Fixed Zones versus Configurable Zones

Some zone types are shipped with pre-configured zones that are linked to base-package portals. For example, the base package is shipped with a Favorite Links zone that is linked to the Dashboard portal. For these zones, your implementation simply needs to define your users' portal preferences and security rights. Please note, you cannot change how these zones behave because their zone parameter values are owned by the base-package.

Other zone types have been designed to allow your implementation to control how their zones look and behave. For example, the Timeline zone type allows your implementation to set up one or more timeline zones where each zone is configured to show specific events. Follow these steps to introduce a configurable zone:

Please note that virtually every zone type supports implementation-specific zones.

Note: "How to" hints. Each product-specific Administration Guide has a chapter that provides "tips and techniques" on how the configurable zones can be used. Open the help and navigate to the index entry labeled Configuring Zones.