Managing Documents

This chapter provides an overview of document management in PeopleSoft Engineering and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Document Management in PeopleSoft Engineering

When integrated with the Documentum Enterprise Document Management System (EDMS), PeopleSoft Engineering provides a complete document management solution that gives selected members of your company access to up-to-date, online information, while keeping a detailed history of changes made to any document and securing access to documents, where necessary.

Using this integrated document management system, you can securely vault multiple types of documents. You can seamlessly perform online document queries and then view documents directly, launching them from within PeopleSoft applications. You can associate documents with ECRs, ECOs, item revisions, BOMs, manufacturing routings, production component lists, and production operation lists.

Click to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

Before you begin using Documentum, you must complete these steps:

See Also

Defining Financials and Supply Chain Management Common Definitions

Configuring Your Document Management System

Click to jump to parent topicExamining the Embedded Document Management System

Physical documents are always vaulted within Documentum. When a document becomes associated with a PeopleSoft page, only a minimal amount of information regarding that document is stored within PeopleSoft, such as document object ID, name, and title. PeopleSoft from Documentum, as required, retrieves all other information pertaining to the document, such as the author, checkout status, and version. In short, Documentum owns the documents, and the PeopleSoft system manages associations or references to them.

Note. To uniquely identify documents, the Documentum object ID is stored within the PeopleSoft database for each associated document. If the object ID changes for a document within Documentum, you must reestablish document associations within the PeopleSoft system. Under normal use, object IDs within Documentum don't change for a particular document version.

Click to jump to parent topicDocument User Types

Three types of users can interact with documents:

The typical roles of each of these user types include:

See Also

Associating Documents to Pages and Copying Document Associations

Click to jump to parent topicAdding New Documents or New Versions of Existing Documents to the Vault

You must use a Documentum client or web-based application, such as RightSite, WorkSpace, or SmartSpace, to contribute new documents or versions to the vault. From within PeopleSoft Documentum-enabled pages, you can launch Documentum web-based applications (such as RightSite) by clicking a button once you have set up the correct URL entry for your Documentum installation.

Click to jump to parent topicAssociating Documents to Pages and Copying Document Associations

You can associate or link documents to the originating page in one of two ways:

Click to jump to parent topicManaging Documents in PeopleSoft Engineering

By providing pages that include an embedded document management system, PeopleSoft Engineering enables you to access and manage related documents.

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Manage Documents in PeopleSoft Engineering

Page Name

Definition Name



Component Options


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Documentum, Component Options, Component Options

Control, by product and component, the document management buttons that the system displays in document components.

Document Details


Click the Document Detail button on any document-enabled page or Search Results page.

View information about the selected document from the document vault.



Click the Query button on any document-enabled page.

Make attribute selections to narrow the focus of your search. You can also use it to associate documents with the original document-enabled page.

Search Results


Click the Start Query button on the Query page.

Display each document in the database that matches the query criteria that you entered on the Query page.

Copy Document Associations


Click the Copy button on any document-enabled page.

Associate or link documents to the originating page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDisplaying Document-Enabled Pages

Access the Component Options page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Documentum, Component Options, Component Options).

With this page, you control the document management buttons that the system displays on any of the document-enabled pages. For demonstration purposes, we used the Revision Maintenance - Documents page. You could also use any of the other document-enabled pages as an example because the embedded document functionality, including Query and Search Results pages, is virtually identical.

After you select your business unit (and item ID), the system displays a list of all documents associated with the particular revision of the item. This list includes the document name and title, as defined in Documentum, and whether the document is fixed.

This table contains a summary of the buttons that you can click within document-enabled pages, and the actions that they perform.

Click to view document detail.

Click to query the Documentum database.

Click to view document contents.

Click to launch Documentum.

Click to fix or unfix versions.

Click to copy document associations.

Click to deselect all check boxes.

Click to select all check boxes.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSigning In to the Documentum Docbase

To access (query or view) associated documents in the document database from PeopleSoft pages, you must be signed in to Documentum.

The first time during a session that you click any of the buttons on the document-enabled page, the system prompts you to sign in to Documentum.

Note. Once you successfully sign in to Documentum, you'll remain signed in until you end your session by closing the browser.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicQuerying Documents

Access the Query page (click the Query button on any document-enabled page).


Select the Documentum document file format. This isn't necessarily the same as the file extension. For example, you define a Microsoft Word document in Documentum as having a file format of msw6 (created with either Word 6.0 for the Mac or Word 6.0 or 7.0 for Windows), but the file extension is .doc.

Search Options

Except for the optional Document contains word(s) search and Version Option, each field has these search options:

  • begins with

  • Contains

  • ends with

  • is equal to

  • is greater than or equal to

  • is greater than

  • is less than or equal to

  • is less than

  • is not equal to

Specify to query by all versions or a specific version; CURRENT is the specific version default. When you query by all versions or by a specific version that isn't current, the document can only be associated with a PeopleSoft page as fixed. The specific version can be any version label defined in Documentum; however, if you specify a document as not fixed on a PeopleSoft page, the version label used to identify the current document is always CURRENT.

The Unit, Item ID, and Revision fields enable you to narrow searches based on PeopleSoft criteria. To access these fields, you must first have selected the Use BU/Item/Rev Attributes field on the Document Product Options page on the Set Up Financials/Supply Chain navigation. Before you enable this feature, you must modify document attributes within Documentum.

Searching by Using the Keywords Field

Within Documentum, you have the ability to maintain multiple keywords for each version of a document. The Keyword(s) field on the Query page enables you to search on one or more of these keywords. To search on more than one key word, separate each keyword with a comma.

Searching by Using the Document Contains Word(s) Field

If you have enabled full-text indexing of documents within Documentum, you can search within the document itself for strings that you enter here.

See Also

Defining Financials and Supply Chain Management Common Definitions

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSearching for Specific Versions of a Document

Access the Search Results page (click the Start Query button on the Query page).

Display document detail or view documents by selecting the Sel (select) check box and clicking either the Document Detail button or View button.

Select the Sel check box and click OK to associate documents back with the originating document-enabled page.

Click the Select All button to include all documents to be associated. When you click this button, the system selects all of the Sel check boxes.

Click the Deselect All button to deselect all of the Sel check boxes.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCopying Document Associations

Access the Copy Document Associations page (click the Copy button on any document-enabled page).

The fields on the Copy Document Associations page vary, depending on your Copy From selection from the available options.

Note. When you associate documents, the system retrieves the document name and title from the document database at the time the document is associated with a page. If you change the name and title later in the document database, the change isn't automatically reflected within PeopleSoft pages. You must disassociate and reassociate the document to PeopleSoft pages to reflect changes to name and title. However, all other document attributes (such as author and format) aren't stored within the PeopleSoft pages, so if any one of these attributes is changed in Documentum, you don't need to reassociate the document with the page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDisassociating Documents from Pages

You can disassociate documents from a document-enabled page by clicking the Delete button associated with the row that you want to disassociate. Disassociating documents from pages has no impact on the document within the document database because it does not delete the document.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing, Editing, Checking In and Out, and Fixing Documents

Viewing Documents

Click the View button on the document-enabled page to launch the selected document for viewing only. When you view a document using PeopleSoft pages, the system retrieves a local copy of the document from the Documentum server (by using Documentum RightSite).

Editing, Checking In, and Checking Out Documents

Click the Launch Documentum button on the document-enabled page to access documents for check out, check in, canceling checkout, and editing. You perform these functions directly within Documentum applications.

Fixing Documents

Click the Fix Vers (fix version) button on the document-enabled page to fix this document association on this page to the specific document version currently selected. The fix only applies to the document as it relates to the current page. Therefore, if you fix the document to the Revisions Documents page, the system doesn't fix it to any of the other document-enabled pages, such as ECR and ECO.

When you fix an associated document to a page, the currently displayed version of the document is permanently associated with the page, without regard to future document revisions. When you fix a document to a PeopleSoft page, subsequent versions of the document aren't automatically associated with this page. Typically you won't fix a particular document to the page until the version of the document is final.

As an example, you might find it necessary, during the life of a particular ECO, to set associated documents to not fixed so that as engineering checks in new versions of design documents, they are always visible from within the ECO page. Once the ECO is approved, the design documents can be fixed to permanently associate appropriate versions with the PeopleSoft page.

Changing a document to fixed does this:

  • The version currently associated with the page becomes fixed to the originating page so that any subsequent checked-in versions of the document aren't associated with this page.

  • The document, while fixed, can no longer be checked out from this page.

  • The Fixed check box on the documents page changes from N to Y.

Click the Unfix Vers (unfix version) button on the document-enabled page to unfix a fixed document, thereby reassociating the page document with the current version.

Warning! If you unfix a document and then fix it again, the fixed document becomes by default the latest (most current) version, as defined within the document database, and might not be the same as the version that was originally fixed.

For example, you fix a document to a PeopleSoft ECO page at version 1.0, and afterward you check versions 1.1 and 1.2 of the document into the document database. Then, if you unfix and fix the document again in the ECO Page, the fixed version of the ECO page is 1.2 instead of the 1.0 version prior to unfixing. This enables you to correct a document association that has been fixed prematurely.

Likewise, if you fix the document at version 1.2, but it should have been fixed at 1.0, you can query the document again for version 1.0. When you query a specific version, it is associated with the page as fixed.

Note. Be sure to delete the original document association, if you want. It's possible to have more than one version of the same document associated with a page.

See Also

Displaying Document-Enabled Pages

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicModifying Page Objects and PeopleCode

Depending on your document management requirements, you might want to modify Documentum and potentially PeopleSoft page objects and PeopleCode to meet your own business requirements. One such example is document revision numbering techniques. This can include:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrinting Documents

Printing documents from the client is dependent on the client software that you are using to view documents. To print a document, you must first launch the document in view mode.

See Also

Documentum documentation