Setting Up Algorithms

If you need to introduce a new algorithm, open Admin Menu > Algorithm . Refer to The Big Picture Of Algorithms for more information.

Description of Page

Enter an easily recognizable Algorithm Code and Description of the algorithm. Owner indicates if this algorithm is owned by the base package or by your implementation (Customer Modification).

Important! If you introduce a new algorithm, carefully consider its naming convention. Refer to System Data Naming Convention for more information.

Reference the Algorithm Type associated with this algorithm. This field is not modifiable if there are parameters linked to the algorithm (defined in the following collection).

Fastpath: Refer to Algorithm Type Versus Algorithm for more information about how an algorithm type controls the type of parameters associated with an algorithm.

Define the Value of each Parameter supplied to the algorithm in the Effective-Dated scroll. Note that the Algorithm Type controls the number and type of parameters.

Where Used

Every control table that controls component-driven functions references one or more algorithms. Refer to the description of Algorithm Entity under Setting Up Algorithm Types for a list of all such control tables.