Closing Service Requests, Work Order Tasks, and Work Orders

This chapter provides an overview of service request and work order close in Oracle's PeopleSoft Maintenance Management and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Service Request and Work Order Close

This section discusses:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicService Request Close

Employees and non-employees can create service requests using a self-service page, or an agent can create a service request for a requester based on the agent's knowledge of an existing problem. Once either a requester or the agent creates a service request:

For example, the value in the Days to Close field is 20 for service request business unit SRBU1 and the following service requests are marked complete on the dates in the following table:

Service Request

Completion Date

Service Request automatically closes on:



21st January 2005

Note. The requester or agent can manually close this service request on or before this date.



30th January 2005

Note. The requester or agent can manually close this service request on or before this date.



19th January 2005

Note. The requester or agent can manually close this service request on or before this date.

Once a service request is canceled or closed, the fields in the service request are display only.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicClosing of Work Order Tasks and Work Orders

Once a user changes the status of a work order task to complete, then the user can close the task. To close a work order task:

When you manually change the status of a work order task to Close, you can no longer add any costs to the work order task in feeder systems such as PeopleSoft Purchasing, PeopleSoft Expenses and PeopleSoft Inventory.

For example, you can no longer create a purchase order from the work order task or create a purchase order directly from PeopleSoft Purchasing and associate it with a work order task once the work order task is closed. However, if you created existing purchase orders or requisitions before changing the status of the task to Complete and PeopleSoft Purchasing has not processed them, then these purchase orders and requisitions can continue to process the costs. This condition remains true for any work order task transactions that reside in any of the subsystems associated with PeopleSoft Maintenance Management.

Work Order Close (WM_CLOSE) Batch Processing

When you run the Work Order Close (WM_CLOSE) batch process:

Note. If an asset is not associated with a work order task, then the process does not update PeopleSoft Asset Management.

You can only close a work order if the status of each of the work order tasks associated with the work order is closed or canceled. If any work order tasks are incomplete, the process does not close the work order. If technicians with pending time sheets are assigned to a work order task, the process does not close the work order task. Work order tasks that are associated with an asset require a defined maintenance type.

Note. Standing work orders are an exception to this rule. You select a check box in the Miscellaneous page of the work order to identify that the work order is a standing work order.

See Using the Work Order Miscellaneous Page.

Capitalization Processing for Work Order Tasks

If a work order task is associated with a work order managed project, the Work Order Close process (WM_CLOSE) verifies that an asset is associated with the work order task and that the task is set up for asset capitalization in the PeopleSoft Maintenance Management Task Accounting page. If the currency specified for the asset in PeopleSoft Asset Management is different that the currency specified in the work order business unit, the Work Order Close (WM_CLOSE) converts the cost from the currency specified in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management to the cost for currency specified in the Asset Management business unit. The process checks the capitalization limit on the work order task. Based on the capitalization limit, if the task is eligible for capitalization, the process selects (activates) the Capitalization Switch for the PeopleSoft Project Costing project activity that is associated with in the work order task and also updates the Filter ID with the capitalization filter selected for the work order task in the PeopleSoft Maintenance Management Task Accounting page. However, the Work Order Close process (WM_CLOSE) does not run the Capitalization process. The Capitalization process is run separately in PeopleSoft Project Costing, Assets, Express Capitalization Process. Once this process is run, you must run the Cost Summarization process to view the capitalization costs in the PeopleSoft Maintenance Management, Inquiries and Reports, Capitalization inquiry.

Important! PeopleSoft Project Costing only capitalizes financial assets.

See Managing Assets.

Chargeback Processing for Work Order Tasks (WO Managed Only)

During the execution of a work order task that is associated with a work order managed project, each of the subsystems and the tools transactions in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management sends the labor, inventory, payables, and tools transaction costs to the PROJ_RESOURCE table. When the Project Costing Pricing engine prices a work order task transaction, the Pricing engine updates the GL_DISTRIB_STATUS in the PROJ_RESOURCE table to hold, which prevents the Project Costing Project Accounting engine from selecting these rows. When the Work Order Close (WM_CLOSE) process runs for a work order task, the process updates the GL_DISTRIB_STATUS to costed. The accounting engine can then pick up the costed rows to generate chargeback accounting entries to post in the PeopleSoft General Ledger. The costs are charged back to the organization indicated in the ChartField distribution row in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management.

See Pricing Transactions Associated with Work Orders.

Retirement Processing for Work Order Tasks

When the Work Order Close process (WM_CLOSE) closes a work order task associated with a work order managed project that involves the retirement of the asset, then the process initiates the retirement cost flow. When you select the information for asset capitalization and chargebacks on the Work Order Task Accounting page, the information is updated on the project activity when the work order is closed.

See Retiring Assets.

See Integrating with Maintenance Management.

Asset Maintenance History

The Work Order Close (WM_CLOSE) process updates the asset maintenance costs and the total asset downtime hours, which is a total of all the downtime entered for a work order task, in PeopleSoft Asset Maintenance History. The Maintenance Cost Data Extraction process (WM_ASSETCOST) extracts the costs from the Asset Maintenance History. Run this process on a regular basis, selecting the appropriate parameters, to enables the Maintenance Cost Inquiry to display the latest maintenance cost information.

See Using the Asset Maintenance History Inquiry.

Click to jump to parent topicRunning WM_CLOSE for Service Requests, Work Order Tasks, and Work Orders

To close work orders, work order tasks, and service requests use the Close Work Order (WM_CLOSE_REQUEST) component.

This section describes how to close work orders, work order tasks, and service requests.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Run the Close Process for Service Requests, Work Order Tasks, and Work Orders

Page Name

Definition Name



Close Work Order


Maintenance Management, Work Order Management, Work Order Processing, Close Work Order

Close service requests, work order tasks, or work orders.

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Access the Close Work Order page. (Select Maintenance Management, Work Order Management, Work Order Processing, Close Work Order.)

Transaction Type


  • All (Work Order and Request)

    Select this value for the value All to appear in the Processing Option field. This selection enables you to close all eligible service requests, work order tasks, and work orders.

  • Service Request

    Select this value for the value All to appear in the Processing Option field. This selection enables you to close all eligible service requests.

  • Work Order

    Select this value and select one of the Processing Options listed below to close all work orders that are eligible to close that fall within the selected processing option value.

Processing Option

Select Work Order as the transaction type and then select:

  • All to close all eligible work orders in the system.

  • Bus. Unit (business unit) to display the Close Parameters group box.

    You can add and select one or more business units for which you want to close eligible work orders.

  • Group to display the Close Parameters group box.

    You can add and select one or more business units and associate each business unit with a service group for which you want to close eligible work orders.

  • Shop to display the Close Parameters group box.

    You can add and select one or more business units and associate each business unit with a shop for which you want to close eligible work orders.

  • Task to display the Close Parameters group box.

    You can add and select one or more business units and associate each business unit with a work order ID and a task number that you want to close.

  • WO Type (work order type) to display the Close Parameters group box.

    You can add and select one or more business units and associate each business unit with a work order type for which you want to close eligible work orders.

  • Work Order to display the Close Parameters group box.

    You can add and select one or more business units and associate each business unit with a work order ID that you want to close.


Click this button to run the Work Order Close process (WM_CLOSE). Click the Process Monitor button to monitor the processing and click the Report Options button to access and manage any reports associated with the process.

See Also

PeopleTools PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Process Scheduler

Click to jump to parent topicRunning the Cost Summarization Process

To run the Cost Summarization process, use the Cost Summarization (WM_SUMCOST_RUN) component.

This section provides an overview of cost summarization and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Cost Summarization

The Cost Summarization process in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management enables you to see up-to-date actual costs whenever you need to in the Cost page of the work order. This process uses the Cost Collection application engine in PeopleSoft Project Costing to gather the labor, inventory, purchasing, and tools actual costs, and it updates the Cost page of the work order. The actual costs for a work order are collected for the number of days you entered in the Days for Cost Collection field of the work order business unit after the work order is closed. The work order header, task, and all resource rows are updated with the task information. The Cost Summarization process also performs any currency conversions. In addition, if the capitalization process was run in PeopleSoft Project Costing for assets specified in the work order, then these costs appear on the Capitalization inquiry in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management when you run the Cost Summarization process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Run the Cost Summarization Process

Page Name

Definition Name



Cost Summarization


Maintenance Management, Work Order Management, Work Order Processing, Cost Summarization

Run the Cost Summarization process (WM_SUMMCOST) to update total actual costs generated in PeopleSoft Project Costing in the Cost page of the work order.

Work Order - Cost


Select Maintenance Management, Work Order Management, Work Order, and click the Cost tab.

Review the total estimated, scheduled, and actual costs in a work order.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSummarizing Costs

Access the Cost Summarization page. (Select Maintenance Management, Work Order Management, Work Order Processing, Cost Summarization.)

Important! The Cost Summarization process updates only the actual costs for the work order. The estimated costs are based on the task resource requirements, and the scheduled costs are based on the scheduled resources.


Select one of these options:

  • All to summarize costs for all work orders and all shops associated with all business units.

  • Business Unit to enable the Business Unit field, where you can select the work order business unit associated with the work orders for which you want to summarize costs.

  • Shop to enable the Shop field, where you can select the shop associated with the work order for which you want to summarize the costs.

  • Work Orderto enable the Work Order ID field, where you can select the specific work order for which you want to summarize the costs.


Click this button to run the WM_SUMMCOST process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing the Results of the Cost Summarization Process in the Work Order

Access the Work Order - Cost page. (Select Maintenance Management, Work Order Management, Work Order, and select the Cost tab.)

Work Order Header Totals

Estimated Total Costs

Displays a value if you calculated estimated costs for each resource row for each task in the Requirements page. This value is updated when you save the work order requirements.

Scheduled Totals

Displays a value if you calculated the scheduled costs for each resource row for each task on the Schedules page. This value is updated when you save the work order Schedules page.

Actual Total

Displays a value when you enter the time, material, and tool usage amounts in the Technician Workbench. When you run the Cost Summarization process, the total costs are collected in PeopleSoft Project Costing, and they appear in these fields.

Task Totals and Actuals

This grid displays the total estimated and scheduled costs for each work order task when you enter the resources lines and save the requirements for estimated costs and the schedules for scheduled costs. The total actual costs for each task are derived from PeopleSoft Project Costing when you run the Cost Summarization process and the variance is calculated. The system calculates a variance between the estimated costs and the actual costs.

Labor Actuals

This grid displays the total actual labor costs for each employee assigned to a work order task line. These costs appear based on running the Cost Summarization process. The Cost Summarization process is automatically run when a work order is closed.

Material Actuals

This grid displays the total actual inventory costs for each work order task line. These costs appear based on running the Cost Summarization process. The Cost Summarization process is automatically run when a work order is closed.

Purchasing Actuals

This grid displays the total actual purchasing costs for each work order task line. These costs appear based on running the Cost Summarization process. The Cost Summarization process is automatically run when a work order is closed.

Tools Actuals

This grid displays the total actual tool costs for each work order task line. These costs appear based on running the Cost Summarization process. The Cost Summarization process is automatically run when a work order is closed.