Defining Environment Reference Options

An environment reference is used to track a supporting environment's purpose relative to the current environment within the application. An environment is an instance of your product database and runtime programs. Environment references specify roles that describe how the supporting environment is used.

Note: Registration Utility. The registration utility adds environment references for you. Refer to Archiving and Purging and Configuration Lab for more information on the functions of the registration utility and how to execute it.

Select Admin Menu > Environment Reference to view environments and their use within the application.

Description of Page

Some fields on this page are protected as only the registration utility may change them. The following describes fields you may change and fields that may be relevant to Archiving and Configuration Lab:

Environment Reference is the name of the supporting environment reference.

Enter a Description and Long Description for the environment reference.

Use Environment Role to specify how the supporting environment that is represented by the environment reference is to be used. The valid values are:

Fastpath: For more information on specific uses of environment roles, refer to Archiving and Purging and Configuration Lab.

The Environment ID associates the environment reference with its environment's universal identifier within the application. This universal identifier is on the Installation Options of the target environment.

Use Name Prefix to specify how the current environment accesses tables in the supporting environment described by the environment reference. The prefix replaces the C in the table name. For instance, assuming the current environment is production, the production environment accesses the CI_ACCT table in the ConfigLab as ZI_ACCT.