Zone Help Text

Some zone types support a button that allows a user to see zone-specific help text. For example, many Oracle Utilities Business Intelligence zones support this functionality.

If your zone types support help text, you can define this text on the zone page.

You can use HTML tags in the zone help text. The following is an example of help text that contains a variety of HTML tags:

This zone summarizes <font color=blue><b>revenue</b></font> in 4 periods:<br>

The above would cause the word revenue to be bold and blue:

The following are other useful HTML tags:

Please refer to an HTML reference manual or website for more examples.

You can also use "spans" to customize the look of the contents of a text string. For example, your text string could be <span style="font-family:Courier; font-size:large; font-weight:bold;">revenue</span>. This would make the word "revenue" appear as large, bold, Courier text. Please refer to a Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) reference manual or website for more examples.

The following is an example of help text using a variety of HTML tags:

<font FACE="arial" size=2>

This zone summarizes <font color=blue><b>revenue</b></font> in 4 periods:<br>

- The <b>1st period</b> is under your control. You simply select the desired <b>Period</b>, above <i>(you may need to click the down arrow to expose the filter section)</i><br>

- The <b>2nd period</b> is the period before the 1st period<br>

- The <b>3rd period</b> is the same as the 1st period, but in the previous year<br>

- The <b>4th period</b> is the period before the 3rd period<br>


The traffic light's color is determined as follows:<br>

- The ratio of the 1st and 3rd period is calculated<br>

- If this value is between 80 and 100, <font color=orange><b>yellow</b></font> is shown<br>

- If this value is < 80, <font color=red><b>red</b></font> is shown<br>

- If this value is > 100, <font color=green><b>green</b></font> is shown<br>

- If the value of the 3rd period is 0, no color is shown<br>


Note: It is possible to associate tool tip help with individual HTML and UI map elements. For more information, see UI Map Help.