Navigation Option - Main

Select Admin Menu > Navigation Option to define a navigation option.

Description of Page

Enter a unique Navigation Option code and Description.

When introducing a new navigation option, carefully consider its naming convention. Refer to System Data Naming Convention for more information.

The Flush System Login Info button is used to flush the cached navigation options so you can use any modified navigation options. Refer to Caching Overview for more information.

Owner indicates if this navigation option is owned by the base package or by your implementation ( Customer Modification). This field is display-only. The system sets the owner to Customer Modification when you add a navigation option.

Note: You may not change navigation options that are owned by the base package.

Use Navigation Option Type to define if the navigation option navigates to a Transaction or launches a BPA Script.

For navigation option types of Transaction , enter the related information:

Note: Finding transaction navigation keys. When populating the Target Transaction and Search Transaction you are populating an appropriate navigation key. Because the system has a large number of transactions, we recommend using the "%" metaphor when you search for the transaction identifier. For example, if you want to find the currency maintenance transaction, enter "%currency" in the search criteria.

For navigation option types of script , indicate the Script to launch. You can use the Context Fields at the bottom of the page if you want to transfer the contents of specific fields to temporary storage variables available to the script. The script engine creates temporary storage variables with names that match the Context Field names.

The Go To Tooltip is used to specify the label associated with the tool tip that appears when hovering over a Go To object. Refer to the Usage grid below.

The Usage grid defines the objects on which this navigation option is used:

The Context Fields grid contains the names of the fields whose contents will be passed to the Target Transaction or Script. The system retrieves the values of these fields from the "current" page and transfers them to the target transaction or to the script's temporary storage. Turn on Key Field for each context field that makes up the unique identifier when navigating to a transaction in Change Mode.

Note: No context from menu bar. The standard followed for the base menu navigation options is that navigation options launched from the menu bar are configured with no context; navigation options launched from context menus include context.

Where Used

Follow this link to open the data dictionary where you can view the tables that reference CI_NAV_OPT.