Characteristic Type - Main

To define a characteristic type, open Admin Menu > Characteristic Type .

Description of Page

Enter an easily recognizable Characteristic Type and Description for the characteristic type. Owner indicates if this characteristic type is owned by the base package or by your implementation ( Customer Modification).

Important! If you introduce a new characteristic type, carefully consider its naming convention. Refer to System Data Naming Convention for more information.

Use Type of Char Value to classify this characteristic type using one of the following options (refer to There Are Four Types Of Characteristics for more information):

Note: File location characteristic values must be entered in a "non-relative" format. For example, if you want to define a characteristic value of, you'd enter the characteristic value as If you omit the http:// prefix, the system will suffix the characteristic value to the current URL in your browser and attempt to navigate to this location when the launch button is pressed (this may or may not be the desired result).

Use the Allow Search by Char Val to indicate if searching for an entity by this characteristic type is Allowed or Not Allowed. Refer to Searching by Characteristic Values for more information.

Where Used

Use the Data Dictionary to view the tables that reference CI_CHAR_TYPE.