Reporting Project Status

This chapter provides an overview of status reports and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Status Reports

Status reporting is critical for communication within the project team and to the project's customer. Status reports provide visibility into the state of the project and give managers the necessary tools to gain insight and take action to ensure successful project completion.

After you create a project, project managers can designate how often to generate status reports. By setting up reporting periods, project managers determine when status reports begin and end and whether reports are required at the project or activity levels. Project team members then create status reports for each period that the project manager defined.

You can send email notifications to remind project team members that status reports are due, to notify individuals that status reports are overdue, and to customers with a consolidated report.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Status Reports

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Define Status Reports

Page Name

Definition Name



Status Report Frequency


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Program Management, Project Options, Status Report Frequency

Define how often a status report is required.

User Defined Dates


Click the User Defined Dates link on the Status Report Frequency page.

Enter status report due dates for frequencies that are not standard and are instead defined by the user.

Status Report Dates


Click the Status Report Dates link on the Status Report Frequency page.

Review due dates for status reports.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Status Report Frequency

Access the Status Report Frequency page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Program Management, Project Options, Status Report Frequency).

Note. A status report frequency must be defined before any status reports can be created for the project.

Project Frequency

Start Date and End Date

Enter beginning and ending dates that determine the time period of status reports for this project.

Note. These dates must fall within the project's start and end dates.

Report By

Select Project to record status reports at the project level. Select Activity to record status reports at the activity level.

Frequency Type

Select a time period to set up the frequency for status reports for this project. If you select Weekly or Bi-weekly, select a value in the Week End Day field to indicate which day is the final day of the reporting week. You can also designate the frequency type as semimonthly, monthly, quarterly, or user-defined.

User Defined

Select this option when you require a nonstandard frequency for status reports. When you select this frequency type, the User Defined Dates link appears.

User Defined Dates

Click to access the User Defined Dates page to specify report due dates. This link is available only if the User Defined frequency type is selected. User-defined due dates provide an alternative when standard reporting frequency parameters do not meet the needs of the project. For example, a project might use due dates that occur every 10 days instead of a more standard time period, such as a week.

Send Reminders [x] day(s) ahead of time

Select to send an email to project team members to remind them that a status report is due. Send the reminder either 1, 2, or 3 days prior to the status report deadline. The system automatically initiates the Status Report Reminder Application Engine process (PC_SR_REMIND) to send the email notifications.

Status Report Dates

Click this link to access the Status Report Dates page, which calculates start, end, and due dates for status reports. This link does not appear if you select a user-defined frequency type.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSpecifying User Report Due Dates

Access the User Defined Dates page (click the User Defined Dates link on the Status Report Frequency page).

Enter a <Report Due Date> for each date that you want users to submit a status report.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDetermining Status Report Dates

Access the Status Report Dates page (click the Status Report Dates link on the Status Report Frequency page).

The system calculates the start, end, and due dates for each status report in the project, based on parameters from the Status Report Frequency page. For example, the page above displays calculated dates for weekly reports in which the week ends on Friday.

You can change the values in the Report Due Date column as long as a user has not completed a status report for that period. When a user has completed a status report for a particular period, the Report Due Date field for that period is display-only.

Click to jump to parent topicEntering Status Reports

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Enter Status Reports

Page Name

Definition Name



Status Report Summary


Program Management, Project Management, Add/Update Status Report, Status Report Summary

Enter status reports.

Status Report Detail


  • Program Management, Project Management, Add/Update Status Report, Status Report Detail

  • Click the Details icon on the Status Report Summary page.

Enter status report details such as comments, and file attachments.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Status Reports

Access the Status Report Summary page (Program Management, Project Management, Add/Update Status Report, Status Report Summary).


Select to notify the project manager that you finished the status report for the reporting period. The project manager can only review reports that you mark complete.

Start Date and End Date

Select a value in the Start Date column, which automatically populates the End Date column based on the end date values that are defined on the Status Report Frequency page.


Select the activity appropriate for this status report. You can only enter an activity when status reports are required at the activity level on the Status Report Frequency page.

Click the Details icon to access the Status Report Detail page, where you can add more information for the reporting period to the status report.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Status Report Details

Access the Status Report Detail page (Program Management, Project Management, Add/Update Status Report, Status Report Detail).

Start Date and End Date

Enter the start date for this status report. The system automatically populates the End Date value based on the end dates that are defined on the Status Report Frequency page. If you enter a start date on the Status Report Summary page, the start date and end date appear by default on the Status Report Detail page.


Select the activity appropriate for this status report. You can only enter an activity when status reports are required at the activity level on the Status Report Frequency page.

Add Attachment

Click the Add Attachment button to attach a file pertaining to the status report. When you upload the file, the file name appears in the File Name column and the Date/Time Stamp column is automatically updated.

Note. You must have the File Attachment option set on the Installation Options - Project Costing page for attachments to work.

See PeopleSoft Asset Lifecycle Management, Enterprise Service Automation, Financial Management, Staffing Front Office, and Supply Chain Management Product-Specific Installation Instructions located on Oracle's PeopleSoft My Oracle Support website.


Click to access the Issue Management component to view, update, or add issues that are related to the status report.

Click to jump to parent topicReviewing Status Reports

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Review Status Reports

Page Name

Definition Name



Completed Status Reports


Program Management, Project Management, Review Status Reports, Completed Status Reports

View a list of completed status reports by employee.

Status Report Details


Click the Details icon on the Completed Status Reports page.

View the details of completed status reports.

Consolidate for Customer


Click the Consolidate for Customer button on the Completed Status Reports page.

Send an email notification that contains a consolidated report of all the status reports that pertain to a project and start date to customers.

Incomplete Status Reports


Program Management, Project Management, Review Status Reports, Incomplete Status Reports

View a list of project team member and send email reminders to individuals who have not completed their status reports by the due date.

Status Report Reminder


Click the Send Reminder button on the Incomplete Status Reports page.

Send email reminders to project team members with incomplete status reports.

Status Report Reminder run control


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Program Management, Project Options, Status Report Reminder

Specify run control parameters to run the Status Report Reminder Application Engine process, which sends email notifications to project team members to remind them about their status report due dates.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Completed Status Reports

Access the Completed Status Reports page (Program Management, Project Management, Review Status Reports, Completed Status Reports).

This page displays a list of status reports for the selected project and start date that have the Complete option selected on the Status Report Summary page.

Click the Details icon to access the Status Report Details page and view additional information that pertains to the status report.

Consolidate for Customer

Click to access the Consolidate for Customer page, where the system compiles all completed status reports for the selected project and start date.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Completed Status Report Details

Access the Status Report Details page (click the Details icon on the Completed Status Reports page).

You can view and delete file attachments, but all other data is display-only. This page is typically used by project managers.

Document Attachments

Displays a list of file attachments pertaining to the status report. To open the attachment, click the filename, which is a link to the document.


Click to access the Issue Management component to view or update issues that are related to the status report.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicConsolidating Status Reports for Customers

Access the Consolidate for Customer page (click the Consolidate for Customer button on the Completed Status Reports page).

Enter the email addresses for the customers to whom you want to send this status report.


The system automatically populates this field with the text Status Report, which can be edited.


Contains details from all of the completed team member status reports for the selected project and start date. You can edit the text before sending the consolidated report to customers, but the edits do not modify the original employee status reports.

Send Email

Click to send the status report to the recipients you specify in the To, CC, and BCC fields.

Include selected attachments

Select to attach the selected files from the Document Attachments grid to the email.

Document Attachments

The Document Attachments grid lists all the files that have been attached to the status reports.

Select All and Clear All

Selects or deselects all file attachments to be included or excluded from the consolidated report.

Add Attachment

Click to append a file that pertains to the consolidated status report. When the file is uploaded, the file name appears in the Document Attachments grid.

Note. Attachments are sent by using the file attachment option method that is specified by using the Installation Options - Project Costing page (INSTALLATION_PC). To ensure that attachments are sent, you should verify that this option is set up correctly.

See PeopleSoft Asset Lifecycle Management, Enterprise Service Automation, Financial Management, Staffing Front Office, and Supply Chain Management Product-Specific Installation Instructions located on Oracle's PeopleSoft My Oracle Support website.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Lists of Incomplete Status Reports

Access the Incomplete Status Reports page (Program Management, Project Management, Review Status Reports, Incomplete Status Reports).

Select the individuals you would like to send an email notification to in the Send Reminders column. Click the Send Reminder button to set up the email on the Status Report Reminder page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSending Status Report Reminders

Access the Status Report Reminder page (click the Send Reminder button on the Incomplete Status Reports page).


This field is automatically populated with the text: Status Report Reminder!, which you can edit.


Displays text that the system automatically populates with information from the status report for which the employee is being reminded. You can edit the text before sending the email. This is typically done by project managers.

Send Email

Click to send the email to the specified employees.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSending Automatic Reminders

Access the Status Report Reminder run control page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Program Management, Project Options, Status Report Reminder).


Select from one of these options:

All: Sends email notifications to all project teams members across all business units.

Business Unit: Sends email notifications to all project team members within the business unit that you specify in the Business Unit field.

Business Unit/Project: Sends email notifications to all project teams members within the business unit and project combination that you enter in the Business Unit and Project fields.

Business Unit/Project/Activity: Sends email notifications to all project team members that are on the business unit, project, and activity combination that you enter in the Business Unit, Project, and Activity fields.

See Also

Defining Status Report Frequency