Maintaining Operation Lists

This chapter provides an overview of operation lists and discusses how to maintain operation list information.

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Operation Lists

When the system releases production to the shop floor, it freezes the item's routing for the production quantity specified and copies it to the operation list. In addition, you can also modify the operation list to take into account known capacity constraints for machines that may be unavailable.

The operation list documents the operations necessary to manufacture, rework, or teardown the assembled item. The system creates the operation list by copying the routing to production. During the manufacturing process, it may be necessary to add operations, delete operations, or change an operation's work center, queue time, intransit time, production time, or the actual start and end date of the operation.

You can create operation lists for both production IDs and production schedules using PeopleSoft Manufacturing. Operation lists are automatically created for regular production. For rework production, the system creates an operation list using a rework routing if one exists. If you have not created rework routings, you have the option to manually create an operation list. For teardown production, you can base the operation list on a teardown routing or optionally, manually create an operation list.

See Also

Structuring Routings

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Operation Lists

You can create an operation list for regular production by:

PeopleSoft Manufacturing creates an operation list for rework production using a rework routing, if it exists. If you want to create an operation list for reworked items that do not have rework routings, you must manually enter the scheduling information. For teardown production, the system uses a teardown routing for the operation list. Or, manually create the operation list, and manually enter the start date and due date. If you're using PeopleSoft Supply Planning and material and capacity constraints are concerns, you'll want to use the Optimizer to schedule rework and teardown production based on the operation list that you created.

When the system creates the operation list, it copies the routing along with its details to production. Routing details include the operation sequences, count points, attachments, and all the planning and costing times, such as queue time, intransit time, and run rates, associated with each operation. The system displays the item whose routing is copied. When the end item utilizes a master routing, the copied routing can be that of another item, the one assigned to the end item's family or to its item group. If an item references a master routing, it also uses the reference routing item's rework routing if one exists. At the same time, it determines each operation's start and due date based on the start or due date of the production ID or production schedule. If PeopleSoft Supply Planning is not installed, the system also takes into account setup, operation overlap, and the possibility of simultaneous setup and queue. As assemblies are completed at each operation, PeopleSoft Manufacturing tracks the quantity issued to the operation, as well as the quantity completed and scrapped at each operation.

You can modify the operation list using the Update Operation List component. You may add, delete or change operations if end item completions, scrap, or earning of setup costs have not occurred at the operation. You may change existing operations by modifying standard production times, tasks, or work centers.

If you're maintaining production schedules using the PeopleSoft Supply Planning solver, the production of one or more of the operations may have a frozen status. The frozen status indicates that a decision was made to hold or firm up the production ID, production schedule, or operation's due date and that changes within PeopleSoft Manufacturing could result in a change to the schedule created by PeopleSoft Supply Planning. If the production or operation has a frozen status, and you change information that impacts the actual start or due dates and times, PeopleSoft Manufacturing displays a warning message indicating that the operation or production is frozen. You have the option to continue or cancel the changes. If you proceed with changing the operation or production, the operation or production is no longer frozen.

When you modify an operation list and if you're integrating to a third-party Manufacturing Execution System (MES), PeopleSoft Manufacturing uses the Production Order Update EIP to publish a message to the MES with the transaction information. The MES then subscribes to that message and updates the MES information.

See Also

Maintaining Tasks

Getting Started with PeopleSoft Manufacturing

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicConsidering Subcontracted Operations

If you use outside vendors to perform an operation, set up and maintain the routing and operation list to take this into consideration. A subcontracted operation can be defined when setting up a task, a work center, an operation on a routing, or when creating or maintaining an operation list.

When you specify that an operation will be performed by a subcontractor, also select a preferred vendor for performing the work. If you do not select a preferred vendor, PeopleSoft Purchasing uses autosourcing to determine the vendor.

If you're creating or maintaining a subcontracted operation, note that:

See Also

Defining Routing Header Information

Click to jump to parent topicCommon Elements Used in This Chapter

Production Area

Area where the item is being manufactured.

Item and Description

Name and description of the item being manufactured.

Config Code (configuration code)

Unique identifier for costing and inventory tracking purposes. The configuration code appears if the end item is a configured item.

Production Status

Current status of the production.

Prdn ID (production ID)

Production order identifier.

Sch Method (scheduling method)

Scheduling method used to manufacture the item. Values are Forward and Backward.

Prdn Type (production type)

Type of production being manufactured. Values are Production, Rework, and Teardown.

Prdn Start Qty (production start quantity)

The quantity required at the beginning of the production process. This quantity will be inflated to account for any operation yield if the system calculates the beginning production quantity.

Prdn End Qty (production end quantity)

The quantity expected at the end of the production process. This quantity will be rounded down to account for any operation yield if the system calculates the ending production quantity.

Source Cd (source code)

Code indicates if the production is Make or Buy.

Routing Code

Routing code associated with the selected production.

Rtg Item (routing item)

Item on which the referenced item's routing is based.


Indicates if the production is frozen by PeopleSoft Supply Planning.

Op Seq (operation sequence)

Operation step where the process occurs.

Work Center

Work center location where the operation step and tasks are performed.

Operation Start Date

Date the operation step is or was due to begin.

Start Time

Time the operation step is or was due to begin.

Operation Due Date

Date the operation step is or was due to be completed.

Due Time

Time the operation step is or was due to be completed.

Calculate Yield and Reschedule

If you change the work center, task, operation sequence, or one or more operation type or time, click this link to update the schedule.

Click to jump to parent topicMaintaining Operation List Information

PeopleSoft Manufacturing copies the routing, if one exists, for the end item or its reference routing to the production ID or production schedule when the status of the production ID or production schedule changes from Entered to Firmed or Released. In addition, it also copies the routing or its reference routing when an end item or operation completion is recorded for the production quantity.

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Maintain Operation List Information

Page Name

Definition Name



Production Selection


Production Control, Define Production, Production IDs/Schedules, Update Operation List, Production Selection

Select a specific production ID or production schedule to add, change, or delete operations when the production status is Firmed or higher.

Summary - Summary


Production Control, Define Production, Production IDs/Schedules, Update Operation List, Summary, Summary

Add, change, or delete operations on the operation list.

Summary - Production Text


Production Control, Define Production, Production IDs/Schedules, Update Operation List, Summary, Production Text

Display or modify text associated with the production ID or production schedule.

Summary - Production Detail


Production Control, Define Production, Production IDs/Schedules, Update Operation List, Summary, Production Detail

Display production ID or production schedule detail.

Details - Times


Production Control, Define Production, Production IDs/Schedules, Update Operation List, Details, Times

Review or modify an operation's labor or machine planning queue and intransit times as well as planning and costing, setup, run, fixed run, and postproduction times and run rates.

Detail - Operation Text


Production Control, Define Production, Production IDs/Schedules, Update Operation List, Details, Operation Text

Add or modify text associated with the production.

Detail - Documents


Production Control, Define Production, Production IDs/Schedules, Update Operation List, Details, Documents

Associate, access, and manage pertinent operation documents in the embedded document management system.

You must have PeopleSoft Engineering installed to access this page.

Detail - Attachments


Production Control, Define Production, Production IDs/Schedules, Update Operation List, Details, Attachments

Associate attachments with an operation. The attachment associations may have been previously defined when creating or maintaining the routing.

Details - Resources


Production Control, Define Production, Production IDs/Schedules, Update Operation List, Details, Resources

Review or modify the resources assigned to each operation on the operation list.

Details - Conv Cost Codes


Production Control, Define Production, Production IDs/Schedules, Update Operation List, Details, Conv Cost Codes

Add, change, or delete conversion cost codes for an operation.

Details - Scheduling


Production Control, Define Production, Production IDs/Schedules, Update Operation List, Details, Scheduling

Maintain operation scheduling options. Several scheduling options can be selected for operations, including simultaneous setup and queue, planning intensity, and operation overlap.

Production Selection inquiry


Production Control, Define Production, Review Production Information, Operation List, Production Selection

Select the production ID or production schedule to view an operation list.

Summary - Summary inquiry


Production Control, Define Production, Review Production Information, Operation List, Summary, Summary

View operation list information for selected production.

Summary - Production Text Inquiry


Production Control, Define Production, Review Production Information, Operation List, Summary, Production Text

Display text associated with the production ID or production schedule.

Detail - Operation Text inquiry


Production Control, Define Production, Review Production Information, Operation List, Detail, Operation Text

Display text associated with the operation.

Detail - Documents


Production Control, Define Production, Review Production Information, Operation List, Detail, Documents

Display operation documents for each operation.

You must have PeopleSoft Engineering installed to access this page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSelecting Operation Lists

Access the Production Selection page (Production Control, Define Production, Production IDs/Schedules, Update Operation List, Production Selection).

Production ID

Select a value if you want to maintain the operation list for a specific production ID.

Production Area and Item

Select values if you want to maintain the operation list for production schedules.

Date Type

Select a date type. Production schedule information can be based on the start date of production or when production is due to be completed.

Prdn Start (production start)

Select this option if you want to view production schedules based on the production start date.

Prdn Due (production due)

Select this option if you want to view production schedules based on the production due date.

Prdn Due Shift (production due shift)

Select a valid production shift.

Note. If multiple production schedules exist for the production area, item, date, or shift, then a warning appears followed by a listing of the production schedules from which you can select one production schedule to maintain.


Click this button to retrieve the information associated with the selected production.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMaintaining the Operation Summary

Access the Summary - Summary page (Production Control, Define Production, Production IDs/Schedules, Update Operation List, Summary, Summary).

Sort Operations by

Select End Date, Op Seq (operation sequence), or Start Date.

Print at Save

Select this check box if you want to print production documents at save time for a particular production ID.

Setup Print Options

Click this link to access the Process/Output Options page to select different print criteria for the production documents.

Calculate Yield and Reschedule

When inserting, changing, or deleting an operation, use this link to recalculate the operation quantities and start and due dates. You will be given the option of maintaining the existing start or end quantity and recalculating the other.

Details Tab

Op Seq (operation sequence)

Add, change, or delete operations (tasks) on the operation list. You can also change the operation sequence) by renumbering the operations.

You cannot delete an operation from the operation list once completions or scrap have been recorded for the operation.

Note. You cannot delete a subcontracted operation if a purchase order has been created.

Click the Add button to add a new operation sequence. The operation can be added in any order.

The operations are reordered when you click the Save button.

Task Code and Description

Task being performed at the operation step. Select a value if tasks have been predefined in PeopleSoft Manufacturing. Task codes are optional, but they facilitate data entry.

Work Center

If no task code is entered, you must select the work center where the new operation will take place.

Note. Changing the task code can affect the task times, resources, scheduling options, conversion rates, and the work center.

Changing either task information or the work center may result in process change variances in production. Production variances occur any time the cost of the operation differs from the cost of the operation used to determine the item's standard cost.

Operation Start Date and Operation Due Date

Changing these values automatically reschedules prior and subsequent operations.

To change an operation's start time (if forward scheduled) or due time (if backward scheduled), select the operation to be changed and the appropriate time based on the production ID's scheduling method. If you're changing the operations for a production schedule, change only the due time because all production schedules are backward scheduled. The scheduling method of the production ID or production schedule appears in the Operation Summary header.

Note. The system uses the production start quantity of an operation to calculate the scheduled quantities in the component list.

For multiple output production IDs, the system uses the production end quantity of the last operation to calculate the quantities for the primary products and co-products in the output list. For by-products, the system uses the production end quantity of the last operation.

For multiple output production schedules, the system uses the production end quantity of the last operation to calculate the quantities for the primary, co-products, and by-products in the output list.

Note. Changing the production quantity may require the operation start or due dates to change.

Calculate Yield and Reschedule

Click this link to see the impact of a date or time or work center change. This recalculates the operations based on the changes made. Using this button without saving the page allows you to create what-if scenarios for the production ID or production schedule.

If you add an operation to the first row of the operation list, the production ID or production schedule start date or time appears by default, even when the production ID is backward scheduled. If the production is backward scheduled, the system automatically recalculates the start date or time once you enter the due date or time.

If you change the work center for an operation and the current start date or time or due date or time does not fall within the hours of operation for the work center, the system reschedules the date or time to a valid date or time once you click the Calculate Yield and Reschedule link. Valid dates or times are based on the work center calendar if a calendar code has been associated with it. If not, the valid working days are based on the runtime production calendar. If one is not specified, the system assumes a five-day work week with the valid hours of operation based on the shift code specified for the five day work week.

Note. If capacity and material availability are concerns, estimate the start and due dates and times when you create or maintain an operation using PeopleSoft Manufacturing, and then optimize the operation's start and due dates and times using PeopleSoft Supply Planning.

Important! Change operation list dates one at a time. When one of the dates is changed, the remaining date and time fields are unavailable. To change multiple operations, select the first operation to be changed, enter the changes, and then click the Reschedule button. Once the system reschedules all operations, select the next operation to be changed and continue.


Click this button before exiting the page to save the results of the recalculation.

Yield By Operation Tab

Yield %

Displays the percent that you expect at this operation sequence. The default value is defined on the routing, which is used on the production ID, but you can change the percentage here. If you change the percentage, the system will adjust the starting and ending quantities at all subsequent operations. In addition, the operation start and due times may change.

Note. This percentage cannot be changed once any completions or the scrap process has been performed against the production ID.

Assy Starts Qty (assembly starts quantity)

Displays the beginning quantity required at the beginning of the operation. This is the ending quantity of the previous operation. This amount will account for any operation yield loss during the production process.

Expctd Cmpl Qty (expected completed quantity)

Displays the quantity that you expect to complete at the end of the operation. This amount will account for any operation yield loss during the production process


Sub (subcontracted)

Select this option if the operation is being sent to an outside vendor. A subcontracted operation can be defined when setting up a task or a work center, or you can specify it here. Keep these in mind when creating or maintaining subcontracted operations:

  • You can select or deselect the subcontracted check box as long as the purchase order for the subcontracted operation hasn't been created.

  • You cannot change the work center or task from a work center or task that is subcontracted to one that is not, once a purchase order for the subcontracted work has been created.

  • You cannot change the operation sequence if a purchase order for the subcontracted work has been created.

  • You can change the operation scheduling if a purchase order for the subcontracted work has been created.

    However, if the operation scheduling changes affect when the subcontracted work is received back from the vendor, the system sends a purchase order change request to PeopleSoft Purchasing, indicating a change in scheduling for the production ID.

  • If you're using count points, all subcontracted operations must be defined as a count point.

    In addition, the last operation step must be a count point.

  • You cannot have teardown outputs at subcontracted operations.

Count Point

Select this option if you want to define an operation step as a count point. Count points allow you to record completions at predefined operation steps. Material is consumed and labor and overhead will be earned back to the previous count point.


Select this option to freeze this operation. If you've set up the Automatic Freeze Planning option for the business unit, the system automatically flags any operation sequences as frozen if processing has begun and you've recorded any of these transactions for that operation: actual hours, operation completions, operation scrap, setup complete, by-product or co-product completions. The system will not automatically freeze an operation if you've recorded material consumption (issue, kit, or edit components) unless you've also recorded completions for that operation. You have to deselect the Frozen check box if you do not want the In Process or Complete production operation to be frozen.

Also, if you select the Frozen check box on the production ID or production schedule, all operations for that order are frozen. You can also manually change this option here.

Manufacturing Execution System (MES) and Operation Lists

When you modify an operation list, if you're integrating with a third-party MES, PeopleSoft Manufacturing uses the Production Order Update EIP to publish a message to the MES with the transaction information. The MES then subscribes to that message and updates the MES information.

See Also

SFS2003 - Production Documents

Maintaining Tasks

Defining Work Centers

Recording End Item Completions Using Count Points

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMaintaining Operation Times

Access the Details - Times page (Production Control, Define Production, Production IDs/Schedules, Update Operation List, Details, Times).

Op Seq (operation sequence), Task Code, Work Center, Start Dt/Time (start date and time), and Due Dt/Time (due date and time)

These values appear by default from the Operation Summary page, although you have the option to change them here.

If you change the task, the system deletes all task-related information defined for the operation including work center, resources, task times, and scheduling options. The system then adds the new task information to the current operation sequence. If conversion rates are defined at the task level, the system replaces the conversion and conversion overhead rates with the new rates.

If completions or scrap for this operation was recorded, the Op Seq (operation sequence), Task Code, and Work Center fields are unavailable.

You can change the work center if you have not recorded completions or scrap for this operation sequence. If you change the work center, the system deletes the resources associated with the old work center and adds the new work center resources. If conversion rates are defined at the work center level, the system replaces the rates with the new rates.

Calculate Yield and Reschedule

To change the work center, task, or operation sequence, click this link to update the schedule.

To save the results of the recalculation, click the Save button before exiting the page.

Operation Type (operation times or run rates)

These values appear by default from the routing information. These times and rates may have originated from the task, if one is specified, and modified for this particular item. If a task wasn't specified, the times and rates were entered on the routing for the end item. You can modify the planning labor and machine times or rates for fixed run, post production, run, and setup. If a task was specified for the operation, change any of the production times or rates for the task without affecting the master task information.

To make changes to the master task, update the operation times and rates using the Task Time page in PeopleSoft Manufacturing.

If you're changing the operation costing times and run rates, the change may result in process change variances in production. This occurs when the cost of the operation differs from the cost used to determine the standard cost of the end item. If you're changing the operation from a regular task to a subcontracted one, you cannot select machine times or rates for the operation.

Op Time (operation time) and Op Rate (operation rate)

You can modify these values. Use operation rates for runtimes only:

  • If you enter an operation time, you can enter Days, Hours, or Minutes in the Time Unit field.

    For example, if you entered 5 in the Op Time field and Days in the Time/Rate Unit field, then one unit will be completed every five days for the operation. Setup, fixed run, and post production must be expressed in terms of operation times. Run is defined in terms of operation time or a run rate.

  • If you enter an operation rate, you can enter Units/Day, Units/Hour, or Units/Minute in the Rate Unit field.

    For example, if you entered 3 in the Op Rate field and Units/Day in the Time/Rate Unit field, then three units will be completed every day for the operation. You can only use operation rates to define runtimes.

Inc. Setup (include setup)

Select this option when calculating operation lead times and can only be selected for the Planning Labor Setup and Planning Machine Setup operation types. The check box is not available for selection for all other operation types. The system always includes setup in the lead time calculation for the first operation. If this option is not selected, setup can physically begin prior to any production units arriving at the work center. However, the system calculates the start date and time of the operation to reflect the latest time the setup should begin to meet its due date and time.


Click this button if you want to save the results of the recalculation.

Warning! Queue and intransit planning times as well as setup and post-production planning and costing times are allowed for subcontracted operations. If you're using PeopleSoft Supply Planning, queue and intransit times are ignored.

Costing Considerations

To calculate costs for a particular item, operation, or time type, you must have a corresponding costing rate type defined along with a frozen conversion or conversion overhead rate or cost. For example, if you had a costing labor fixed runtime defined for an item, you should also have defined a labor fixed run rate per hour or per unit within PeopleSoft Cost Management for the conversion code specified on the operation list.

Costing Operation Time Type

Include a corresponding value if you intend to cost the operation using a fixed amount per unit, as opposed to a rate per hour.

The costing operation time can represent the amount of time to complete the task and the system uses it to calculate earned hours. However, the system uses the amount per unit in calculating the cost, regardless of the time specified. If you do not specify a costing time, the system will not include the per unit cost even if there's a rate defined for the code assigned to the operation.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMaintaining Operation Resources

Access the Details - Resources page (Production Control, Define Production, Production IDs/Schedules, Update Operation List, Details, Resources).

When maintaining the operation list, you can optionally define the crews, machines, and tools that will be used at work centers to perform specific tasks. In addition, keep these in mind when maintaining operation resources:

Op Seq (operation sequence), Task Code, Work Center, Start Dt/Time (start date and time), and Due Dt/Time (due date and time)

These values appear by default from the Operation Summary page, although you have the option to change them. If you change the task, the system deletes all task-related information defined for the operation including work center, resources, task times, and scheduling options. The system then adds the new task information to the current operation sequence. If conversion rates are defined at the task level, the system replaces the conversion and conversion overhead rates with the new rates.

Calculate Yield and Reschedule

If you change the work center, task, or operation sequence, click this link to update the schedule. To save the results of the recalculation, click the Save button before exiting the page.

Crew Size, Machine Resources, and Resource Types

You can change the costing resource attributes (crew size and machine resources). These attributes appear by default from the work center. Crew size is the number of people at the work center. The Machine Resources field displays the number of machines at the work center. The system uses both the crew size and machine resources to determine the standard cost of an item. Therefore, if you're changing the operation's crew size or machine resources, the change may result in process change variances for the production ID.

For each operation, the resource information appears by default from the resources associated with the work center that you assigned to the task, and therefore the operation. Only the primary crew, machine, and tools are copied to the operation list. You can enter additional resources (crews, machines, and tools) by selecting a resource type and the specific crew, machine, or tool. The resource's description, status, and, when the resource is a tool, quantity used appears. The resource must already be defined as a primary or alternate resource for the work center. You can also assign resources without assigning a task to the operation.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAssociating Conversion Cost Codes with an Operation

Access the Details - Conv Cost Codes page (Production Control, Define Production, Production IDs/Schedules, Update Operation List, Details, Conv Cost Codes).

Conversion cost codes determine the labor, machine, outside processing, and overhead cost of the operation. When defining the costs, you associate a conversion rate or cost to each conversion code. The code is then entered on the task or work center, depending on the manufacturing installation options. The system then associates the corresponding rates with the operation when it copies the task or work center to the routing or operation list.

Conversion Code

Displays the associated values with the operation's work center if you're maintaining conversion rates at the work center level.

Conversion Ovhd Codes (conversion overhead codes)

To view the actual labor, machine, outside processing, and overhead rates or costs assigned to the code, see the Conversion Code and Conversion Overhead Code pages for the task or work center.

To change the labor, machine, or overhead cost for a specific operation, select a new conversion code to determine the new labor and machine costs. You can also select up to four codes that calculate the overhead costs associated with the operation.

Note. If you change the conversion code or the conversion overhead codes, and the rates associated with the new codes differ from the old ones, the change results in cost variances for the production ID or production schedule quantity.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMaintaining Operation Scheduling

Access the Details - Scheduling page (Production Control, Define Production, Production IDs/Schedules, Update Operation List, Details, Scheduling).

Op Seq (operation sequence), Task Code, and Work Center

These fields are unavailable if completions or scrap for this operation have been previously recorded.

Simultaneous Setup and Queue

Select this option if setup can occur during the queue time of an operation. If you select this option, the system considers the longer of the two times when determining actual production start or due dates.

Note. The Simultaneous Setup and Queue check box is not available if the page is displaying the first operation in a routing, if setup is not included for the operation, or if you're using PeopleSoft Supply Planning.

Count Point

This option is selected if the operation sequence is a count point. This field is display-only and appears by default from the Summary page. Count points enable you to record completions at predefined operation steps. Material will be consumed and labor and overhead will be earned back to the previous count point. Count points are optional, and are used only on production IDs.

Frozen Operation

Displays if the operation has been frozen by PeopleSoft Supply Planning. This check box indicates that a decision was made to hold or firm up the due date and that changes to the operation could result in a change to the operation's start and due dates and times. If the operation is frozen, and you change information that impacts the start/due dates and times, PeopleSoft Manufacturing displays a warning message indicating that the operation is frozen. You have the option to continue or cancel the changes. If you proceed with changing this information, the operation is no longer frozen.


This value appears by default from the task and determines the basis of the scheduling. The start and due date of the operation can be based on either the operation's labor time (labor intensive) or machine time (machine intensive). Alternatively, the start and due date can be based on the longest (longest of the two times, evaluated for each time type within the operation). For example, if labor setup is 7 minutes, machine setup is 10 minutes, labor run is 20 minutes, machine run is 25 minutes, labor fixed run is 11 minutes, and machine fixed run is 7 minutes, the total operation time would be Machine Setup (10) + Machine Run (25) + Labor Fixed Run (11) = 36 minutes. Or, the start and due date can be based on the cumulative (the sum of the machine and labor time).

Make sure that you select an intensity that matches the resource used. For example, if you select Machine Time, you must be using machines to perform all or part of the operation and machine times or rates should have been specified for setup, run, fixed run, or all three.

Op Overlap (operation overlap)

Values include:

  • No Overlap: No operation overlap.

  • Percentage: If you select this option, the Overlap % (overlap percentage) field appears.

    This is the percentage of processing time remaining at one operation before the next operation can start. An overlap percentage of 100 percent means that the next operation can start at the same time as the current operation. An overlap percentage of 5 percent means that 95 percent of the operation must be completed before the next can start. Operation overlap cannot be less than 0 or more than 100 percent, and there can be no overlap on the last routing operation sequence or prior to a subcontracted operation. However, the vendor can send the end item back in multiple shipments. Therefore, you can define operation overlap for a subcontracted operation.

  • Send Ahead: An overlap by a specific quantity completed at the operation.

    If you select this option, the Send Ahead field appears. In this case, enter the number of units that need to be accumulated or finished before they can be sent to the next operation and the next operation can begin. The send ahead quantity must be a positive number. Whether you can enter a whole number or a decimal may depend on the item's unit of measure and quantity precision combination that was defined in PeopleSoft Inventory. For example, if Item ID A0007 has a unit of measure of EA and a Natural Round, Whole number combination, then you can enter only whole numbers. If you enter an incorrect number format, you'll receive an error message.

The default setting for Op Overlap is No Overlap. If you select No Overlap, the Send Ahead and Overlap % fields are not available.

Important! If an operation has a fixed run rate assigned to it, the preceding operation cannot have a send ahead quantity assigned to it because fixed run operations assume the entire quantity is available at the beginning of the run. For example, operation 1 cannot have a send ahead quantity assigned if operation 2 has a fixed runtime.


This option is selected if the operation is being performed by a vendor. You cannot deselect this check box if purchase orders have been created for this outside vendor.

Vendor ID

If the subcontracted vendor was defined at the task level, then the name of the vendor appears in this field. Otherwise, you can select the appropriate vendor for this subcontracted operation.

Subcontracted Item

If this value was defined at the routing level, then the item appears in this field. You can change the value in this field.

Note. The subcontracted item will be used on any subcontracted purchase orders that are created for this operation.

Note. The UOM for the subcontracted item and the end item must be identical.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Operation List Summary Information

Access the Summary - Summary inquiry page (Production Control, Define Production, Review Production Information, Operation List, Summary, Summary).

Operation Summary

The system displays the operation list, along with operation details for each operation sequence. Operation details include:

Quantity Issued to Operation

Displays the quantity completed at the prior operation. In the case of the first operation, it is the production quantity completed and scrapped at the first operation.

Quantity Completed and Thru Oper (quantity completed and through operation)

Displays the quantity completed at the operation. This quantity does not include any scrapped assemblies.

Qty Scrapped (quantity scrapped)

Displays the total number of assemblies scrapped at the operation.

Scr Pct (scrap percentage)

Displays a weighted average of the scrap percent complete specified when recording end item completions and scrap. This percentage represents the amount of runtime earned and scrapped for the particular operation.