A Script With Service Type Comparison

Imagine a script that is only eligible if the current customer has gas service and the user belongs to user groups A, B or C. This script would need the following eligibility rules:

These rules require only one eligibility group on the script. It would looks as follows:

Group No. Group Description If Group is True If Group is False
1 Has gas service and user is part of user group A, B or C Eligible Ineligible

The following criteria are required for this group:

Group 1: Has gas service and user is part of user group A, B or C
Seq Field to Compare Comparison Method If True If False If Insufficient Data
10 Algorithm: check if customer has gas service = True Check next condition Group is false Group is false
20 Algorithm: check if user belongs to user group A, B or C = True Group is true Group is false Group is false

Both criteria are similar - they call an algorithm that performs a logical comparison. These algorithms are a bit counter intuitive (but understanding them provides you with another way to implement complex eligibility criteria):

The first criterion works as follows:

The second criterion works similarly:

Note: Bottom line. The "field to compare" algorithm isn't actually returning a specific field's value. Rather, it's returning a value of True or False . This value is in turn, compared by the "comparison method" and the group is set to true, false or check next accordingly.