User Group - Main

Select Admin Menu > User Group to view the application services to which a user has access.

Important! Please do not add, change or remove application services from the ALL_SERVICES user group. Refer to The BasePackage Controls One User, One User Group, And Many Application Services for an explanation.
Note: Time saver. You can copy sample user groups from the demonstration database.

Description of Page

Enter a unique User Group code and Description for the user group.

Owner indicates if this user group is owned by the base package or by your implementation ( Customer Modification). The system sets the owner to Customer Modification when you add a user group. This information is display-only.

The Application Services grid displays the various application services to which users in this group have access. Please note the following in respect of this grid:

Where Used

Follow this link to open the data dictionary where you can view the tables that reference SC_USER_GROUP.