Appendix: PeopleSoft Source-to-Settle Common Information Reports

This appendix provides:

Note. For samples of these reports, see the PDF files published with your online documentation.

In addition to the standard reports, we also provide reporting tools that you can use to create new reports.

See Also

PeopleTools PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Process Scheduler

Click to jump to parent topicPeopleSoft Source-to-Settle Common Information Reports: General Description

This table lists the PeopleSoft Source-to-Settle Common Information reports, sorted alphanumerically by report ID. If you need more information about a report, refer to the report details at the end of this appendix.

Report ID and Report Name



Run Control Page



Lists detailed SpeedChart information by setID.

Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Procurement Options, Reports, SpeedCharts



Balance by Account/Vendor

Displays the beginning balance, ending balance, and credit and debit totals for selected vendors by payables account or alternate account.

Statutory Reports, Accounts Payable, Balance by Account/Vendor



Vendor Detail Listing

Lists vendors by status along with their associated detail data including address information and payment options.

Accounts Payable, Reports, Vendor, Vendor Detail Listing, Parameters



Vendor Summary Listing

Lists all the vendors by status along with basic summary information.

Accounts Payable, Reports, Vendor, Vendor Summary Listing, Parameters



Vendor Balance (Outstanding Balance by Vendor)

Lists the gross amount of all the outstanding vouchers for the specified vendor.

Accounts Payable, Reports, Vendor, Vendor Balance, Outstanding Balance by Vendor



Transaction Detail by Vendor

Displays journal entries by vendor, account and accounting period.

Statutory Reports, Accounts Payable, Transaction Detail by Vendor



Balance by Vendor/Account

Displays vendor beginning and ending balances and total debits and credits.

Statutory Reports, Accounts Payable, Balance by Vendor/Account, Balance Vendor/Account



Duplicate Vendors

Shows vendors that erroneously have duplicate TINs, withholding names, withholding addresses, vendor names, vendor short names, or vendor addresses. The vendor status appears in the report and the City and State fields are part of the address information. (BI Report)

Vendors, Vendor Setup/Maintenance, Duplicate Vendor Report, Duplicate Vendors



Vendor Archive Selection

Lists the vendors that have been selected for archiving.

Accounts Payable, Administration, Archive Vendors, Vendor Archive Selection



Vendor Contracts

Lists all the vendor contracts based on selection criteria you enter on the Vendor Contracts Report page. (SQR)

Procurement Contracts, Reports, Order Contracts, Vendor Contracts



Internal Contract

Lists all internal contracts based on selection criteria you enter on the Internal Contract Report page. You can view item usage by category, by vendor, and by contract. (SQR)

Procurement Contracts, Reports, Internal Order Contracts, Internal Contract



Non-Contracted Items

Lists use and monetary value of items not under contract. Additionally, you can identify items being used that should be substituted for items currently under contract. (SQR)

Procurement Contracts, Reports, Non-Contracted Items



Contract Expiration

Lists, by vendor/category or category/vendor, contracts that are scheduled to expire within a selected date range. This enables you to be proactive in contract renewals or to generate entirely new contracts with existing or new vendors. This report also enables you to synchronize multiple contracts with a vendor; you can enter into negotiations with that vendor for multiple contracts all at once. (SQR)

Procurement Contracts, Reports, Contract Expiration



Master Contracts

Lists all the master voucher contracts for a specified setID.

Procurement Contracts, Reports, Master Contracts



Recurring Voucher Contracts

Lists all the voucher contracts for a specified setID with contract header and distribution information.

Procurement Contracts, Reports, Recurring Vouchers, Recurring Voucher Contracts



Recurring Voucher Contract Detail

Lists recurring voucher contract details by setID and contract ID.

Procurement Contracts, Reports, Recurring Voucher Details, Recurring Voucher Detail


Click to jump to parent topicPeopleSoft Source-to-Settle Common Information Reports: A to Z

This section provides detailed information on individual reports including important fields. The reports are listed alphanumerically by report ID.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAPY0005 - SpeedCharts

As of Data

Enter a date to generate a report with information about all SpeedCharts in the system as of this date.


Type of security set up for the SpeedChart, along with a short description.

Operator ID

The user ID of the single user who can use the designated SpeedChart when the speed type is O (one user).

Operator Class

The class of users from the primary permission list that has access to the designated SpeedChart when the speed type is C (class).


Percentage by which the cost of the total amount is distributed for the SpeedChart line.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAPY3000 - Vendor Detail Listing

Set ID

Select the SetID on which you want to report by selecting it from the available options.

As of Date

Select the date as of which you want to report data for the vendors. Use the calendar button to select a date, or type one directly into the field.

Vendor Status

Select from the following options: Approved, Inactive, To Archive, or Unapproved.


References the vendor's classification as defined on the Vendor Information - Identifying Information page.


References the vendor's persistence as defined on the Vendor Information - Identifying Information page.


Indicates whether the vendor is defined as a withholding vendor on the Vendor Information - Identifying Information page.


References the location(s) defined for the vendor on the Vendor Information — Location page.

Approve Flag

At the vendor location level, voucher approval processing can default from the control hierarchy, be specified as pre-approved, or be controlled by workflow processes using the Virtual Approver model. You can define the approval processing for the vendor location on the Matching Options page in the Vendor component.

Bus Proc Name (business process name)

If you are using the Virtual Approver model, this references the business process name that controls the routing of vouchers to roles in the organization. This field is defined on the Matching Options page in the Vendor component.

Apprvl Rule Set (approval rule set)

If you are using the Virtual Approver model, this references the Approval Rule Set that controls the routing of vouchers to roles in the organization. This field is defined on the Matching Options page in the Vendor component.

Terms Code

References the Payment Terms Code defined on the Procurement Options page in the Vendor component.


References the Payment Handling Code specified for this vendor location on the Payment Options page in the Vendor component.

Each payment handling code has a sort sequence related to it that determines the order in which it will print. Checks will be printed according to the sort sequence in ascending order: the lower the sort sequence number, the higher the sort priority. You must always have a payment handling code on a scheduled payment. You define payment handling codes on the Structure Procurement Options menu.

Pay Group

References the pay group defined on the Payment Options page in the Vendor component. This feature enables you to assign vendors to a group and pay them all at once.

Invoice Address

References the invoicing address for the vendor as defined on the Vendor Information — Location page.

Remit Address

References the remit to address for the vendor as defined on the Vendor Information — Location page.

Other Address

References the ordering address for the vendor as defined on the Vendor Information — Location page.

Return Address

References the return address for the vendor as defined on the Vendor Information — Location page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAPY3001 - Vendor Summary Listing


The vendor ID of all of the vendors for this SetID as defined on the Vendor Information - Identifying Information page.


The vendor name defined on the Identifying Information page in the Vendor component.


The corporate ID of the vendors for the selected SetID, as defined on Vendor Information — Identifying Information Page

AR Customer #

The Accounts Receivable Customer Number of vendors for the selected SetID, as defined on the Additional ID Numbers page. This number indicates that this vendor is also a customer.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAPY3020 - Vendor Balance (Outstanding Balance by Vendor)

Total for Voucher ID

Totals the Discount Amount and Gross Amount for the voucher.

Total for Business Unit

Totals the Discount Amount and Gross Amount for the business unit.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAPY6002 - Vendor Archive Selection

Archive ID

The archive ID defined on the Vendor Archive Request page.

Archive Date

The archive date defined on the Vendor Archive Request page. The Archive Date indicates the date on which you want to archive. This date will help you keep track of when you actually ran the archive process.

Wthd Sw (Withholding Switch)

The Withholding Switch for the vendors selected for archiving. If this field is Y then the vendor is a withholding vendor.

VAT Sw (VAT Switch)

The VAT Switch for the vendors selected for archiving. If this field is Y then the vendor is a VAT vendor.

Last Activ Dt (Last Activity Date)

The system-maintained date that is assigned to the vendor, which records when that vendor's most recent transaction occurred.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPOCNT100 - Vendor Contracts


Displays the contract categories that are included in the contract. Categories enable you to specify groups of items on a contract, rather than having to enter the items one at a time.

Item Exceptions

Displays exception conditions for items contained in the contract.

Maximum Amount

Displays the maximum amount defined for the contract.

Price Adjustments

Displays price adjustments that have been made to the contract.

Allow Multicurrency PO

Indicates whether you allow the purchase order to have multiple currencies. This is set on the Maintain Contracts – Header Page.

See Also

Creating Contract Headers

Creating Contract Line Information

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPOCNT200 - Internal Contract

Rate - Type

The currency rate type for the contract.

Rate - Date

The date on which the currency rate is based.


Indicates whether this is a multicurrency purchase order.

Open Item Ref (open item reference)

Indicates that open items against the contract are included.


Displays the contract categories that are included in the contract. Categories enable you to specify groups of items on a contract, rather than having to enter the items one at a time.

Item Exceptions

Displays exception conditions for items contained in the contract.

Maximum Amount

Displays the maximum amount defined for the contract.

Price Adjustments

Displays price adjustments that have been made to the contract.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPOCNT400 - Contract Expiration

Select an Option for the From/To date:

C (current date)

Report expiring contracts beginning/ending with the current date.

M (current date minus days)

Report expiring contracts beginning/ending with the date that is a specified number of days before the current date. Specify that number in the Nbr Days field.

N (no selection by date)

Date criteria not used to report expiring contracts.

P (current date plus days)

Report expiring contracts beginning/ending with the date that a specified number of days after the current date. Specify the number in the Nbr Days field.

S (specified date)

Report expiring contracts beginning/ending with the dates you select in the Date field.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPOY1050 - Master Contracts

Gross Amount

The gross amount you defined for the contract. This field is used by PeopleSoft Payables voucher contracts, and not by PeopleSoft Purchasing order contracts.

See Also

Setting Up Master Contracts

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPOY1051 - Recurring Voucher Contracts


The product number of the item. The product is generally used to capture additional information useful for profitability and cash flow analysis, for example.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPOY1052 - Recurring Voucher Contract Detail

Post Status

The status of the posting of the voucher.


Entry Status

The contract voucher status. Available options are Recycled, Open, Postable, and Complete.