Criteria Groups versus Eligibility Criteria

Before we provide concrete examples of eligibility criteria, we need to explain two concepts: Criteria Groups and Eligibility Criteria. A script's criteria groups control whether a user is eligible to choose a script. At a high level, it works like this:

We'll use the following example from Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing to help illustrate these points. Assume a script is only eligible if:

This script requires two eligibility groups because it has two distinct conditions:

If either condition is true, the script is eligible.

You would need to set the following criteria groups in order to support this requirement:

Group No. Group Description If Group is True If Group is False
1 Customer has electric service and the user belongs to user group A, B or C Eligible Check next group
2 Customer has gas service and the user belongs to user group X, Y or A Eligible Ineligible

The following criteria are required for each of the above groups:

Group 1: Customer has electric service and the user belongs to user group A, B or C
Seq Logical Criteria If Eligibility Criteria is True If Eligibility Criteria is False If Insufficient Data
10 Customer has electric service Check next condition Group is false Group is false
20 User belongs to user group A, B or C Group is true Group is false Group is false

Group 2: Customer has gas service and the user belongs to user group X, Y or A
Seq Logical Criteria If Eligibility Criteria is True If Eligibility Criteria is False If Insufficient Data
10 Customer has gas service Check next condition Group is false Group is false
20 User belongs to user group X, Y or A Group is true Group is false Group is false

The next section describes how you might configure the specific logical criteria in each of the groups.