Create A Trouble Order Without An Account

The following is an example of the steps necessary to implement a script that creates a trouble order when the user does not know the customer. We have assumed the following about such trouble orders:

Step No Step Type Text Displayed In Script Area Additional Information On The Step
10 Navigate to a page

Navigation Option: Customer Contact - Main (add)

Note, we use characteristics to define the trouble order's symptom and danger level. Rather than hardcode these characteristic types and values in the script, we take advantage of the fact that a customer contact type can have default characteristics. These values default onto a customer contact when a customer contact type is populated. Defaulting only occurs when a User Interface Field is populated (as opposed to when a Page Data Model field is populated when no defaulting takes place). In order to populate a User Interface Field, the user must be positioned on the page on which the field is located. And this is why this script initially transfers the user to the Main tab on the customer contact page. If we didn't need to take advantage of defaulting, this script could have navigated to the Characteristics tab (the fields on the other tabs could have been populated even when the Characteristics tab is given focus by simply defining them as Page Data Model fields). We mention this as any page you can avoid navigating to will speed up the execution of the script.

20 Input data Please describe the problem

Destination Field Type: User Interface Field

Destination Field Name: DESCR254

30 Move data

Source Field Type: Predefined Value

Source Field Value: 1234567890 (note, this is the ID of the "dummy" person under which this type of customer contact is stored)

Destination Field Type: User Interface Field

Destination Field Name: PER_ID

40 Move data

Source Field Type: Predefined Value

Source Field Value: TRUE

Destination Field Type: Page Data Model

Destination Field Name: W_CC_STATUS_SW (Note, this is a switch on Customer Contact - Main that a user turns on if they want to indicate a customer contact is open). When you move TRUE to a switch, it turns it on. When you move FALSE to a switch, it turns it off.

50 Move data

Source Field Type: Predefined Value

Source Field Value: TO (note, this is the customer class code for this customer contact)

Destination Field Type: User Interface Field

Destination Field Name: CC_CL_CD

60 Move data

Source Field Type: Predefined Value

Source Field Value: NOACCT (note, this is the customer contact type for this customer contact)

Destination Field Type: User Interface Field (note, it's important to use this field type rather the Page Data Model. This is because we want the characteristics associated with this customer contact type to default onto the Characteristics tab page and defaulting only happens when User Interface Fields are populated)

Destination Field Name: CC_TYPE_CD

70 Move data

Source Field Type: Predefined Value

Source Field Value: Generated by trouble order without account script

Destination Field Type: User Interface Field

Destination Field Name: CC_LOG:0$CC_LOG_CONTENT

80 Move data

Source Field Type: Predefined Value

Source Field Value: 20 (note, this is the flag value for Send to Role)

Destination Field Type: User Interface Field

Destination Field Name: CC_LOG:0$CC_REMINDER_FLG

90 Move data

Source Field Type: Predefined Value

Source Field Value: TOWOACCT (note, this is the To Do role that will receive the To Do entry informing them of this trouble order)

Destination Field Type: User Interface Field

Destination Field Name: CC_LOG:0$ROLE_ID

100 Move data

Source Field Type: Predefined Value

Source Field Value: %CURRENT-DATE

Destination Field Type: User Interface Field

Destination Field Name: CC_LOG:0$TRIGGER_DT

110 Navigate to a page Navigation Option: Customer Contact - Characteristics (update)
120 Set focus to a field Press <i>Continue</i> after confirming the characteristic values and saving the customer contact Destination Field Name: CC_CHAR:0$CHAR_TYPE_CD
130 Move data

Source Field Type: Predefined Value

Source Field Name: %SAVE-REQUIRED

Destination Field Type: Temporary Storage

Destination Field Name: SAVE_NEEDED

140 Conditional Branch

Compare Field Type: Temporary Storage

Compare Field Name: SAVE_NEEDED

Condition: =

Comparison Field Type: Predefined Value

Comparison Field Name: FALSE

If TRUE, Go To Step: 160

If FALSE, Go To Step: 140

150 Set focus to a field <font color=red>You have not saved this information!</font> Press <i>Continue</i> after saving.

Destination Field Name: IM_SAVE

(note, this positions the cursor on the save button)

160 Go to a step Next step: 120
170 Display text Script complete
180 Height

Script Window Height: 0

Height Unit: Pixels

Note the following about this script: