Defining Portals

This transaction is used to define / change portals. Navigate to this page using Admin Menu > Portal .

Description of Page

Enter a meaningful and unique Portal code and Description. Please be aware that for stand-alone portals, the Description is the portal page's title (i.e., the end-users will see this title whenever they open the portal).

Important! When introducing a new portal, carefully consider its naming convention. Refer to System Data Naming Convention for more information.

Owner indicates if this portal is owned by the base package or by your implementation ( Customer Modification). The system sets the owner to Customer Modification when you add a portal. This information is display-only.

Type flag indicates whether the portal is a Standalone Portal, a Tab Page Portal or the Dashboard. Refer to There Are Three Types of Portals for more information.

The following fields are only enabled for Standalone Portals:

Refer to Putting Portals on Menus for more information.

The grid contains a list of zones that are available in the portal. Click + to add a new zone to the portal. Click - to remove a zone from the portal. The grid displays the following fields:

Note: Newly added zones. Refer to Zones Appear By Default for how newly added zones are shown to users for portals that are configured to Show on Portal Preferences.
Note: Removing zones from a portal. You cannot remove a zone if a user has enabled it on their Portal Preferences. To remove a zone from the portal list, first make sure that no user has it enabled in their portal preferences.

Where Used

Follow this link to open the data dictionary where you can view the tables that reference CI_PORTAL.