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Oracle® Communications Converged Application Server Installation Guide
Release 5.1

Part Number E27703-01
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5 Creating and Configuring a Domain

This chapter describes how to create and configure a Converged Application Server domain.

About Domains and Domain Configuration

After you install the Converged Application Server software, you must create a domain for your deployment. Before continuing in this chapter, you need to understand WebLogic domains and clustering, and the domain topologies available for use with Converged Application Server

You can create the domain using:

There are a selection of domain templates to choose from:

The domain template JARs for these domain types are located in the directory MW_Home/occas_5.1/common/templates/applications

The domain configuration scripts and property file are located in the directory MW_Home/occas_5.1/common/templates/scripts/wlst

To add Diameter support, you must extend an already existing domain with Diameter components. The domain extension template is MW_Home/wlserver_10.3/common/templates/domains/diameterdomain.jar.

Creating a Converged Application Server Domain Using the Graphical Mode Domain Configuration Wizard

This section describes how to start the Graphical Mode Domain Configuration Wizard.

Starting the Converged Application Server Configuration Wizard in Graphical Mode

You create a Converged Application Server domain using the Configuration Wizard. See the appropriate section below to learn how to start the Configuration Wizard on the operating system on which you're configuring a Converged Application Server domain:

Start the Configuration Wizard on a Windows Platform

To start the Configuration Wizard in graphical mode on a Windows platform, you can either use the shortcut located in the Start menu, or execute the config.cmd script from the Command Prompt.

To start the Configuration Wizard using the shortcut located in the Start menu:

  1. From the Start menu, select Programs, select Oracle Communications Converged Application Server, select WebLogic Server 11gR1, select Tools, then select Configuration Wizard.

  2. The Configuration Wizard Welcome screen is displayed.

To start the Configuration Wizard by executing the config.cmd script from the Command Prompt window:

  1. Log in to the system on which the product is installed.

  2. From the Start menu, select All Programs, select Accessories, then select Command Prompt.

  3. Go to the directory: WL_home\common\bin

    Where WL_home is the directory in which WebLogic is installed. For example: C:\Oracle\Middleware\wlserver_10.3\common\bin

  4. Execute the config.cmd command.

    The Configuration Wizard Welcome screen is displayed.

Start the Configuration Wizard on a Linux or UNIX Platform

To start the Configuration Wizard in graphical mode on a Linux or UNIX platform:

  1. Log in to the system on which the product is installed.

  2. Go to the directory: WL_home/common/bin

    Where WL_home is the directory in which WebLogic is installed. For example: /Oracle/Middleware/wlserver_10.3/common/bin

  3. Execute the command.

    The Configuration Wizard Welcome screen is displayed. The next step is to configure the domain. See "Starting the Converged Application Server Configuration Wizard in Graphical Mode".

Configuring Domain Settings Using the GUI Configuration Wizard

This section assumes that you have followed the instructions in either Start the Configuration Wizard on a Windows Platform or Start the Configuration Wizard on a Linux or UNIX Platform to launch the GUI Configuration Wizard, and are presented with the Welcome screen. The GUI Configuration Wizard screens prompt you to enter specific information about your system and configuration. For instructions on responding to the prompts during installation, see the following sections.

For detailed information about the various configuration settings on WebLogic Server level, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Creating Domains Using the Configuration Wizard.

Welcome Screen - Create or Update a WebLogic Domain

  1. Do one of the following:

    • Select the Create a new WebLogic domain ratio button to create a new domain.

    • Select the Extend an existing WebLogic domain to extend an existing domain with additional components.

  2. Click Next to proceed with the installation.

    You may cancel the installation at any time by clicking Exit and you may go back to a previous window by clicking Previous.

Select Domain Source Screen

  1. Select the Generate a domain configured automatically to support the following products radio button. This option offers you a set of domain templates. See "About Domains and Domain Configuration" for a description of the different templates.

    Select the appropriate template depending on your needs:

    • Domain - Basic Domain -

    • Domain - Replicated Domain -

    • Proxy Registrar - Basic Domain -

    • Proxy Registrar - Replicated Domain -

Specify Domain Name and Location Screen

  1. Accept the default domain name or create a new name in the Domain Name text box.

  2. Accept the default domain location or click the Browse button to change the location.

  3. Click Next to save your changes and continue.

Configure Administrator User Name and Password Screen

  1. Specify the main Administrative user in the Name text box.

    This name is used to boot the Administration Server and connect to it. For setup and testing, Oracle suggests that you use weblogic. User names are case sensitive. Do not use commas or any characters in the following comma-separated list:

    \t, < >, #, |, &, ?, ( ), { }
  2. Specify the password for the Administrative user in the User password text box.

    The password must contain a minimum of eight case-sensitive characters, at least one of which is alphanumeric.

  3. Re-enter the password in the Confirm user password text box.

  4. (Optional) Enter an informal description for this username in the Description text box.

  5. Click Next to save your changes and continue.

Configure Server Start Mode and JDK Screen

  1. On the left side of the window, select the appropriate startup mode for your installation:

    • Development Mode

    • Production Mode

    For more information on startup modes, see “Development vs. Production Mode Default Tuning Values” in Oracle Fusion Middleware Performance and Tuning for Oracle WebLogic Server.

  2. On the right side of the window, select the Available JDKs radio button.

  3. Highlight the appropriate JDK.

  4. Click Next to save your changes and continue.

Configure JDBC Data Sources Screen

This screen appears if you are installing a Proxy/Registrar.

Use this screen to specify connection information between Converged Application Server and the JDBC data sources (databases). A JDBC data source contains a pool of database connections that are created when the data source instance is created - when it is deployed or targeted, or at server startup. Applications look up a data source on the JNDI tree, and then request a connection.

  1. Configure the Location Service, Security Service, and User Service JDBC data sources.

    Select the Location Service, Security Service, and User Service check boxes to configure these data sources simultaneously. To configure these data sources separately, select each individually and enter the information for each service.

    Typically, the fields you may need to edit include:

    • Vendor: Select the database vendor from the list; the default is Oracle.

    • Driver: Select the driver for your database type from the list.

    • Username: The Converged Application Server user name you created when you installed the database.

    • Password: The Converged Application Server password you created when you installed the database (it is not be echoed on the screen).

    • DBMS/Service: Enter name of the database created for use by Converged Application Server.

    • Host Name: Where the database is located; the default is localhost.

    • Port: Enter the port number for contacting the database. For Oracle, the default is 1521. For MySQL, the default is 3306.

    • Configure selected data sources as RAC multi data sources in the next panel. Check this check box if you are using Oracle Real Application Cluster features.

  2. Click Next to save your changes and continue.

(As Needed) Configure RAC Multi-Data Sources

If you checked the Configure selected data sources as RAC multi data sources in the next panel box in the Configure JDBC Data Sources screen, this screen appears next. Follow these steps to configure JDBC data sources:

  1. Check the boxes next to Location Service, Security Service, and User Service to configure them all at the same time.

  2. Enter the service name of a database to connect to in the Service Name text box.

  3. Enter a database user account name in the Username text box.

  4. Enter the password for the user account password in the Password text box.

  5. Enter the IP address or DNS name of the server that hosts the database in the Host Name field.

  6. Enter the database name in the Instance Name text box. Naming schemes vary by database.

  7. Enter a port on which the database listens for connection requests in the Port text field.

  8. Click Add to add the data source.

  9. Add as many data sources as you need. Typically only one is configured per database.

  10. Click Next to save your changes an continue to the next screen.

Test JDBC Data Sources Screen

This screen appears and automatically tests your data source configurations the first time you are presented with this window.

A green check displayed in the Status column indicates that the configuration is valid. A red circle and slash indicates a problem. To correct any problems, click Previous to return to the Configure JDBC Data Sources screen and make the necessary changes and Click Next. When the Test JDBC Data Sources screen reappears, click Test Connections to retest the configurations.

Run Database Scripts Screen

The database scripts prepares the databases for each of the JDBC connections you defined: Make sure each

  1. From the Available JDBC Data Sources list, select the JDBC data source.

  2. From the Available SQL Files and Database Loading Options list, depending if you want to run the database scripts, check or uncheck the checkbox in front of the description of the database script.

  3. From the DB Version drop-down list, select the database version.

  4. If you want generate a log file, check the Log File checkbox and give the name and path to it.

  5. Click Run Scripts.

    The output when running the script is output to Results pane console.

  6. Click Next to continue to the next screen.

Select Optional Configuration Screen

Check the options you want to configure. It is recommneded to go though all these configuratin screens when you create a domain.

Oracle RAC domains require that you at least configure an administration server, see "Configure the Administration Server (Administration Server Screen)" section.

Configure the Administration Server (Administration Server Screen)

  1. Replace AdminServer with the name of your administration server in the Name text box.

  2. Replace All local Addresses with the IP address or DNS name of your administration server in the Listen address text box.

  3. Replace 7001 with a port number on your server to use as a listening port for the administration server in the Listen Port text box.

  4. (Optional) check the SSL enabled check box to use SSL.

    Do not enable SSL unless you have a trusted key.

  5. (Optional) Enter a port number to use as an SSL listening port in the SSL listen port text box.

  6. Click Next to save your changes and continue.

Configure Managed Servers Screen

Use this window to add or change connection information for Managed Servers. Each Managed Server is an instance of WebLogic Server. Some information may already be filled in.

  1. Change the Name and Listen address of each of your servers, based on your installation values. You can add server instances at this time. You can also do this using the Administration Console at any time.

    The Listen address and Listen port per server combination must be unique. The values for the Listen address can include alphanumeric characters, dots [.], and dashes [-] only.

  2. Replace 7001 with the port number of the administration server to use as a listening port in the Listen Port text box.

  3. (Optional) Enter a port number to use as an SSL listening port in the SSL listen port text box.

  4. (Optional) check the SSL enabled check box to use SSL.

    Do not enable SSL unless you have a trusted key.

  5. Click Next to save your changes and continue.

  6. When finished, configure the new system by returning to the Select Optional Configuration screen, checking the Deployments and Services checkbox, and then clicking Next.

Configure Clusters Screen

Use this window to define the clusters in your domain. By default there are two clusters, one for the engine tier and one for the data tier. You also define which messaging mode to use for the cluster: unicast or multicast. If you choose multicast you need to configure the multicast address and port.

Assign Servers to Clusters Screen

Use this window to assign managed servers to clusters. Select the server you want to work with in either the Server or Cluster list and use the left and right arrow buttons to move the servers between the lists.

To assign a server to a cluster:

  1. Move the server to the Server list

  2. Select the cluster in the Cluster list.

  3. Click the right arrow button.

Configure Machines Screen

Use this window to add or change information about Machines. In the context of WebLogic Server, a Machine is the logical representation of the system that hosts one or more WebLogic Server instances, for the purposes of starting and stopping remote servers using the Node Manager. In a domain, machine definitions identify a particular, physical piece of hardware and are used to associate a computer with the Managed Servers it hosts.

Click Next to continue.

Assign Servers to Machines Screen

This window does not appear if you selected Create Oracle Communications Converged Application Server Basic Domain

Use this window to assign Servers (either Administration or Managed) to their appropriate Machines, if necessary. Select the appropriate Machine in the right pane and the server(s) in the left pane and assign them to each other by clicking the right arrow button.

Click Next to continue.

Target Deployments to Clusters or Servers Screen

This window does not appear if you selected Create Oracle Communications Converged Application Server Basic Domain.

Use this window to add any additional Managed Servers you listed in the Configure Managed Servers window to clusters configured in the Configure Clusters window. Select the appropriate cluster in the right pane, the appropriate Managed Server in the left pane, and assign them to each other by clicking the right arrow button.

Configure RDBMS Security Store Database Screen

  1. Select a Database Type from the drop-down list.

  2. A driver is automatically entered in the Driver text box. If necessary, select another driver from the drop-down list.

    The correct Class Name for the driver is automatically filled in.

  3. Enter a database session identifier in the DBMS SID text box.

  4. Enter a database name in the DBMS Host text box.

  5. (As needed) Replace the default port number in the DBMS Port text box.

  6. Enter a DBMS administrator user name in the User Name text box.

  7. Enter a password for the DBMS administrator in the User Password text box.

  8. Confirm the password.

  9. Add any required items to the Additional Properties text box.

  10. Click Next to save your changes and continue.

Configuration Summary Screen

Displays the domain details. Use the Summary View drop-down list to choose a category view to use. The options vary with your configuration and my include:

  • Deployment

  • Application

  • Service

  • Cluster

  • Machine

  • JDBC Multi Data Source

  • JMS Server

Click Create to accept the domain details and start creating the domain.

Adding Diameter Support

You add Diameter support by extending and existing domain with Diameter support.

You can do this using:

  • the Converged Application Server Service Creation Environment, see Converged Application Server Developer's Guide.

  • standard WebLogic Server domain extension tools supplied with the Domain Configuration Wizard. See Oracle Fusion Middleware Creating Domains Using the Configuration Wizard. See "About Domains and Domain Configuration" for information about which extension template to use.

Creating a Converged Application Server Domain Using the Console Mode Domain Configuration Wizard

This section describes how to created a domain using the Console Mode Domain Configuration Wizard.

Starting the Converged Application Server Configuration Wizard in Console Mode

You create a Converged Application Server domain using the Configuration Wizard. See the appropriate section below to learn how to start the Configuration Wizard on the operating system on which you're configuring a Converged Application Server domain:

Start the Configuration Wizard on a Windows Platform

To start the Configuration Wizard in console mode on a Windows platform, you can either use the shortcut located in the Start menu, or execute the config.cmd script from the Command Prompt.

To start the Configuration Wizard in Console Mode:

  1. Log in to the system on which the product is installed.

  2. From the Start menu, select All Programs, select Accessories, then select Command Prompt.

  3. Go to the directory: WL_home\common\bin

    Where WL_home is the directory in which WebLogic is installed. For example: C:\Oracle\Middleware\wlserver_10.3\common\bin

  4. Execute the config.cmd -mode=console command.

    The Consoles Mode Configuration Wizard Welcome screen is displayed.

Start the Configuration Wizard on a Linux or UNIX Platform

To start the Configuration Wizard in graphical mode on a Linux or UNIX platform:

  1. Log in to the system on which the product is installed.

  2. Go to the directory: WL_home/common/bin

    Where WL_home is the directory in which WebLogic is installed. For example: /Oracle/Middleware/wlserver_10.3/common/bin

  3. Execute the -mode=console command.

    The Configuration Wizard Welcome screen is displayed. The next step is to configure the domain. See "Configuring Domain Settings Using the Console Mode Configuration Wizard".

Configuring Domain Settings Using the Console Mode Configuration Wizard

This section assumes that you have followed the instructions in either "Start the Configuration Wizard on a Windows Platform" or "Start the Configuration Wizard on a Linux or UNIX Platform" to launch the Console Mode Configuration Wizard, and are presented with the Welcome screen.

The Console Mode Configuration Wizard is designed to mimic as closely as possible the choices available in the GUI version, but in a text-based form.

For instructions on fields to fill in during the domain configuration, see the section "Configuring Domain Settings Using the GUI Configuration Wizard".

The following is a short introduction of how to navigate and set data in the configuration screens:

  • Most screens have the same pattern: the top of the screen indicates what is being configured; the center of the screen indicates the range of options; and the bottom of the screen prompts for user input.

  • The top part of the screen displays the set of configuration parameters that can be set.

  • The center of the screen indicates the range of options.

  • A right arrow (->) indicates that it is a selected item, and that any options chosen will affect that item.

  • The bottom part of the screen prompts for the user input that is available in that screen. Several options are possible to enter, depending on the context of the screen:

    • The number representing the item you choose in a multiple-choice selection.

    • A value for a specific field

    • P to navigate to the previous screen.

    • N to navigate to the next screen.

    • E to exit the wizard.

  • Confirm an entry by pressing the Enter key.

Creating and Configuring a Domain Using Scripts

This section describes how to creating and configuring a domain using Oracle WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST).

The WLST scripting environment is based on the Java scripting interpreter, Jython. For more information on WLST, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Oracle WebLogic Scripting Tool.

Editing the Domain Configuration Scripts

You define your domain configuration settings by editing a set of Jyhton scripts and associated properties files. Each domain topology has it's own set of scripts and associated property file.

The scripts and property files are designed to mimic as closely as possible the choices available in the GUI Domain Configuration Wizard. For instructions on configuration settings to edit, see the section "Configuring Domain Settings Using the GUI Configuration Wizard".

Running the Domain Configuration Scripts

This section assumes that you have followed the instructions in Editing the Domain Configuration Scripts.

To run the Domain Configuration scripts on a Windows platform:

  1. Opens a command prompt window (Windows) or a shell (UNIX or Linux).

  2. Change directory to WL_home\server\bin

    Where WL_home is the directory in which WebLogic is installed. For example: C:\Oracle\Middleware\wlserver_10.3

  3. Set the environment variables by running:

    • Windows: setWLSEnv.cmd

    • UNIX or Linux:

  4. Execute the command java weblogic.WLST Domain_Config_Script

    Where Domain_Config_Script is the name of the domain configuration script.


    java weblogic.WLST