Setting Up Products

This chapter provides an overview of the product definition and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Product Definition

Defining products, as well as product kits and services, begins in PeopleSoft Inventory when you establish item attributes. When you enter the item definition, you can elect to have the system add the item as a product in PeopleSoft Order Management. When the item definition is saved, the product ID, description, and standard unit of measure are copied to the Product Definition table in PeopleSoft Order Management.

Note. If the product use is contracts-only, an inventory item is not associated with the product. The product kit product also is not associated with an inventory item. These products are created directly in the product definition component.

After products are created in PeopleSoft Inventory, use the pages in PeopleSoft Order Management to change or add product attributes.

You can share product information across multiple business units and access PeopleSoft Inventory data to determine the availability of stocked products. Product catalogs enable you to choose the products that best fit each customer's needs. You can also group products to facilitate pricing, sales analysis, and reporting. Products have the organization's product numbers or customer part numbers on sales orders.

PeopleSoft Order Management uses the product ID as a primary search key for the Product Master table. When you have defined a product ID, you can access a link in the drop-down menu on any page that will invoke a product search.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

Perform these product tasks before you create products and product kits:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCommon Elements Used in This Chapter

Product ID

The product ID defined on the Item Definition - General: Common page.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Product Group Tables

To define the product group table, use the Product Group (PROD_GROUP_TBL) and alternate cost adjustment exceptions (PRGR_PRICE_EXCP) components. Use the PROD_GROUP_TBL_CI component interface to load data into the table for this component.

The section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up Product Group Tables

Page Name

Definition Name



Product Group Table


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Products, Product Group Table

Establish the Product Group table and define product group codes.

Alternate Cost Adjustment Exceptions


Click the Alternate Cost Adjustment Exceptions link on the Product Group Table page.

Define alternate cost adjustment exceptions for this product group code.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEstablishing the Product Group Table

Access the Product Group Table page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Products, Product Group Table).

To define the product group table, use the Product Group component. Use the PRODUCT_GROUP_TBL_CI component interface to load data into the table for this component.

You may also want to include products in product catalogs by groups instead of individually.

After establishing the product group table, link products with any number of product groups on the Product Group page.

Note. Only one contract product group can be associated with an individual product.


Select if you want all products included in this product group. If you select this option, a product is included in this group even if you have not specified its inclusion on the Product Group page.

VAT Default (value-added tax default)

Click to access the VAT Defaults Setup page. This option is available only for VAT product group types.

The VAT Defaults Setup page is a common page used to set up VAT defaulting for all PeopleSoft applications processing VAT transactions. On this page you can define product defaults as applicable.

VAT Service Treatment Setup

Click to access the Services VAT Treatment Drivers Setup page. This option is available only for VAT product group types.

The Services VAT Treatment Drivers Setup is a common page used to set up VAT services treatment for all PeopleSoft applications processing VAT transactions. If you are required to implement special handling for services, you can specify product service treatment defaults on this page as applicable.

Pricing Option

Select an option to determine whether the product or product group selling price can be adjusted using margin manipulation. This field appears only if the product group type is Pricing.

KVI (known value item): Designated product groups for which the selling price cannot be reduced or increased.

NDP (nondiscountable product): Designated product groups for which the selling price cannot be decreased, but can be increased.

Note. If during interim adjustments, the price of a NDP item has increased, then it can be discounted in subsequent calculations until it reaches the original price.

Regular or blank: The product group is neither NDP nor KVI.

Margin Base

Used to identify the basis to apply adjustments. Values are:

Cost: Use this option to base the cost on the unit cost.

Alternate Cost: Use this option if you base the cost on an additional charge. For example, you might increase the cost by 5 percent to include the cost of commission.

This field appears only if the product group type is Pricing.

Alternate Cost Adjust % (alternate cost adjustment percent)

Add a value for the percentage to apply to the unit cost to derive an alternate cost. This field appears only if the product group type is Pricing,

Do Not Adj. For Alternate Cost (do not adjust for alternate cost)

Select if you do not want the product (or product group) to be adjusted by a different cost. This field appears only if the product group type is Pricing.

See Also

Creating Margin Adjustments During Sales Order Entry

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Alternate Cost Adjustment Exception Information

Access the Alternate Cost Adjustment Exception page (click the Alternate Cost Adjustment Exceptions link on the Product Group Table page).

Note. This page is available only if an adjustment cost factor is specified or the Do Not Adjust check box is selected.

Business Unit Product

Select an exception for the product business unit for either the ship from Inventory business unit or the Order Management business unit. You might charge more for a ship from location that is further away or charge more for a PeopleSoft Order Management business unit that sells more of a product group.

Business Unit

Select from the available options based on the selection in the Business Unit Product field.

Adjustment Percent

Enter an amount for the adjustment.

Note. If two conflicting override values exist, the higher of the two values is used. For example, you might have the PeopleSoft Order Management business unit adjustment factor as 20 percent and the Inventory business unit as 18 percent. The system would use the PeopleSoft Order Management business unit value in this example.

See Also

Creating Margin Adjustments During Sales Order Entry

Click to jump to parent topicEstablishing Product Definitions

To define products, use the Product Definition component (PROD_DEFN).

Use the PROD_DEFN_CI component interface to load data into the table for this component.

This section provides an overview of the product definition process and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Product Definition Process

After you have performed the prerequisite product tasks and defined the items, you can begin defining products using the Product Definition component. The pages in this component are also available as inquiry pages.

To set up products:

  1. Define the required attributes for the product ID at the setID level using the Product Definition - Definition page.

  2. Optionally establish an image for the product on the Product Image page.

  3. Establish margin and sales tax options on the Product Definition - Options page.

  4. Establish project, export, drop-ship, cost element, and configuration options on the Product Definition - Options 2 page.

  5. Establish competitor product information on the Product Definition - Competitor page.

  6. Establish attributes for products used with PeopleSoft Contracts on the Contracts Options page.

  7. Establish user-defined fields on the Product Custom Info 1, Product Custom Info 2, and Product Customer Info 3 pages.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Establish the Product Definition

Page Name

Definition Name



Product Definition - Definition


  • Products, Identify Product Details, Definition

  • Products, Review Product Information, Definition

Define the product.

Product Image


Click the View Product Image link on the Product Definition - Definition page.

Set up the product image.

Product Definition - Options


  • Products, Identify Product Details, Definition, Options

  • Products, Review Product Information, Definition, Options

Set up selling and sales tax criteria for a product. The margin information that you enter here is used by the system to notify the operator during order entry of any deviation from the upper and lower margin restrictions specified for this product. Margin violation may place the order line on hold.

Product Definition - Options 2


  • Products, Identify Product Details, Definition, Options2

  • Products, Review Product Information, Definition, Options2

Add PeopleSoft Project Costing links, defaults, cost element for nonstock products, and configuration information.

Product Definition - Competitor


  • Products, Identify Product Details, Definition, Competitors

  • Products, Review Product Information, Definition, Competitors

Keep track of competitors' equivalent products by product number, as well as any alternate products competitors may have. You can use this information for sales analysis and reporting.

Contracts Options


Products, Identify Product Details, Definition, Contracts Options

Establish product attributes for products used with PeopleSoft Contracts.

Note. This page only appears if PeopleSoft Contracts is installed.

Product Custom Info 1


  • Products, Identify Product Details, Definition, Product Custom Info1

  • Products, Review Product Information, Definition, General Info1

Create character-length alphanumeric fields.

Product Custom Info 2


  • Products, Identify Product Details, Definition, Product Custom Info2

  • Products, Review Product Information, Definition, General Info2

Create additional character-length alphanumeric fields.

Product Custom Info 3


  • Products, Identify Product Details, Definition, Product Custom Info3

  • Products, Review Product Information, Definition, General Info3

Create additional character-length numeric fields.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEstablishing the Product Definition

Access the Product Definition - Definition page (Products, Identify Product Details, Definition).

If you did not establish a product ID when you set up the item ID, you can create it on the Product Definition - Definition page. You can also create multiple product IDs for one item ID for greater marketing and reporting flexibility.

Associating Products with Items

If the product is not a kit, and you defined the product ID during item definition using the Item Definition - General: Common page, the item ID associated with the product ID is supplied by default. You can override this default. Associate multiple product IDs with a single inventory item to enhance marketing and sales tracking capabilities.

This item information defined on Item Definition - General: Common page appears:

Standard UOM (standard unit of measure)

The unit of measure that reflects the most common unit of measure for the item.

Note. This field is not used for contracts-only products.

Inventory Item

A check indicates that the item is defined as being associated with an item that may not actually be stocked in inventory.

Note. This field is not used for contracts-only products.


This field is required; however, you can enter a different description than that of the item associated with the product.

Long Description

This field is optional; however, you can enter an extended product description.

Defining Product Kits

Define product kits by selecting the Product Kit check box. The Item ID field is unavailable for entry after you have selected the Product Kit check box. After identifying a product as a kit, establish its components on the Product Kit Summary page.

When you select the Product Kit check box, these fields appear:


Indicates that the kit is configured using PeopleSoft Product Configurator. You can use configured products or configured items within a configured kit, but you cannot use a configured kit within a configured kit.

Note. If product use is Contracts Only, this field does not appear.

Price Kit at Top Level

Indicates that the kit is priced at the top parent product ID level. When you select this option, you define the prices as you would for a regular product ID, using the Product Price page. Configured kits can be priced only at the top level.

Price Kit at Component Level

Indicates that the kit is priced at the component level. When you select this option, you define the price for each component of the kit using the Product Kit Component Pricing page.

Entering General Product Information

Product Use

Select from these options:

Note. If PeopleSoft Contracts is not installed, the field is hidden and populated with the value General Use Excluding Contracts by default. If PeopleSoft Order Management is not installed and PeopleSoft Contracts is installed, the field is visible and the value Contracts Only appears by default.

Note. These rules apply to what type of component can be used with a product kit: General Use Including Contracts product kits can contain only General Use components, General Use Excluding Contracts product kits can contain only General Use or General Use Excluding Contracts components, and Contracts Only product kits can contain only General Use or Contracts Only components.

Contracts Only: The product can be used only with contracts. No inventory item is related to this type of product.

General Use Excluding Contract: The product will not be used with contracts.

General Use Including Contract: The product can be used anywhere in the system that prompts for a product ID.

Catalog Number and Model Number

If a product appears in another vendor catalog, you can associate a product with either of these fields. They are informational only. The values in both fields print on the Product Master Report page report.


The default for the product is Active.

Product Brand

Used to associate a product with a brand.

Product Category

Used to associate a product with a category.

Physical Nature

Select the default physical nature for the product. Options are Intangible/Services and Physical Goods.

Where Performed

Select the default location where a service is most often physically performed. Options are Buyer's Location, Ship From Location, Ship To Location, and Supplier's Location.

View Product Image

Use to add or view an image associated with the product.

VAT Default (value-added tax default)

Click to access the VAT Defaults Setup page.

This page is a common page used to set up VAT defaulting for all PeopleSoft applications that process VAT transactions. On this page you can define product defaults as applicable.

VAT Service Treatment Setup (value-added tax service treatment setup)

Click to access the Services VAT Treatment Drivers Setup page.

This is a common page used to set up VAT services treatment for all PeopleSoft applications that process VAT transactions. If you are required to implement special handling for services, you can specify product service treatment defaults on this page as applicable.

See Also

Order Processing in a VAT Environment

Creating Configured Product Sales Orders

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEstablishing Product Images

Access the Product Image page (click the View Product Image link on the Product Definition - Definition page).

After you have set up the product image, you can view it by clicking the View Product Image link on the Product Definition page. You can also view the product image during sales order entry.

Default Image Name

Specify the file name for the image. You must include a slash (/) in front of the file name. Make sure that you have already defined an image directory, locally or on the web, on the Image Location page.

Alternative Image 1 and Alternative Image 2

Use to establish alternative images.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEstablishing Product Definition Options

Access the Product Definition - Options page (Products, Identify Product Details, Definition, Options).

Selling Options

Use either a percentage or a flat amount to establish the allowable margin range for a product entered on a sales order schedule after all discounts have been applied. Negative margins are acceptable. When creating buying agreements or order or quote lines, the system warns you if the net unit price is not within the margins, and depending on the business unit settings, places the order schedule on hold.

Lower Margin % (lower margin percent) and Upper Margin % (upper margin percent)

If you want the system to calculate the difference between the unit cost and net unit price in percentages, enter values in these fields.

Lower Margin Amount and Upper Margin Amount

If you want the system to calculate the difference between the unit cost and net unit price using a flat amount, select the appropriate currency, and enter values in these fields.

Margin Base

Used to identify the basis to apply adjustments. Values are:

Cost: Use this option to base the cost on the unit cost.

Alternate Cost: Use this option as the basis for upper and lower limits for adjustments. For example, you might increase the cost by 5 percent to include the cost of commission.

Do Not Adj. For Alternate Cost (do not adjust for alternate cost)

Select if you do not want the product (or product group) to be adjusted by a different cost.

Alternate Cost Adjust % (alternate cost adjustment percent)

Add a value for the percentage to apply to the unit cost to derive an alternate cost.

Sales Tax Options

Tax Product Number, Transaction Type and Transaction Sub Type

Tax Product Number is passed to the third-party tax provider and is matched against a table of rates or exceptions to find the correct tax rate for the product and ship to destination. You can use the transaction type and transaction sub type to further qualify the tax product number.

Note. If the field is not populated for a new product, the product ID is supplied by default to this field at save time.

See Also

Managing Returned Material

Calculating Commissions

Understanding PeopleSoft Tax Solutions

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEstablishing Additional Product Definitions

Access the Product Definition - Options 2 page (Products, Identify Product Details, Definition, Options2).

Project Cost Options

Project ID and Activity ID

You can associate a project code and activity with the product.

Other Attributes

Export License Required

Select if export shipments of this product require a license. No processing in PeopleSoft Order Management is currently associated with this option.

Direct Ship from Vendor

Select to indicate that this product is shipped directly from another vendor to the customer. This information is supplied by default to the order schedule when this product is referenced and can be overridden.

Note. Product kits cannot have components that are drop shipped. They will not be picked up by PeopleSoft Purchasing. You cannot add a component to a kit if it is marked as drop shipped. You will receive an error message and must remove the component from the kit before you can save the Kit Setup component. If you update the product definition of a kit component, do not select the drop ship flag. The warning will not be issued and PeopleSoft Purchasing will not pick up the component for fulfillment.

Demand Planning Item

The field is used by PeopleSoft Demand Planning. When the field is selected, the product will be used in forecasting by PeopleSoft Demand Planning.

Cost Element

Defined for stocked items when you set them up in PeopleSoft Inventory on the Item Definition - General: Common page. For drop-ship products and other products not stocked in PeopleSoft Inventory, you must select one on this page.

Cost elements are used to segregate portions of the product cost. For purchased products, the cost element defined most likely represents material. For nonstock products, it represents expenses. If the product is a non-tangible charge, such as consulting, the cost element may represent labor or expenses.

Note. Cost elements are required for PeopleSoft Inventory accounting.

Configuration Options

These fields are available for entry only if you have selected the Configured option on the Product Definition - Definition page.

Configuration Code Generation

Select to have the system dynamically create the configuration code for the configured kit. The configuration code on configured kits is informational during order entry. It is formatted and appears only during order entry. The code is based on a configuration code template that you specify on the page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEstablishing Product Competitor Information

Access the Product Definition - Competitors page (Products, Identify Product Details, Definition, Competitors).

Competitor Code

Established on the Competitor Codes page. These fields are informational only and no processing is associated with these fields. You can also add the competitor product number and a description.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEstablishing Product Contract Options

Access the Contracts Options page (Products, Identify Product Details, Definition, Contracts Options).

Note. This page appears only if PeopleSoft Contracts is installed.

The table lists the allowable price types for each revenue method:

Price Type

Revenue Recognition Method

Amount or Percent

Milestone, Percent Complete, Apportionment, Billing Manages Revenue


As Incurred


Billing Manages Revenue


Price Type

The price type that you select for a product determines the details that you can define for that product and the billing and revenue recognition methods with which you can associate the product. Select from these options: Amount, Percentage, Rate, or Recurring.

Recognition Method

Defines the criteria that must be met before revenue can be recognized. Select from these options:

Apportionment: Recognize a fixed amount of revenue over a predefined period of time.

As Incurred: Manage revenue on an as-needed basis manually or using scheduled processes. This is the only method used for rate-based contract lines.

Billing Manages Revenue: Have PeopleSoft Billing, not PeopleSoft Contracts, manage the revenue for a contract line. Only fixed-amount and recurring contract lines can use this method. You must always use this method with recurring price types.

Milestone: Recognize a fixed amount of revenue spread over time and triggered as each milestone is met.

Percent Complete: Recognize revenue based on a manually entered percentage of completion.

Third Party Flag

Select to designate that this is a product or service provided by a third party. This check box is informational only—no processing logic is keyed from this selection.


Select this check box to designate this product as renewable. Only products with a price type of Amount or Percentage can be selected as renewable. If the product is a kit, the Renewable flag must be deselected.

Renewal Action

Select the appropriate renewal action from the drop down list. The options are Automatic and Manual. A value is required if the Renewable flag is selected.


Enter the percentage and select whether it is a percentage (%) of total contract amount or a percentage (%) of total contract lines.

Note. The percentage can be any amount. The Percentage field and the % of field apply to products with a price type of percent.


You can select revenue and bill plan templates to automate the creation of revenue and billing plans. You can select a bill plan detail template ID to override the billing defaults for the contract billing business unit and contract header. You can select a renewal plan template to automate the creation of renewal plans.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating User-Defined Product Fields

PeopleSoft Order Management delivers a wide variety of options for defining the product attributes; however, the business may have additional requirements. You can use the Prod Custom Info (product custom information) pages to establish user-defined fields to be stored in the Product Master table.

Each of the Prod Custom Info pages contains fields of various sizes and types: from 1 to 30 characters long in alphanumeric, numeric with decimal places, or numeric without decimals formats. You use the PeopleTools Application Designer to modify the field labels on the page, and you must provide the appropriate code changes for PeopleSoft software to process these fields.

To establish user-defined product fields:

  1. Determine the usage requirements, and select the appropriate field on one of the Product Custom Info pages.

  2. Modify the field label using Application Designer in PeopleTools.

  3. Make the necessary code changes.

Product Custom Info1 Page

Access the Product Custom Info1 page (Products, Identify Product Details, Definition, Product Custom Info1).

Prod Char30 A (product character 30), Prod Char30 B (product character 30), Prod Char30 C (product character 30) and Prod Char30 D (product character 30)

A−D alphanumeric fields, up to 30 characters in length.

Prod Char 1 A (product character 1), Prod Char 1 B (product character 1), Prod Char 1 C (product character 1) and Prod Char 1 D (product character 1)

A−D alphanumeric fields, 1 character in length.

Product Custom Info2 Page

Access the Product Custom Info2 page (Products, Identify Product Details, Definition, Product Custom Info2).

Prod Char 10 A (product character 10), Prod Char 10 B (product character 10), Prod Char 10 C (product character 10) and Prod Char 10 D (product character 10)

A–D alphanumeric fields, up to 10 characters in length.

Prod Char 2 (product character 2)

Alphanumeric fields, up to 2 characters in length.

Prod Char 4 (product character 4)

Alphanumeric fields, up to 4 characters in length.

Prod Char 6 (product character 6)

Alphanumeric fields, up to 6 characters in length.

Prod Char 8 (product character 8)

Alphanumeric fields, up to 8 characters in length.

Product Custom Info3 Page

Access the Product Custom Info3 page (Products, Identify Product Details, Definition, Product Custom Info3).

Prod N12.3 A (product number 12.3), Prod N12.3 B (product number 12.3), Prod N12.3 C (product number 12.3) and Prod N12.3 D (product number 12.3)

A–D numeric fields, up to 12 integers and 3 decimal places in length.

Prod Nbr 15 A (product number 15), Prod Nbr 15 B (product number 15), Prod Nbr 15 C (product number 15) and Prod Nbr 15 D (product number 15)

A–D numeric fields, up to 15 integers in length.

Click to jump to parent topicEstablishing Additional Product Attributes

To define alternates, catalogs, groups, messages, notes, prices, specifications, and units of measure for products, use the Product Alternates, Product Catalogs, Product Groups, Product Messages, Product Notes, Product Price, Product Specifications, and Product Unit of Measure components.

Use the PROD_ALT_CI, PROD_GROUP_CI, PROD_MSG_CI, PROD_NOTE_CI, PROD_SPECS_CI, and PROD_UOM_CI component interfaces to load data into the tables for these components.

This section discusses how to:

Note. PeopleSoft Order Management delivers inquiry pages that enable you to view product information and to provide separate access to users who should have read-only access to product information. The inquiry pages are generally duplicates of their associated update pages, except that they are in a read-only format. Exceptions to this standard are located in the following table.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Establish Additional Product Attributes

Page Name

Definition Name



Product Attributes by UOM (product attributes by unit of measure)


Products, Identify Product Details, Attributes by UOM

Restrict the units of measure available for use in PeopleSoft Order Management, and define minimum and maximum order quantities, valid order increments, and minimum selling prices. You must also use this page to assign a unit of measure for product kit component pricing.

Product Price


Products, Identify Product Details, Assign List Price

Differentiate pricing among Inventory business units, effective-date prices for stocked and nonstock items, and price product kits at the top parent product ID level.



  • Products, Identify Product Details, Alternates

  • Order Management, Quotes and Orders, Review Product Information, Alternates

Set up product alternates.



  • Products, Identify Product Details, Attachments

  • Order Management, Quotes and Orders, Review Product Information, Attachments

  • Products, Review Product Information, Attachments

Enter the file names of multimedia attachments.



  • Products, Identify Product Details, Messages

  • Order Management, Quotes and Orders, Review Product Information, Messages

  • Products, Review Product Information, Messages

Choose messages or attach product holds to a product.



  • Products, Identify Product Details, Notes

  • Order Management, Quotes and Orders, Review Product Information, Notes

  • Products, Review Product Information, Notes

Attach a standard or custom note to a product.

Product Group


Products, Identify Product Details, Assign Product Group

Link products with any number of product groups.

Product Catalogs


Products, Identify Product Details, Catalogs

Create product catalogs.

Refresh Catalog Prompt Table


Products, Request Processes, Refresh Catalog Prompt Table

Initiate the Refresh Catalog Prompt Table process. Each time that you add or modify product catalog information, you should run the process to keep this temporary table up to date.

Product Aliases by Product


Products, Review Product Information, Aliases

View information about the comparable customer part numbers for the products established on the General Information - Product Aliases page.

Product Specifications


  • Products, Identify Product Details, Specifications

  • Products, Review Product Information, Specifications

Enter detailed product specifications.

Copy Product Specifications


Click the Copy Product Specifications link on the Product Specifications page.

Copy product specifications from one product profile to another.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEstablishing Product Attributes by Unit of Measure

Access the Product Attributes by UOM page (Products, Identify Product Details, Attributes by UOM).

When you create an item in PeopleSoft Inventory, you associate it with valid units of measure for stocking, shipping, and ordering on the Units of Measure page. The ordering units of measure (UOMs) that you define there are used in PeopleSoft Inventory for material stock requests, and in PeopleSoft Order Management. These are the only UOMs that can be referenced on sales orders and quotes. But ordering UOMs may exist that you want to exclude from PeopleSoft Order Management.

You can restrict the units of measure available for use in PeopleSoft Order Management and define product attributes by unit of measure.

Standard Unit of Measure

Defined for the item on the Item Definition - General: Common page.

Note. This field is not used for contracts-only products.

Initialize UOM link (initialize unit of measure link)

View all the ordering units of measure established for the product.

UOM (unit of measure)

Select any valid designations from the list. For example, if you can enter material stock requests for widgets in eaches, cases, and pallets, but only sell them in eaches and cases, you would not want to select the PL (pallet) unit of measure.

Note. If associated child records such as a list price are attached to the UOM, you cannot change the UOM and it will be unavailable for entry. To change the UOM in this case, you need to delete the UOM and enter a new one.


Select one of the UOMs that appears whenever the product is referenced on quotes, sales orders, price sets, return material authorizations, and sales buying agreements.

Conversion Rate

View the conversion rate from the UOM table in PeopleSoft Inventory. This factor is used to convert the standard unit of measure into the UOM you are referencing. For example, if a case (CS) contains six eaches (EA,) and eaches is the standard unit of measure, the conversion rate for CS is 6.

Note. This field is not used for contracts-only products.

Minimum Order Quantity and Maximum Order Quantity

The system checks the values in the fields during order and quotation entry. If these limits are violated, the system warns you, and depending on the business unit settings, places the order line on hold.


Use this field if a product can be sold only in specific increments. For example, if a product can be sold only in increments of three cases, the system checks the entered quantity on the order line to ensure that it is in multiples of 3. The Increment check applies only to the line, not the schedule.

Minimum Selling Price

The amount is checked during line entry to ensure that price adjustments do not take the unit price for a product in its selling unit of measure below the minimum established price. If price adjustments take a product below its minimum selling price, the system warns you and asks you whether you want to replace the unit price with the minimum selling price. If you do not choose the minimum selling price, the order line may be placed on hold depending on the business unit settings.


Select to set up minimum selling price thresholds for each unit of measure by currency code.

Pricing Option

Select an option to determine whether the product or product group selling price can be adjusted using margin manipulation.

KVI (known value item): Designated products for which the selling price cannot be reduced or increased.

NDP (nondiscountable product): Designated products for which the selling price cannot be decreased, but can be increased.

Note. If during interim adjustments, the price of a NDP item has increased, then it may be discounted in subsequent calculations until it reaches the original price.

Regular: Prevents the product setting from overriding or being applied to a product.

Pricing UOM (pricing unit of measure)

Select Yes if this UOM can be used as a pricing UOM. Select No if this UOM cannot be used as the pricing UOM. Select Default if this UOM is the default pricing UOM.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEstablishing Product Prices

You manage list pricing a bit differently for stocked products and nonstock products. Pricing for both stocked and nonstock products is effective-dated, enabling you to track pricing history and establish new prices that will take effect at designated dates in the future. But pricing for stocked products, unlike nonstock and contract products, is based on Inventory business units (ship from warehouses) so that you can differentiate pricing for different warehouses. Different fields are available on the Product Price page for stocked and nonstock products.

Note. You can also establish price lists associated with business objects as part of the pricing system design.

The following diagram illustrates how the price is determined on an order line if you are using list prices and standard discounts:

Pricing structure using list prices and standard discounts

To use more complicated pricing criteria, you can set up price rules and arbitration plans.

See Understanding Enterprise Pricer.

Based on the selection on the Product Definition - Definition page, product kits can be priced at two levels:

You assign a list price to the kit at the top level using the Product Price page, but use the Product Kit Component Pricing page to associate prices with a kit's components.

Access the Assign List Price page (Products, Identify Product Details, Assign List Price).

Certain fields on this page appear and others are not visible depending on the type of product that you are pricing.

Product Types

Active Fields That Appear

Fields That Do not Appear

Stocked products

Inventory Business Unit, List Price

Unit Cost

Nonstock products, contracts-only product.

List Price, Unit Cost

Inventory Business Unit

Product kits (priced at top level)

List Price, Unit Cost

Inventory Business Unit

Product kits (priced at component level)

List Price and Unit Cost are visible, but unavailable for entry.

Inventory Business Unit

Pricing Stocked Products

Unit of Measure

For each unit of measure, you can set up different inventory business unit pricing.

Inventory Business Unit

For each unit, you can enter a different effective date and associated list price.

Note. You must define list prices for each PeopleSoft Inventory business unit that stocks a product or you cannot take advantage of the pricing capabilities of PeopleSoft Order Management. If you do not define list prices, you need to manually enter the selling price on the sales order line or schedule.


Enter a currency for each PeopleSoft Inventory business unit. If the system doesn't find a base price in the transaction currency while you are entering a sales order, for example, the system attempts to find a price in the Order Management base unit currency.

MSRP (manufacturer's suggested retail price)

Optionally enter for the product. This field is not used by any processing or algorithms in PeopleSoft Order Management at this time.

Pricing Non-Stock Products

Unit Cost

This field appears and the Inventory Business Unit field is hidden. Define the unit cost for nonstock products on this page. The unit cost is subtracted from the selling price to determine the product margin.

Pricing Product Kits Priced at the Top Level

List Price or Unit Cost

Enter either field. This value is used as the starting price when price formulas are applied.

Pricing Product Kits Priced at the Component Level

Product kit components are priced using the Product Kit Component Pricing page; therefore, the fields here are read-only.


Click to access the Kit Component Prices page, where you can view price details for a product kit's components.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEstablishing Product Alternates

Access the Alternates page (Products, Identify Product Details, Alternates).

You can identify alternative products that can replace the product ordered. You can substitute alternative products on order lines under these conditions:

When you choose an alternate on the order line, the system brings the product ID of the alternate into the Product ID field on the order line and then places the original product requested into a field on the order line called Original Product Ordered. This enables you to print both product IDs on order acknowledgments and other documents.

By selecting the Allow Product Substitutions option on the Sold To section of the Order Entry Form page during order entry, you can also enable substitutions to occur during the Inventory fulfillment picking process.

See Fulfilling Orders with Substitute Items.


Use to establish the order in which alternates are listed, starting with the one you want to appear first.


If two products are completely interchangeable, set one up as the product alternate for the other and select the option. The system automatically adds the product alternate record for the reverse entry. For example, if you set product 10002 as an alternate for product 10001 and indicate that they are interchangeable, product 10001 automatically becomes an alternate for product 10002.

Note. You can select only those products as alternates that have the same Product Use value as the product for which you are establishing alternates. So if you are setting up alternates for a contracts-only product, the prompt returns only contracts-only products, and so forth.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEstablishing Product Attachments

Access the Attachments page (Products, Identify Product Details, Attachments).

When you assign an attachment, the Attachment link is activated on the orders or quotations referencing the product.

Note. Before using attachments, you need to set up an FTP server to handle the attachments.

See Getting Started with PeopleSoft Order Management.


Click to browse for and add an attachment.


After you upload an attachment, click the View button to view it.

Attached File

After you upload an attachment, its name appears here.

Attachment Type

Enter the file type, and add a description of the item that you're attaching.

Note. Attachment type is not a file extension, but a categorization of the attachment defined through system configuration.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEstablishing Product Messages

Access the Messages page (Products, Identify Product Details, Messages).

After assigning a message to a product, the message appears in the Message Board section of the order or quotation.

The hold codes are controlled by role security. If the user associated with the role does not have authority to modify the hold code associated with the message, the fields will be unavailable for entry. If the user associated with the role can add the hold code but not release the hold code, that user can release and delete messages with holds up until he or she leaves the Product_Msg component. You also cannot attach a message to the product if it has a hold code associated with it that you do not have security for. Similarly, you cannot delete an existing message that has a hold code unless you have the security for the hold code.


Select a valid code to attach a standard message to the product. The text of the message appears after you press the Tab key to move out of the field.


If an action is associated with the message, it also appears. In the case of a HOLD action, the hold code appears as well.

See Also

Viewing Order, Customer, and Product Information with the Message Board

Establishing Messages

Defining Hold Code Security by Role

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEstablishing Product Notes

Access the Notes page (Products, Identify Product Details, Notes).

Notes print on some of the selected documents such as acknowledgments and quotations when you attach them to a product that is referenced on a sales order or quote. Two types of notes are present, standard and custom. The first is predefined and the second is used to address unique situations.

After you assign a note to a product, the note appears in the product section of the Messages and Notes area of the order or quotation.

Use Predefined Standard Note

Select this option to attach a note already set up in the system on the Standard Notes page. Select a standard note code from the available options and the rest of the fields established for the standard note code appear.

If this option is not selected, the note being created is a unique note. Select a note type and enter the note in the Text field.

Documents to Print the Note On

Choose the print locations for notes in the group box. Notes can print on these documents without additional configuration: Invoice, Bill of Lading, Order Acknowledgement, Picking Plan, and Quotation.

See Also

Viewing Order, Customer, and Product Information with the Message Board

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEstablishing Product Groups

Access the Product Group page (Products, Identify Product Details, Assign Product Group). Remember that product group codes must first be set up on the Product Group Table page.

A single product can belong to one or more product groups within each group type. However, only one contract product group and only one tax group can be associated with an individual product.

Group Type

Select from these options:

  • Acct (accounting)

  • Alt Source (alternate source)

  • BO/Reserve (back order/reserve)

  • Buy Agrmnt (buying agreement)

  • Claimback

  • Cntrct (contract)

  • Fcst (forecast)

  • Freight

  • Pricing

  • Prod Ctlgs (product catalogs)

  • Reporting

  • Tax

  • Trnspt (transportation)

  • VAT

Primary Report and Primary Pricing Group

Use to indicate a single, primary-reporting product group when associating multiple groups with the Reporting and Pricing group types.

In the case of reporting, statistics would be distorted if a product were to appear on the report under every reporting group that the product is linked to.

In the case of pricing, the system uses the group that you designate as the primary pricing product group when you are using price maintenance to download pricing data to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, make changes to product prices, and upload the new prices to update PeopleSoft tables. You can update the price of a product as part of a single product group only, the one that appears in bold on the spreadsheet. If you do not designate a primary group among multiple groups, the system uses the first one it encounters.

See Also

Setting Up Product Group Tables

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEstablishing Product Catalogs

By attaching product catalogs to a sold to customer, you limit the products they can buy. You can create two types of catalogs:

For example, a customer (customer ID 50001) purchases all your products except for repair parts and promotional products. You can create an exclusive catalog containing those items. When you attach it to customer 50001, the order entry clerks can access all products except for the products in this exclusive catalog when they are working on an order for the customer.

On the other hand, customer 60002 buys only repair parts from you. Create an inclusive catalog that contains repair parts and attach it to this customer. When clerks enter an order for customer 60002, the only products available to them are repair parts.

Note. If you have a product set up on an exclusive and inclusive catalog that is linked to the same customer, the inclusive catalog is ignored.

Access the product Catalogs page to set up the catalogs (Products, Identify Product Details, Catalogs).

Later, you can specify which catalogs you want made available to each customer on the General Information - Product Catalog page.

Note. You can include a product group in a catalog only if you have designated it as a Product Catalog group type on the Product Group page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEstablishing Product Specifications

Access the Product Specifications page (Products, Identify Product Details, Specifications).


Enter an order in which you want each product specification type to appear. You cannot duplicate sequence numbers on a web page.

Note. The sequence of the product specifications cannot be changed; therefore, you may want to leave spaces between sequence numbers. For example, you could give four product specification types the numbers 10, 20, 30, and 40. Then, if you added three new product specification types between the types at sequence numbers 10 and 20, you could give those new types the sequence numbers 12, 15, and 17 without changing the original numbers. This facilitates priority list organization and updating.


In the field, identify the product type of the component described on this page. This component can be any part of the whole product.

Use as

You can modify the appearance and functionality of the description by selecting an option:

Text: The descriptive entry appears as plain text.

URL: You can include an Internet or intranet link in the description. URLs must first be defined using the URL Maintenance Catalog page in PeopleTools Utilities.

HTML: You can modify the appearance of the description using HTML tags.

Concatenate next line

Select the option to make the text that you enter in the Description field appear on the same line. This is especially useful when using URLs within regular text.

Note. Product kit components and quantities appear in a note following the product specifications (if any are defined for the kit). Kit component information includes the individual product ID, the product description, the quantity per order, and quantity per kit.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Refresh Catalog Prompt Table Process

To facilitate the PeopleSoft Order Management multiplatform capabilities, the system uses a temporary table to list products in product catalogs. The Refresh Catalog Prompt Table (OMS2000) process keeps this temporary table up to date.

Warning! Each time you modify or add products to a catalog and each time you add or remove a catalog from a customer, you must run the Refresh Catalog Prompt Table process or the changes will not appear in the related prompt tables.

The Product Catalog Refresh Process creates two tables:

The Product Catalog Refresh (OMS2000) process processes all product and customer catalogs that have a current effective date and active status. Historic and future catalogs are not added to the table unless you select the Include Catalog History check box on the run control page. The process rebuilds the tables each time it is run.

If you have a catalog that is:

This process occurs when the Refresh Catalog Prompt Table process creates the PRODCTLG_CSTLST and PRODCTLG_PLST tables:

  1. The system selects all the sold-to customers that are linked to any valid catalogs and inserts those customer IDs into the PRODCTLG_CSTLST along with some information from the catalog header table, PRODCTLG_TBL.

  2. The system begins six product-related selection steps and inserts rows into the PRODCTLG_PLST table.

    1. The system selects all the products that are part of product groups specified in valid catalogs with an Inclusive flag and inserts those into the PRODCTLG_PLST table with the INCL_EXCL_TYPE flag set to I.

    2. The system selects all the products that are specified in valid catalogs with an Inclusive flag and inserts those into the PRODCTLG_PLST table with the INCL_EXCL_TYPE flag set to I.

    3. The system selects all the products that are specified in valid catalogs with an Exclusive flag and inserts those into the PRODCTLG_PLST table with the INCL_EXCL_TYPE flag set to E.

    4. The system selects all the remaining products in the Product Definition table (PROD_ITEM) that were not specified for each catalog in step c and inserts those into the PRODCTLG_PLST table with the INCL_EXCL_TYPE flag set to I.

    5. The system selects all the products that are part of product groups specified in valid catalogs with an Exclusive flag and inserts those into the PRODCTLG_PLST table with the INCL_EXCL_TYPE flag set to E.

    6. The system selects all the remaining products in the Product Definition table (PROD_ITEM) that were not specified for each catalog in step e and inserts those into the PRODCTLG_PLST table with the INCL_EXCL_TYPE flag set to I.

The rows added to the PRODCTLG_PLST table in steps c and e with the INCL_EXCL_TYPE flag set to E are used by the online prompt table, PRODCTLG_LST_VW, to eliminate product IDs that are specified in both an inclusive and exclusive product catalog for the same sold to customer. The prompt table is refreshed automatically by the database when the Refresh Catalog Prompt Table process finishes.

The number of rows initially deleted and the number of rows added in each step is reported in the SQR.log file found in the Structured Query Report (SQR) output directory.

To add historic and future catalogs to the PRODCTLG_CSTLST and PRODCTLG_PLST tables:

  1. Access the Refresh Catalog Prompt Table process page (Products, Request Processes, Refresh Catalog Prompt Table).

  2. Select the Include Catalog History check box.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Product Kits

To define product kits and kit components, use the Product Kit and its components.

Use the PRODKIT_COMPS_PRC_CI component interface to load data into the table for this component.

This section provides an overview of product kits and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Product Kits

A product kit consists of a fixed set of components that are sold as a unit. A product kit is not a stocked inventory item; however, its components may be. The fixed set of components are not required to ship together unless specified in the kit definition.

The product kits referred to in this discussion are not configured product kits; product kit components are fixed, while configured product kits include a variable list of components that provide make-to-order functionality.

Follow the same steps to define product kits as you follow to define products (as outlined in the previous sections), with these exceptions:

  1. Define the required attributes for the parent product ID using the Product Definition component.

    See Establishing Product Definitions.

  2. Apply pricing to either the parent or components of the product kit.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Define Product Kits

Page Name

Definition Name



Product Definition - Definition


  • Products, Identify Product Details, Definition

  • Products, Review Product Information, Definition

Define the product.

Product Attributes by UOM (product attributes by unit of measure)


Products, Identify Product Details, Attributes by UOM

Restrict the units of measure available for use in PeopleSoft Order Management and define minimum and maximum order quantities, valid order increments, and minimum selling prices. You must also use this page to assign a unit of measure for product kit component pricing.

Product Kit Summary


  • Products, Identify Product Details, Kit Setup

  • Products, Review Product Information, Product Kit

  • Order Management, Quotes and Orders, Review Product Information, Product Kits

Define the components of a product kit.



  • Products, Identify Product Details, Notes

  • Order Management, Quotes and Orders, Review Product Information, Notes

  • Products, Review Product Information, Notes

  • Click the Maintain Text link on the Product Kit Summary page.

Add a note to a product kit.

Kit Component Text Popup


Click the View Related Links button on the Product Kit Summary page and select Text Entry.

Add a comment to each component-level product.

Documents to Print Exploded Kit


Select the Print Text link on the Product Kit Summary page.

Select the documents on which to print component details for a product kit.

Note. To print the exploded kit components for any of the listed options, you must configure the system.

Product Kit Component Pricing


Products, Identify Product Details, Price Kit Component Pricing

Enter price and date information for each product kit component priced at the component level.

Kit Component Prices


Click the Kit link on the Product Price page.

View price details for a product kit component that is priced at the component level.

Component Pricing process


Products, Request Processes, Update Kit Component Pricing

Update the system tables with product-kit component-price changes to effective dates.

Where Used Product Component inquiry


Products, Review Product Information, Where Used Product Component

Determine which product kits contain a specific component.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Product Kits Using the Product Definition

Select the Product Kit option on the Product Definition - Definition page (Products, Identify Product Details, Definition) to identify the product ID as the parent product. Kit pricing option fields appear. You can elect to price the product kits by their components or by their top parent product ID level.

See Also

Establishing Product Definitions

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAssigning Components to Product Kits

Access the Product Kit Summary page (Products, Identify Product Details, Kit Setup).

Product Kit Component Prices

Click to access the Product Kit Component Pricing page in correction mode. The link is available only if the kit is priced by component.

Note. If the product kit to which you are assigning components has a product use value of Contracts Only, the Contract-Only Component flag appears to the left of the component column. When you select this flag, the prompt for the components field returns other contracts-only products that you can select as components. If the flag is deselected, the component prompt returns General Use Including Contracts products.



You can enter both stocked and nonstock products in the field as long as the nonstock product is not a product kit. That is, you cannot attach a product kit as a component of another product kit.


Identifies whether the number of units selected in the Quantity field is by ASY (assembly) or by ORD (order). ASY is the default. If 10 product kits were ordered, for example, a quantity of 2 assembled components would require 20 components whereas 2 ordered components would require 2 components.

Min Qty Per and Max Qty Per

Define the minimum and maximum quantity that the component can have. This enables you, during online order entry when this kit is being ordered, to change the actual quantity of the component being ordered on the kit. The minimum and maximum values represent the range in which the customer service representative (CSR) can increment or decrement the quantity.


Select a unit of measure for the product component. If only one valid unit of measure exists for the component, that value appears and the field is unavailable for entry. You must previously have defined the units of measure on the Product Attributes by UOM page.

Effective Date

The date the component is considered part of the product kit.

Obsolete Date

The last day that the component will be included in the product kit. The default obsolete date is December 31, 2099. The system uses the scheduled shipment date to determine what components are valid in the product kit.

Note. After you have established the components of a kit, you cannot change anything in the kit structure except the obsolete date, OK to ship without value, and VAT %. If you want to change component attributes, you must indicate that the component is obsolete and add a new row for the component with its current attributes. Similarly, you cannot delete a component from the kit structure; you must indicate that it is obsolete.

Component Options

OK to Ship Without

Select if the product kit can ship without this component. This sets the optional or required flags in the PeopleSoft Inventory tables.

Note. Every product kit must have at least one component that is required to ship.

VAT % (value-added tax percent)

If you have enabled VAT, you can enter the percent of the total kit value that each component represents. The total for all kit components must be 100 percent. You will not be able to save the page unless the VAT % totals 0 or 100.

Contract Price Percent

The price of the components should total 100 percent. Product kits added to a contract are always priced at the top level. That price is allocated down to the products associated with the kit using the contract price percentage.

Note. This field is used only by PeopleSoft Contracts.

Product Use

The Product Use tab appears only if PeopleSoft Contracts is installed.

This table lists the valid configurations for components and product kits based on the Product Use option.


Product Kit with Product Use = General Use Including Contract

Product Kit with Product Use = General Use Excluding Contracts

Product Kit with Product Use = Contracts Only

Product Use = General Use Including Contract




Product Use = General Use Excluding Contracts

Not Allowed


Not Allowed

Product Use = Contracts Only

Not Allowed

Not Allowed



Product Use

View from the selection on the Product Definition page.

See Also

Invoice Product Kits in a VAT Environment

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicApplying Prices to Product Kits

Depending on whether you are pricing the product kit at the top or component level, do one of the following tasks:

Access the Product Kit Component Pricing page (Products, Identify Product Details, Price Kit Component).

Applying Pricing Attributes to the Entire Kit

List Price

View the current total of the values entered in the Product Kit Component Price column.

Note. Values outside of the effective date range are not included in the total.

Applying Pricing Attributes to Each Component

Pricing information for the components that make up the product kit appear in a grid:


The component ID defined for the product kit on the Product Kit Summary page.

Product Kit Component Price

You can manually enter a price for this component ID, or click the button to the right of the field to access the Lookup Product Kit Component Price page where you can select a previously defined price for the component by PeopleSoft Inventory business unit. The current prices in this column equal the total value in the List Price field.

Note. You must run the Update Kit Component Pricing process to update kit prices with any changes made to effective dates for the components.

Effective Date and Obsolete Date

These fields appear for the component from the Product Kit Summary page; you cannot change them on this page.

Click to jump to parent topicWorking with Product Load EIPs

To work with product EIPs, use the Product Messages component.

This section provides an overview of product load EIPs and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Product Load EIPs

PeopleSoft software is delivered with many enterprise integration points (EIPs) to send and receive product and product group data with a third-party system or another PeopleSoft application, such as CRM. These EIPs are service operations within PeopleSoft Integration Broker.

Oracle delivers the service operations in PeopleSoft Integration Broker with a default status of Inactive. You must activate each service operation before attempting to send or receive data from a third-party source or another PeopleSoft system, such as CRM.

If both PeopleSoft CRM and SCM are installed, we recommend that you:

Use the information in the following table and refer to the setup instruction in the PeopleSoft Supply Chain Management Integrations 9.1 PeopleBook, "Implementing Integrations" chapter, Setting Up Service Operations section.

Service Operation

Direction and Type


Chunking Available?

Integrates With






CRM, Third-party







CRM, Third-party






CRM, Third-party







CRM, Third-party






CRM, Third-party






CRM, Third-party






CRM, Third-party

If errors occur while you are subscribing to product data coming in from another system, the faulty data remains in staging tables and you can correct it online from the Summary Errors page. Correct errors for these types of data:

For each type of product error, two types of error pages are available.

Many errors can occur when the business unit is incorrect. This is because many of the edits depend on setID. When the business unit is not valid, the system cannot derive a setID. Even though the data (other than business unit) appears correct, an error may occur because of an invalid business unit. Correcting the business unit often resolves other edit errors.

All edits are case-sensitive. Some fields are listed on the error pages as uppercase, even though the data in the database is lowercase. In this case, the data must be saved, and as long as the uppercase value is valid, the error should be resolved.

Perform these steps to correct product errors.

  1. Use the Summary Errors page to view all the product-related errors for a particular EIP Control ID.

    Navigate to individual pages to correct the errors. As errors are corrected, you no longer can view them from the Product Summary Errors page.

  2. After correcting the errors, use the Product Load page to load the product data into production tables.

    Note. The errors must be corrected before they can be loaded into the production tables.

See Also

Setting Up Service Operations

PeopleTools PeopleBook: Integration Broker

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Correct Product Load EIPs

Page Name

Definition Name



Summary Errors


Products, Identify Product Details, Error Summary Queue, Product Summary Errors

Navigate to the individual error pages.

Error Detail


Select the Error Detail tab on any of the individual Error pages.

View the nature of the product error violations.

Product Definition Errors - Product Errors


Click the Product Error Detail button on the Summary Errors page.

View and correct product definition errors.

Product Currency Errors - Product Item Currency


Click the Product Error Detail button on the Summary Errors page.

View and correct product currency errors.

Product Competitor Errors - Product Competition


Click the Product Error Detail button on the Summary Errors page.

View and correct product competitor errors.

Product Specification Type Errors - Product Specification Type


Click the Product Error Detail button on the Summary Errors page.

View and correct product specification type errors.

Product Specification Errors - Specification Error


Click the Product Error Detail button on the Summary Errors page.

View and correct product specification errors.

Product Group Errors - Product Group


Click the Product Error Detail button on the Summary Errors page.

View and correct product group errors.

Product Kit Errors - Product Kit


Click the Product Error Detail button on the Summary Errors page.

View and correct product kit errors.

Kit Component Price Errors - Kit Comp Price


Click the Product Error Detail button on the Summary Errors page.

View and correct product kit component price errors.

Product UOM Errors - Product UOM (product unit of measure errors - product unit of measure)


Click the Product Error Detail button on the Summary Errors page.

View and correct product UOM errors.

Product UOM by Currency Errors - UOM by Currency (product unit of error by currency errors - unit of measure by currency)


Click the Product Error Detail button on the Summary Errors page.

View and correct product UOM currency errors.

Product Price by BU Errors - Price by BU


Click the Product Error Detail button on the Summary Errors page.

View and correct product price by business unit errors.

Product Price Errors - Product Price


Click the Product Error Detail button on the Summary Errors page.

View and correct product price errors.

Product Load


Products, Process, Request Processes, Validate Product Load

Load rows from staging tables to production tables after correcting the errors.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Product Summary Errors

Access the Summary Errors page (Products, Identify Product Details, Error Summary Queue, Product Summary Errors).

Product Error Detail

Click to move to the error page for each error.

Data Maintenance

Click to move to the Data Definition Maintenance page to view the status of the transaction. When errors are corrected, the status changes from Error to Reprocess and they no longer appear on the Product Summary Errors page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Product Load Process

Access the Product Load page (Products, Process, Request Processes, Validate Product Load).

This process validates data in the product staging table and then:

  1. Supplies generic default information.

  2. Loads validate product records into production tables.

Note. When you are using both PeopleSoft CRM and SCM, you do not have to send all product group types over during a product load. For CRM users, you can selectively prevent product group sync/fullsync messages for specific product groups such as claimbacks, reservations/backorder, and sourcing product groups. Additional steps would need to be established to prevent this.

Transaction Type

Select the PRODUCTMST (product master) option.


Click to run the OM Load Product (product load from stage) process (OM_LOAD_PROD) to load the row from a staging table to a production table to publish product information.