Setting Up Additional Banking Information

This chapter provides an overview of defining additional bank processing information and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Additional Bank Functionality

Once you have established your organization's core bank information, you can then automate certain common banking processes and organize account groupings for easier administration. PeopleSoft's additional banking functionality includes:

Click to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

You must define your banks, bank accounts, and counterparties.

See Also

Setting Up Banks

Setting Up External, Internal, and Netting Accounts

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Account Pool Information

To define account pools, use the Account Pools component (BANK_POOL_DEFN_GBL).

The term pooled has two distinct meanings in PeopleSoft Banks functionality.

The first meaning is a common banking practice. Account pooling at the bank level refers to the physical movement of money from many bank accounts to one account (even though in notional pooling, there is no true physical movement of funds). Account pooling has two setup steps:

  1. Use the Pool ID page to set up a specific pool definition, including pool type (either notional or zero-balance account), pool ID, and other related information.

  2. Select a pool ID on the External Accounts - Account Information page for a specific bank account.

    The system automatically pools the account funds per the account pool definition.

The second meaning is generally used by educational and federal organizations. The term pooled bank account refers to one account that is associated with multiple funds. In this case, you must specify the inheritance options to use for the Fund ChartField for a bank account on the ChartField Options page.

This section discusses how to:

  1. Define account pooling.

  2. Select a pool ID.

Note. Cash Management provides enhanced account pooling functionality for investment purposes.

See Also

Managing Investment Pools

Bank Account ChartField Inheritance for Education and Government

Defining ChartField Inheritance Options

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Define Account Pool Information

Page Name

Definition Name



Pool IDs


Banking, Banks and Branches, Pool ID

Define a pool definition and related information for a bank account that will be pooled with other bank accounts.

External Accounts - Account Information


Banking, Bank Accounts, External Accounts, Account Information

Select a pool ID for an account.

See Defining External Accounts Information.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Account Pooling

Access the Pool ID page (Banking, Banks and Branches, Pool ID).

Pool ID

Enter a pool ID.

Account Type Code

Select an account type. Options are:

Pool (notional pooling; no movement of funds between accounts): Notional pooling occurs when debit balances are offset against credit balances and the net position is the basis for calculating interest. There is no movement or commingling of funds. This is often referred to as interest offset pooling. You use notional pooling for credit limit purposes to reduce aggregate exposures to a bank and to reduce borrowing costs for a group of accounts, or as a means of earning interest on net credit balances (or for a combination of the two).

ZBA (zero balance account): Cash concentration is frequently confused with pooling, mainly because cash pools are often set up by concentration. The most common form, zero balancing, occurs when the bank automatically transfers all balances to one central account at the end of each business day.

If you select ZBA, you can specify that this is a concentration account and select an account.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Bank Transfer Charges

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Define Bank Transfer Charges

Page Name

Definition Name



Bank Transfer Charge Code


Banking, Banks and Branches, Bank Transfer Charge Code

Define a set of bank charge amounts in the Bank Transfer Charge table. Set up bank charge amounts according to the bank account of the addressee and the range of payment amounts.

Bank Transfer Charge


Banking, Banks and Branches, Bank Transfer Charge

Define the bank charge code according to the interbank or intrabank remittance.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Bank Transfer Charge Amounts

Access the Bank Transfer Charge Code page (Banking, Banks and Branches, Bank Transfer Charge Code).

From Amount

The From Amount and To Amount fields display the range of payment amounts. From Amount is a read-only field that increases the to amount value of the previous line by one. If, for example, the to amount in line 1 is 39,999, and the from amount in line 2 is 40,000 ( 39,999 + 1 ).

To Amount

Enter the highest payment amount that you want to include in this range. The system automatically enters the maximum value, if you leave this field blank.

Charge Amount

Enter the amount of the bank transfer charge to be deducted when the payment amount falls into the range between the from amount and the to amount.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Bank Transfer Charges for a Bank

Access the Bank Transfer Charge page (Banking, Banks and Branches, Bank Transfer Charge).

The Bank Transfer Charge table contains a set of bank transfer charge codes whose exact amounts are defined by the destination of the remittance. Essentially, the bank transfer charge amount is defined by the relationship between the payer's bank account and the payee's bank account. When the remittance is made within the same bank, the charge is usually lower.

Inter / Intra Code

Displays the relationship between the location of the payment bank account and the destination of the remittance. Options are:

Same bank and same branch: Payer's bank account and payee's bank account are both located in the same branch of the same bank.

Same bank and different branch: Payer's bank account and payee's bank account are both located in the same bank but in different branches.

Different bank: Payer's bank account and payee's bank account are located in different banks.

Note. There must be one bank charge code defined for each of these three values.

Bank Charge Code

Enter the code that is defined on the Bank Transfer Charge Code page to specify the bank transfer charge amount corresponding to the inter/intra code. You can reuse the same bank charge code.

Example: The bank transfer charge is 200 when the payment amount is between 0 and 39,999 (inclusive), and the bank transfer charge is 400 when the payment amount is 40,000, or more if the payment bank (defined on vouchers) and destination of remittance (vendor bank account) are different.

This table displays a summary of the bank transfer charge amounts, based on bank transaction types:

Transaction Type

Bank Transfer Charge

Bank Transfer Charge


For payment amounts of 0 to 39,999:

For payment amounts of 40,000 and above:

Intrabranch transaction

(the same bank and branch)



Intrabank transaction

(the same bank but different branches)



Interbank transaction

(different banks)



Click to jump to parent topicGrouping Business Units

This section discusses how to group business units together so that you can display bank balance inquiries for a group of business units.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Group Business Units

Page Name

Definition Name



Business Unit Groups


Banking, Administer Bank Statements, Business Unit Groups

Gather various business units together as a group. Select the appropriate units to include in the group.

Click to jump to parent topicGrouping and Accessing Bank Accounts

This section discusses how to:

You can create a group definition that groups bank accounts for which individuals are responsible. Users assign themselves the bank account groups for which they are responsible. They can then use the Bank Account Manager page as a central starting point to work with their bank accounts.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Group and Access Bank Accounts

Page Name

Definition Name



Account Groups


Banking, Administer Bank Statements, Account Groups

Specify the bank accounts to group together for summary viewing and maintenance.

Account Group Definition


Click Add Multiple Accounts on the Account Groups page.

Add multiple bank accounts to an account group definition.

My Account Groups (list)


Banking, Bank Accounts, My Account Groups

Assign a group of accounts to the current user or review the user's list of bank account groups.

My Account Groups (selection)


Click Update My Account Groups on the My Accounts Groups list page.

Select the account groups that you want to appear on your account group list.

Bank Account Manager


  • Banking, Bank Accounts, Bank Account Manager

  • Select and account group from the Account Group ID column on the My Account Group page.

Manage your bank accounts and activities.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Account Groups

Access the Account Groups page (Banking, Administer Bank Statements, Account Groups).

Fee Structure

Select this option to select only banks that are assigned to a fee structure. Then select the fee structure in the Fee Structure Code field.

Bank Accounts

You can add additional bank accounts by using two methods:

To add one account:

  1. Select a bank code.

  2. Select a bank account.

To add multiple accounts:

  1. Click the Add Multiple Accounts button.

  2. Select a bank code for a bank with multiple accounts, and then click Search.

  3. Select each account and click Update.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing and Updating Account Group Assignments

Access the My Account Groups page (Banking, Bank Accounts, My Account Groups).

Update My Accounts Groups

Click to assign bank account groups to the current user ID.

Create Account Group

Click to create a new account group or update an existing group.

Search for Account Groups

Click to access a list of account groups and view a list of the accounts in a group in the Bank Account Manager.

Account Group ID

Click a link for an account group to work with the accounts in the group in the Bank Account Manager.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing the Bank Account Manager

Access the Bank Account Manager page (Banking, Bank Accounts, Bank Account Manage).

Account Group ID

Click to view or update information for the account group.


Click to access the account's External Accounts page.

Click View Bank Statement Manager to view information about the account's bank statement.

Click Perform Funds Transfer to begin transferring funds from this account.

See Also

Defining External Accounts Information

Processing Bank Account Transfers