Generating Rebate Accruals

This chapter provides an overview of the Rebate Accrual process and discusses how to generate rebate accruals.

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Rebate Accrual Process

The Rebate Accrual Application Engine process (PO_VRBTACCR) calculates earned rebates for transactions that are related to purchase orders, such as receipts, vouchers, and return to vendors (RTVs).

The Rebate Accrual process identifies all purchase order lines that have vendor rebate agreements defined. Then the system finds all associated receipts, vouchers, and RTVs to calculate the rebate and generate accrual records for those source transactions based on the rebate agreement terms and rules. During the processing of the different transactions, the system converts amounts and quantities to the currency and rule unit of measure on the vendor rebate agreement. The sum of these amounts and quantities becomes the basis for calculating the vendor rebate. The basis is referred to as the rebateable amount and rebateable quantity.

The rebate accrual records provide visibility to the rebate manager on the estimated earned rebates for analysis purposes, but also serve as the basis for the claim generation. The final rebate should be calculated based on the actual amount that you pay to the supplier for the goods that you order and receive. But with the analysis objective in mind, the accruals process will generate accruals records spontaneously as soon as the receipt transactions are available in the system. That is, the rebate amount is calculated based on the purchase-order estimated price and the received quantity. Later, when the voucher is entered and available, the accruals process will recalculate the final rebate based on the information on the voucher and update the accrual records. Of course, if the voucher is already entered and available at the time when the receipt transaction is being processed, the accruals process calculates the rebate amount based directly on the voucher information to avoid an unnecessary step.

The accruals process also supports purchase orders without receipts, such as direct shipments or purchase orders for which the receipt is optional. In these cases, the voucher serves as the source transaction to generate accruals records.

Finally, for return to vendor shipment transactions, the Rebate Accrual process will or will not calculate and generate rebate adjustments depending on the rebate agreement terms.

For analysis purposes, the rebate accrual records that are generated will have two levels of details:

The Rebate Accrual process can be run on demand for one or multiple rebate agreements, or run automatically at the time of claim generation for the rebate agreement that is being processed.

The Rebate Accrual process can be initiated from these pages:

Note. The accuracy of the rebate information that is available for vendor rebate analysis depends on the Rebate Accrual process and how often you perform that process. The volume of information to be processed by the Rebate Accrual process can be very large and the processing time could take awhile. You should determine an appropriate frequency for the run of the process so that business requirements are met and the process is able to finish in a reasonable amount of time.

Restricted and Unrestricted Access

Rebate managers can initiate the Rebate Accrual process using the Rebate Accrual page. Rebate managers select the vendor rebate agreements that they want to process and then run the process.

The vendor rebate agreements that are available for selection on the Rebate Accrual page are determined by the rebate manager's access rights. When you set up PeopleSoft Purchasing, you can specify which rebate managers have unrestricted access rights. You give the rebate manager unrestricted access by selecting the Unrestricted Rebate Manager check box on the User Preferences: Procurement - Rebate Authorizations page.

If you are a rebate manager who does not have unrestricted access, then you can initiate the Rebate Accrual process only for your rebates.

If you are a rebate manager and have unrestricted access, then you can initiate the Rebate Accrual process for any vendor rebate agreements that are associated with any rebate manager.

See Defining Vendor Rebate Agreement Authorizations.

Common Processing for Rebate Transactions

For each of the eligible source transactions that are related to purchase order lines that have vendor rebate agreements defined, such as receipt, voucher, or RTV shipment transactions, the Rebate Accrual process first looks at the related transactions that are available for the source transactions to determine the applicable scenario to be processed. Then the process performs the rebate calculation and generation for each of the rules that are defined on the rebate agreement.

Note. Purchase orders require matching, receipts require processing, vouchers require posting, and RTVs must be in Shipped status to be considered for rebate accrual.

For example, assume that a receipt is the source transaction. Then the system verifies whether the related voucher exists and is eligible, matched, and posted. If the voucher covers the receipt totally or partially, based on the information that is available, the Rebate Accrual process processes the receipt as a receipt without a voucher, as a receipt partially vouchered, or as a receipt fully vouchered.

Note. To view an explanation of the different scenarios that can occur, see the subsequent section Accruals Generation Upon Transactions.

The rebate calculation and generation for each of the rules defined on the rebate agreement includes a series of functions, such as currency conversion, unit of measure conversion, rebate calculation based on the rule configuration for the rebate agreement, and rebate recalculation based on changes to the source transactions or other factors such as rebate agreement changes or modification of the rebate accruals balance on the rebate agreement.

The Rebate Accrual process performs these functions for each transaction that is associated with a vendor rebate agreement:

Accruals Generation Upon Transactions

For each of the eligible source transactions that is related to purchase order lines that have vendor rebate agreements defined, the Rebate Accrual process looks at the related transactions that are available for the source transactions to determine the processing. One of these scenarios can occur:

Click to jump to parent topicGenerating Rebate Accruals

This section discusses how to generate rebate accruals.

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Rebate Accrual


Purchasing, Vendor Rebates, Rebate Accrual, Rebate Accrual

Generate rebate accruals.

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Access the Rebate Accrual page (Purchasing, Vendor Rebates, Rebate Accrual, Rebate Accrual).

Rebate ID

Select one or more vendor rebate agreements that you want to have processed by the Rebate Accrual process.

Note. If you do not select any vendor rebate agreements, the Rebate Accrual process processes all eligible vendor rebate agreements.