Setting Up Transportation Lead Times and Internal Freight Charges

This chapter provides overviews of freight calculations and transportation lead times and discusses how to create transportation lead times and internal freight charges.

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Internal Freight Calculations

This section discusses:

You can calculate internal freight during order entry by setting up arbitration plans and rules by:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing Deliveries with Freight Charges

To calculate internal freight charges at order entry, deliveries must be created. Deliveries enable you to group order schedules logically with the same shipping information so that freight charges can be calculated accurately. You can have multiple freight methods such as weight, volume, value, and quantity for each sales order, but each delivery can have only one freight method. The system automatically manages the deliveries for you on the sales order.

Note. In PeopleSoft Order Management, you must have one freight charge method for each delivery, but you can have multiple deliveries for each sales order. At shipment in PeopleSoft Inventory, there can be only one freight charge method per sales order within a single shipment.

If a schedule qualifies to become part of an existing delivery, the system verifies that the freight charge method on the new schedule matches the default value from the buying agreement, sold to customer, or order group:

To calculate internal freight, the system evaluates the delivery as it is added to the order and determines the freight sets and resulting charges that apply to the delivery. To get the total freight charges for the delivery, the system adds up the freight charges on all freight breaks applied to the delivery. The system then adds up the sums of the delivery freight charges, to get the total freight charge for the order.

After calculating the freight charges, the delivery, delivery freight charges, and total order freight charges appear for the entire order. To change or override the total freight charge for the order or to not charge the customer freight for the order, you enter a different amount or zero for the freight charges on each delivery of the order on the Freight Charges page.

If you are using the single shipment option, freight can only be changed at the order header level. When the Populate Billing process (OM_BILL) is run, the freight amount is picked up and passed to PeopleSoft Billing on the first shipment of the order. In the case of multiple shipments for an order, the total freight amount is charged and billed on the first invoice. A flag is set on the Delivery table to indicate that freight has already been billed, so it will not be billed again with subsequent shipments for the order. If the seller pays for freight, no freight charges are passed to PeopleSoft Billing; however, the estimate for freight charges at order entry is still calculated and can be used for your own analysis.

Freight charges are passed to third-part vendors. The vendors determine if any tax is applicable to the freight charges.

If you are using credit card processing, the Order Repricing process reprices orders and includes the freight amount and the new price in the credit card amount stored at the order header level.

See Also

Using the Internal PeopleSoft Freight Calculator


Integrating with Sales and Use Tax Applications

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicFreight Charge Methods, Freight Arbitration Plans, and Units of Measure Calculations

Freight calculations are based on four freight charge methods: order quantity, order value, shipping volume, and shipping weight. The method must take into account units of measure. When you select a method, the system performs the unit of measure conversion if the schedules in the delivery need to be converted to a common unit of measure.

Note. To ship certain items together on a single delivery, verify that you have a common unit of measure. If the system does not find a common unit of measure to convert to, it creates another delivery.

The same units of measure conversion for freight calculations applies to weight and volume pricing.

The freight arbitration plan defaults from the Inventory business unit to the delivery. The freight arbitration plan flags tell the system which delivery total values must be maintained in order to properly calculate freight. You can select one or more of these flags on the arbitration plan. These freight arbitration plan flags are:

Note. The freight arbitration plan freight-by flags should complement the freight charge method that defaults from the buying agreement, customer, or order group.

The freight arbitration plan freight-by flags can affect the number of deliveries created for the sales order if you have not defined all the required conversion rates.

Order Value

If you use order value as the freight charge method, the system calculates internal freight by summing the extended net prices of the order schedules for each delivery and checking against the order value freight breaks to see what freight charges to add to the order. The total order freight charge is the sum of the freight charges calculated for the order values of each delivery.

Order Quantity

If you use order quantity as the freight charge method, the system calculates internal freight by summing the quantities of the order schedules for each delivery and checking against the order quantity freight breaks to see what surcharges to add to the order. The total order freight charge is the sum of the freight calculated for each of the deliveries.

If the schedules have different units of measure, the order quantity freight charge method converts the units of measure on each schedule of the delivery to a common unit of measure. The common unit of measure is the default from the first schedule in the delivery.

If there is no conversion for the different ordering units of measure, a new delivery is created by the system. Set up unit of measure conversions on the Units of Measure page.

The example illustrates how the total order quantity is determined using a unit of measure conversion. In the example, six eaches makes up one case:

The example illustrates how the total order quantity is determined without using a unit of measure conversion:

Volume or Weight

If you use shipping weight or volume as the freight charge method, the system calculates internal freight by assigning a shipping unit of measure to the delivery. The first schedule assigned to the delivery determines the shipping unit of measure for the delivery. The system finds the shipping unit of measure assigned to the inventory item for the inventory business unit.

If there are multiple shipping units of measure defined for the item or inventory business unit, the system selects the shipping unit of measure that is the same as the ordering unit of measure.

If there is no shipping unit of measure to match the ordering unit of measure, the system selects the first shipping unit of measure. Each shipping unit of measure is assigned a weight and volume unit of measure. These are the weight and volume units of measure assigned to the delivery.

The system then converts the order schedule quantity in the ordering unit of measure to the quantity in the shipping unit of measure on the delivery. Then the shipping weight and shipping volume of the order schedule are determined in the correct units of measure and are used to maintain the total shipping weight and volume for the delivery.

To meet PeopleSoft Inventory packing requirements, the system attempts to find the shipping weight and volume units of measure defined for the inventory business unit pick plan options. If these exist, the system assigns these weight and volume units of measure to the delivery.

If the PeopleSoft Inventory business unit weight or volume unit of measure is different from the delivery weight or volume unit of measure, the system checks to see if a conversion factor has been defined between the units of measure. If no conversion factor is defined, the weight or volume units of measure defined for the picking and packing options for the inventory business unit are not used.

When new schedules are added to the delivery, the system verifies that a conversion factor is defined for the weight and volume units of measure if the weight or volume units of measure are different between the new order schedule and the existing delivery. If no conversion rate is defined, the system forces the new order schedule to a new delivery with new weight and volume units of measure.

The shipping unit of measure, the shipping weight unit of measure, and the shipping volume unit of measure appear on the Inventory Definition - Business Unit Options: Delivery Management Definition page.

The example illustrates how the shipping weight is determined. Ensure that all of the schedules in the delivery can be converted to the same weight unit of measure that you want to use to calculate freight:

See Also

Packing Orders for Shipment

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicBilling Freight Charges

The internal freight charges that are passed to billing are either the amount estimated at order entry or at shipping time based on your selection on the customer Bill To Options page, which accesses the Bill To Details section of the Order Entry Form page by default. Internal freight charges can be calculated at order entry time and again at shipping time.

If you are using the order value freight charge method, you must select bill at order entry. Then the internal freight charges can be recalculated or overridden up until the time when the first line of the schedule has been shipped.

When calculating internal freight at shipping time, freight charges are captured in the base currency of the inventory business unit that is established on the Inventory Definition - Business Unit Definition page.

The freight terms designate who pays for the freight, either the buyer or seller. The default freight terms appear in the Ship To section of the Shipment Schedules page, but they can be overridden at the order header or schedule level.

The delivery Commit Freight for Billing flag must be set to Yes for OM_Bill to pass the freight charges to Billing. The Commit Freight for Billing flag on the delivery is used to indicate to the system that the freight amounts are ready to be billed and costed.

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Transportation Lead Times

The transportation lead time is the in-transit interval from the date and time that a shipment leaves your warehouse (inventory business unit) to the date and time that it arrives at your customer's receiving dock. Time in transit is affected by factors such as the warehouse location, the freight carrier, and the customer location. Additional factors such as the days of the week that the warehouse, customer and carrier are closed also affect the lead time. You establish the transportation lead time that results from a particular combination of these factors and determine how the system should search the combinations to arrive at a transportation lead time for a particular order schedule.

Note. If the schedule is marked for customer pickup, the system will look only at the calendar for the Inventory Business Unit. Rules will not be used.

The transportation lead time is used in calculating the scheduled shipment and scheduled arrival dates on the order when you enter either a requested arrival date or a requested shipment date.

The transportation lead times are calculated using arbitration plans and rules. The system searches for all matching transportation lead time rules and sorts them based on the arbitration plan using the longest lead time, shortest lead time, or the arbitration plan sequence. If the arbitration plan sequence is used, the system then looks to see if you want to sort the rules alphabetically, or by the longest or shortest lead time. The system then uses the first lead time rule in the list that produces a valid shipment and arrival date.

At the PeopleSoft Order Management business unit level, the system can process adjustments to the shipment and arrival dates by calculating the dates going forward or backward. Previously the dates were only calculated forward.

If the date is too early or late relative to the requested arrival date, hold processing can be used to further control the shipment. However, if the order is for a customer pickup, the Arrival Date Window hold does not apply.

In previous releases, the system did not consider exception dates for the carrier and the dates were only calculated looking ahead. The table illustrates the previous new methods to calculate the dates for an order date placed on Wednesday, 12/07/2006 with a requested arrival dates of Tuesday, 12/13/2006 and a three-day transportation lead time.


Previous Ship Date Calculation Method

New Ship Date Calculation Method

Ship Date Calculation Method

Not available. The systems calculated the dates going forward.


Carrier Calendar Exceptions

Not available.

No pickup on Saturday or Sunday

Scheduled Ship Date



Customer Calendar Exception

Closed on Saturday and Sunday

Closed on Saturday and Sunday

Warehouse Calendar Exception

Closed on Saturday and Sunday

Closed on Saturday and Sunday

Scheduled Arrival Date


The next available shipment dates is 12/12/2005. The Scheduled Arrival Date is 12/15/2005 after adding the three day transportation lead time.


The system looks backward to find another shipment date of 12/09/2005. The Scheduled Arrival Date is 12/12/2005 after adding the three day transportation lead time.

Click to jump to parent topicCreating Transportation Lead Times and Freight Charges

This section discusses how to:

To define freight and transportation arbitration plans and rules, use the Trft Rule and Trft Sets components.

Take these steps to set up transportation lead times and freight charge arbitration plans and rules to calculate freight charges internally:

Note. The same pages are used to set up transportation lead times and freight charges. However, you set up the breaks for transportation lead times and freight charges on different pages.

  1. Establish arbitration plans that govern how transportation lead times and internal freight charges are calculated on the Arbitration Plan page.

  2. Use the Key Fields page to select the values of the freight and transportation rule keys that the system searches for when selecting transportation lead times and freight charges.

  3. Select the key fields from the arbitration plan to use for the rule.

  4. Establish the rules for the freight and transportation on the Freight and Transportation Rule Entry page and add values for the key fields.

    Set up the actual breaks for transportation lead times on the Transportation Breaks page and the breaks for freight charges on the Freight Breaks page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Create Transportation Lead Times and Internal Freight Charges

Page Name

Definition Name



Arbitration Plan


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Shipping and Receiving, Freight and Transportation, Arbitration Plan

Establish arbitration plans for transportation lead times and freight charges. The transportation and freight arbitration plan determines the sequence in which the system searches for and applies transportation and freight arbitration plans that match the order to establish transportation lead times and freight calculations. Use the same arbitration plan for both transportation and freight charges. At order entry time, the system retrieves the transportation arbitration plan from the order management business unit. It retrieves the freight charge arbitration plan from the inventory business unit.

Transportation/Freight Key Fields


Click the Rule Keys link on the Arbitration Plan page.

Identify transportation and freight key fields. Enter the combination of elements that determines a match on a sales order line for transportation lead time and freight calculations.

Freight and Transportation Rule Entry


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Shipping and Receiving, Freight and Transportation, Rule Entry

Set up values for the fields that you selected on the Arbitration Plan page.

Select Key Fields


Click the Select Key Fields link on the Freight and Transportation Rule Entry page.

Select a rule sequence for transportation lead time and freight rules.

Transportation Breaks


Click the Define Transportation Lead link on the Freight and Transportation Rule Entry page.

Establish transportation breaks by entering breaks for transportation lead times.

Freight Breaks


Click the Define Freight link on the Freight and Transportation Rule Entry page.

Establish freight breaks by entering breaks for freight calculations.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEstablishing Freight and Transportation Arbitration Plans

Access the Arbitration Plan page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Shipping and Receiving, Freight and Transportation, Arbitration Plan).

Freight by Order Quantity, Freight by Order Value, Freight by Shipping Weight, and Freight by Shipping Volume

Select an option if you are creating an arbitration plan for internal freight calculations. By selecting only the freight charge methods that you will be using, you can limit the number of additional deliveries that are created if there is no conversion for the unit of measure.

Before assigning a schedule to a delivery for the freight charge, the system checks to see if the units of measure of the schedule match the units of measure on the existing delivery. If the delivery is a new delivery, the shipment inherits the units of measure of the schedule. If the new schedule units of measure do not match the existing delivery, the system creates a new delivery.


To establish a default arbitration plan, select the check box. After selecting this option and saving the default arbitration plan, the check box no longer appears on this page. This default it used if an arbitration plan is not specified for the PeopleSoft Order Management Business Unit on the Shipping and Returns page.

Sort Option By

Use to determine how the system will sort the arbitration rules. Select:

Arbitration Plan Sequence: The system will select the rule based on the arbitration plan sequence.

If you select this option, you will also have to select the Arbitration Decision.

Note. This option is used for simple transportation lead time calculations.

Longest Lead Time, Plan Seq: The system will select the rule based on the longest lead time. This option is not used for freight charges.

Shortest Lead Time, Plan Seq: The system will select the rule based on the shortest lead time. This option is not used for freight charges.


Displays the sequence number which is automatically generated by the system. You can change this number as long as you do not select a number that has already been used. The sequence number indicates the order in which the system searches the transportation and freight arbitration plans.

Arbitration Decision

Determine how to sort the arbitration rules. This option is only visible if you selected the Arbitration Plan Sequence in the Sort By Option field.

Options are:


Longest Lead Time, Alpha

Shortest Lead Time, Alpha

Rule Keys

Click to access the Key Fields page where you can select the combination of elements that determines a match on a sales order line. The keys that you select appears in the Key Set group box.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicIdentifying Transportation and Freight Key Fields

Access the Key Fields page (click the Rule Keys link on the Arbitration Plan page).

Select any number of fields from the available options. The system searches the transportation and freight arbitration plans and applies the plans that match the combination of values that you select for your transportation lead time and freight calculations.

Note. The Location Code field is used only for interunit transfers. The Vendor ID, Vendor Location, Third-Party Vendor ID, Third-Party Vendor Location, Item Category, Ship To location, and Vendor Freight Group fields are used only by PeopleSoft Purchasing.

Do not use a route code for rule keys that will be used for transportation lead time calculations because the route code interferes with the transportation lead time calculations. You can use a route code for freight charge calculations.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Freight and Transportation Rules

Access the Freight and Transportation Rule Entry page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Shipping and Receiving, Freight and Transportation, Rule Entry).

Copy Rule

To copy from an existing rule and create a new rule. In Add mode, click the button after adding a rule sequence and Rule ID. The field is no longer available for entry after you copy a rule.

Stop Freight Search Here

Select the option to prevent the system from adding any more freight charges to the delivery. The Stop Freight Search Here option is not used for transportation lead times.


After selecting the rule key on the Select Key Fields pages, select a valid option.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSelecting Transportation and Freight Rule Keys

Access the Select Key Fields page (click the Select Key Fields button on the Freight and Transportation Rule Entry page).


To select the sequence that contains the database elements that you want to define for the rule.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEstablishing Transportation Breaks

Access the Transportation Formulas page (click the Define Transportation Lead button on the Freight and Transportation Rule Entry page).

Fill in the values to enter breaks for the transportation lead times.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEstablishing Freight Breaks

Access the Freight Formulas page (click the Define Freight button on the Freight and Transportation Rule Entry page).

Charge Method

Select to calculate freight charges for each delivery. You can calculate freight charges based on:

Order Quantity: The total order quantity for the delivery.

Order Value: The total adjusted net price for the delivery.

Volume: The total shipping volume for the delivery. Volume information for each item is stored by shipping unit of measure on the Business Unit Item Definition - Inventory: Weight/Volume page.

Weight: The total shipping weight for the delivery. Weight information for each item is stored by shipping unit of measure on the Business Unit Item Definition - Inventory: Weight/Volume page.

Unit of Measure

Displays the unit of measure for the order quantity, weight, and volume freight charge methods. It is required for these types of freight breaks.

End Date

Enter the end date for the break.

Note. Freight break rows cannot be deleted. Set the end date to a date in the past to deactivate a freight break.

Low Quantity/Amount and Upper Quantity/Amount)

Specify the limits. The system enters the next lower quantity limit, and new freight break entries are inserted on the page. An upper limit of 999999 enables the freight break to be applied regardless of the quantity entered on the order line. For example, if you entered a freight break of 1−200 and did not create any other freight breaks, an order with a quantity of 201 would not have a freight charge applied. The system populates the Upper Quantity/Amount field with 999999 for the last freight break that you enter if you leave the field blank.

Note. Your last freight break must end with 999999. If it does not, the system will not find a match for anything greater than the last number that you entered.

Adjustment Type

Choose either Amount or Percent for the freight charge. Percentages can only be used with the Order Value Charge Method.

Freight Amount or Freight Percent

Enter either an amount or percent based on your option in the Adjustment Type field.

Note. If using a percent, the system calculates the freight charges based on the order amount of the delivery.

If there are order level price adjustments, the adjustments are prorated for the deliveries and include the prorated adjustment in each delivery.


Enter the currency. When freight charges are calculated, the system matches the freight breaks, based on the transaction currency of the sales order. If you have not set up the freight break in the correct transaction currency, the system will not match the freight break. For example, if you take sales orders in U.S. dollars, you must define the freight breaks in USD currency. If you also take sales orders in EURO, you must also define freight breaks in EUR currency.