Calculating VAT in PeopleSoft Billing

This chapter provides an overview of value-added tax (VAT) in PeopleSoft Billing, lists common elements, and discusses how to:

See Also

Working with VAT

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding VAT in PeopleSoft Billing

To create VAT documents, including customer invoices and sales orders, you must first set up the VAT environment and enable the business units for VAT. The VAT information that is on customer invoices and sales orders is calculated based on the data that you enter. For example, the VAT codes determine the VAT rates that the system uses to calculate the VAT amount.

You can print VAT amounts on the customer invoices and sales orders, as needed. The VAT information that is on the transactions is loaded into the VAT transaction table and then into the VAT reporting tables, from which you can create VAT returns and other VAT reports.

The following diagram illustrates VAT processing that includes setting up the VAT environment, creating and printing VAT documents, loading the VAT transaction table, and creating VAT reports.

VAT process flow in PeopleSoft Billing

Several VAT-related fields exist that must be populated for VAT transactions to:

For example, the system requires the VAT registration status of the parties who are involved in a VAT transaction, the type of VAT transaction, and the rate at which VAT is calculated.

The global VAT default routines provide a centralized mechanism for the storage and retrieval of this information. PeopleSoft Billing obtains VAT defaults by calling the global VAT default routines.

See Establishing VAT Defaults.

VAT Drivers, VAT Driver Keys, and the Default Hierarchy for VAT Defaults

Default VAT information is controlled by VAT drivers, and is retrieved through a hierarchy. The following table lists the VAT drivers and associated VAT driver keys in VAT default-hierarchy sequence from most specific to least specific for the VAT Defaults component. The table also indicates which drivers control defaults for the services VAT treatment.

Note. The VAT drivers that appear in this table include only those that apply to PeopleSoft Billing.

The VAT drivers appear in the order of the hierarchy that the system uses to process defaults.

The Sales Line Identifier and Sales Line Identifier Group VAT drivers are used to retrieve VAT information for the bill lines only.

Bill Source and Bill Type VAT drivers share the Bill Source SetID driver key because both drivers belong to the same record group.

VAT Driver

VAT Driver Keys



Applicable to Regular VAT Defaults

Applicable to Services VAT Treatment Defaults

Sales Line Identifier


Identifier Table






Sales Line Identifier Group

Identifier Group SetID

Identifier Table

Identifier Group





Customer Location

Customer SetID

Customer ID

Address Sequence Number






Customer SetID

Customer ID





Bill Source

Bill Source SetID

Bill Source ID





Bill Type

Bill Type SetID

Bill Type ID





Billing Business Unit

Billing Business Unit





VAT Entity Registration

VAT Entity


Not applicable




VAT Country


Not applicable




VAT on Fully Paid Invoices

VAT calculations are not performed in PeopleSoft Billing for fully paid invoices. Where applicable, a fully paid invoice must have VAT calculated before the bill is sent to Billing through the Billing interface.

Fully paid invoices are not printed during the standard Billing invoice generation and printing process. If an invoice is required to comply with VAT rules, you can reprint the invoice using the Billing invoice reprinting features.

VAT on Deposits

VAT is considered inclusive for any deposit, deposit applied, deposit refund, and deposit refund fee amounts. If the system is set up to apply VAT to advance payments, then Billing calculates VAT and, if necessary, reduces the net extended amount for the line by the VAT amount. When a customer makes a deposit, the transaction is associated with the customer's deposit identifier, BI_LINE. The system populates the CUST_DEPOSIT_ID field. This field is used to identify the original deposit invoice when the deposit is subsequently applied to an invoice or refunded. Deposits applied and refunds will copy the VAT defaults from the original deposit.

VAT on Corporate Voucher Payments

Billing does not handle VAT on corporate voucher payments. Accounting entries for VAT are created by Accounts Receivable when payment is applied to the invoice.

VAT reverse charges

The global VAT defaulting function will identify the transactions that are subject to VAT reverse charges. The reverse charge will only apply to specified goods that are purchased within the UK by a VAT-registered business for business purposes. The purchaser of the goods, rather than the seller, will be liable to account for the VAT on the sale. This is also called customer VAT. Billing invoices will not include the customer VAT on the invoice amount due, but will indicate the amount that the customer must account for. Self-service pages will indicate the customer VAT amount separate from the invoice amount due.

Deposit-related lines will not be subject to VAT reverse charge.

Note. VAT reverse charge will not be passed to PeopleSoft Receivables, PeopleSoft General Ledger or PeopleSoft Payables.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCommon Elements Used in This Chapter

VAT Driver

An entity for which VAT defaults can be defined. Examples of VAT drivers include Billing Business Unit, Charge (Sales Identifier) Codes, Charge Code VAT Groups, Customer, Customer Locations, Bill Source, Bill Type, Discount and Surcharge Codes.

Driver Keys

The application-specific key fields that identify a VAT driver instance. For example, the keys that identify the Customer VAT driver are setID and customer ID. The system obtains driver keys from the transactions during the course of the default process.

Physical Nature

Indicates whether an object is a good or a service. Many countries have a requirement to report the sale and purchase of goods separately from services.

VAT Location

Supplied by PeopleSoft Billing, values that are in these location fields affect VAT defaults, but are never affected by changes to any of the VAT defaults.

VAT Defaults

Fields for which the common VAT default processes supply default values. The system obtains VAT defaults using one of two methods:

  • By algorithm.

    For example, the system determines the VAT registration country and VAT treatment default values with complex algorithms.

  • From the VAT Defaults table.

    The system obtains the default value for some fields through a hierarchy of defaults that are from the common VAT Defaults table. The levels that are in the hierarchy represent the default sources and are identified by the VAT driver (for example, the Charge Code, Customer, or VAT Entity). The common VAT default processes can obtain these values from a single, centralized table.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up PeopleSoft Billing Business Units to Process VAT

Every invoice belongs to a Billing business unit. VAT invoices belong to VAT Billing business units that are linked to VAT entities.

The process for linking a VAT entity to a Billing business unit is complex. You must link the Billing business unit to a Receivables business unit that is associated with a General Ledger business unit that is already linked to a VAT entity.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up Billing Business Units to Process VAT

Page Name

Definition Name



Billing Definition - Business Unit 1


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Business Unit Related, Billing, Billing Definition, Business Unit 1

Establish a link to a VAT-enabled General Ledger business unit.

Billing Definition - Business Unit 4


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Business Unit Related, Billing, Billing Definition, Business Unit 4

Enable PeopleSoft Billing business units for VAT.

See Also

Defining Tax Control and Deferred Revenue Options

Defining New PeopleSoft Billing Business Units

Setting Up VAT Entities

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicLinking a Billing Business Unit to a VAT Entity

Access the Billing Definition - Business Unit 1 page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Business Unit Related, Billing, Billing Definition, Business Unit 1).

  1. Select a location code.

    The location code field is critical for VAT because the address country for this location becomes the ship-from country default for VAT invoices.

  2. Select a Receivables business unit.

    The relationship between a Billing business unit and a General Ledger business unit is inherited from PeopleSoft Receivables. Therefore, when you define a Receivables business unit, the General Ledger business unit that is associated with that Receivables business unit is the default.

    If that General Ledger business unit is tied to a VAT entity, the system displays that entity on the Billing Definition - Business Unit 4 page. If the General Ledger business unit is not tied to a VAT entity, the VAT Reporting Entity field on the Billing Definition - Billing Business Unit 4 page is blank. You establish the relationship between a General Ledger business unit and a VAT entity in the VAT setup process on the VAT Entity - Identification page.

    Note. If PeopleSoft Billing and General Ledger are included in the installation, but PeopleSoft Receivables is not, you can associate the General Ledger business unit with a Billing business unit by entering the General Ledger business unit directly on the Billing Definition - Business Unit 1 page.

  3. Ensure that the VAT Reporting Entity field that is on the Billing Definition - Business Unit 4 page is populated.

    If it is, then you have created a VAT Billing business unit.

  4. Select a default physical nature for the business unit.

    Additionally, you can select a default location where services that are billed in this Billing business unit are performed.

    Click the VAT Default Setup link to set up business unit VAT defaults. Click the VAT Service Treatment Setup link to specify business unit VAT service treatment defaults.

    Warning! If the VAT entity on the Billing Definition - Business Unit 4 page is missing, going to the VAT Entity - Identification page and linking the default General Ledger business unit to a VAT entity does not automatically make the associated Billing business unit a VAT Billing business unit. You must return to the Billing Definition - Business Unit 1 page and relink the Billing business unit to the General Ledger business unit. You can do this by changing the Receivables business unit to some other value and then immediately reinstating its original value. This action causes the system to recheck the General Ledger business unit to determine whether it is linked to a VAT entity. When the system verifies the link between the General Ledger business unit and the VAT entity, the Billing business unit becomes a VAT Billing business unit, and the system copies the VAT entity ID onto the Billing Definition - Billing Business Unit 4 page.

Note. When you have a VAT business unit, you cannot assign a third-party tax vendor to that business unit.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up PeopleSoft Billing VAT Driver Defaults

Set up VAT information for the following PeopleSoft Billing VAT drivers:

For each of the VAT drivers in the preceding list, you can define the physical nature, the location where the service is performed, VAT defaults, and VAT service treatment defaults.

Note. You can also specify defaults for customers and customer locations.

See Maintaining General Customer Information.

See Also

Establishing PeopleSoft Billing Business Units

Structuring Bills

Click to jump to parent topicEstablishing VAT Defaults at the Header Level

When you enter an invoice in a VAT Billing business unit, the system populates it with default values that are all required VAT determinants when you enter data into VAT driver fields. You can click the VAT Information link on the Standard Billing Header - Info 2 page to access the Bill Header - Header VAT Information page, where you can view or define header VAT default fields.

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Establish VAT Defaults at the Header Level

Page Name

Definition Name



Bill Header VAT Information


  • Click the VAT Information link on the Billing, Maintain Bills, Standard Billing, Header - Info 2 page.

  • Click the VAT Information link on the Billing, Maintain Bills, Express Billing, Header - Secondary page.

Review all header-level VAT information. Manually change header VAT information.

See Also

Defining Header-Level VAT Defaults

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicObtaining Header VAT Defaults

Access the Bill Header VAT Information page (click the VAT Information link on the Header Info - 2 page).

Note. The physical nature determines which fields appear on this page.

To obtain VAT defaults, all required VAT determinants must be populated on the bill header. This table lists all bill header VAT determinants:

Field Name

Initial Value

Changes When

Physical Nature

Appears by default from Billing VAT drivers based on the default hierarchy.

Changes when you update the VAT driver keys on the transaction. Click the Change Physical Nature button on the Bill Header VAT Information page to change this value manually.

Location Country

Appears by default from the Billing business unit location.

Changes when you change the value on the Bill Header VAT Information page manually.

Location State

Appears by default from the Billing business unit location.

Changes when you change the value that is on the Bill Header VAT Information page manually.

Note. If you do not define the VAT country definition for the location country that is to be tracked by the province and state, no state values are applicable.

Customer Location Country

Appears by default from the bill-to customer location.

Changes when you modify the bill-to customer or location. You can also change the value on the Bill Header VAT Information page manually.

Customer Location State

Appears by default from the bill-to customer location.

Changes when you modify the bill-to customer or location. You can also change the value on the Bill Header VAT Information page manually.

Note. If you do not define the VAT country definition for the customer location country that is to be tracked by the province and state, no state values are applicable.

Services-Performed Country

The default value is determined by the value that you use to define the Where Service Performed field on the VAT drivers. Possible values include:

  • Ship-to country

  • Ship-from country

  • Buyer's location country

  • Supplier's location country

Changes when the VAT driver changes or when the driver's Where Service Performed value changes.

You can also change the value on the Bill Header VAT Information page manually.

Services-Performed State

The default value is determined by the value that you use to define the Where Service Performed field on the VAT drivers. Possible values include:

  • Ship-to state

  • Ship-from state

  • Buyer's location state

  • Supplier's location state

Changes when the VAT driver changes or when the driver's Where Service Performed value changes.

You can also change the value on the Bill Header VAT Information page manually.

Note. If you do not define the VAT country definition for the Services Performed Country that is to be tracked by the province and state, no state values are applicable.

Ship-From Country

Bill header ship-from business unit location country. If this is not available, the default comes from the Billing business unit location country.

Changes when you modify the ship-from business unit. You can also change the value on the Bill Header VAT Information page manually.

Ship-From State

Appears by default from the bill header ship-from business unit location state. If this is not available, the default comes from the Billing business unit location state.

Changes when you modify the ship-from business unit. You can also change the value on the Bill Header VAT Information page manually.

Note. If you do not define the VAT country definition for the Ship From Country to be tracked by the province and state, no state values are applicable.

Ship-To Country

Bill header ship-to customer's location country.

Changes when you modify the ship-to customer or location. You can also change the value on the Bill Header VAT Information page manually.

Ship-To State

Bill header ship-to customer's location state.

Changes when you modify the ship-to customer or location. You can also change the value on the Bill Header VAT Information page manually.

Note. If you do not define the VAT country definition for the ship-to country that is to be tracked by the province and state, no state values are applicable.

The field values in the VAT Defaults group box are determined by the common VAT defaulting function.

See Working with VAT.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicChanging Header VAT Defaults Manually

You should avoid changing header VAT default values manually because the system uses complex algorithms to obtain the bill header VAT defaults. However, if the algorithms encounter problems in finding defaults, manual intervention is necessary. Consider the following rules and guidelines when changing header VAT defaults manually:

See Also

Defining VAT Countries

Click to jump to parent topicEstablishing VAT Defaults at the Line Level

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Establish VAT Defaults at the Line Level

Page Name

Definition Name



Standard Billing - Line - VAT Info


  • Billing, Maintain Bills, Standard Billing

    Select Line - VAT Info from the Navigation list on any page in the Standard Billing component.

  • Billing, Maintain Bills, Express Billing

    Select Line - VAT Info from the Navigation list on any page in the Express Billing component.

Review line VAT information.

See Also

Entering Bill Line Information

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicObtaining Line VAT Defaults

When you enter a bill in a VAT Billing business unit, the system enables the Go To VAT Info button and VAT Info link (adjacent to the VAT Amount field on the Line-Info 1 page). Both the Go To VAT Info button and VAT Info link serve the same function. When you enter bill lines, the system determines the necessary physical nature and VAT locations that are used in obtaining VAT defaults. You can obtain line VAT defaults in two ways:

For you to obtain VAT defaults for bill lines, all required bill-line level VAT drivers, physical nature, and VAT locations must be populated on the bill lines.

Bill-Line Level Physical Nature and VAT Locations

This table lists all bill line VAT determinants:

Field Name

Initial Value

Changes When

Physical Nature

Appears by default from the billing VAT drivers based on the default hierarchy.

Changes when you update the Billing VAT driver keys on the transaction. Click the Change Physical Nature button on the Line - VAT Info page to change the value manually.

Location Country

Appears by default from the Billing business unit location.

Changes when you modify the value on the Line - VAT Info page.

Location State

Appears by default from the Billing business unit location.

Changes when you modify the value on the Line - VAT Info page.

Note. If you do not specify that VAT be tracked by province or state on the VAT country definition for the location country, no state values are applicable.

Customer Location Country

Appears by default from the bill-to customer location.

Changes when you modify the bill-to customer or location on the bill header. Also, you can change the value on the Line - VAT Info page manually.

Customer Location State

Appears by default from the bill-to customer location.

Changes when you modify the bill-to customer or location that is on the bill header. Also, you can change the value on the Line - VAT Info page manually.

Note. If you do not specify that VAT be tracked by province or state on the VAT country definition for the customer location country, no state values are applicable.

Services-Performed Country

The default value is determined by the value that you use to define the Where Service Performed field on the VAT drivers. Possible values include:

  • Ship-to country

  • Ship-from country

  • Buyer's location country

  • Supplier's location country

Changes when the VAT driver changes or when the driver's Where Service Performed value changes.

Also, you can change the value on the Line - VAT Info page manually.

Services-Performed State

The default value is determined by the value that you use to define the Where Service Performed field on the VAT drivers. Possible values include:

  • Ship-to state

  • Ship-from state

  • Buyer's location state

  • Supplier's location state

Changes when the VAT driver changes or when the driver's Where Service Performed value changes.

Also, you can change the value on the Line - VAT Info page manually.

Note. If you do not specify that VAT be tracked by province or state on the VAT country definition for the services performed country, no state values are applicable.

Ship-From Country

Bill line ship-from business unit location country. If this is not available, the default comes from the Billing business unit location country.

Changes when you modify the ship-from business unit. Also, you can change the value on the Line - VAT Info page manually.

Ship-From State

Bill line ship-from business unit location state. If this is not available, the default comes from the Billing business unit location state.

Changes when you modify the ship-from business unit. Also, you can change it on the Line - VAT Info page manually.

Note. If you do not specify that VAT be tracked by state or province on the VAT country definition for the ship-from country, no state values are applicable.

Ship-To Country

Bill line ship-to customer location country.

Changes when you modify the ship-to customer location. Also, you can change the value on the Line - VAT Info page manually.

Ship-To State

Bill line ship-to customer location state.

Changes when you modify the ship-to customer location. Also, you can change the value on the Line - VAT Info page manually.

Note. If you do not specify that VAT be tracked by state or province on the VAT country definition for the ship-to country, no state values are applicable.

See Also

Entering Bill Line VAT Information

Entering Bill Line Order Management Information

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicChanging Line VAT Defaults Manually

Because the system uses complex algorithms to obtain the bill line VAT defaults, you should avoid changing these values manually. However, if the algorithms encounter problems in finding defaults, manual intervention is necessary. Consider the following rules and guidelines when manually changing line VAT defaults:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Line VAT Details

The following table describes what you must do before the system saves a bill:

If VAT Applicability Equals

You must

Taxable, exonerated, or suspended

Enter a VAT code and VAT transaction type.

Enter a customer VAT code if the line is subject to VAT reverse charge.

Exempt or out of scope

Omit VAT code but enter a VAT transaction type.

Tax amounts that are on the bill line are broken down into both a VAT amount and a sales and use tax amount. The system tracks these amounts separately. Although having both a VAT code and a sales and use tax code on the same bill line is not common, in some countries both VAT and sales/use tax apply.

The bill line will also have a customer VAT amount if the bill line is subject to VAT reverse charge. The customer is liable for the customer VAT amount but the amount will not be added to the invoice total amount due.

See Also

Working with VAT

Click to jump to parent topicRunning the Process VAT Defaults Process (BIPVAT00)

You can run the Process VAT Defaults process (BIPVAT00) as part of a normal Billing Interface job or as a standalone program to supply bill VAT defaults.

This section provides an overview of the Process VAT Defaults process and lists the page used to run the Process VAT Defaults process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Process VAT Defaults Process (BIPVAT00)

The Process VAT Defaults process (BIPVAT00) obtains header VAT and line VAT defaults for invoices that complete the Billing Interface process (BIIF0001). Run the Process VAT Defaults process to ensure that all VAT default fields are populated prior to invoicing.

Importing VAT Defaults Through the Billing Interface

The Billing Interface supports importation of both header and line VAT information from external sources into PeopleSoft Billing. The Billing Interface process does not override VAT default values provided by other PeopleSoft products or third-party sources.

Note. You must run the VAT Defaults process after the Billing Interface process even when the VAT default fields are previously populated by other PeopleSoft products or third-party sources. The VAT Defaults process ensures that the VAT transaction is valid.

Processing VAT Defaults

When you call the Process VAT Default process as part of the normal Billing Interface job or as a standalone process on the Run VAT Defaults page, the Process VAT Default process searches for VAT invoices that match the run control parameters to which VAT defaults are not yet applied. If it finds any such invoices, VAT default routines supply both header VAT information and line VAT information. If the process successfully applies VAT defaults, it marks those invoices as having VAT defaults applied.

Note. If you run the Process VAT Defaults process as part of a job that includes the Billing Interface process, then VAT defaulting is performed only for invoices processed by that run of the Billing Interface process.

If the VAT Defaults process is run as a part of a job, such as OM_IVC, that gets initiated by an upstream product, such as OM, the RANGE_SELECTION_ID field should be added to the Bill By identifier. This allows the BIPVAT00 process to identify what transaction needs to be processed.

If you run the Process VAT Defaults process on its own, then you can set the run control parameters to select which invoices to process.

Fixing Process VAT Defaults Process (BIPVAT00) Errors

If the Process VAT Defaults process encounters VAT errors, it marks the corresponding transaction with an error. You can review in the Review VAT Errors component list of invoices that fail to process and review the error messages that the Process VAT Defaults process returns. You must fix the data before you rerun the process. You can run the process as many times as needed.

Direct invoicing attempts to send bills with a status of Ready. If any of these invoices fail, the VAT default program changes the status to Pending. You must fix the errors manually and then return the status to Ready before invoicing again.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Run the Process VAT Defaults Process (BIPVAT00)

Page Name

Definition Name



Run VAT Defaults


Billing, Interface Transactions, Apply VAT Defaults, Run VAT Defaults

Supply the header VAT and line VAT defaults for invoices that are imported through the Billing Interface with no header level or line level VAT defaults.

Click to jump to parent topicReviewing VAT Errors

If the Process VAT Defaults process (BIPVAT00) encounters VAT errors, the process marks those transactions as being in error; the system requires that you correct these errors before continuing.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Review VAT Errors

Page Name

Definition Name



Review VAT Errors


Billing, Interface Transactions, Review VAT Errors

Review bill header and bill line VAT error messages, and access bill entry to correct missing or invalid data.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Bill Header and Bill Line VAT Error Messages

Access the Review VAT Errors page (Billing, Interface Transactions, Review VAT Errors).

Bill Header VAT Error


Displays the VAT error code and its description.

Go To Bill Header

Click to access the Header - Info 1 page. In bill entry, navigate to the appropriate page to enter or modify the data that is necessary to correct the VAT error.

Note. When a VAT error exists at the header level, the system might, in some cases, correct a VAT error automatically upon accessing the Bill Header - VAT Information page. For example, when you access the Header VAT Information page, the system automatically applies VAT defaults if they are not already applied. Reapplying VAT defaults, in some cases, can correct VAT errors.

Message Text

Displays the specific VAT error that occurs.


Displays a detailed explanation of the VAT error that the Message Text box references.

Bill Line VAT Error

In the Bill Line VAT error area, the system displays any bill lines with existing VAT errors, along with associated bill line information, such as the bill line sequence number, identifier, error code, error status, error message, and explanation.

Bill Line Information Tab


Bill line sequence number

Go To Bill Line

Click to access the Line VAT Info page, where you can enter or modify the data that is necessary to correct the bill line VAT error.


Error code

Line Error Detail Tab


Displays the Bill line sequence number.

Error Status

Displays a description of the error code for lines that have incomplete bill line data.

Message Set Number

Displays the message set number from the message catalog.

Message Number

Displays the message number from the message catalog.

Error Details

Click to access the Bill Line VAT Error detail page, where you can review the message text and detailed explanation of the associated line VAT error.

Click to jump to parent topicReviewing VAT Calculations

To perform online tax calculations for bills that are not invoiced and not fully paid, click the Calculate Taxes button on the Bill Summary Info page. Both sales and use taxes and VAT are calculated for lines that have a valid VAT code or a sales and use tax code.

Note. VAT and sales/use tax amounts are not updated automatically when you change line amounts. To see updated tax amounts, you must retrigger the calculation from the Bill Summary Info page.

Credit lines retain the tax amounts that are calculated on the original invoices and therefore the tax amounts do not need to be recalculated.

Note. You must click the Save button to calculate and save any VAT and tax information that is associated with the bill. These amounts may change when the system calculates final VAT and taxes during bill finalization.

The system tracks VAT separate from sales and use tax; the VAT amount appears in the Total VAT Amount field. In Bill Summary, you can click the VAT amount value to access the Bill Summary - VAT Information page, where you can view details about VAT. The VAT Summary group box on the Bill Summary - VAT Information page displays the results of the VAT calculation.

When a bill line is subject to VAT reverse charge, a customer VAT amount is calculated for the line. The customer VAT amount is paid to the VAT authority directly by the customer, so it is not included in the invoice amount due from the customer.

See Also

Reviewing Bill Summary Information

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Examples of VAT Calculations

When calculating VAT, the system performs the following functions:

  1. The system adds the net extended amounts of all bill lines that have the same VAT code to obtain a combined total net extended amount for that VAT code.

    Bill Lines

    Net Extended Amt.

    VAT Code


    30 EUR

    A 10%


    30 EUR

    A 10%


    100 EUR

    B 5%


    40 EUR

    A 10%


    100 EUR

    B 5%

    In the preceding example:

    VAT Code A:30 EUR, 30 EUR, and 40 EUR = 100 EUR combined total net extended amount. VAT Code B: 100 EUR and 100 EUR = 200 EUR combined total net extended amount.

  2. If the invoice VAT calculation method is set to NET, the system subtracts any early payment discount percentages (Dscnt Pct) from the total net extended amount to obtain the VAT basis amount. If two percentage discounts exist, the system uses the larger of the two. The system uses no discount amounts, only discount percentages.

    For example:

    VAT Code A:100 EUR (total net extended amount) - 5 (early payment of 5% discount multiplied by the total net extended amount) = 95 EUR VAT basis amount VAT Code B: 200 EUR (total net extended amount) - 10 (early payment of 5% discount multiplied by the total net extended amount) = 190 EUR VAT basis amount

  3. If the invoice VAT calculation method is set to GROSS, the VAT basis amount equals the total net extended amount (regardless of an existing discount).

    For example:

    VAT Code A: VAT basis amount = 100 EUR (total net extended amount) VAT Code B: VAT basis amount = 200 EUR (total net extended amount)

  4. The system calculates the VAT amount by multiplying the VAT basis amount by the VAT code percent (VAT Pct).

    For example, with a VAT calculation method of NET:

    VAT Code A:95 EUR (VAT basis amount) * .10 (VAT percent) = 9.50 EUR (VAT amount) VAT Code B: 190 EUR (VAT basis amount) * .05 (VAT percent) = 9.50 EUR (VAT amount)

    With a VAT calculation method of GROSS:

    VAT Code A: 100 EUR (VAT basis amount) * .10 (VAT percent) = 10 EUR (VAT amount) VAT Code B: 200 EUR (VAT basis amount) * .05 (VAT percent) = 10 EUR (VAT amount)

  5. The system proportionally distributes the VAT amount and VAT basis amount back into the individual bill lines by using the following calculation:

    Line VAT Amount = net extended amount for line / total net extended amount for VAT code * VAT amount.

    Line VAT basis amount = net extended amount for line / total net extended amount for VAT code * VAT basis amount

    Rounding differences are adjusted onto the line with the largest amount. The current rounding method (as specified in the bill header VAT values) may affect the VAT calculation.

    For example, for Bill Line 1 (Calc Method = NET):

    Line VAT amount:2.85 EUR = 30/100 * 9.50 Line VAT basis amount: 28.50 EUR = 30/100 * 95 EUR

VAT Summary Information (VAT Calculation Method Net)

VAT Code

VAT Percent

VAT Discount Percent

Total Net Extended Amount

VAT Basis Amount

VAT Amount





95 EUR

9.50 EUR





190 EUR

9.50 EUR

VAT Summary Information (VAT Calculation Method Gross)

VAT Code

VAT Percent

VAT Discount Percent

Total Net Extended Amount

VAT Basis Amount

VAT Amount













Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicExample: Reverse VAT Calculation

When calculating customer VAT, the system performs the following functions:

  1. Invoice lines may be marked for VAT reverse charge, which means that the customer is responsible for remitting the VAT amount for the line directly to the VAT authority. Such lines will usually have a zero VAT percent, but a non-zero customer VAT percent.

    Bill Lines

    Net Extended Amt.

    VAT Reverse Charge

    VAT Code

    Customer VAT Code


    30 EUR


    A 10%



    30 EUR


    A 10%



    100 EUR


    Z 0%

    A 10%


    40 EUR


    A 10%



    50 EUR


    Z 0%

    A 10%

    In the preceding example:

    VAT Code A: 30 EUR, 30 EUR, and 40 EUR = 100 EUR combined total net extended⇒ amount. VAT Code Z: 100 EUR and 50 EUR = 150 EUR combined total net extended amount. Customer VAT Code A = 100 EUR and 50 EUR = 150 EUR combined total net extended amount

  2. If the invoice VAT calculation method is NET, and the early payment discount is 5%, the VAT basis amounts are as follows:

    VAT Code A:100 EUR (total net extended amount) - 5 (early payment of 5% discount multiplied by the total net extended amount) = 95 EUR VAT basis amount VAT Code Z: 150 EUR (total net extended amount) - 7.50 (early payment of 5% discount multiplied by the total net extended amount) = 142.50 EUR VAT basis amount Customer VAT Code A: 150 EUR (total net extended amount) - 7.50 (early payment of 5% discount multiplied by the total net extended amount) = 142.50 EUR VAT basis amount

  3. If the invoice VAT calculation method is set to GROSS, the VAT basis amounts are as follows:

    VAT Code A: VAT basis amount = 100 EUR (total net extended amount) VAT Code Z: VAT basis amount = 150 EUR (total net extended amount) Customer VAT Code A: VAT basis amount = 150 EUR (total net extended amount)

  4. The system calculates the VAT amount by multiplying the VAT basis amount by the VAT code percent (VAT Pct).

    For example, with a VAT calculation method of NET:

    VAT Code A:95 EUR (VAT basis amount) * .10 (VAT percent) = 9.50 EUR (VAT amount) VAT Code Z: 142.50 EUR (VAT basis amount) * 0 (VAT percent) = 0 EUR (VAT amount) Customer VAT Code A: 142.50 EUR (VAT basis amount) * 10 (VAT percent) = 14.25 EUR (VAT amount)

    With a VAT calculation method of GROSS:

    VAT Code A: 100 EUR (VAT basis amount) * .10 (VAT percent) = 10 EUR (VAT amount) VAT Code Z: 150 EUR (VAT basis amount) * 0 (VAT percent) = 0 EUR (VAT amount) Customer VAT Code A: 150 EUR (VAT basis amount) * 10 (VAT percent) = 15 EUR (VAT amount)

  5. Then the VAT amounts and VAT basis amounts are proportionally distributed back to the individual invoice lines. Rounding differences are adjusted onto the line with the largest amount.

VAT Amounts (VAT Calculation Method Net)

Bill Lines

Net Extended Amt.

VAT Reverse Charge

VAT Code

VAT Basis Amount

VAT Amount

Customer VAT Code

Customer VAT Amount


30 EUR


A 10%

28.50 EUR

2.85 EUR



30 EUR


A 10%

28.50 EUR

2.85 EUR



100 EUR


Z 0%

95 EUR


A 10%

9.50 EUR


40 EUR


A 10%

38 EUR

3.80 EUR



50 EUR


Z 0%

47.50 EUR


A 10%

4.75 EUR

VAT Summary Information (VAT Calculation Method Net)

VAT Code

Total Net Extended Amount

VAT Basis Amount

VAT Amount

Customer VAT Code

Customer VAT Amount

A 10%

100 EUR

95 EUR

9.50 EUR


Z 0%

150 EUR

142.50 EUR


A 10%

14.25 EUR

VAT Amounts (VAT Calculation Method Gross)

Bill Lines

Net Extended Amt.

VAT Reverse Charge

VAT Code

VAT Basis Amount

VAT Amount

Customer VAT Code

Customer VAT Amount


30 EUR


A 10%

30 EUR




30 EUR


A 10%

30 EUR




100 EUR


Z 0%

100 EUR


A 10%

10 EUR


40 EUR


A 10%

40 EUR




50 EUR


Z 0%

50 EUR


A 10%


VAT Summary Information (VAT Calculation Method Gross)

VAT Code

Total Net Extended Amount

VAT Basis Amount

VAT Amount

Customer VAT Code

Customer VAT Amount

A 10%

100 EUR

100 EUR

10 EUR


Z 0%

150 EUR

150 EUR


A 10%

15 EUR

Click to jump to parent topicInvoicing VAT in PeopleSoft Billing

The Pre-Process and Finalization process (BIIVC000) does not call any VAT code determination algorithms. The process assumes that any values for VAT code, VAT transaction type, and VAT applicability that are on the lines that are being invoiced are correct. However, it recalculates all VAT amounts at invoice time. The recalculation overlays any amounts that are determined online or during pro forma processing.

The Pre-Process and Finalization process has logic for some preliminary VAT processing and then calls the FS_VATCALC process for VAT calculation during invoicing.

Tax Calculations in BIIVC000

The Application Engine section PSORVAT:

The Application Engine section VATPROC:

Note. Fully paid invoices and invoices paid with corporate vouchers are not processed for VAT.

Click to jump to parent topicPrinting Documents with VAT

This section discusses how to:

Note. The placement of VAT information messages varies only on SQR invoices. For BI Publisher invoices, they are always printed at the end of the invoice.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrinting VAT Treatment Messages

To specify the placement of VAT treatment messages, access the Invoice Formatting Options - VAT Treatment Msg page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Billing, Setup Invoice Options, Invoice Formatting Options, VAT Treatment Msg).

See Also

Specifying VAT Information Print Options

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrinting Line VAT Information

To specify the placement of line VAT information, access the Invoice Formatting Options - Discounts, Surcharges, Taxes page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Billing, Setup Invoice Options, Invoice Formatting Options - Discounts, Surcharges, Taxes).

PeopleSoft Billing uses the Amounts in Reporting Currency option that is specified for the VAT Entity Registration driver on the VAT Defaults Setup page to determine whether an invoice requires special printing of a VAT reporting currency.

If the option is selected, PeopleSoft Billing compares the reporting currency for the given reporting country on each invoice. If the currency on the invoice matches the reporting currency, no additional work is performed. However, if the reporting currency does not match the invoice's currency and the VAT treatment group is defined as domestic sales, the system prints an additional section on the invoice with amounts that are printed in the base currency. In most cases, the reporting currency that is defined on the VAT Entity - VAT Reports page matches the base currency of the Billing business unit. The system performs this check for each VAT invoice that is being printed.

Note. Customer VAT amount is not printed in VAT reporting currency.

See Also

Specifying VAT Information Print Options

Setting Up Discount, Surcharge, and Tax Print Options

Generating VAT Reports

Click to jump to parent topicAdjusting Bills with VAT

You can add adjusted bill lines containing VAT information only to a new bill. The new bill contains an exact copy of the source bill header VAT with the exception of declaration date and declaration date source. VAT amounts for credit invoices and credit invoice lines are tracked, accounted for, and reported separately from VAT amounts that are related to regular invoices and invoice lines.

When you make bill adjustments, the system does not supply the declaration date. The system sets the declaration date source to invoice, except in cases in which the declaration point is set to payment. In this instance, the declaration date source is set to not applicable.

When you make adjustments to recurring bills, the system copies all new VAT values in BI_HDR_VAT exactly as they are entered on the template invoice. If the template invoice has a specific declaration date and declaration date source, these values are carried forward to the generated bill.

Note. You cannot modify or reset VAT default information on credit invoices and credit invoice lines.

See Also

Adjusting Bills

Click to jump to parent topicPassing VAT Entries to PeopleSoft Receivables

This section provides an overview of Receivables interface tables and VAT account types and discusses how to:

Note. VAT reverse charge amounts will not be passed to PeopleSoft Receivables.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Receivables Interface Tables

The Load AR Pending Items process (BILDAR01) inserts entries into the following tables:


Contains information about each new pending item that is created from a billing invoice.


Contains any associated PeopleSoft Receivables accounting entries that are sent to PeopleSoft General Ledger by PeopleSoft Billing for each pending item. Under certain circumstances, this table also contains accounting ChartField information for VAT transactions.


Contains PeopleSoft Receivables group control information for the entries that are inserted.

The following additional table exists for VAT processing:


Contains VAT-related information for each PeopleSoft Receivables pending item. The records in this table are grouped by physical nature, VAT tax code, VAT tax code percentage, VAT transaction type, VAT applicability, and VAT treatment. In addition, pending items for services are grouped by VAT location country and state of the buyer, VAT location country and state of the seller, where-service-performed country and state, and services-place-of-supply country and state.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding VAT Account Types

Billing passes the following VAT account types to Receivables for the lines referred to in the right column of this table:


Most lines with a VAT declaration point of invoice, accounting date, or delivery.


Deposit-related lines (DEP, DAPP, and DREF) with a VAT declaration point of invoice, accounting date, or delivery.


Credit or adjustment lines. Deposit refund lines (DREF) with a VAT declaration point of payment.


Most lines, including deposit-applied lines (DAPP), with a VAT declaration point of payment.


Lines that are exempt or outside of scope of VAT.


Asset Management lines with a VAT declaration point of invoice, accounting date, or delivery.

See Also

VAT Environment Setup

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing an Example of VAT Entries

The following example illustrates how PeopleSoft Billing creates new entries in the interface tables for VAT processing when the VAT calculation method is set to gross and VAT calculation type is inclusive.

Program Parameters

Consider the following program parameters:

Here are the amounts as they appear on invoice:

Here is the VAT invoice summary:

When Header Is AR Open Item

After you define the AR level on the Installation Options - Billing - GL/AR Options page as Header is AR Open Item:

Open Item One

Open Item One in PENDING_ITEM_FS



147 EUR


130 EUR (pretax amount)



VAT Basis Amount

130 EUR

VAT Amount

17 EUR

VAT Declaration Point

Captured from invoice header

VAT Recalculation Flag

Captured from invoice header

VAT Calculation Method

Gross (from invoice header)


VAT Code

Physical Nature

Trans. Type

VAT Amount

VAT Basis Amt

VAT Percent



(From Lines 1 and 3) See note.


60.00 EUR




(From Line 4)


30 EUR




(From Line 2)


40.00 EUR


Note. It is assumed that both lines for Goods with VAT Code A have the same transaction type and VAT treatment. If this is not the case, those categories have separate entries in this table.

The system does not insert VAT entries into PENDING_DST_FS if PeopleSoft Billing is configured so that PeopleSoft Receivables creates the accounting entries or if the declaration point is invoice, delivery, or accounting date and the recalculation option is disabled.

Entries in PENDING_DST_FS, assuming that AR distribution options are line level:

Invoice Line Number/Type of Entry

Line Amount

Line 1/AR ChartField

44 EUR (Net + VAT)

Line 2/AR ChartField

48 EUR (Net + VAT)

Line 3/AR ChartField

22 EUR (Net + VAT)

Line 4/AR ChartField

33 EUR (Net + VAT)

Line 1/VAT Distribution ChartField

–4 EUR

Line 2/VAT Distribution ChartField

–8 EUR

Line 3/VAT Distribution ChartField

–2 EUR

Line 4/VAT Distribution ChartField

–3 EUR

Entries in PENDING_DST_FS, assuming that AR distribution options are header level:

Invoice Line Number/Type of Entry

Line Amount

Line 0/AR ChartField (Receivables from header).

147 EUR

Line 1/VAT Distribution ChartField.

–4 EUR

Line 2/VAT Distribution ChartField.

–8 EUR

Line 3/VAT Distribution ChartField.

–2 EUR

Line 4/VAT Distribution ChartField.

–3 EUR

When Line Is AR Open Item

When you define the AR Level on the Installation Options - Billing - GL/AR Options page as line is AR open item:

  1. Open Item One

    Open Item One in PENDING_ITEM_FS



    44 EUR


    40 EUR (pretax amount)



    VAT Basis Amount

    40 EUR

    VAT Amount

    4 EUR

    VAT Declaration Point

    Captured from invoice header

    VAT Recalculation Flag

    Captured from invoice header

    VAT Calculation Method

    Gross (from invoice header)

    Entries in PENDING_VAT_FS:

    VAT Code

    Physical Nature

    Trans. Type

    VAT Amt

    VAT Basis Amt

    VAT Percent



    (From Line 1)

    4 EUR

    40.00 EUR


    Note. The system does not insert VAT entries into PENDING_DST_FS if PeopleSoft Billing is configured so that PeopleSoft Receivables creates the accounting entries or if the declaration point is invoice, delivery, or accounting date and the recalculation option is disabled.

    Entries in PENDING_DST_FS assuming AR distributions options are line level:

    Invoice Line Number/Type of Entry

    Line Amount

    Line 1/AR ChartFields

    44 EUR

    Line 1/VAT Distribution ChartFields

    –4 EUR

  2. Open Item Two:

    Open Item Two in PENDING_ITEM_FS



    48 EUR


    40 EUR (pretax amount)



    VAT Basis Amount

    40 EUR

    VAT Amount

    8 EUR

    VAT Declaration Point

    Captured from invoice header

    VAT Recalculation Flag

    Captured from invoice header

    VAT Calculation Method

    Gross (from invoice header)

    Entries in PENDING_VAT_FS:

    VAT Code

    Physical Nature

    Trans. Type

    VAT Amt

    VAT Basis Amt

    VAT Percent



    (From Line 2)

    8 EUR

    40.00 EUR


    Note. The system does not insert VAT entries into PENDING_DST_FS if PeopleSoft Billing is configured so that PeopleSoft Receivables creates the accounting entries or if the declaration point is invoice, delivery, or accounting date and the recalculation option is disabled.

    Entries in PENDING_DST_FS assuming that AR distributions options are line level:

    Line Number from Invoice/Type of Entry


    Line 2/AR ChartFields

    48 EUR

    Line 2/VAT Distribution ChartFields

    –8 EUR

  3. Open Item Three:

    Open Item Three in PENDING_ITEM_FS



    22 EUR


    20 EUR (pretax amount)



    VAT Basis Amount

    20 EUR

    VAT Amount

    2 EUR

    VAT Declaration Point

    Captured from invoice header

    VAT Recalculation Flag

    Captured from invoice header

    VAT Calculation Method

    Gross (from invoice header)

    Entries in PENDING_VAT_FS:

    VAT Code

    Physical Nature

    Trans Type

    VAT Amt

    VAT Basis Amt

    VAT Percent



    (From Line 3)

    2 EUR

    20.00 EUR


    Note. The system does not insert VAT entries into PENDING_DST_FS if PeopleSoft Billing is configured so that PeopleSoft Receivables creates the accounting entries or if the declaration point is invoice, delivery, or accounting date and the recalculation option is disabled.

    Entries in PENDING_DST_FS assuming AR distributions options are line level:

    Invoice Line Number/Type of Entry

    Line Amount

    Line 3/AR ChartFields

    22 EUR

    Line 3/VAT Distribution ChartFields

    –2 EUR

  4. Open Item Four:

    Open Item Four in PENDING_ITEM_FS



    33 EUR


    30 EUR (pretax amount)



    VAT Basis Amount

    30 EUR

    VAT Amount

    3 EUR

    VAT Declaration Point

    Captured from invoice header

    VAT Recalculation Flag

    Captured from invoice header

    VAT Calculation Method

    Gross (from invoice header)

    Entries in PENDING_VAT_FS:

    VAT Code

    Physical Nature

    Trans Type

    VAT Amt

    VAT Basis Amt

    VAT Percent



    (From Line 4)

    3 EUR

    30.00 EUR


    Note. The system does not insert VAT entries into PENDING_DST_FS if PeopleSoft Billing is configured so that PeopleSoft Receivables creates the accounting entries or if the declaration point is invoice, delivery, or accounting date and the recalculation option is disabled.

    Entries in PENDING_DST_FS assuming AR distributions options are line level:

    Invoice Line Number/Type of Entry

    Line Amount

    Line 4/AR ChartFields

    33 EUR

    Line 4/VAT Distribution ChartFields


Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing a Second Example of VAT Entries

The following example illustrates how PeopleSoft Billing creates new entries in the interface tables for VAT processing when the VAT calculation type is inclusive, VAT calculation method is set to net, and an early payment discount is applied prior to calculating VAT.

Program Parameters

Consider the following program parameters:

Here are the amounts as they appear on the invoice:

Here is the VAT invoice summary:

When Header Is AR Open Item

When you define the AR level on the Installation Options - Billing - GL/AR Options page as header is AR open item:

Open Item One

Open Item One in PENDING_ITEM_FS



146.15 EUR


130 EUR (pretax amount)



VAT Basis Amount

123.50 EUR

VAT Amount

16.15 EUR

VAT Declaration Point

Captured from invoice header

VAT Recalculation Flag

Captured from invoice header

VAT Calculation Method

Net (from invoice header)

Entries in PENDING_VAT_FS:

VAT Code

Physical Nature

Trans. Type


VAT Basis Amt

VAT Percent



(From Lines 1 and 3). See note.

5.70 EUR

57 EUR




(From Line 4).

2.85 EUR

28.50 EUR




(From Line 2)

7.60 EUR

38 EUR


Note. It is assumed that both lines for Goods with VAT Code A have the same transaction type and VAT treatment. If this is not the case, those categories have separate entries in this table.

Note. The system does not insert VAT entries into PENDING_DST_FS if PeopleSoft Billing is configured so that PeopleSoft Receivables creates the accounting entries or if the declaration point is invoice, delivery, or accounting date and the recalculation option is disabled.

Entries in PENDING_DST_FS assuming that AR distributions options are line level:

Invoice Line Number/Type of Entry

Line Amount

Line 1/AR ChartFields

43.80 EUR

Line 2/AR ChartFields

47.60 EUR

Line 3/AR ChartFields

21.90 EUR

Line 4/AR ChartFields

32.85 EUR

Line 1/VAT Distribution ChartFields

–3.80 EUR

Line 2/VAT Distribution ChartFields

–7.60 EUR

Line 3/VAT Distribution ChartFields

–1.90 EUR

Line 4/VAT Distribution ChartFields

–2.85 EUR

Entries in PENDING_DST_FS assuming that AR distribution options are header level:

Invoice Line Number/Type of Entry

Line Amount

Line 0/AR ChartFields (Receivables from header)

146.15 EUR

Line 1/VAT Distribution ChartFields

–3.80 EUR

Line 2/VAT Distribution ChartFields

–7.60 EUR

Line 3/VAT Distribution ChartFields

–1.90 EUR

Line 4/VAT Distribution ChartFields

–2.85 EUR

When Line Is AR Open Item

When you define the AR level on the Installation Options - Billing - GL/AR Options page as line is AR open item:

  1. Open Item One:

    Open Item One in PENDING_ITEM_FS



    43.80 EUR


    40 EUR (pretax amount)



    VAT Basis Amount

    38 EUR

    VAT Amount

    3.80 EUR

    VAT Declaration Point

    Captured from invoice header

    VAT Recalculation Flag

    Captured from invoice header

    VAT Calculation Method

    Net (from invoice header)

    Entries in PENDING_VAT_FS:

    VAT Code

    Physical Nature

    Trans Type

    VAT Amt

    VAT Basis Amt

    VAT Percent



    (From Line 1)

    3.80 EUR

    38 EUR


    Note. The system does not insert VAT entries into PENDING_DST_FS if PeopleSoft Billing is configured so that PeopleSoft Receivables creates the accounting entries or if the declaration point is invoice, delivery, or accounting date and the recalculation option is disabled.

    Entries in PENDING_DST_FS:

    Invoice Line Number/Type of Entry

    Line Amount

    Line 1/AR ChartFields

    43.80 EUR

    Line 1/VAT Distribution ChartFields

    –3.80 EUR

  2. Open Item Two:

    Open Item Two in PENDING_ITEM_FS

    Line Amount


    47.60 EUR


    40 EUR (pretax amount)



    VAT Basis Amount

    38 EUR

    VAT Amount

    7.60 EUR

    VAT Declaration Point

    Captured from invoice header

    VAT Recalculation Flag

    Captured from invoice header

    VAT Calculation Method

    Net (from invoice header)

    Entries in PENDING_VAT_FS:

    VAT Code

    Physical Nature

    Trans. Type

    VAT Amt

    VAT Basis Amt

    VAT Percent



    (From Line 2)

    7.60 EUR

    38 EUR


    Note. The system does not insert VAT entries into PENDING_DST_FS if PeopleSoft Billing is configured so that PeopleSoft Receivables creates the accounting entries or if the declaration point is invoice, delivery, or accounting date and the recalculation option is disabled.

    Entries in PENDING_DST_FS assuming that AR distribution options are line level:

    Invoice Line Number/Type of Entry

    Line Amount

    Line 2/AR ChartFields

    47.60 EUR

    Line 2/VAT Distribution ChartFields

    –7.60 EUR

  3. Open Item Three:

    Open Item Three in PENDING_ITEM_FS

    Line Amount


    21.90 EUR


    20 EUR (pretax amount)



    VAT Basis Amount

    19 EUR

    VAT Amount

    1.90 EUR

    VAT Declaration Point

    Captured from invoice header

    VAT Recalculation Flag

    Captured from invoice header

    VAT Calculation Method

    Net (from invoice header)

    Entries In PENDING_VAT_FS:

    VAT Code

    Physical Nature

    Trans. Type

    VAT Amt

    VAT Basis Amt

    VAT Percent



    (From Line 3)

    1.90 EUR

    19 EUR


    Note. The system does not insert VAT entries into PENDING_DST_FS if PeopleSoft Billing is configured so that PeopleSoft Receivables creates the accounting entries or if the declaration point is invoice, delivery, or accounting date and the recalculation option is disabled.

    Entries in PENDING_DST_FS assuming AR distribution options are line level:

    Invoice Line Number/Type of Entry

    Line Amount

    Line 3/AR ChartFields

    21.90 EUR

    Line 3/VAT Distribution ChartFields

    –1.90 EUR

  4. Open Item Four:

    Open Item Four in PENDING_ITEM_FS

    Line Amount


    32.85 EUR


    30 EUR (pretax amount)



    VAT Basis Amount

    28.50 EUR

    VAT Amount

    2.85 EUR

    VAT Declaration Point

    Captured from invoice header

    VAT Recalculation Flag

    Captured from invoice header

    VAT Calculation Method

    Net (from invoice header)

    Entries In PENDING_VAT_FS:

    VAT Code

    Physical Nature

    Trans. Type

    VAT Amt

    VAT Basis Amt

    VAT Percent



    (From Line 4)

    2.85 EUR

    28.50 EUR


    Note. The system does not insert VAT entries into PENDING_DST_FS if PeopleSoft Billing is configured so that PeopleSoft Receivables creates the accounting entries or if the declaration point is invoice, delivery, or accounting date and the recalculation option is disabled.

    Entries in PENDING_DST_FS assuming that AR distribution options are line level.

    Invoice Line Number/Type of Entry

    Line Amount

    Line 4/AR ChartFields

    32.85 EUR

    Line 4/VAT Distribution ChartFields

    –2.85 EUR

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPassing the VAT Declaration Point to PeopleSoft Receivables

The declaration point determines whether the VAT amounts are written to VAT_AMT and VAT_AMT_BASE or the VAT_AMT_I and VAT_AMT_BASE_I in the PENDING_VAT_FS table.

When the declaration point is set to invoice, delivery, or accounting date the interface uses VAT_AMT and VAT_AMT_BASE.

When the declaration point is set to accounting date and PeopleSoft Billing is configured so that PeopleSoft Receivables creates the accounting entries, the interface supplies the VAT declaration date with null. When Billing creates the accounting entries, the interface supplies the VAT declaration date with the accounting date.

When the declaration point is set to delivery, the interface also supplies the VAT declaration date in PENDING_VAT_FS with either the delivery date or the date that is entered manually.

When the declaration point is set to invoice, the interface also supplies the VAT declaration date in PENDING_VAT_FS with the invoice date.

When the declaration point is set to payment, the interface supplies the VAT declaration date with null and uses VAT_AMT_I and VAT_AMT_BASE_I.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPassing a VAT Transaction with no VAT Code

Under certain circumstances, a VAT transaction can have a blank VAT code. When this occurs, the interface makes no entry in PENDING_DST_FS. However, because you still need to track these types of transactions, the interface can place entries into PENDING_VAT_FS.

If the VAT applicability on bill lines is no, no entries are placed into PENDING_VAT_FS.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPassing Credit Line VAT Reporting and ChartField Source Locations

The Load AR Pending Items process supports credit line VAT reporting and VAT ChartField definition tables.

The following criteria are used when populating the distribution account type in PENDING_VAT_FS:

When the bill header is the open item, lines are grouped together to be inserted into PENDING_VAT_FS in two passes:

First Pass

The first pass groups together two types of lines: non-ACR lines and ACR lines with a VAT declaration point defined as P.

These lines are grouped together based on the following:

The VAT amounts are summed up and each grouping results in a row in PENDING_VAT_FS. The VAT distribution account type is used as a copy of the value from BI_HDR_VAT.

Second Pass

The second pass uses lines with a line type of ACR and a declaration point that is not equal to P.

These lines are also grouped together based on the following:

. The VAT amounts are summed up, and each grouping results in a row in PENDING_VAT_FS. The VAT distribution account type that is used is set to VOC regardless of the value that is in BI_HDR_VAT. This ensures unique entries in PENDING_VAT_FS. The PENDING_VAT_FS table has the VAT distribution account type as an additional key to prevent duplicate key row insert errors.

The system looks in the VAT_BU_ACCT_TBL table for the set of ChartFields to use when populating PENDING_DST_FS. VAT_BU_ACCT_TBL can be used to define ChartFields at the General Ledger business unit level. If no row is found, the system looks in VAT_ACCT_TBL for the ChartFields to use. ChartField inheritance is applied to the ChartFields that are retrieved for the VAT entries if necessary to complete the accounting entries.

Click to jump to parent topicPassing VAT Entries to PeopleSoft General Ledger

The Load GL Interface process (BILDGL01) creates accounting entries in the BI_ACCT_ENTRY table. The account entry type is captured in the ACCT_ENTRY_TYPE field. Sales and use tax accounting entries are defined with a code of TX, VAT accounting entries with a code of VT.

VAT amounts have separate entries from sales and use tax entries. VAT amounts also have their own accounting ChartFields. Because PeopleSoft Billing tracks VAT accounting information at a VAT code level, VAT lines have a single set of ChartFields per bill line.

Note. VAT reverse charge will not be passed to PeopleSoft General Ledger.

VAT Changes for Credit Lines and ChartField Source Locations

The Load GL Interface process first checks the VAT_BU_ACCT_TBL table for VAT ChartFields. This table contains the General Ledger business unit as an additional key. If the process finds nothing for the GL business unit, it looks to the VAT_ACCT_TBL table for VAT ChartFields. This table should always be populated with ChartField values.

VAT Distribution Account Type field is used as a key in both the tables. The value of the BI_LINE VAT distribution account type is used in the lookups. If required, ChartField inheritance is applied to the ChartFields that are retrieved for the VAT entries to complete the accounting entries.

Note. The Load GL process picks up only VAT lines with nonzero VAT amounts.

See Also

Integrating with PeopleSoft Receivables, General Ledger, and Accounts Payable

Click to jump to parent topicPassing VAT Information to PeopleSoft Payables

The Generate AP Voucher process (BIGNAP01) initiates the creation of AP vouchers for InterUnit bills. The process takes InterUnit billing information from the Centralized Inter/IntraUnit Setup table and populates the Payables Voucher Build staging tables. The PeopleSoft Payables Voucher Build process then generates voucher record sets that are subsequently completed by Voucher Edit. You need to run only the Generate AP Voucher process for InterUnit bills if the installation includes PeopleSoft Payables and you designate that the payables system creates the vouchers. Header-level VAT information is passed to the voucher header staging table. Line-level VAT information is passed to the voucher line staging table that is based on VAT treatment code.

Note. VAT reverse charge information will not be passed to PeopleSoft Payables.

See Also

Integrating with PeopleSoft Receivables, General Ledger, and Accounts Payable