Function - Send Fields

Use this page to add or update the fields sent to the service. Open this page using Admin Menu > Function and then navigate to the Send Fields tab.

Note: Displaying a specific field. Rather than scrolling through each field, you can navigate to a field by clicking on the respective node in the tree on the Main tab. Also note, you can use the Alt+right arrow and Alt+left arrow accelerator keys to quickly display the next and previous entry in the scroll.
Note: You're defining the application service's input fields. On this tab, you define which fields are populated in the XML document that is sent to the service. Essentially, these are the service's input fields.

Description of Page

Use Sequence to define the order of the Send Fields.

Enter a unique Function Field Name and Description for each field sent to the application service. Feel free to enter Comments to describe how the field is used by the service.

Use Field Value Source to define the source of the field value in the XML document sent to the service:

Regardless of the Field Value Source, use XML Population Logic to define the XPath expression used to populate the field's value in the XML document sent to the service.

Note: Usability suggestion. You populate a field's value in an XML document by specifying the appropriate XPath expression for each field. Rather than referring to an XPath manual, the system can create the XPath expression for you. To do this, click the adjacent View XML hyperlink. This will display the XML document used to communicate with the Service defined on the Main page. After the XML document is displayed, click the XPath hyperlink adjacent to the desired field to see how the XPath expression looks. You can then cut / paste this XPath expression into the XML Population Logic Field.