Using Supplemental Data

This chapter provides an overview of Oracle's PeopleSoft Maintenance Management supplemental data, and discusses how to establish supplemental data.

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Supplemental Data

Because every organization has different data requirements for work orders based upon unique business processes and regulatory issues, PeopleSoft Maintenance Management includes the Supplemental Data component to provide a way to define additional work-order related data. This component enables system administrators to extend the information that is stored for an object without requiring modifications to the object's base table (record) and without requiring additional PeopleCode or PeopleTools customizations. The supplemental data framework uses the PeopleSoft Common Components Active Analytic Framework (AAF) to define the business rules for the additional data.

Supplemental data is valuable when you want to capture information about a subset of object instances with fields that are relevant only to these particular object instances. Objects include records, pages and components, which you must configure specifically to accept supplemental data. For example, PeopleSoft defines and enables the Service Request, Work Order Header, and Work Order Task to include supplemental data for PeopleSoft Maintenance Management. Supplemental data may be a field that is embedded in the page or displays on a secondary page. PeopleSoft defines and registers both the supplemental data store records associated with a base record and the components to be used for supplemental data. Be aware that adding any additional objects is regarded as a customization and requires familiarity with PeopleTools.

When you set up supplemental data, you define records and fields and map them to a data storage record. These definitions are not stored in the PeopleTools metadata tables but in the supplemental data's own metadata tables. You define supplemental data page elements to display on the page in two columns. You must also group supplemental data fields within a display group for display purposes. You assign display groups to pages that are enabled for supplemental data. Once you have made this designation, you can define the conditions under which the application should use the supplemental data. You may perform a search on one display group. The pages within the Supplemental Data component enable you to accomplish these tasks.

Considerations and Limitations

The decision to add supplemental data to your application should be based on how applicable the data objects are to instances of the object. If the data objects apply to a significant number of instances of the object, then it may be better to add a field to the table using Application Designer instead of using attributes to capture the data. If the data elements apply to a much smaller percentage of the objects, then attributes may be the solution. While supplemental data provides a large amount of flexibility in terms of adding data elements without changing the underlying data model, you should consider the following limitations when you are evaluating whether to implement supplemental data:


We use the following terms when discussing supplemental data:

Supplemental Data Field

Defined in the Supplemental Data Record, mapped to fields of the data store record. Also referred to as "Field" in the context of supplemental data setup.

Display Group

Grouping of supplemental data fields, for display purpose.

Supplemental Data Page

The page where supplemental data will be displayed or entered in runtime. Also referred to as Page in the context of supplemental data setup.

Supplemental Data Record

Logical data model for supplemental data. Also referred to as Record in the context of supplemental data setup.

Supplemental Data Store

The physical table where supplemental data is stored. Also referred to as Data Store or Data Store Record.

Search Record

Record that saves search criteria for the base record.

Supplemental Search Record

Record that saves search criteria for the base record. The criteria are based on the supplemental data defined for the base record.

Supplemental Data Record Details

The Supplemental Data components, Register Record and Register Component are system-defined by PeopleSoft. The purpose of these options is to associate the supplemental data storage and optional search records with a PeopleSoft Maintenance Management base record and a PeopleSoft Maintenance Management component.

For each base PeopleSoft Maintenance Management record, there is an associated supplemental data storage record:

Base Record

Supplemental Data Storage Record







The following components and pages are enabled for supplemental data. There are AAF contexts and terms defined for the components. You can define an AAF condition to show different display groups based on business rules.



Base Record




























The following delivered system data enables users to search work order tasks based on a work order header's supplemental data. There can be supplemental display groups with no AAF condition on a search page. Since the advanced search page is implemented as a secondary page, which users can invoke from the main page, you need to have the same assignment for these two pages:

Base Record

Storage Record

Base Search Record

Supplemental Data Search Record





The system stores the search criteria in the Supplemental Data Search Record using the same mapping defined for the Supplemental Record. There are no AAF contexts and terms defined for the components used for the search:



Base Record




















PeopleSoft Maintenance Management serves as an excellent example of how supplemental data is set up and used in an application. For example, an organization may need to create work orders to assign and schedule resources to repair vehicles and uses PeopleSoft Maintenance Management. Part of this repair process includes the requirement to track any hazardous waste that was created while performing this work. This organization wants a Hazardous Waste group box to display, which contains the fields labeled as Date Generated (DATE), Description (DESCR), Notes (NOTES), Quantity (QTY), Unit of Measure (UOM), and Waste Code (WASTE_CD) when you create or update a work order task for this type of work.

Based on the registered records and components, you access the Define Record component and define each supplemental data record such as PS_HAZARD_WASTE, associate it with a supplemental data stored record, such as WM_WO_TSK_SD, and add all the field names and their associated details that you want to include in this record. Based on the hazardous waste example, you would add the fields: DATE, DESCR, NOTES, QTY, UOM, and WASTE_CD. You create a field name (WASTE_CD), a field label (Waste Code), select how the field will be used (code), the field length displays based on the field's use type (4 displays for code), and select a supplemental database field (SD_TEXT_4_1) in which to store each field's data. Since the use type for the field in this example is code, an additional group box displays where you can define all the field values and the order in which you want each value to display on the drop-down list For example, the WASTE_CD values might be D001, D002, D003, D004, D005, D006. Initially the status in the Record page is In Design. You must change the status in the Record page to Activated before saving the data and exiting this option.

Note. If you access the Define Record component for an existing record, you must change the status field to In Design before making any changes. After you add the new field, you must change the status field back to Activated before saving and exiting the component.

Once you have defined and activated all of your fields, you must access the Define Display Group component and create a display group, such as PS_HAZARD_WASTE, and associate it with a base record, such as WM_WO_TSK. You then must identify the fields and their associated records that you want to appear in either the left or the right column of the page. If a label is not associated with the field name, you may enter a label here. For example, for the PS_HAZARD_WASTE record, you might want to put the fields DATE, DESCR, and NOTES fields in the right column, and the QTY, UOM, and WASTE_CD fields in the left column.

Once you create a display group, you associate one or more of the display groups that you created to a component, such as the WM_WO component. This is also where you identify whether the condition is editable or read-only. If the condition is editable, you may access the condition term page where you may edit and add conditions for this display group. When you access the Work Order component in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management and access the WM_WO_DETAIL page, the supplemental data group box containing the supplemental data fields appear on the page.

Click to jump to parent topicEstablishing Supplemental Data

To establish supplemental data, use the following components:

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up Supplemental Data

Page Name

Definition Name



Register Record


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Maintenance Management, Supplemental Data, Register Record

Registers the supplemental data base record and optionally registers the record that saves the search criteria for the base record.

Note. This is PeopleSoft system-defined data and is not set up by users. It should not be modified.

Register Component


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Maintenance Management, Supplemental Data, Register Component

Registers and enables the component and the pages for supplemental data.

Note. This is PeopleSoft system-defined data and is not set up by users. It should not be modified.

Define Record - Record


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Maintenance Management, Supplemental Data, Define Record, Record

Defines the supplemental data record associated with the base record and identifies where to store this record.

Define Record - Fields Summary


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Maintenance Management, Supplemental Data, Define Record, and select the Fields Summary tab.

Maps fields to the data storage fields.

Define Record - Fields Detail


  • Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Maintenance Management, Supplemental Data, Define Record, Fields Detail

  • Click a field name on the Define Record - Fields Summary page.

Defines a field's detail information.

Define Display Group


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Maintenance Management, Supplemental Data, Define Display Group

Defines a display group and associates any records and fields, as well as identifies the order in which the fields appear on the page.

Assign Display Group


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Maintenance Management, Supplemental Data, Assign Display Group

Assigns one or more display groups to a supplemental data-enabled component and page.

Assign Display Group - Conditions



Click the Edit icon. ) on the Assign Display Group page.

Specify conditions that control when a display group appears.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining a Supplemental Data Record

Access the Define Record - Record page. (Select Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Maintenance Management, Supplemental Data, Register Record.)


Enter a name for a supplemental data record. For example a possible supplemental data record name used for PeopleSoft Maintenance Management may be PS_WASTE.

Base Record

Select a base record on the Define Record page to associate with this supplemental data record. For example, a PeopleSoft Maintenance Management base record is WM_WO_TSK.


Select a status of In Design during the time that you are defining this record. Change the status to Activated to indicate that you completed mapping the supplemental data fields.

Note. If you update a record, before you add a field or make changes to a record, you must change this status back to In Design. When you have completed the modification, you must change the status back to Activated before saving and exiting the component.

Data Store Record

Select one of the data store records that you previously registered that you want to use to store this supplemental data record. For example, the data store record for this supplemental data record in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management is WM_WO_TSK_SD.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining and Mapping Supplemental Data Record Fields to Data Store Records

Access the Define Record - Fields Summary page. (Select Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Maintenance Management, Supplemental Data, Define Record, and select the Fields Summary tab.)

Field Name, Use Type, Length, Mapped to and Field Status

Click the Field Name link to access the Fields Detail page. The remaining fields on this page are all defined in the Fields Detail page. Once you finish adding all the fields and their descriptions on the Field Details page, and change the Status value in the Record page to Activated, each new field name and its characteristics appear on this summary page. You may then click on each field name and access the field name's detail information in the Define Record - Fields Detail page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSpecifying Details for Supplemental Data Record Fields

Access the Define Record - Fields Detail page. You access this page when you click the Field Name on the Define Record - Fields Summary page. (Select Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Maintenance Management, Supplemental Data, Define Record, Fields Summary, and click a field name on the Define Record - Fields Summary page to display the Fields Detail tab and page.)

Field Name

Enter a name for the supplemental data field and a description of the field. For example, in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management this field might be called WASTE_CD.

Field Label

Enter the a label to display on the page for this field. For example, in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management this field might be Waste Code.

Use Type

Select one of the following based on how the field will be used:

  • Code

  • Number

  • Signed Number

  • Text

  • Time

  • Yes/No

Field Length

Select a length based on the selected Use Type:

  • If the use type is a number or signed number consisting of an integer or decimal position, the field lengths may only be: 9.0, 7.2, and 15.4.

  • If the use type is text, the field length may be 4, 20, 50, or 100.

  • If you select any of the remaining use types, each type's field length is dictated by the specific length of the selected use type.

Mapped To

Select the data store field to which you want to map this field.

Note. Once you change the status to Activated on the Record page, the information listed above, with the exception of the description and field label, becomes read-only and cannot be modified.


This group box displays if you selected code as a Use Type and identifies a list of code values for a drop-down list.


Enter a number to represent the order in which you want to see these codes listed in a drop-down list or lookup page.

Field Value and Translate Long Name

Enter each valid code in this list along with the text that you want to appear on the list when the drop-down list displays.

Field Status

Displays the current status of the field. Initially this value will be In Design. The value changes to Activated after you change the record status toActivated on the Define Record - Record page.


Click this button to assign each code a unique sequential number and reorganize the sequence numbers in top-down numerical order.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining a Supplemental Data Display Group

Access the Define Display Group page. (Select Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Maintenance Management, Supplemental Data, Define Display Group.)

Display Group

Select a base record to associate this new display group with and enter a name for this display group in the Define Display Group Add page.


Enter a label for the display group data group box.


Enter the number of rows of data to display in the group box.

Left and Right Columns

The supplemental fields that you want to appear on a page are defined in left and right columns.

Sequence, Record, Field Name, and Label

Select the record and field name, enter a label that you want to display on the page for the field name for each supplemental data field. Enter a sequence number to determine the order in which the fields should display on the page for each column.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAssigning a Supplemental Data Display Group

Access the Assign Display Group page. (Select Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Maintenance Management, Supplemental Data, Assign Display Group.)

Component Name and Market

Select the component that is enabled for supplemental data and with which you want to associate a supplemental data display group in the Assign Display Group Search page. The Market for which this component was defined displays as read-only along with the Component Name.

Enabled Pages and Display Groups

This group box displays the name of the pages within the component that are enabled for supplemental data, their associated base record, and any associated display groups. You may also add the display groups that you want to appear in this component and page.

Sequence, Display Group, Use

Add a supplemental data display group that you want to associate with this component and this page, and select whether you want the text associated with the display group to be Editable or Read-only.

User Friendly Text

Describes the condition associated with this display group in easy to understand terminology.

Click the Edit icon to access the Assign Display Group - Conditions page where you can establish conditions that control when a display group appears. For example, you could set a condition so that a display group appears only when there is a hazardous asset associated with a work order task, or when the work order is of the type CM (corrective maintenance).

Click the Clear icon to remove the condition that is associated with this display group.

Note. If the supplemental data page is registered as a search page, then you may add only one display group to the page; you must select 1 as the value in the Occurs field for the selected display group; you must define all fields for this display group for the same record definition; and you must map this record to a data store record defined with a Search Supplemental Search record. With PeopleSoft Maintenance Management, you can only search based on supplemental data for the Work Order Header.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Conditions for Display Groups

Access the Assign Display Group - Conditions page. (Select Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Maintenance Management, Supplemental Data, Assign Display Group and select the Edit icon.)

Supplemental data depends on the Active Analytics Framework (AAF) to define and resolve the conditions for a supplemental data display group. AAF is a PeopleSoft Enterprise Component that includes the following components:

PeopleSoft Maintenance Management utilizes all of these AAF components with the exception of the Action Framework.

You define a condition using a combination of a term, an operator, and a value or term. A term is a nontechnical name that refers to the information (data) that can be retrieved or computed and is the object evaluated within a condition. This page enables you to build conditions by viewing and selecting the terms, operators, and value/term that define the condition.

To add a condition:

  1. Select a term.

  2. Select an operator.

  3. Enter or select values or terms to define the right side of the condition equation, if required by the selected operator.

Note. To add conditions for values derived from control tables that are keyed by setID (for example, Work Type, Service Group ID), you must use one of the "in list" operators (is in list, or is not in list).

There are two modes that you can use to specify conditions:

Switch to Advanced Mode

Click to activate advanced mode.

Switch to Basic Mode

Click to activate basic mode.

Switch to Search Mode

Click to activate search mode, where you can execute a search for defined terms.

Switch to Browse Mode

Click to activate browse mode, where you can browse defined terms.

Select Term

Click to insert the term into the condition.


Displays the term name used in the condition that is evaluated against the Value.


Select the operator to use for the condition. The list of available operators depends on the term upon which the condition is based.


Displays the value to which the Term is compared.


Click to create the condition and return to the Assign Display Group page.


Click to cancel building the condition.