Message - Main

Select Admin Menu > Message to maintain a message category and its messages.

Description of Page

To add a new message category, enter a Message Category number and Description.

Note: Note. Owner indicates if this message category is owned by the base package or by your implementation ( Customer Modification). The system sets the owner to Customer Modification when you add a category. This information is display-only.
Message category 90000 or greater must be used to define new messages introduced for a specific implementation of the system. Changes to other Message Text will be overwritten when you next upgrade. If you want to make a change to a Message, drill down on the message and specify Customer Specific Message Text.

To update a message, you must first display its Message Category. You can optionally start the message grid at a Starting Message Number.

To override the message text or long description of messages owned by the base package, click on the message's go to button. When clicked, the system takes you to the Details tab on which you can enter your implementation's override text.

The following points describe how to maintain messages owned by your implementation:

Please note - the system merges whatever values are supplied to it. Therefore, if a programmer supplies a premise address as the second merge parameter in the above message, this address is merged into the message (rather than the customer's name).

Where Used

Follow this link to open the data dictionary where you can view the tables that reference CI_MSG.