Launching A Script When Starting The System

You can set the system to launch a script upon startup.

For example, imagine that through an interactive voice response system, a customer has keyed in their account ID and has indicated that they would like to stop an automatic payment. At the point when the IVR system determines that the customer must speak to a user, the interface can be configured to launch the application. When launched it passes the script name and account ID. It can also pass a navigation option to automatically load the appropriate page (if this information is not part of the script).

To do this, parameters are appended to the standard system URL. The following parameters may be supplied:

Parameters are added to the standard system URL by appending a question mark (?) to the end and then adding the "key=value" pair. If you require more than one parameter, use an ampersand (&) to separate each key=value pair.

For example, the following URLs are possible ways to launch the StopAutoPay script at startup, assuming your standard URL for launching the system is http://system-server:1234/cis.jsp:

It doesn't matter in which order the parameters are provided. The system processes them in the correct order. For example, the following examples are processed by the system in the same way:

These parameters are kept in a common area accessible by any script for the duration of the session. To use these parameters on a script you may reference the corresponding %PARM-<name> global variables. In this example, after the system is launched any script may have access to the above account ID parameter value by means of the %PARM-ACCT_ID global variable. Also note, these parameters are also loaded into temporary storage (to continue the example, there'd also be a temporary storage variable called ACCT_ID that holds the passed value).