Server Cache

The cache is populated the first time any user accesses a page that contains cached information. For example, consider a control table whose contents appear in a dropdown on various pages. When a user opens one of these pages, the system verifies that the list of records exists in the cache. If so, it uses the values in the cache. If not, it accesses the database to retrieve the records and saves them in the cache. In other words, the records for this control table are put into the cache the first time they are used by any user. The next user who opens one of these pages will have the records for this control table retrieved from the cache (thus obviating the database access).

The following points describe the type of data that is cached on the web server:

The contents of the cache are cleared whenever the web server is "bounced". This means that fresh values are retrieved from the database after the application server software is restarted.

If you change the database after the cache is built and the information you changed is kept in the cache, users may continue to see the old values. If you don't want to bounce your web server, you can issue one of the following commands in your browser's URL to immediately clear the contents of the cache (a separate command exists for each type of data that is held in the cache):

For example, assume the following:

You would issue the following command in your browser's address bar: http://CD-Production:7500/flushDropdownCache.jsp?language=ENG. Notice that the command replaces the typical cis.jsp that appears after the port number (this is because these commands are simply different JSP pages that are being executed on the web server).