Database Process - Main

Select Admin Menu > DB Process to set up database processes used with ConfigLab and ConfigLab and Archive Engine.

Important! There are many sample database processes provided in the demonstration database. For information on how to copy a database process from the demonstration database, refer to How To Copy Samples From The Demonstration Database.

Use DB Process to specify the name of the database process.

Description and Long Description contain descriptions of the database process.

Use Status to specify if the database process is Active or Inactive.

Use DB Process Type to specify if the DB process is used for Archive, Compare, or Purge.

Use Batch Control to specify the batch control associated with the DB process.

The grid at the bottom shows all of the DB process instructions for the DB process. Note that each DB process instruction is linked to a maintenance object.

To the left of the Seq column information about the instruction is displayed as hypertext. Clicking on the hypertext brings you to the DB instruction. The following grid describes the text that may appear:

Text When Text Appears
Rule(s) & Algorithm(s) Displays when the instruction has at least one rule and at least one algorithm.
Rule(s) Displays when the instruction has at least one rule and no algorithms.
Algorithm(s) Displays when the instruction has at least one algorithm and no rules.
Instruction Displays when the instruction has no rules or algorithms.

The following fields display for each instruction.

A unique identifier for the DB process instruction under the DB process.
Enter a description of the DB process instruction.
Maintenance Object
Specify the maintenance object associated with the DB process instruction.
Either Primary or Child. If Child is specified, specify parent process sequence and a linkage constraint referring to a table defined on the parent instruction's maintenance object.
Parent Seq
Specify the process sequence of the parent DB process instruction on which the DB process instruction is dependent.
Linkage Constraint ID
Specify how maintenance objects of the DB process instruction and its parent are linked. This is a constraint on a table defined under the DB process instruction's maintenance object. This constraint references a table defined under the maintenance object that belongs to the DB process instruction specified by parent process sequence.