Processing Worklist Items

This chapter provides an overview of the worklist and discusses how to process worklist items.

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Worklist

A worklist is an organized list of the work items that need to be addressed. PeopleSoft Resource Management workbenches—the Staffing Workbench, Pool Manager Workbench, and My Assignments component—contain a Worklist page that displays notifications and actions that are added to the page from PeopleSoft workflow processes. A link to the worklist appears at the top of the workbench to alert you to outstanding items. From the worklist, you can access item details, complete the required actions, and mark items complete.

You can select a item to work on, and the item provides access to the pages that you need. This enables you to bypass other navigation and work directly from the worklist. The target page that appears when you select an item is based on the type of activity that you perform. For example, if you are a resource manager and you receive notification that an assignment date changed for one of your resource's, you access the Assign Resource (approval) page from the worklist if assignment approval workflow is enabled.

The worklist items that appear are based on workflow options that are specified during implementation. Each worklist item identifies the action that generated the workflow. For example, an action of Recommendation Made appears on the resource's worklist when a manager recommends the resource to fulfill a resource request.

This table lists PeopleSoft Resource Management worklist actions, a description of the action, the user who typically performs the actions, and the target pages that appear when users select an item:

Worklist Action



Target Pages

New Assignment For Approval

Assignment requires approval by the resource manager.

Resource Manager

Assign Resource approval (RS_ASSIGN_APRVL)

Date Change For Approval

Assignment schedule change requires approval by the resource manager.

Resource Manager

Assign Resource approval

New Assignment Created

Notification of new assignment.


Assign Resource review and schedule update (RS_ASSIGN_UPDDTS)

Assignment Status Change

Notification of assignment status change.


Assign Resource review and schedule update

Assignment Date Change

Notification of assignment schedule change.


Assign Resource review and schedule update

Recommendation Made

Notification of a resource recommendation to fulfill a resource request.



Route to Staffing Person

Service order is ready for fulfillment by the person responsible for staffing the order.

Staffing Coordinator

Order Summary (RS_SO_SUMMARY)

Generic Resource for Approval

Generic resource request is ready for review and approval by pool manager.

Pool Manager

Generic Resource Request approval (RS_GRR_APPRVL)

Date Change for Approval

Generic resource allocation schedule change requires approval by the pool manager.

Pool Manager

Generic Resource Request approval

Status Change for Approval

Generic resource request status change is ready for approval by pool manager.

Pool Manager

Generic Resource Request approval

PeopleTools also provides a worklist that you can access from the folder navigation or from the Worklist link in the PeopleSoft universal navigation header. The same worklist items appear on all worklist pages, and you can view and process items from any worklist. The advantage of the PeopleSoft Resource Management worklist is that you can easily alternate between the worklist and other workbench pages. The advantage of the PeopleTools worklist pages is that you can format or filter the list of items, assign a priority to each item, reassign items, and view additional details.

Click to jump to parent topicProcessing Worklist Items

This section discusses how to review and process worklist items.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Process Worklist Items

Page Name

Definition Name





You can access the Worklist page through multiple navigation paths. This list presents five frequently used paths.

  • Resource Management, Staffing Workbench, Worklist

  • Resource Management, Staffing Workbench, Fulfill Orders or Manage Utilization

    Click the You currently have <n> unworked items in your worklist link on the Staffing Workbench - Fulfill Orders page or Manage Utilization page.

  • Resource Management, My Assignments, Worklist

  • Resource Management, My Assignments, Assignments

    Click the You currently have <n> unworked items in your worklist link on the My Assignments - Assignments page.

  • Resource Management, Pool Manager Workbench, Worklist

Review and process assigned worklist items. A variety of worklist items can appear, including items that originate from sources other than PeopleSoft Resource Management.

Worklist for <User ID>: <Resource> (summary view)


  • Worklist, Worklist

  • Click Worklist from the PeopleSoft universal navigation header.

  • Click the Summary View link from the Worklist for <User ID>: <Resource> detail page.

View, assign priority to, reassign, and process worklist items.

Worklist for <User ID>: <Resource> (detail view)


  • Worklist, Worklist Details

  • Click Detail View from the Worklist for <User ID>: <Resource> summary page.

Review additional information about items on a worklist.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing and Processing Worklist Items

Access the Worklist page (Resource Management, Staffing Workbench, Worklist).


Displays the individual who triggered the work item.

Date From

Displays the date when the work item was triggered.

Due Date

Displays the due date of the specified action.


Displays the action that generated the workflow item, such as Route to Staffing Person. You can have multiple entries with the same action, but each entry represents a different item that requires attention.


Click a Details link in this column to access the target page—the page where you work on the item. The target page is specific to the type of activity that you perform. For example, if the action is Recommendation Made, the link accesses the Job Detail page, where you can view information about the resource request.

Mark Worked

Click an icon in this column to mark an item as worked if you have performed the necessary actions. This removes items that PeopleSoft Resource Management workflow processes generate.

Note. The worklist may contain items that are generated by workflow processes from other PeopleSoft applications. Depending on how the worklist item is defined, there are different requirements for the actions that must be performed before the item can be removed from the worklist.

See PeopleTools PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Applications User's Guide, "Using Workflow."

Summary View

You can access a summary view of the PeopleSoft worklist from the folder navigation or from the Worklist link in the PeopleSoft universal navigation header. In addition to viewing and processing worklist items, on this page you can hide or rearrange grid columns, filter the items in the view, reassign worklist items, and assign a priority to each worklist item.

Use the PeopleSoft folder navigation to return to the workbench.

Detail View

From the worklist summary view you can drill down to a worklist detail view. In addition to the fields and buttons that are available on the summary view, the detail view includes supplemental information about each item, such as the date and time that you first selected the item to work on, and comments that another user entered if the item was forwarded to you.

Use the PeopleSoft folder navigation to return to the workbench.

See Also

PeopleTools PeopleBook: Using PeopleSoft Applications, "Using Workflow"