Installation Options - Main

Select Admin Menu > Installation Options > Installation Options - Framework to define system wide installation options.

Description of Page

The Environment ID is a unique universal identifier of this instance of the system. When the system is installed, the environment id is populated with a six digit random number. While it is highly unlikely that multiple installs of the system at a given implementation would have the same environment ID, it is the obligation of the implementers to ensure that the environment ID is unique across all installed product environments.

System Owner will be Customer Modification.

The Admin Menu Order controls how the various control tables are grouped on the Admin Menu.

In order to improve response times, installation options are cached the first time they are used after a web server is started. If you change the Admin Menu Order and you don't want to wait for the cache to rebuild, you must clear the cached information so it will be immediately rebuilt using current information. Refer to Caching Overview for information on how to clear the system login cache (this is the cache in which installation options are stored).

The Language should be set to the language in which you work.

The Currency Code is the default currency code for transactions in the product.

If your product supports characteristics on its objects, define the date to be used as the Characteristic Default Date on objects without an implicit start date. The date you enter in this field will default when new characteristics are added to these objects (and the default date can be overridden by the user).

Active Owner displays the owner of newly added system data (system data is data like algorithm types, zone types, To Do types, etc.). This will be Customer Modification unless you are working within a development region.

Country and Time Zone represent the default country and time zone that should be used throughout the application.

Turn on Seasonal Time Shift if your company requires seasonal time shift information to be defined.