Invoices in Dispute

Click this link to access the Review Invoices - Invoice Inquiry page to view the list of invoices in dispute. The corresponding value in the Count column is the number of invoices in dispute and their sum value.

Review Exceptions

Click this link to access the Review Match Exceptions - Inquiry page to view the list of invoices with match exceptions. The corresponding value in the Count column is the number of invoices containing match exception errors and their sum value.

Payments to Approve

Click this link to access the Approve Payments - Pay Cycle Summary page to view pay cycles awaiting approval. Only those users set up for pay cycle security can access payment approval. The corresponding value in the Count column is the number of payments (pay cycles) awaiting approval and their sum value.

Invoices to Verify

Click this link to access the Self-Service Invoice - Review Invoice page to view the list of invoices that are awaiting verification. Only invoices for which the user has been assigned business unit security will display. The corresponding value in the Count column is the number of invoices that are awaiting verification and their sum value.

Discount Proposals

All proposals are included in this amount. Click this link to access the Proposal Inquiry page.

Discount Offers

All offers are included in this amount. Click this link to access the Offer Inquiry page.

You can also click any of the five bars in the Invoice Status graph to view the respective information.

See Also

Understanding Invoice Approval

Understanding Matching

Understanding Invoice Disputes

Processing Invoice Approvals

Approving Payments

Click to jump to parent topicReviewing Payables Aging Balances

The payables aging balance feature computes in real time the open invoices, credit notes, and prepayments based on the invoice due date. This page automatically displays the aging for all buyers to which the user has access. Buyers can review aggregate payables or drill down to view, for example, a buyer's aging balance. The system displays amounts in various date range categories to enable in-depth analysis of outstanding balances.

Note. The delivered aging categories are fixed to quickly provide consistent, clear aging information.

This section discusses how to review payables aging balances.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Review Payables Aging Balances

Page Name

Definition Name



Payables Aging Balance - Inquiry


eSettlements, Invoices, Payables Aging Balance, Payables Aging Balance - Inquiry

Review the payables aging balance.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Payables Aging Balances

Access the Payables Aging Balance - Inquiry page (eSettlements, Invoices, Payables Aging Balance, Payables Aging Balance - Inquiry).

Search Criteria

Buyer and Supplier

Select the buyer and supplier codes. You can populate these fields with partial search information. For example, suppose that the following buyers (business units) exist: BUY01, BUY02, and BUY03. You can search for BUY to view the aging balance for all of the business units that begin with those letters.

Display Currency

Displays the default currency type. The amounts initially appear in the user's preferred currency, which is specified in the user's profile. If you select a new currency, click Convert to display the amounts in that type.

Rate Type

Displays the type of exchange rate used to convert currencies. This is tied to the buyer user's profile and can be changed by the buyer administrator.

As Of Date

Displays the date used to sort the open invoices into aging categories. The system compares the net due date on the invoice against this date.

Chart Style

Specify the chart style. If you select a new style, click Draw Chart to view the chart in that style.

Past Due and Current

Click any amount to view the related payment installments. Open invoices appear in past due and current categories.


Displays the converted amounts of approved invoices by aging date. Attributes of approved invoices are:

  • Approval status A (approved).

  • Positive regular invoices.

  • Not paid.

  • No payment hold enabled.

  • Valid (passed Voucher Build Application Engine process (AP_VCHRBLD) and is in postable status).

  • Not canceled or closed.

Invoices-Not Approved

Displays the converted amounts of unapproved invoices by aging date. Attributes of unapproved invoices are:

  • Approval status P (pending).

  • Positive regular invoices.

  • Not paid.

  • No payment hold enabled.

  • Valid (passed Voucher Build process and is in postable status).

  • Not canceled or closed.

Credit Note

Displays the converted amounts of credit notes by aging date. Attributes of credit notes are:

  • Negative amount regular invoices.

  • Not paid (applied to another invoice in pay cycle).

  • No payment hold enabled.

  • Valid (passed Voucher Build and is in postable status).

  • Not canceled or closed.

Disputed Invoices

Displays the converted amounts of disputed invoices by aging date. Attributes of disputed invoices are:

  • Regular invoice.

  • Not paid.

  • No payment hold enabled.

  • Valid (passed Voucher Build process and is in postable status).

  • Not canceled or closed.

Prepaid Not Applied

Displays the converted amounts of prepayments that have been paid but not yet applied to the final invoice, by aging date. Prepayments are applied when the Voucher Posting Application Engine process (AP_PSTVCHR) is run. Attributes of unapplied prepayments are:

  • Prepayment style invoices.

  • Valid (is in postable status).

  • Paid.

  • Posted.

  • Not applied against invoices.

  • Not canceled or closed.

Note. Prepayment vouchers are applied to invoices when vouchers are posted in PeopleSoft Payables.


Displays the buyer's total outstanding payables, net of credit notes, and prepayments. Click a link in this column to view installment details.

See Also

Processing Multiple Currencies

Click to jump to parent topicReviewing Invoices

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Review Invoices

Page Name

Definition Name



Review Invoices - Invoice Inquiry


  • eSettlements, Buyer Dashboard

    Click the Invoices to Approve link on the Buyer Dashboard.

  • eSettlements, Invoices, Review Invoices, Review Invoices - Invoice Inquiry

Review invoice activity and invoice portfolios.

Review Invoices - Invoice Cycle









Click an Invoice Cycle button on the Review Invoices - Invoice Inquiry page.

View the invoice life cycle.

Note. The page object name and appearance vary according to the current, active step in the invoice cycle. The top half of the page remains constant, and the bottom half displays information for the selected invoice cycle step.

Review Invoices - Payment Inquiry


Select Paid in the Payment Status field and Invoices in the View field and click Search on the Review Invoices - Invoice Inquiry page.

Click a link in the Invoice column on the Review Invoices - Invoice Inquiry page.

Click the Payment Details link on the Review Invoices - Invoice Cycle page.

Review details of payments made, canceled, or still outstanding.

Electronic Invoice


Click an HTML Invoice button on the Review Invoices - Invoice Cycle page.

View an electronic image of the invoice sent by the supplier.

Review Invoices - Invoice Details


Click a link in the Invoice column on the Review Invoices - Invoice Inquiry page.

Click the Invoice Creation button within the life cycle on the Review Invoices - Invoice Cycle page.

Click the Invoice Details link on the Review Invoices - Invoice Cycle page.

Review invoice details and related purchase order and receipt documentation.

Review Invoices - Dunning Mail


Click a link in the Over column on the Review Invoices - Invoice Inquiry page.

View dunning notification history details.

Note. Because cash collections are valid only in the Business Service Provider model, notification history is available only in that model; it is not available in the Buyer Direct model.

Review Invoices - Payment Reference


Click a link in the Paid column on the Review Invoices - Invoice Inquiry page.

Review paid invoice information.

Review Invoices - Review Invoice Disputes


Click a Dispute button on the Review Invoices - Invoice Inquiry page.

Review and resolve holds on invoice payments.

Review Payment Installments - Inquiry


  • Click a Scheduled Payments button on the Review Invoices - Invoice Inquiry page.

  • Click a link in the Terms column on the Review Invoices - Invoice Inquiry page.

  • eSettlements, Payments, Review Payment Installments, Review Payment Installments - Inquiry

  • eSettlements, Invoices, Payables Aging Balance, Payables Aging Balance - Inquiry

    Click any amount on the Payables Aging Balance - Inquiry page.

Review scheduled payment installments.

Matched Vouchers


Click a Matched button in the Match column on the Review Invoices - Invoice Inquiry page.

View match information for associated vouchers, purchase orders, and receipts.

Match Exception Workbench Details


Click an Exceptions Exist button in the Match column on the Review Invoices - Invoice Inquiry page.

View match information for associated vouchers, purchase orders, and receipts. You can override exceptions, correct errors, put vouchers on a match hold, initiate the Matching Application Engine process (AP_MATCH), and undo matched vouchers.

Match Overridden Workbench Details


Click an Overridden button in the Match column on the Review Invoices - Invoice Inquiry page.

View match override information for associated vouchers, purchase orders, and receipts. You can indicate an override reason and initiate the Matching Application Engine process (AP_MATCH).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Invoice Activity

Access the Review Invoices - Invoice Inquiry page (eSettlements, Invoices, Review Invoices, Review Invoices - Invoice Inquiry).

Click the Approve button to preview a summary of the invoices that you plan to approve. Although this button is not shown in the example screen shot, it appears at the bottom of the page.


Invoice, Buyer andSupplier

Enter values to narrow your search. These fields are optional.

Invoice Status

Select a status:

Approved: Select to view approved invoices, regardless of the identity of the user accessing the page.

Dispute Schedule: Select to view invoices currently in dispute.

My Pending: Select to determine which invoices require your approval. This is especially useful if you belong to an invoice approval path but you can also view all invoices for a particular buyer. If you access this page from the Buyer Dashboard page, the system automatically sets this status.

No Disputes: Select to view invoices that are not in dispute.

Pending Approval: Select to determine the invoices that you still need to approve. Note that an invoice may require several levels of approval, and therefore it may still have a Pending Approval status after you approve it.

Payment Status

Select Externally Paid, Paid, or Unpaid.

Note. The Externally Paid value is used only in the Business Service Provider model.


Select one of the following options:

Invoices: The search results display summary invoice information using the Review Invoices - Invoice Inquiry page.

Lines: The search results display detail invoice information using the Review Invoice Lines - Invoice Lines and Distributions page.

Payments: The search results display payment information using the Review Payment Installments - Inquiry page.

See Legend

Click this link to view descriptions of the buttons that can appear on this page.

Advanced Search

Expand this collapsible section and complete the fields, such as Date Type and Amount Reference, to refine your search.

You can also specify the invoice type as regular or prepayment.

Note. To search by supplier location, you must first enter a supplier in the basic search area.

Invoice Summary

The system displays summary invoice information when you select Invoices as the view. If you select Lines as the view, the system displays detail information using the Review Invoice Lines - Invoice Lines and Distributions page. If you select Payments as the view, the system displays payment information using the Review Payment Installments - Inquiry page.

See Reviewing Invoice Lines.

See Reviewing Scheduled Payment Installments.


Click any link in this column to display detailed invoice life cycle information.

Gross Amount

Click a link in this column to review the invoice at the invoice lines level. Select Invoices in the View drop-down list box to return to the main invoices page.


Displays the number of days that the invoice is past due. Click a link in this column to view the last time dunning information was sent for the invoice.

Note. These values do not appear as links in the Buyer Direct model because dunning notifications are not sent in the Buyer Direct model.


Click a link in this column to view the supplier's registration information.

Click to view the invoice life cycle.

Appr (approval)

Displays approval status. Click the See Legend link near the top of the page to view descriptions for the buttons in this and other columns.


Click a match status button in this column to view match exception details.

Note. Of all the buttons that can appear in this column (as described in the legend), only those for matched, exceptions exist, and overridden are enabled. For invoices that don't have to be matched or have yet to be matched, the buttons are not active.

Click a Dispute button to review dispute information.


Click a link in this column to place an invoice on hold and enter comments.

Note. Users can access these links only if the Manually Schedule Payments check box is selected for them on the Procurement - Payables Online Vouchering page.

Click an HTML Invoice button to view an HTML version of the invoice.


Click a link in this column, such as Description, Net 30, or Due Now to view payment installment information.

Due Date

Displays the date the invoice is due.


Click a link in this column to create an urgent payment to pay the invoice immediately.

Note. The Pay links are available only to users who have been granted permission to create urgent payments. The links only appear when the Invoice Status selection is Approved or is left blank.


Click a link in this column to schedule installments for this invoice.

Note. The links are available only to users for whom the Manually Schedule Payments check box is selected on the Procurement - Payables Online Vouchering page.

Click a Scheduled Payments button to view scheduled payments for the respective invoice.


Displays any discount applicable to the invoice according to the payment terms.

Supplier Code

Click a link in this column to view the respective supplier's registration information.

Supplier Location

Displays the supplier location designated for invoice processing.

Click a Comments button to enter comments and additional information about an invoice. This column is not visible in the example screen shot.

Note. These comments can only be viewed internally within the buyer's organization; they cannot be viewed by the supplier.

Click the Select All link to select all the Invoice check boxes in the Sel (select) column. Alternatively, select individual check boxes for invoices to approve, and then click the Approve button to preview a summary of the invoices that you plan to approve.

Note. Before clicking the Approve button, buyer users should select an invoice status of My Pending, and then click Search. Then users can review the results and click the Select All link if appropriate.

Click the Clear All link to deselect all selected check boxes.

Important! When you click the Select All link, you select all invoices for approval—even those that appear on subsequent pages. Ensure that you first view all the invoices subject to action. To do so, click the appropriate links in the Invoice Summary group box header before clicking the Select All link.

See Also

Viewing the Invoice Life Cycle

Processing Invoice Approvals

Creating Suppliers

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing the Invoice Life Cycle

Access the Review Invoices - Invoice Cycle page (click an Invoice Cycle button on the Review Invoices - Invoice Inquiry page).

Note. Access to each button's destination page depends on the role types and security associated with the user.

As an invoice passes through each phase of its life cycle, the corresponding button on this page is enabled. When you click a button, a summary of the corresponding phase appears on the lower half of the page. The current step has a square border and prior steps are enabled; however, future steps are disabled until the invoice reaches those stages of the life cycle.

The lower portion of this page displays the specific details of an invoice's position in the life cycle as discusses in the following button descriptions. In the example screen shot here, the invoice has been paid.

There can also be an invoice line approval stage and corresponding button.

Click this button to view the invoice creation summary and invoice details. Then click the Invoice Details link to view additional invoice information and review line, purchase order, receipt, payment, payment release, and payment schedule information associated with the invoice.

Click this button to view match summary information. When matching is required and the user has been granted permission to override match exceptions, then additional links are available to review match exceptions. All users have permission to view the match override history.

Click this button to view invoice approval status. If the user has been granted authority, a link to the Approval Details page to view, place on hold, or approve the invoice appears. If multiple users are assigned to the same role, Several appears in the Approver row. When the user is an eligible approver, the approver can begin to approve the invoice by clicking the Approve link. After the transaction is approved, the individual approver name appears along with the date and time that the approval occurred. The Preapproved indicator appears beneath this button when the invoice amount falls within the buyer-specified preapproval limit.

Note. Because multiple approvers can exist in a role when an invoice is pending, the email address appears only after approval of each step. The address indicates which person approved the invoice. If only one approver exists in the role, the system displays the email address when the invoice is pending.

Click this button to view invoice line approval status, including the approval status of each line requiring approval, the responsible approver names, the status of each line, and the date and time that the approval of the line occurred. This button appears only if the buyer has activated the Invoice Line Approval feature and the invoice is routed to an operational line approver.

Note. This button is identical to the Invoice Approval button, and it appears next to that button when the invoice is associated with line-level approval.

Click this button to view the invoice dispute summary, where you can then click the Review Disputes link to either place the invoice in dispute or resolve an existing dispute.

Note. This link is available only to users who have permission to manually schedule payments.

Click this button to view payment selection and approval summary. The payment schedule and status of each schedule is summarized here. If payments are awaiting approval, an Approve Payments link is displayed. It can be used to approve outstanding payments if the user has been granted pay cycle security and has been assigned the pay cycle awaiting approval.

Click this button to view a summary of payments made and associated details. The example button has a border because it is the active step of the invoice. Review details of payments made, canceled, or still outstanding by clicking the Payment Details link at the bottom of the page. From that point, you can create urgent payments for outstanding payment installments.

Note. If payments are made outside PeopleSoft eSettlements (and therefore have a status of External), the amounts appearing in the Paid Amount column are 0 because the system was not responsible for generating the external payment.

See Also

PeopleTools PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Application Designer

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Payments

Access the Review Invoices - Payment Inquiry page (click the Payment Details link on the Review Invoices - Invoice Cycle page).

Review details of payments created and scheduled.

Review details of payments canceled and outstanding.


Click a link in this column to access the Express Payment page to create an urgent payment.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Electronic Invoices

Access the Electronic Invoice page (click an HTML Invoice button on the Review Invoices - Invoice Cycle page).

The system builds online invoices directly from the voucher tables and displays all relevant invoice details. Even in a paperless invoice system, a well-formatted, printable invoice can be useful. This page provides such an invoice.

Settlement Information

Account Number

Displays the account number format which is the concatenation of the following fields: BNK_ID_NBR, BRANCH_ID, BANK_ACCOUNT_NUM, and CHECK_DIGIT.

Note. If you experience any problems printing an electronic invoice, change the print margin settings to 0.50 inches (1.27 centimeters).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Invoice Details

Access the Review Invoices - Invoice Details page (click the Invoice Details link on the Review Invoices - Invoice Cycle page).

Net Amount

Displays the gross amount minus taxes, freight, and any miscellaneous charges.

Invoiced Tax

Displays the value-added tax (VAT) or sales tax from the invoice header.

Gross Amount

Displays the invoice gross amount including all taxes, freight, and miscellaneous charges.

Misc Charge Amount (miscellaneous charge amount)

Displays any applicable miscellaneous charges.

Invoice Line Details

UOM (unit of measure)

Displays the unit of measure for this line item.

PO (purchase order)

Click a link in this column to view purchase order information if a purchase order is associated with the invoice line.

Payment Schedule


Displays the date that the invoice is to be paid.


Displays the status of the payment: Unselected, Selected, Paid, Cancelled, or Hold.

On Hold

Displays Y (yes) or N (no), indicating whether or not the invoice is in dispute.

Wthd Hold (withholding hold)

Displays Y (yes) or N (no) indicating whether or not a withholding hold exists for the invoice. Currently, no processing logic is associated with this field

See Also

Entering Invoice Information for Online Vouchers

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Cash Collections History

Access the Review Invoices - Dunning Mail page (click a link in the Over column on the Review Invoices - Invoice Inquiry page).

Note. Cash collections are only available in the Business Service Provider model.

Last Notification Date / Time

Displays the date and time that the late payment notification email massage was sent.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Paid Invoice Information

Access the Review Invoices - Payment Reference page (click a link in the Paid column on the Review Invoices - Invoice Inquiry page).

This page displays the invoice schedules associated with a given payment.

Payment Advice

Advice Seq (advice sequence)

Displays a unique identity for the payment advice created for an invoice.


Displays the invoice source.

See Also

Inquiring About Payments

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing, Initiating, and Resolving Invoice Disputes

Access the Review Invoices - Review Invoice Disputes page (click a Dispute button on the Review Invoices - Invoice Inquiry page).


Displays the date that the payment is to be created.

Note. This field does not appear in the supplier's view of this page.

Hold Payment

Select this check box to put the invoice on hold, or deselect it to release a hold.


Select a reason, such as Amount in Dispute, Contract Retention, Goods in Dispute, or Withholding Hold.

New Comments

Enter any reference for the hold or resolution. The system retains old comments.

Note. Comments that the buyer enters cannot be viewed by the supplier, but comments that the supplier enters can be viewed by the buyer.

Discuss with IM

Click this link to access the page where you can initiate dialog with the supplier using instant messaging.

See Also

Reviewing, Initiating, and Resolving Disputes

Resolving Disputes Using Instant Messaging

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Scheduled Payment Installments

Access the Review Payment Installments - Inquiry page (eSettlements, Payments, Review Payment Installments, Review Payment Installments - Inquiry).



Click a link in this column to review the life cycle of the invoice with which the installment is associated.


Click a link in this column to view supplier information.


Click a link in this column to review payment installment details. For a multi-installment invoice, this link only appears on the inquiry page for installments that have been paid.

No. (number)

Displays the payment installment number.

Pay Date

Displays the date for which the payment is scheduled.

Note. This field does not appear on the supplier's version of this page.

Click a Dispute Information button to review or resolve a current invoice dispute.


Displays the number of days that the payment is late (that is, beyond the payment date). Click a link in this column to view dunning information.


Click a link to establish an additional payment schedule and review the payment schedule for the invoice.


Click a link in this column to place an invoice payment installment on hold and initiate a dispute.


Click a link in this column to create an urgent payment.

eSettlements References and Additional Payment Info

Select these tabs to view additional supplier location, payment, and bank information.

See Also

Scheduling, Reviewing, and Modifying Payment Installments

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicManaging Match Exception Errors

Management of match exception errors is discussed elsewhere in this PeopleBook.

See Also

Running the Matching and Notification Processes

Managing Matches and Match Exceptions

Click to jump to parent topicReviewing Supplier Balance Information

Buyers can also review supplier balances. The balances appear in the preferred currency established on the buyer's profile, but the buyers can convert supplier balances to various currencies.

This section discusses how to view supplier balance information.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to View Supplier Balance Information

Page Name

Definition Name



Review Supplier Balances - Inquiry


eSettlements, Invoices, Review Supplier Balances, Review Supplier Balances - Inquiry

Review supplier balance summary information. Each row represents a payable from a buyer (business unit) to a supplier in the currency of the invoice.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Supplier Balance Information

Access the Review Supplier Balances - Inquiry page (eSettlements, Invoices, Review Supplier Balances, Review Supplier Balances - Inquiry).

You can populate the From Supplier field and the To Supplier field with partial information.

To view this page in a different currency, select a display currency, and click the Convert button.

Supplier Balances

Supplier Name

Click a link in this column to view detailed invoice information regarding the selected buyer-supplier combination. The detailed information displays all invoices for the business unit and supplier selected.

Gross Amount

Displays the gross amount in the invoice transaction currency.

Click an amount in this column to view detailed invoice information. The detailed information displays all invoices for the business unit and supplier selected in the selected transaction currency.

PPay Unapplied (prepayment unapplied)

Displays the amount of any prepayment that has not been applied to the net. This function is enabled only for prepayment invoices.

Net Balance

Displays the difference between the gross amount and the prepayment amount.

Conv. Gross Amt (converted gross amount)

Displays the gross amount in the currency selected.

Conv. Prpay Amt (converted prepayment amount)

Displays the prepayment amount converted to the currency selected.

Conv Net Bal (converted net balance)

Displays the converted difference between the gross amount and the prepayment amount.