How To Set Up Invoke Service Script Steps

Invoke service script steps allow you to execute a service script.

The following additional fields are required for Invoke service script steps:

Use Warning Level to indicate whether warnings should be suppressed and if not, how they should be presented to the user. By default, warnings are suppressed. If Warn As Popup is used, the warning is displayed using the standard popup dialog. If Warn As Error is used processing is directed to the If Error, Go To step. This field is only applicable to BPA scripts.

Group Name references the data area to be passed to and from the server when the Service Script is invoked.

The service script call will either be successful or return an error. The next two fields only appear when the call is issued from a BPA script to determine the step to which control is passed given the outcome of the call.

If Success, Go To defines the step that is executed if the call is successful. This field is only applicable to BPA scripts.

If Error, Go To defines the step that is executed if the call returns on error. Please note that the error information is held in global variables. This field is only applicable to BPA scripts.

Note: Error technique. Let's assume a scenario where a service script is invoked from a BPA script and the call returned an error. If the BPA script is configured to communicate with the user using a UI map, you may find it useful to invoke the map again to present the error to the user. Alternatively, you may invoke a step that transfers control to a script that displays the error message information and stops. The demonstration database contains samples of these techniques.