How To Find The Name Of User Interface Fields

Follow these steps to find the name of a field that resides on a page:

The field names that you'll reference in your scripts are defined on the left side of the HTML (e.g., ENTITY_NAME, ACCT_ID, CUST_CL_CD, etc.).

The names of fields that reside in scrolls are in a slightly different format. The following is an example of the HTML for the persons scroll that appears on Account - Person. Notice that the fields in the scroll are prefixed with the name of the scroll plus a $ sign. For example, the person's ID is called ACCT_PER$PER_ID.

The names of fields that reside in grids are in a slightly different format. The following is an example of the HTML for the names grid that appears on Person - Main. Notice that the fields in the grid are prefixed with the name of the grid plus a :x$. For example, the person's name is called PER_NAME:x$ENTITY_NAME. When you reference such a field in your script, you have the following choices: