Appendix: Calculating India Excise, Sales Tax, and VAT in PeopleSoft Billing

This appendix discusses how to:

See Also

(IND) Setting Up Excise Duty, Customs Duty, Sales Tax, and VAT

(IND) Processing Customs, Excise Duties, Sales Tax, and VAT for India

Click to jump to parent topicImporting Excise Duty, Sales Tax, and VAT Information into the PeopleSoft Billing Tables

PeopleSoft Order Management can pass India excise duty, sales tax, and VAT-related data to the PeopleSoft Billing application through the Billing interface.

Note. The PeopleSoft Billing system does not accept India excise, sales tax, or VAT data on invoices from any source except PeopleSoft Order Management.

This section provides an overview of excise duty, sales tax, and VAT data processing in the Billing interface, and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Excise Duty, Sales Tax, and VAT Data Processing in the Billing Interface

The Billing interface staging area supports the online bill data structure and stores one or more rows of data for each line of chargeable activity that is sent to PeopleSoft Billing. The type of data that you store in the Billing interface is characterized by one of seven transaction types. The transaction type EXSD represents India excise duty, sales tax, and VAT detail transactions.

The Billing Business Unit Tax Indicator

In PeopleSoft Billing, you can apply only a single method for tax calculation to each invoice. The invoice can be subject to standard taxes, including U.S. sales tax and value-added tax (VAT), subject to third-party taxation when the business unit is associated with a third-party tax vendor, or associated with India tax processing. These methods are mutually exclusive. For example, if PeopleSoft Billing identifies that an invoice requires PeopleSoft VAT processing, the system assumes that the invoice requires no India tax processing.

Note. India VAT is handled by India tax processing.

You must bill sales order shipments with excise, India sales tax, or VAT applicability under a Billing business unit that is associated with an organization's tax location.

For example, consider the following PeopleSoft Inventory, Order Management, and Billing business units called IND01, which are all associated with an organization tax location. Imagine also that the following additional Billing business units exist:

If a sales order shipment is associated with the Inventory business unit IND01, you should not bill the sales order shipment under billing business units IND02 or FRA01, because these business units are not associated with an organization tax location. If you bill this sales order shipment under IND02 or FRA01, PeopleSoft Billing does not display or calculate the India taxes correctly for this shipment. Even if previously calculated excise duty for the shipment exists, PeopleSoft Billing does not display the excise duty if the shipment is billed under a business unit that is not associated with an organization tax location.

The correct procedure is to bill the shipment under the Billing business unit IND01, which is tied to an organization tax location. If the PeopleSoft Inventory or Order Management business units are tied to an organization tax location, you must also associate their respective Billing business units to an organization tax location to ensure that the appropriate tax processing occurs in PeopleSoft Billing.

The Billing Interface process or online bill entry determines the type of tax to which the Billing business unit is subject and populates the billing business unit tax indicator (BI_BU_TAX_IND) field with one the following values:


The Billing business unit is subject to PeopleSoft standard taxes, including U.S. sales tax and VAT. This value is the default.


The Billing business unit has an associated third-party tax vendor.


The Billing business unit has an associated organization tax location. India excise duty, sales tax, and VAT processing may apply.

Bill-By Functionality

PeopleSoft Billing uses the bill-by identifier to define how to group billing activity when it is added to a bill through the Billing Interface. You can define the bill-by identifier at the customer, bill source, bill type, and business unit levels.

Use the following fields as bill-by fields when you require India tax processing to ensure that the invoices have bill lines that share the same associated state tax authority:

To associate one excise invoice to one commercial invoice, you must also add EXD_INVOICE_NO as a bill-by field.

See Also

Understanding the Billing Interface Staging Area

Using the Bill-By Identifier with the Billing Interface

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPopulating the Billing Interface Tables

The following tables describe how the Billing interface staging tables (INTFC_BI, INTFC_BI2, and INTFC_BI_EXSD) are populated by the Populate Billing process (OMBILL). Because PeopleSoft Order Management performs tax determination for excise, sales tax, and VAT, the Populate Billing process populates the related fields that are in the staging table so that the Billing system knows what input parameters are used for the tax determination.

Note. The Billing interface staging table fields that begin with the EXS prefix represent excise, sales tax, and VAT. When the EXS_TAX_TYPE is sales, all EXS fields are populated with sales tax or VAT-related data. When EXS_TAX_TYPE is excise, all EXS fields are populated with excise tax-related data.

See Also

Setting Up the Billing Interface

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDetermining Tax Parameter Default Status

The Billing Interface process expects all excise, sales tax, and VAT defaults to be passed by PeopleSoft Order Management, for all sales order transactions except RMAs. The Billing Interface process sets an Excise, Sales Tax, and VAT Defaults Applied flag (EXS_DFLTS_APPLIED) to facilitate later processing in PeopleSoft Billing. The interface process sets the value of this flag to one of the following values:

Y (yes)

PeopleSoft Order Management passes the default tax parameters.

PeopleSoft Order Management passes an excise invoice number on a charge line (LINE). The Billing Interface assumes that both excise duty, sales tax, and VAT are applicable and that PeopleSoft Order Management provides the excise, sales tax, and VAT parameters.

This condition is commonly used when billing for excise duty-applicable sales order shipments from Order Management. India sales tax and VAT may also apply in these cases.

N (no)

PeopleSoft Billing must call the Tax Determination process for the default tax parameters.

PeopleSoft Order Management passes a bill line that has an excise duty, sales tax, or VAT applicability value of Y, but passes no default values for the tax parameters. The Billing Interface assigns this value when billing for sales order activity that is India sales tax or VAT-applicable only. When no excise invoice exists, sales tax or VAT is calculated within the Billing system.

PeopleSoft Order Management passes a bill line that is for an RMA transaction.

X (not applicable)

Excise duty, sales tax, and VAT is not applicable.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCorrecting Billing Interface Errors

To verify data integrity, the Billing Interface process performs edit checks on the data that is presented to the interface staging area. If the Billing Interface process finds an error, it marks the LOAD_STATUS_BI for all related rows as ERR (error). The Billing Interface process also marks the ERROR_STATUS_BI column with a more specific error condition. On the Correct Interface Errors page, review the errors and take the appropriate action to correct the error. The following Billing interface errors table contains information that is specific to India excise duty and sales tax error conditions.

Error Condition


0112 - Excise Tax is Applicable.

Excise Tax is applicable, but either no excise tax rate code or excise tax detail is provided.

0113 - Sales Tax/VAT is Applicable.

Sales Tax or VAT is applicable, but no tax rate code, sales tax, or VAT detail is provided.

0114 - Invalid India transaction.

The error transaction with India taxation did not originate from PeopleSoft Order Management. PeopleSoft Billing processes India tax transactions only from PeopleSoft Order Management.

0116 - Invalid applicability combination.

Invalid combination of excise duty and sales tax applicability flags. Two situations will cause this error:

  • The excise duty flag (EXD_APPL_FLG) is blank and the sales tax flag (STX_APPL_FLG) is not blank.

  • The excise duty flag (EXD_APPL_FLG) is not blank and the sales tax flag (STX_APPL_FLG) is blank.

0117 - Invalid excise applicability.

When the excise invoice number is present, the excise applicability value must be Yes.

0118 - Missing excise tax parameters.

When PeopleSoft Order Management passes the excise invoice number, the following must also be true:

  • PeopleSoft Order Management must also pass the excise tax rate code.

  • The Excise Tax Detail record must exist.

0119 - Missing Sales Tax/VAT Parameters.

When PeopleSoft Order Management passes an excise invoice number and a sales tax and VAT applicability value of Yes, the following conditions must also be met:

  • PeopleSoft Order Management must also pass the sales tax rate code.

  • The Sales Tax and VAT Detail record must exist.

0121 - Sales Tax/VAT is not Applicable.

When PeopleSoft Order Management passes an excise invoice number and a sales tax and VAT applicability value of No, the following conditions must also be met:

  • PeopleSoft Order Management must not pass a tax rate code.

  • The Sales Tax or VAT Detail record must not exist.

0123 - Excise invoice number required.

When excise tax applicability is Yes, PeopleSoft Order Management must pass an excise invoice number.

0124 - Excise tax is not applicable.

When PeopleSoft Order Management does not pass an excise invoice number and passes an excise tax applicability value of No, the following conditions must also be met:

  • PeopleSoft Order Management must not pass an excise tax rate code.

  • The Excise Tax Detail record must not exist.

See Also

Correcting Billing Interface Process Errors

Click to jump to parent topicCalculating Excise Duties, Sales Tax, and VAT in Bill Entry

This section provides an overview of excise duty, sales tax, and VAT calculation in bill entry and discusses how to review excise duty, sales tax, and VAT details in bill entry.

See Also

Entering Bills Online

Using Express Billing

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Excise Duty, Sales Tax, and VAT Calculation in Bill Entry

Bills that PeopleSoft Order Management and Inventory pass through the Billing interface can have excise duty and sales tax that was previously calculated. A bill line with an associated excise invoice number indicates that excise duty, sales tax, and VAT are calculated outside of the PeopleSoft Billing application. In this scenario, you cannot modify the tax parameters. Parameters such as quantity, unit price, amounts, tax parameters, and tax rate codes are not available for edit.

Adding New Bills in Bill Entry

When you add new bills in bill entry or express bill entry, and the Billing business unit requires India tax processing, PeopleSoft Billing calls the Tax Determination process to determine excise, sales tax, and VAT applicability and to determine the appropriate tax rate codes and components for each bill line. PeopleSoft Billing functionality enables you to modify some tax parameters, including the tax rate codes and the parameters that determine the tax rate codes.

Note. To automatically initiate the algorithm that makes excise, sales tax, and VAT information appear by default on the Standard Billing - Line - Tax/Excise Info page, you must enter a value in the Identifier field when you first add a bill line to a bill that requires India tax processing.

When India sales taxes apply, you must associate all bill lines that are on an invoice with the same sales tax authority code. When you add a bill line with sales tax applicability, the system compares the sales tax or VAT authority code that is returned for the line with the sales tax or VAT authority code that is on the bill header. If the header value is blank, the system populates the header sales tax or VAT authority code with the line value. If the header and line sales tax or VAT authority codes are different, the system displays an error message for the line. To correct an error, you can change the ship-to customer or ship-to customer address. You can also delete the line and add it to a different invoice as long as that invoice has the same associated sales tax or VAT authority.

Modifying Excise Duty, Sales Tax, and VAT on the Bill Header

Use the following table to determine when you can modify excise, sales tax, and VAT information on the bill header and to review the impact that those changes have:

Changes To

When Order Management Provides Excise Invoice Number

Rebill (When Order Management Provides Excise Invoice Number)

No Excise Invoice Number Provided and India Tax Processing Required

Bill-to Customer

Not allowed. The system prevents this change to ensure consistency between the bill and the excise invoice.

The system calls the Tax Determination process for bill lines that do not have a ship-to customer and deletes the existing excise invoice number.

The system calls the Tax Determination process for bill lines that do not have a ship-to customer.

Currency Code

Not allowed.

Tax amounts that are in the base currency might change. The system deletes the existing excise invoice number.

No impact on tax rate and tax component codes. During tax calculation, the system calculates new tax amounts in base currency.

Invoice date

No impact

Excise duty, sales tax, and VAT details might not be synchronous if you change the invoice date. Click the Get Tax Defaults button for each line to synchronize the tax details with the invoice date.

Excise duty, sales tax, and VAT details might not be synchronous if you change the invoice date. Click the Get Tax Defaults button for each line to synchronize the tax details with the invoice date.

Modifying Excise Duty, Sales Tax, and VAT on Bill Lines

Use the following table to determine when you can modify excise, sales tax, and VAT on the bill line and to review the impact those changes have:

Change Made

Impact When Order Management Provides Excise Invoice Number

Impact When Rebilling (When Order Management Provides Excise Invoice Number)

Impact When No Excise Invoice Number is Provided and India Tax Processing is Required

Identifier (assuming that other tax parameters remain the same).

Not allowed.

No impact on tax rate and tax component codes.

No impact on tax rate and tax component codes. Tax rate codes are not defined for identifiers.

Quantity (relevant only when the quantity in the standard unit of measure is zero).

Not allowed.

Tax amounts can change. The system deletes the existing excise invoice number.

No impact on tax rate and tax component codes. When you recalculate taxes or run the Finalization process, the system uses the new net extended amount (based on new quantity) during tax calculation.

Unit of measure (relevant only when no inventory item ID is on the bill line).

Not allowed.

Tax amounts can change. The system deletes the existing excise invoice number.

No impact on tax rate and tax component codes. When you recalculate taxes or run the Finalization process, the system uses the new net extended amount (based on new quantity) during tax calculation.

Unit Price.

Not allowed.

Tax amounts can change. The system deletes the existing excise invoice number.

No impact on tax rate and tax component codes. When you recalculate taxes or run the Finalization process, the system uses the new net extended amount (based on new unit price) during tax calculation.

Gross extended amount.

Not allowed.

Tax amounts can change. The system deletes the existing excise invoice number.

No impact on tax rate and tax component codes. When you recalculate taxes or run the Finalization process, the system uses the new net extended amount (based on new gross extended amount) during tax calculation.

Net extended amount (caused by discount/surcharge modifications).

Not allowed.

Tax amounts can change. The system deletes the existing excise invoice number.

No impact on tax rate and tax component codes. When you recalculate taxes online or by running the Finalization process, the system uses the new net extended amount (based on new net extended amount) during tax calculation.

Inventory item ID.

Not allowed.

Tax applicability or tax rate codes can change. The system calls the Tax Determination process and deletes the existing excise invoice number.

The system calls the Tax Determination process.

Product kit.

Not allowed.

Tax applicability or tax rate codes can change. The system calls the Tax Determination process and deletes the existing excise invoice number.

The system calls the Tax Determination process.

Ship-to customer.

Not allowed.

Tax applicability or tax rate codes can change. The system calls the Tax Determination process and deletes the existing excise invoice number.

The system calls the Tax Determination process.

Ship-from business unit.

Not allowed.

Tax applicability or tax rate codes can change. The system calls the Tax Determination process and deletes the existing excise invoice number.

The system calls the Tax Determination process.

Order management business unit.

No impact.

Tax applicability or tax rate codes can change. The system calls the Tax Determination process and deletes the existing excise invoice number.

The system calls the Tax Determination process.

Quantity base.

Not allowed.

Tax amounts can change. The system deletes the existing excise invoice number.

No impact on tax rate and tax component codes. When you recalculate taxes online or by running the Finalization process, the system uses the new quantity in the standard unit of measure during tax calculation.

Shipping date.

Not allowed.

Tax applicability or tax rate codes can change. The system calls the Tax Determination process and deletes the existing excise invoice number.

The system calls the Tax Determination process.

Excise assessable value.

Not allowed.

If the bill line is excise applicable and the use assessable value flag is set to Yes, tax amounts can change. The system deletes the existing excise invoice number.

No impact on tax rate and tax component codes. When you recalculate taxes online or by running the Finalization process, the system uses the excise-assessable value during tax calculation if the use assessable value flag is set to Yes.

Tax transaction type.

Not allowed.

If the bill line is excise, sales tax, or VAT applicable, the system calls the Tax Determination process and deletes the existing excise invoice number.

If the bill line is excise, sales tax, or VAT applicable, the system calls the Tax Determination process.

Excise tax rate code.

Not allowed.

If the bill line is excise applicable, the system calls the Tax Determination process and deletes the existing excise invoice number. The system sets the tax rate source to Manual.

If bill line is excise applicable, the system calls the Tax Determination process for the tax component codes. The system sets the tax rate source to Manual.

Sales tax rate code.

Not allowed.

If the bill line is sales tax applicable, the system calls the Tax Determination process and deletes the existing excise invoice number. The system sets the tax rate source to Manual.

If bill line is sales tax applicable, the system calls the Tax Determination process for the tax component codes. The system sets the tax rate source to Manual.

Delete a bill line.

Not allowed.

The system deletes excise, sales tax, and VAT detail that is associated with the corresponding bill line.

The system deletes excise, sales tax, and VAT detail that is associated with the corresponding bill line.

Copy a bill line (in express bill entry).

The system copies everything except for the excise invoice number and excise invoice line number.

The system copies everything except for the excise invoice number and excise invoice line number.

The system copies all tax information.

Note. The system calls the Tax Determination process for modifications that are noted in the preceding table only if the tax defaults are determined initially (if EXS_DFLTS_APPLIED = Y). Otherwise, you must click the Get Tax Defaults button to update the excise duty and sales tax rate codes and details with the modifications that are noted in the preceding table.

Reviewing Excise Duty, Sales Tax, and VAT Online

You can review excise duty, sales tax, and VAT information in the bill entry and express bill entry components on the Standard Billing - Line - Tax/Excise Info page, which displays the parameters that determine the tax rate codes, including the tax rate codes and the components that comprise the tax rate codes. When the Order Management system passes a bill line with an associated excise invoice number to the Billing system, the line appears with the previously calculated tax amounts. Bill lines with no associated excise invoice number appear with no tax amounts unless you calculate tax amounts online through bill summary or by running the Pro Forma Pre-process and Finalization process (BIIVC000).

Calculating Taxes in Bill Summary

When a bill requires India tax processing (the business unit tax indicator value is 2), the Bill Summary page displays the total excise duty, the total sales tax, and the VAT amounts. You can click the Calculate Taxes button to call the Tax Calculation process and calculate the excise duty, sales tax, and VAT for corresponding bill lines that are excise or tax applicable.

When the Order Management system passes an excise invoice number and tax amount on a bill line, the Billing system performs no tax calculations for the corresponding bill line. However, the system uses the tax amounts that are on these lines to calculate the total excise, sales tax, and VAT amounts at the bill header level.

Note. Tax calculation bill lines are not included with tax applicability flags that are blank or defined as N, or where the tax rate codes are blank.

Copying Bills

When you copy a bill with excise duty, sales tax, and VAT, the system copies the original bill information, including any discounts, surcharges, notes, tax details, and accounting distributions, from one bill to the next. The system does not copy the excise invoice number and excise line number. It creates the new bill with a status of new, a blank invoice date, and a current date in the Date Bill Added field.

Calculating Taxes for Bill Adjustments

PeopleSoft Billing performs no tax calculations on adjustment credit bills or on adjustment credit lines, because credit bills and credit lines have taxes that are calculated for the original bill. However, the system copies the existing taxes and uses the tax amounts that are on these lines to calculate the total excise, sales tax, and VAT amounts that are at the bill header level.

See Also

Copying Bill Information

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Review and Calculate Excise Duties, Sales Tax, and VAT in Bill Entry

Page Name

Definition Name



Standard Billing - Line - Tax/Excise Info


Billing, Maintain Bills, Standard Billing, Line - Tax/Excise Info

Review bill line excise duty, sales tax, and VAT information. You can also modify tax parameters and reset the default tax parameters.

Express Billing - Line - Tax/Excise Info


Billing, Maintain Bills, Express Billing, Line - Tax/Excise Info

Review bill line excise duty, sales tax, and VAT information in the Express Billing component. You can also modify tax parameters and reset the default tax parameters. The fields that are on this page are identical to the fields on the Standard Billing - Line - Tax/Excise page.

Bill Summary


Billing, Maintain Bills, Bill Summary

Review bill summary information, including total India excise duty, sales tax, and VAT amounts, and calculate India excise duty, sales taxes, and VAT.

Header - Order Info


Billing, Maintain Bills, Standard Billing, Header - Order Info

When a bill requires India tax processing (the business unit tax indicator value is 2), you can enter the excise invoice number here for tracking purposes. You can also review the sales tax authority for a bill. The system uses this display-only field to ensure that all sales tax applicable bill lines that are on the invoice have the same tax authority.

Line - Info 1


Billing, Maintain Bills, Standard Billing, Line - Info 1

When a bill requires India tax processing (the business unit tax indicator value is 2), you can review excise duty, sales tax, and VAT total amounts for the corresponding line.

Express Billing - Line List


Billing, Maintain Bills, Express Billing, Line - Order 1

Review excise duty, sales tax, and VAT total amounts for the corresponding line in the Express Billing component. You can view other tax parameters also. When excise duty, sales tax, and VAT are applicable for the corresponding line, the quantity in standard unit of measure of the inventory item or product kit ID also appears on this page.

Line - Order Info


Billing, Maintain Bills, Express Billing, Line - Order 1

Review bill line information from PeopleSoft Order Management. When excise duty, sales tax, and VAT are applicable for the corresponding line, the quantity in standard unit of measure of the inventory item or product kit also appears on this page.

Review Billing Information - Line - Tax/Excise Info


Billing, Review Billing Information, Details, Line - Tax/Excise Info

Review bill line excise duty, sales tax, and VAT information. This page is display-only. The fields that are on this page are identical to the fields that are on the Standard Billing - Line - Tax/Excise page.

Review Billing Information - Line - Tax/Excise Info (Base Currency)


Billing, Review Billing Information, Details, Line - Tax/Excise Info

Review bill line excise duty, sales tax, and VAT information. This page is display-only. The fields that are on this page are identical to the fields that are on the Standard Billing - Line - Tax/Excise page.

Review Billing Information - Line - Tax/Excise Info (Euro Currency)


Billing, Review Billing Information, Details, Line - Tax/Excise Info

Review bill line excise duty, sales tax, and VAT information. This page is display-only. The fields that are on this page are identical to the fields that are on the Standard Billing - Line - Tax/Excise page. The system displays the tax amounts that are on this page as zero (the system does not calculate excise and India sales tax amounts in Euro currency).

Review Billing Information - Bill Summary


Billing, Review Billing Information, Summary

Review bill summary information, including total India excise duty, sales tax, and VAT amounts. This page is display-only.

Review Billing Information - Bill Summary (Base Currency)


Billing, Review Billing Information, Summary

Review bill summary information, including total India excise duty, sales tax, and VAT amounts in the base currency. This page is display-only.

Review Billing Information - Bill Summary (Euro Currency)


Billing, Review Billing Information, Summary

Review bill summary information, including total India excise duty, sales tax, and VAT amounts in euros. The system displays tax amounts that are on this page as zero (the system does not calculate excise and India sales tax amounts in Euro currency). This page is display-only.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Excise Duty, Sales Tax, and VAT Details in Bill Entry

Access the Standard Billing - Line - Tax/Excise Info page (Billing, Maintain Bills, Standard Billing, Line - Tax/Excise Info).

Note. If the business unit tax indicator that is at the bill header has a value other than 2 (a value of 2 in the BI_BU_TAX_IND field indicates that India tax processing is required), no fields that are on this page are available for entry.

Tax Trans Type (tax transaction type)

Select a tax transaction type. Values are:

  • Direct Export With Bond.

  • Direct Export Without Bond.

  • Direct Import.

  • Domestic.

  • Local Export With Bond.

  • Local Export Without Bond.

  • Local Import.

Excise Applicable

The system populates this field if excise duties are applicable to the bill line.

Tax Applicable

The system populates this field if sales taxes or VAT are applicable to the bill line.

Assessable Value

Enter the assessable value per unit in tax location currency.

The tax location currency (EXS_CURRENCY_RPTG) appears adjacent to the assessable value field.

Excise Invoice Number

Displays the excise invoice number and excise invoice line number.

Excise Rate Code

The excise rate code that is associated with this bill line appears. Excise rate codes represent a specific grouping of excise type tax components, tax dependencies, calculation schemes, and other tax attributes. Initially, the Tax Determination process populates this field; but you can override this value when necessary. If excise duty is applicable to a bill line, this field must be populated. If excise duty is not applicable to a bill line, this field must not be populated.

Tax Rate Code

The tax rate code that is associated with this bill line. Tax rate codes represent a specific grouping of tax type tax components, tax dependencies, calculation schemes, and other tax attributes. Initially, the Tax Determination process populates this field, but you can override this value when necessary. If tax is applicable to a bill line, this field must be populated. If tax is not applicable to a bill line, this field must not be populated.

Excise UOM (excise unit of measure)

Excise unit of measure (EXD_UOM) for the assessable value.

Excise Amount

The total amount of excise duty that is associated with this bill line appears.

Tax Amount

The total amount of sales tax or VAT that is associated with this bill line appears.

Tax Form Cd (tax form code)

If the tax rate code that is associated with this bill line is for a concessional rate against which form tracking is required, the system displays the value that is returned by the Tax Determination process, based on the tax rate code.

Ship To State

The state to which the items that are billed on this line are shipped.

Ship From State

The state from which the items that are billed on this line are shipped.

Tax Authority

The system displays the tax authority value that is returned by the Tax Determination process. A tax authority is an agency that is empowered to set taxes.

Get Tax Defaults

Click to call the Tax Determination process, which returns system-derived tax rate codes and tax component codes. Click this button to override any tax rate codes entered manually or tax parameters that are on this page, and to populate the tax rate source fields with System-defined.

Note. Click the Refresh button to view updated details that you make on this page with system-derived tax rate and tax component codes.

This button is not available when excise duties are defined in PeopleSoft Order Management (if a value is present for the excise invoice number EXD_INVOICE_NO) on the line.

Excise/Sales Tax/VAT Details

In this grid, the system displays tax component information, including tax percentages and amounts, when these values are previously calculated for the bill line.

Tax Rate Code

The tax rate codes that are associated with this bill line appear. Tax rate codes group tax component codes of the same tax type along with tax rates and other attributes.

Seq (sequence)

Indicates the order in which tax component codes in the tax rate code should be calculated.

Tax Component Code

The system displays the tax component code that appears by default from the tax rate code definition.

Tax Dependency Code

The system displays the tax dependency code that appears by default from the tax rate code definition.

Tax Amount

The system populates this field with the calculated tax amount.

Basis Amount

The basis amount that the system uses when calculating taxes.

Calc Scheme (calculation scheme)

The default calculation scheme that is for the tax component code. The value that appears here appears by default from the tax component code definition. Values are:

P: Percentage-based tax calculation.

Q: Quantity-based tax calculation.

A: Ad hoc tax amounts.

Tax Pct (tax percent)

If the calculation scheme is P, the system populates this field with the percent of taxation that is associated with the corresponding tax rate code.

Tax Rate

The rate at which the Tax Calculation process calculates taxes. The value that appears here is determined by the value in the Calc Scheme field. If the calculation scheme value is P, this field is blank. If the calculation scheme is A, this value appears as a tax amount. If the calculation scheme is Q, this value appears as a tax amount for the indicated unit of measure.

Click to jump to parent topicChanging the Status of Bill Lines with Excise Duty, Sales Tax, and VAT

When a bill is changed online or in batch processing to ready for invoicing status, the system performs validations to ensure that the tax applicability, tax rate codes, and tax components were previously determined (if the bill is excise duty, sales tax, or VAT applicable). The Finalization process requires that this information be present when it calculates the final taxes on the bill.

When a bill requires India tax processing (the business unit tax indicator value is 2), the following conditions must be met to save a bill:

The following additional conditions must be met to change the status of a bill to ready:

Note. Tax amounts are not calculated in bill entry. To review initial tax amounts for bills without an associated excise invoice number, calculate taxes on the Bill Summary page by clicking the Calculate Taxes button. You can also generate a pro forma invoice to review the calculated preliminary taxes.

Click to jump to parent topicCalculating Final Taxes and Printing Taxes on Invoices

This section provides overviews of final tax calculation and invoice tax detail display.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Final Tax Calculation

If an invoice requires India excise duty, sales tax, and VAT calculation, the Finalization process (BIIVC000) calls the Tax Calculation common process and updates the invoice total amounts for those lines with no associated excise invoice number.

When the Finalization process calculates final taxes, all information that the Tax Calculation process requires must be available and saved in the appropriate PeopleSoft Billing tables. If this information is not available, the Finalization process marks the affected invoices in error, and requires you to provide the necessary information before the invoices can be finalized.

Note. If a bill line has no associated excise invoice number and amount, and both tax applicability flags are defined as no, the Finalization process does not include the bill line in excise duty, sales tax, or VAT calculation.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Invoice Tax Detail Display

PeopleSoft Billing invoice print processes retrieve the following India tax processing detail fields for display on the commercial invoice:

Note. The system prints no India tax processing details on Crystal, PeopleSoft Project Costing invoice formats, PeopleSoft Contracts invoice formats and BI Publisher invoice formats.

Click to jump to parent topicPreparing to Generate India Excise, Sales Tax, and VAT Accounting Entries

The PeopleSoft Billing Pre-Load process (BIPRELD) creates accounting entry staging rows in the BI_ACCT_LN_STG table for excise and tax information, to be picked up by the Load GL process (BILDGL01) and the Load AR process (BILDAR01) when PeopleSoft Billing creates accounting entries. The Pre-Load process inserts one excise tax distribution row (EXD) for each excise duty applicable bill line, and one sales tax distribution row (STX) for each sales tax component detail row that is on the BI_LINE_EXS_DTL table. The Pre-Load process obtains ChartField values for the excise accounting entries from the tax location definition, and obtains ChartField values for sales tax accounting entries from the tax component code definition. If PeopleSoft Billing does not create accounting entries, the Pre-Load process does not create any entries in the BI_ACCT_LN_STG for any bills.

Note. PeopleSoft Billing performs no ChartField inheritance processing or combination edits for excise or India tax accounting entries.

Click to jump to parent topicCreating Accounting Entries for Excise Duties, Sales Tax, and VAT in PeopleSoft Billing

The PeopleSoft Billing Load GL Accounting Entries process (BILDGL01) inserts accounting rows for excise duty accounting entries (EXD) and sales tax accounting entries (STX) into the BI_ACCT_ENTRY table. The Load GL process creates an excise duty tax distribution row in BI_ACCT_ENTRY for each excise duty applicable row in BI_LINE, and creates a sales tax distribution row in BI_ACCT_ENTRY for each sales tax applicable row in BI_LINE.

See Also

Integrating with PeopleSoft Receivables, General Ledger, and Accounts Payable

Click to jump to parent topicPassing Excise Duties, Sales Tax, and VAT Information to PeopleSoft Receivables

The PeopleSoft Billing Load AR process (BILDAR01) populates rows in the PeopleSoft Receivable pending item tables PENDING_TAX and PENDING_TAX_DTL, and populates columns in the PENDING_ITEM table to support excise duty, sales tax, and VAT processing.

Regardless of how you define the AR level on the Installation Options - Billing - GL/AR Options page (either Header is AR Open Item or Bill Line is AR Open Item), if the bill line has an excise applicable value of Yes (EXD_APPL_FLG = Y) or a tax applicable value of Yes (STX_APPL_FLG = Y) the Load AR process inserts an excise duty and tax row in the PENDING_TAX table for each excise duty and tax line on the BI_LINE table, and inserts a row in the PENDING_TAX_DTL for each excise duty and tax detail line on the BI_LINE_EXS_DTL table.

Additionally, the process inserts rows into the PENDING_DST table for the ChartField distribution based on the excise duty and tax detail entries. The Load AR process inserts rows for all bill lines with appropriate tax calculation codes, even if the calculated excise and tax amounts are zero.

When PeopleSoft Billing creates accounting entries, the process populates the PENDING_DST table with ChartField values that it selects from the BI_ACCT_LN_STG table, which is populated by the Billing Preload process (BIPRELD). If neither PeopleSoft Billing or Receivables create accounting entries, the process obtains excise and tax accounting entry ChartField values from:

Note. PeopleSoft Billing performs no ChartField inheritance processing or combination edits for excise or tax accounting entries.

See Also

Integrating with PeopleSoft Receivables, General Ledger, and Accounts Payable

Click to jump to parent topicCalculating Excise Duties, Sales Tax, and VAT for Bill Adjustments

In the Billing system, you can create a full bill adjustment or a line adjustment. When creating a full bill adjustment, you can create just a full bill credit, or create a full bill credit with a full bill rebill. You can modify the rebill to reflect any differences that are necessary from the original bill.

When creating a line adjustment, you can create a credit line for a selected line, or create a credit line and a rebill line for a selected line. Additionally, when creating line adjustments, you can create a net adjustment for a selected line. When creating a net adjustment, you copy the initial values of the original bill line and modify those specific values on the line to make a net change to the original billing. For example, if an original bill line contains ten items at 2 USD each, but you intend the bill line to contain nine items at 2 USD each, you can make a net adjustment to credit one item at 2 USD each.

Calculating Excise Duty, Sales Tax, and VAT on Credit Bills and Credit Lines

The Bill Adjustment process credits the entire amount, including taxes. Whenever you create a credit adjustment (full bill credit or credit line), the system uses the taxes that are copied from the original invoice. You can make no modifications on a credit bill or adjustment credit line, and PeopleSoft Billing performs no tax calculations on adjustment credit bills or adjustment credit lines. However, the system uses the tax amounts that are on these lines to calculate the total excise and tax amounts at the bill header level.

Calculating Excise Duty, Sales Tax, and VAT on Rebills and Rebill Lines

To determine the impact of modifications that are made in bill entry to a rebill, refer the tables that are in the Modifying Excise Duty and Sales Tax on the Bill Header and Modifying Excise Duty and Sales Tax on Bill Lines sections.

Click to jump to parent topicCalculating Taxes for RMAs in PeopleSoft Billing

You can create RMA activity in the Order Management system by referring to sales order history. For this activity, the PeopleSoft Billing RMA Adjustment process (BIRMAADJ) copies all tax parameters that are from the original invoice when creating the adjustment invoice activity. However, if the original invoice contains an excise invoice number, this information is not copied onto the adjustment invoice.

RMA activity can also be created without reference to sales order history. In this case, PeopleSoft Billing determines the tax rules and calculates the taxes. When creating the adjustment invoice activity for these RMA lines, you must initiate the Tax Determination process after the RMA adjustment process to apply default parameters for those RMA invoices with no tax defaults applied. You can elect to always run the Tax Determination process when creating RMA adjustments. The process does not select bill lines with tax details that are supplied from the sales order history.

Note. The Tax Determination process performs no tax calculations. In PeopleSoft Billing, the Finalization process calls the Tax Calculation process to calculate final taxes.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Calculate Taxes for RMAs in PeopleSoft Billing

Page Name

Definition Name



Run RMA Adjustments


Manage Sales Activities, Manage Billing Utilities, Process, RMA Adjustments, Run RMA Adjustments

Run the RMA Adjustments process and create the pending invoices. Tax parameters, if they exist, are copied from the sales order history.

Run EXS Defaults


Manage Sales Activities, Manage Billing Utilities, Process, Run EXS Defaulting

Call the Tax Determination process for all RMA adjustments. No run control selection criteria is on this page. The system processes all RMA bill activity that requires India tax processing and has no associated tax parameters.

See Also

Working With PeopleSoft Order Management

Managing Returned Material

Click to jump to parent topicRunning the Billing Excise, Sales Tax, and VAT Determination Process

Run the Billing Excise, Sales Tax, and VAT Determination batch Application Engine process (BIEXSDFLT) following the RMA Adjustment (BIRMAADJ) and Billing Interface (BIIF0001) processes to perform excise and sales tax determination for invoices that are created by the RMA adjustment process. The Finalization process (BIIVC000) does not select invoices where India excise, sales tax, and VAT defaults have not been applied (EXS_DFLTS_APPLIED = N). The Billing Excise, Sales Tax, and VAT Determination process does not perform tax calculations; it calls the common Tax Determination process for default parameters.

This section provides an overview of the Billing Excise, Sales Tax, and VAT Determination process and lists pages used to run the Billing Excise, Sales Tax, and VAT Determination process.

Note. You can initiate the Billing Excise, Sales Tax, and VAT Determination process from three different pages. See Pages Used to Run the Billing Excise, Sales Tax, and VAT Determination Process.

The Billing Excise, Sales Tax and VAT determination process should be run only for RMA adjustment invoices. (Standard invoices for sales orders will have already had India excise and sales tax information supplied by default through either Order Management or Inventory processes).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Billing Excise, Sales Tax, and VAT Determination Process

The Billing Excise, Sales Tax, and VAT Determination process:

  1. Identifies bill headers and bill lines that need excise and sales tax determination, and updates those bill header and bill line records with a process instance number.

  2. Populates the EXS_TXDLB_TAO table and calls the common Tax Determination process. Prior to calling this function, the calling application must:

  3. Retrieves the Tax Determination output parameters from the transaction line parent table (EXS_TXDLB_TAO) and passes them to the bill line table (BI_LINE).

  4. Inserts a row into the application transaction child detail table (BI_LINE_EXS_DTL) for each row that is returned by the Tax Determination process in the transaction line child detail temporary table.

  5. Performs the necessary validations for each transaction line.

  6. Sets the Excise, Sales Tax, and VAT Defaults Applied flag (EXS_DFLTS_APPLIED) to reflect the value that the Tax Determination common process returns.

  7. Logs messages to report the number of bills that are processed successfully and the number of bills that are in error.

  8. Performs final updates.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Run the Billing Excise, Sales Tax, and VAT Determination Process

Page Name

Definition Name



Run Excise, ST/VAT Defaults


Billing, Interface Transactions, Run Excise, ST/VAT Defaults

Select run control criteria and call the Excise, ST/VAT Defaulting process. The system processes the bill activity that meets the search criteria and that requires India tax processing.

Click to jump to parent topicReviewing Billing Tax Determination and Calculation Process Errors

The following table contains tax determination and calculation error statuses written to ERROR_STATUS_BI that are specific to India tax processing:

Error Condition


2800 - Excise defaulting was not applied.

The bill line contains no excise duty default parameters. Used in tax calculation only.

2810 - No EXD or STX Tax/VAT Rate Code.

The bill line contains no excise duty, sales tax, or VAT rate code. Used in tax determination only.

2820 - No excise Tax Rate Details.

The bill line contains no excise tax rate details. Used in Tax Determination and Tax Calculation.

2830 - No Sales Tax/VAT Rate Code.

The bill line contains no sales tax or VAT rate details. Used in tax determination and tax calculation.

2840 - Excise tax calculation error.

The bill line contains tax calculation errors. Used in tax calculation only.

2850 - No tax transaction type.

The bill line contains no tax transaction type. Used in tax determination only.

2860 - Missing excise tax parameters.

The bill line is missing excise tax parameters. Used in tax determination only.

2870 - Missing Sales Tax/VAT Parameters.

The bill line is missing sales tax or VAT parameters. Used in tax determination only.