Maintenance Object - Algorithms

Use this page to maintain a maintenance object's algorithms. Open this page using Admin Menu > Maintenance Object and then navigate to the Algorithms tab.

Description of Page

The Algorithms grid contains algorithms that control important functions for instances of this maintenance object. You must define the following for each algorithm:

The following table describes each System Event.

System Event Optional / Required Description
Determine BO Optional

Algorithm of this type is used to determine the Business Object associated with an instance of the maintenance object. It is necessary to plug in such an algorithm on a Maintenance Object to enable the business object rules functionality.

The system invokes a single algorithm of this type. If more than one algorithm is plugged-in the system invokes the one with the greatest sequence number.

Click here to see the algorithm types available for this system event.

Information Optional

We use the term "Maintenance Object Information" to describe the basic information that appears throughout the system to describe an instance of the maintenance object. The data that appears in this information description is constructed using this algorithm.

The system invokes a single algorithm of this type. If more than one algorithm is plugged-in the system invokes the one with the greatest sequence number.

Click here to see the algorithm types available for this system event.

Transition Optional

The system calls algorithms of this type upon each successful state transition of a business object as well as when it is first created. These are typically used to record the transition on the maintenance object's log.

Note that some base maintenance objects are already shipped with an automatic logging of state transitions. In this case you may use these algorithms to override the base logging functionality with your own.

Click here to see the algorithm types available for this system event.

Transition Error Optional

The system calls this type of algorithm when a state transition fails and the business object should be saved in its latest successful state. The algorithm is responsible for logging the transition error somewhere, typically on the maintenance object's log.

Notice that in this case, the caller does NOT get an error back but rather the call ends successfully and the exception is recorded somewhere, as per the plug-in logic.

The system invokes a single algorithm of this type. If more than one algorithm is plugged-in the system invokes the one with the greatest sequence number.

Click here to see the algorithm types available for this system event.

Note: You can inactivate algorithms on Maintenance Objects. Your implementation may want to inactivate one or more algorithms plugged into the base maintenance object. To do that, go to the options grid on Maintenance Object - Options and add a new option, setting the option type to Inactive Algorithm and setting the option value to the algorithm code.