Using Common Usability Features

This chapter provides an overview of the mouse over popup feature and discusses how to activate the mouse over popup feature.

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Mouse Over Popup Pages

This section provides an overview of:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding How To Identify Mouse Over Popup Pages

Mouse over popup pages enable users to see additional information for fields such as customers, vendors, contacts, and sponsors. The popup page provides information such as name, phone number, location, and email address.

This feature provides the ability to display additional information on the page without having to use space on the primary page and without having to open a secondary page.

The mouse over popup page is a PeopleTools feature that is configured using Application Designer. PeopleSoft FSCM provides the mouse over popup feature on selected pages. However, not all customer and vendor pages are activated for the mouse over popup feature. You can activate the mouse over popup feature on additional pages using PeopleTools Application Designer.

See Activating the Mouse Over Popup Feature.

You can:

The popup page is activated when you pause your mouse over a field that has a dotted line. For example, this page shows that the popup page is activated for the Vendor Name field, CAMPER'S WAREHOUSE, on the Maintain Purchase Order – Purchase Order page.

PeopleSoft Financials and Supply Chain Management deliver these types of popup pages:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Customer Popup Pages

There are three types of customer popup pages:

The address and phone numbers that are shown in the popup page depends on the information that is shown on the main page. If the main page displays information for a document, such as an invoice or an order, and if that document references a location, then the address and phone numbers of the location on the document is displayed. Otherwise the page shows the primary address and phone for the customer. The primary address that is shown depends on the type of page, such as bill to, sold to, or ship to. For example, for bill to customer, the page shows the primary bill to address and phone numbers. For ship to customer, the page shows the primary ship to address and phone numbers. For sold to customer, the page shows the primary sold to address and phone numbers. The current date is used as the effective date.

If any of the fields on the popup page show as blank, it means that the data is not defined for the customer. For example, phone number and web site are optional fields, so if they are blank on the customer master, they display as blank on the popup page.

The customer phone number is stored in three separate fields, namely country code, phone, and extension. These three fields are concatenated together when displayed on the page. The country code is prefixed with a + and the extension field is prefixed with an x. The customer fax number does not consist of three separate fields, but is only one field, so it is displayed as it is displayed on the customer master record.

Bill To Customer Popup Page (Type 1)

The Bill To Customer popup page (SAC_CUSTBIL_POP):

Examples of where this popup page is used are:

Ship To Customer Popup Page (Type 2)

The Ship To Customer popup page (SAC_CUSTSHP_POP):

This page is currently not delivered on a specific page. To activate this popup page:

See Activating the Mouse Over Popup Feature.

Sold To Customer Popup Page (Type 3)

The Sold To Customer popup page (SAC_CUSTSLD_POP):

Examples of where this popup page is used are:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Customer Contact Popup Pages

There are three types of contact popup pages:

If the address of the contact is the correct type of address for the page, then the address of the contact is shown. If it is not the correct type of address, then the customer's primary address is shown. For example, on the Bill To Contact popup page, if the contact's address is not marked as a bill to address, then the customer's primary bill to address is shown. The contact's address is stored on the Contact Customer page. The current date is used as the effective date.

If any of the fields on the popup page show as blank, it means that the data is not defined for the contact. For example, the phone numbers and title are optional fields. Therefore, if they are blank on the contact master, they are displayed as blank on the popup page.

The contact phone numbers are stored in three separate fields: country code, phone, and extension. These three fields are concatenated together when displayed on the page. The country code is prefixed with a + and the extension field is prefixed with an x.

If the email link on the popup page is pressed, a new window with the defined mail program for the user opens for the user to create a new email. The email address is automatically populated on the email.

Bill To Customer Contact Popup Page (Type 4)

The Bill To Customer Contact popup page (SAC_CUSTCNTBIL_POP):

An example of where this popup page is used is the RMA Form page in PeopleSoft Order Management.

Ship To Customer Contact Popup Page (Type 5)

The Ship To Customer Contact popup page (SAC_CUSTCNTSHP_POP):

An example of where this popup page is used is the RMA Form page in PeopleSoft Order Management.

Sold To Customer Contact Popup Page (Type 6)

The Sold To Customer Contact popup page (SAC_CUSTCNTSLD_POP):

An example of where this popup page is used is the RMA Form page in PeopleSoft Order Management.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Vendor Popup Pages

There are three types of vendor popup pages:

Note. All of these popup pages are visually identical. They differ only in the fields that are required on the main page to populate the data and in how the data is retrieved for each.

Vendor Popup Page (Type 1)

The vendor popup page (type 1) (SAC_VENDOR_POP):

PeopleCode reads a row from VENDOR_LOC using the SETID, VENDOR_ID, and the default location. The current date is used as the effective date. After the row is retrieved, the ordering address sequence number is used to select the correct address to display along with the email ID and business phone.

Examples of where this popup page is used are:

Vendor Popup Page (Type 2)

The vendor popup page (type 2) (SAC_VENDOR_POP2):

The field ADDRESS_SEQ_NUM references the address that is shown on the page. Email and business phone for this location are shown on the page using the current date as the effective date to retrieve the correct row. VNDR_LOC is used to display the location name.

An example of where this popup page is used is the Return to Vendor page in PeopleSoft Purchasing.

Vendor Popup Page (Type 3)

The vendor popup page (type 3) (SAC_VENDOR_POP3):

The vendor location identified by the VNDR_LOC field is used to obtain the ordering address key field, which is used to retrieve the correct address to display on the page using the current date as the effective date.

Examples of where this popup page is used are:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Vendor Extension Popup Pages

There are two types of vendor extension popup pages:

The vendor extension popup pages include vendor and contact information on the pop up page.

Vendor Extension Popup Page (Type 1)

The vendor extension popup page (type 1) (SAC_VENDOREXT_POP):

VENDOR is keyed by SETID, VENDOR_ID. VNDR_HLOC_VW is keyed by the additional field VNDR_LOC, and VNDR_HADDR_VW is keyed by ADDRESS_SEQ_NUM. VENDOR_CNT_VW is keyed by SETID, VENDOR_ID, and CNTCT_SEQ_NUM. All of these fields are required at level 0 so that they can retrieve the appropriate rows to display.

An example of where this popup page is used is Maintain Purchase Order – Purchase Order page in PeopleSoft Purchasing.

Vendor Extension Popup Page (Type 2)

The vendor extension popup page (type 2) (SAC_VENDOREXT_POP2):

The vendor address is retrieved based on the ADDRESS_SEQ_NUM found in record PO_HDR. The current date is used as the effective date to retrieve the appropriate address row. Email and business phone are also retrieved in this manner.

For the contact, the address used is the one linked to the vendor contact keyed by CNTCT_SEQ_NUM. The business phone and email are also retrieved from this row using the current date as the effective date.

An example of where this popup page is used is Manage PO Acknowledgements page in PeopleSoft Purchasing.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Vendor Contact Popup Pages

The vendor contact popup page (SAC_VENDRCNTCT_POP):

An example of where this popup page is used is the Contract Entry page in Purchasing.

Click to jump to parent topicActivating the Mouse Over Popup Feature

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Activate the Mouse Over Popup Feature

Page Name

Definition Name



Define Personalizations


PeopleTools, Personalization, Personalization Options

Select PPTL.

Activate or deactivate the mouse over popup feature at the installation level.

My Personalizations


My Personalizations

Activate or deactivate the mouse over popup feature for a user.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicActivating or Deactivating the Mouse Over Popup Feature at the Installation Level

Access the Define Personalizations page: Format tab (PeopleTools, Personalization, Personalization Options. Select PPTL).

To activate or deactivate the mouse over popup feature at the installation level:

  1. Select PeopleTools (PPTL) category.

  2. Select the Format tab.

  3. For user option BMOPOPUP, select the Set Option Default Value link.

  4. Select Yes or No in the Option Default Value field.

    The option is delivered as Yes.

  5. Click the Save button.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicActivating or Deactivating the Mouse Over Popup Feature at the User Level

Access the My Personalizations page (My Personalizations).

To activate or deactivate the mouse over popup feature at the user level:

  1. From the Navigation Personalizations category, select the Personalize User Options button.

  2. From the Mouse over pop up event option, select Yes or No in the Override Value column.

    The option is delivered as Yes.

  3. Click the OK button.

  4. Click the Save button.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdd Popup Pages to Additional Pages

Access the Edit Box Properties - Use page in Application Designer.

PeopleSoft FSCM does not activate the mouse over popup feature on all customer and vendor pages. Therefore, you may decide to add this feature to additional pages. To do this, determine which pages that you want to activate the mouse over popup feature. Then link a field on the page to the appropriate popup page using the Application Designer Edit Box Properties - Use page.

To link a field to a popup page:

See Using Page Controls, Using Popup Pages, Associating Popup Pages with Fields, PeopleTools PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Application Designer Developer's Guide

See Creating Page Definitions, Setting Use Properties, PeopleTools PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Application Designer Developer's Guide

To activate a popup page, specific fields, also known as keys, must be available in the component buffer.

Bill To Customer Popup Page

Required fields in the component buffer for the bill to customer pop up page are:

Ship To Customer Popup Page

Required fields in the component buffer for the ship to customer pop up page are:

Sold To Customer Popup Page

Required fields in the component buffer for the sold to customer pop up page are:

Bill To Customer Contact Popup Page

Required fields in the component buffer for the bill to customer contact pop up page are:

Ship To Customer Contact Popup Page

Required fields in the component buffer for the ship to customer contact pop up page are:

Sold To Customer Contact Popup Page

Required fields in the component buffer for the sold to customer contact pop up page are:

Vendor Popup Page (Type 1)

Required fields in the component buffer for the vendor pop up (type 1) page are:

Vendor Popup Page (Type 2)

Required fields in the component buffer for the vendor pop up (type 2) page are:

Vendor Popup Page (Type 3)

Required fields in the component buffer for the vendor pop up (type 3) page are:

Vendor Extension Popup Page (Type 1)

Required fields in the component buffer for the vendor extension pop up (type 1) page are:

Vendor Extension Popup Page (Type 2)

Required fields in the component buffer for the vendor extension pop up (type 2) page are:

Vendor Contact Popup Page

Required fields in the component buffer for the vendor contact pop up page are: