Setting Up Options and Critical Dates

This chapter provides an overview of options and critical dates and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Options and Critical Dates

There are a variety of milestones and events that can occur throughout the life cycle of a lease. Usually, these events are in response to a clause or option that is written into the lease. Lease related events often require one or more persons to carry out a task that is related to the execution of the lease, usually on or before a critical date. The PeopleSoft Real Estate Management system provides a number of features that enable you to manage these events and inform interested parties of the due dates of these events. The key concepts that the system uses to track lease related events include:

This table lists the five major activities that are associated with the critical dates:



Option Setup & Maintenance

Creates, updates, and deletes options. The options define the set of possible milestones that can be tracked on a SAR or lease within each business unit. Each option defines a notification template to construct the notification messages that are sent to recipients

Critical Date Template Management

Creates, updates and deletes critical date templates. The template provides a default set of options that can be applied to any SAR or lease. Templates can also be preconcerted with a default notification schedule and list of the roles that need to be notified. You can define any number of templates.

Option Assignment

Assigns options to a SAR or lease using either a template or a specific option to define or edit the critical date for each option that you add. When you assign a single option to a SAR or lease, you must also configure the critical date (including the notification schedule and recipient list) manually.

When a template is applied to a SAR or lease, the critical dates are automatically set up according to the values that are preconcerted in the template. Templates can be cumulatively assigned to a particular SAR or lease.

Critical Date Notification

Generates notifications to recipients in response to the schedule defined for each critical date.

Critical Date Task List Management

For those recipients who are internal to the system, describes the actions that are available to manage the list of critical dates to which they are assigned.

Note. A previously completed critical date can be re-activated if the critical date is updated and the action date is extended. To inactivate a critical date, deselect the Enable Notifications check box.

Click to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

Before setting up critical dates for a lease, you must first set up the following:

See Defining Real Estate Options, Defining Critical Date Templates, Defining Role Types, Defining Lease Administration Roles.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Options and Critical Dates

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up Options and Critical Dates

Page Name

Definition Name



Options and Critical Dates


  • Real Estate Management, Lease Administration, Receivables Leases, Create New Lease, Options and Critical Dates

  • Real Estate Management, Lease Administration, Receivables Leases, Maintain Lease, Options and Critical Dates

  • Real Estate Management, Lease Administration, Payables Leases, Create New Lease, Options and Critical Dates

  • Real Estate Management, Lease Administration, Payables Leases, Maintain Lease, Options and Critical Dates

Displays the list of options and critical dates associated with a lease.

Options and Critical Dates - Critical Date Detail


Click the Critical Date icon, on the Options and Critical Dates page

View or edit the details of the critical date associated with the lease option. Use this page to both edit and view a critical date in a number of different modes. When viewing an option from a template, different fields are visible when viewing or editing the detail that is attached to a lease.

Options and Critical Dates - E-mail Message


Click the Email text link on the Critical Date Detail page.

Displays the text that should accompany the email notification.

Options and Critical Dates - Apply Critical Date Template


Click the Apply Template button on the Lease Options page.

View the list of available Templates. Enables users to select one or more Templates for inclusion on a Lease.

Define Critical Date Template


. Click a template name link on the Options and Critical Dates - Apply Critical Date Template page.

Displays list of options contained in the critical date template.

Generate Critical Date Notifications


Real Estate Management, Lease Administration, Integrations, Critical Date Notification, Generate Critical Date Notifications

Run the process to generate critical date notifications to recipients. You can specify an as of date parameter for generating the notifications.

Critical Date Inquiry


Real Estate Management, Lease Administration, Reports, Critical Date Inquiry

Inquire on critical dates associated with a lease administrator or all lease administrators. You can view critical dates by business unit, lease number, lease option, date range or by lease administrators. If you do not specify the criteria, the system displays all critical dates within that business unit.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Lease Options and Critical Dates

Access the Options and Critical Dates page (Real Estate Management, Lease Administration, Payables Leases, Create New Lease, Options and Critical Dates).

Add Option

Click to add new lease options and define critical date details.

Apply Template

Click to select one or more templates to apply to the lease. When you select and apply a critical date template, the critical dates that are contained in the selected template are assigned to the lease. The existing assigned critical dates are not overwritten.

Lease Options

The lease options grid displays existing options and critical dates that you have established at the business unit level or added to this lease.

Option Date

Displays the date that this option expires. This date is critical when a decision needs to be made or an action needs to be taken for that option. For example, you can set up a lease option for availability of additional space and you have the first right to that space. Setting up the option with the critical date reminds you that an action needs to take place on or before the specified date.

Critical Date

Click the Critical Date icon to access the Options and Critical Dates - Critical Date Detail page on which you can view or edit the details of the critical date and specify the notification schedule and recipient list.

Option Status

Displays the status of the option. The values are:

Inactive: The critical date schedule for the option is inactive; no notification will be sent.

Active: Critical date notifications are processed when you run the critical date notification process. The lease options becomes active after you enable notifications on the Options and Critical Dates - Critical Date Detail page.

Expired: The option date is passed, notifications will not be sent.


Indicates whether the schedule that is defined by the critical date has been enabled. The system enables the option after it validates the schedule and recipient details. The system sends notifications only for active critical dates that are enabled and have one or more recipients with valid email addresses.

Note. If the lease status is Cancelled or Closed, this page is display-only. For any other lease status value, the system displays the page in update or edit mode.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Critical Dates Details and Notification Recipients

Access the Critical Date Detail page (click the Critical Date icon on the Options and Critical Dates page).

Click the Add Options button.

Option Name

Select the option for which you want to establish for a critical date. This is a required field.

Option Date

Enter the date that this option occurs or expires. The date that you enter must occur on or after the current date and cannot occur before the lease commencement date. This is a required field.

Message Text

Enter the text to insert into the email notification that is defined in the Lease Option Setup page.

Note. You must include the %MSG% tag in the mail template of the option in order to have this text appear in the generated email.

See Defining Lease and SAR Option Mail Templates.

Email Text

Click to display a sample of the email content that is generated and sent to recipients. You cannot edit the email text from this view. The email text is specified when you define the lease option during setup. You may, however, tailor the Message Text field to customize the message for this specific lease.

Schedule Details

Enable Notifications

Select to enable email notifications.

Send initial notification

Select the option for sending initial notifications. Critical date notifications operate within a date range. The options in this group determine the timing of the start date. Options include:

Prior to Option Date: Use this option to begin notifications on a specific number of days, months or years before the option date.

On the Lease Start Date: Use this option to begin sending notifications from the lease Commencement Date field that is specified in the General Information page for lease maintenance.

On a Specific Date: Use this option to begin sending notifications on a specific date. The date that you select must be prior to the option date.

Recurring – Send Recurring Notifications


Use this option if the notification is not recurring. For example, only one notification is sent on the date that is specified by selecting Send Initial Notification.


Select this option to generate notifications on a daily interval. For example, setting the number value to one generates a notification every day from the initial notification until the option date occurs.


Select this option to generate notifications on weekly basis or on regular intervals on specific days of the week interval. For example, specify a value of two and select Mon and Wed The system generates notifications on Mondays and Wednesdays, every other week, between the start date and the option date.


Select this option to generate notifications every month on a specific day of the month. For example, you can generate a notification every three months on the 31st day of the month between the start date and the option date. If you select the 29th, 30th or 31st and the notification date occurs within a month that has less days, the notification is sent on the last day of the month.


Select this option to generate notifications annually on a specific day within a specific month. For example, you can generate notifications every two years on June 30.


This section enables you to specify the interested parties to whom critical date notifications are sent. The recipient list is role based. Notifications are only sent when a specific person is assigned to that role within the context of the lease.

You use the Contacts section of the lease to specify the roles and specific users who are assigned to those roles. You can select a role to which no one is currently assigned; however, no notification is actually sent. Conversely, if someone is assigned to that role and they are removed from the contact list, the system displays the role as the recipient, however, the person who is assigned to the role no longer exists and no notification is generated. If the role category is defined as an Internal Manager and assigned to any critical date, then notifications are always sent to the Portfolio Manager. If the role category is defined as an Internal Admin and assigned to any critical dates, then notifications are always sent to the lease administrator.

See Understanding Real Estate Management Contacts.

Role Name

Select the role for whom you want to receive notifications. You can select from any of the predefined Lease Administration roles. If no one is assigned to this role, then the Name field is blank.

Email Notify

Indicates that email notifications are sent to the role(s) that are defined.

Note. This field does not show whether the recipient's email address has been correctly configured. The system assumes that all email recipients are able to receive mail.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Critical Date Notification Process

Access the Critical Date Notification Process page (Real Estate Management, Lease Administration, Integrations, Critical Date Notification, Generate Critical Date Notifications).

The Notification process will send notifications based on the critical date set up and will create an entry in the My Critical Dates component. If you plan to use critical dates, you should set this process to run on a recurring basis.

If you enter a date in the As Of Date field, all notifications that have not been sent as of that date will be sent. If you do not enter a date in this field, the current date will be used.

Once the option date has passed, the status will be changed to Expired and notifications will not be sent again.

Note. The notification feature does not use PeopleTools Workflow.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Critical Dates

Access the Critical Date Inquiry page (Real Estate Management, Lease Administration, Reports, Critical Date Inquiry).

The Critical Dates Inquiry page provides a view of critical dates that are about to occur for a lease administrator or all lease administrators. You can search the critical dates by defining the appropriate search criteria in the page.

Click to jump to parent topicManaging Your Critical Dates

This section provides an overview of the My Critical Dates page and discusses how to manage your critical dates.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the My Critical Dates Page

The My Critical Dates page enables you to view the critical dates that apply specifically to you. You can search for the critical dates by providing the appropriate search criteria in the page. For example, as Portfolio Manager, you might want to see the critical dates for lease termination within the next six months. By entering the date parameter and the lease option, the system generates the list. You can click the lease link to view the lease for further action. When you complete your task you can mark your critical dates as complete.

The system does not send further notifications on critical date when:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Manage Your Critical Dates

Page Name

Definition Name



My Critical Dates


Real Estate Management, Lease Administration, My Critical Dates

Use to manage lease options with critical dates.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicManaging Your Critical Dates

Access the My Critical Dates page (Real Estate Management, Lease Administration, My Critical Dates).

Show Completed Tasks

Select to view completed tasks only.

Task Completed

Select when you have completed the task.

Date Completed

Displays the date on which you completed the task.