Payment Extensions

The following is an example of a script that guides a user through the payment plan options. This script executes the following rules:

Step No Step Type Text Displayed In Script Area Additional Information On The Step
10 Perform script

Subscript: CI_FINDCUST

Note, this step performs a script that contains the steps that ask the user to find the customer on control central.

20 Invoke function

Function: GETCCCR (retrieves an account's customer class and credit rating)

If Successful, Go To Step: 40

If Error, Go To Step: 30

Send Field: Temporary Storage / SAVED_ACCT_ID

Receive Field 1: Temporary Storage / CUST_CL_CD

Receive Field 2: Temporary Storage / TOT_CR_RATING_PTS

Note, this step invokes a function that returns the account's credit rating and customer class.

30 Transfer control

Subscript: CI_FUNCERR

Note, this step transfers control to a script that displays the error information and stops.

40 Mathematical operation

Base Field Type: Temporary Storage >

Base Field Name: TOT_CR_RATING_PTS

Math Operation: +

Math Field Type: Predefined Value

Math Field Value: 0

Note, this step converts the credit rating held in string into a number so that it can be used in later mathematical operations that compare the credit rating to threshold values.

50 Conditional Branch

Compare Field Type: Page Data Model

Compare Field Name: CUST_CL_CD

Condition: =

Comparison Field Type: Predefined Value

Comparison Field Name: R

If TRUE, Go To Step: 110

If FALSE, Go To Step: 250

60 Conditional Branch

Compare Field Type: Page Data Model

Compare Field Name: TOT_CR_RATING_PTS

Condition: <=

Comparison Field Type: Predefined Value

Comparison Field Name: 600

If TRUE, Go To Step: 120

If FALSE, Go To Step: 140

70 Label Residential Customer, Credit Rating <= 601
120 Display Text <font color=red>This customer's credit rating is less than or equal to 600 and therefore payment is due immediately (no payment extensions are possible)</font>
130 Go to a step Next step: 400
140 Prompt user Choose between extending the date on which the system will examine this customer's debt OR adding a payment arrangement

Prompt Type: Button(s)

First Prompt Value - Text: Extend collection date (default value), Next Step: 150

Second Prompt Value - Text: Setup a payment arrangement, Next Step: 180

145 Label Postpone the credit review date
150 Navigate to a page Navigation Option: Account - C&C (update)
151 Move data

Source Field Type: Predefined Value

Source Field Value: %CURRENT-DATE

Destination Field Type: User Interface Field

Destination Field Name: POSTPONE_CR_RVW_DT

Note, the next step will add 5 days to this field value (thus setting the review date to 5 days in the future).

152 Mathematical operation

Base Field Type: User Interface Field


Math Operation: +

Math Field Type: Predefined Value

Math Field Value: 5 days

160 Set focus to a field Please review the new credit review date and then save the change Destination Field Name: POSTPONE_CR_RVW_DT
170 Go to a step Next step: 400
175 Label Create payment arrangement.
180 Navigate to a page Navigation Option: Payment Arrangement - Main (add)
190 Set focus to a field Select the debt to be transferred to the payment arrangement. You do this by turning on the checkboxes adjacent to the <font color=red>Arrears Amounts</font> FOR EACH <font color=red>CANDIDATE SA</font> IN THE SCROLL Destination Field Name: SA_ARREARS:x$CHECKED_FOR_PA_SW
200 Set focus to a field Press <i>Continue</i> after you've considered the debt on each service agreement in the scroll Destination Field Name: IM_SectArrow_RtArrow
209 Move data

Source Field Type: Predefined Value

Source Field Value: 6

Destination Field Type: User Interface Field

Destination Field Name: INSTALLMENT

Note, this step defaults a value of 6 in the Installments field. Because we used the User Interface Field type, the payment amount is automatically calculated for the user as this is the default logic for this field on this page. If we'd used a field type of Page Data Model, the default logic would not execute.

210 Set focus to a field Select the number of installments (a value of <font color=red>6</font> was defaulted) Destination Field Name: INSTALLMENT
220 Move data

Source Field Type: Predefined Value

Source Field Value: CA

Destination Field Type: User Interface Field

Destination Field Name: CIS_DIVISION

225 Set focus to a field Specify an SA Type for the payment arrangement Destination Field Name: SA_TYPE_CD
230 Set focus to a field Press the Create button to create a new payment arrangement service agreement and transfer the selected debt to it Destination Field Name: CREATE_SW
240 Go to a step Next step: 400
245 Label Non-residential customer with credit rating less than or equal to 700 must pay now. If the CR is over 700, choose between extending date and creating a pay plan.
250 Conditional Branch

Compare Field Type: Page Data Model

Compare Field Name: TOT_CR_RATING_PTS

Condition: <=

Comparison Field Type: Predefined Value

Comparison Field Name: 700

If TRUE, Go To Step: 260

If FALSE, Go To Step: 280

260 Display Text This customer's credit rating is less than or equal to 700 and therefore payment is due immediately (no pay plan is possible)
270 Go to a step Next step: 400
280 Prompt user You can choose between extending the date on which the system will examine this customer's debt OR creating a pay plan

Prompt Type: Button(s)

First Prompt Value - Text: Extend collection date, Next Step: 290

Second Prompt Value - Text: Setup a pay plan, Next Step: 320

285 Label Postpone the credit review date
290 Navigate to a page Navigation Option: Account - C&C (update)
300 Set focus to a field Please enter the new credit review date (set it up to 5 days in the future) and then save the change Destination Field Name: POSTPONE_CR_RVW_DT
310 Go to a step Next step: 400
315 Label Add a payment plan
320 Navigate to a page Navigation Option: Pay Plan - Main (add)
330 Set focus to a field Select the Pay Plan Type Destination Field Name: PP_TYPE_CD
340 Prompt User Who is responsible for making these payments?

Prompt Type: Button(s)

First Prompt Value - Text: Customer, Next Step: 370

Second Prompt Value - Text: Third party, Next Step: 350

350 Move data

Source Field Type: Predefined Value

Source Field Value: TRUE (note, this is how you turn a checkbox on)

Destination Field Type: User Interface Field

Destination Field Name: THRD_PTY_SW

360 Set focus to a field Select the Pay Plan Type Destination Field Name: THRD_PTY_PAYOR_CD
370 Set focus to a field Select a Pay Method Destination Field Name: PAY_METH_CD
380 Set focus to a field Enter one or more scheduled payments. <font color=red>The Total Amount of the scheduled payments should cover the customer's Delinquent Debt if you want the pay plan to protect the customer from additional credit and collection activity.</font> Destination Field Name: PPS:x$PP_SCHED_DT
390 Set focus to a field Press the Save button (Alt+S) to save the pay plan Destination Field Name: IM_SAVE
395 Label Confirm save
400 Move data

Source Field Type: Predefined Value

Source Field Name: %SAVE-REQUIRED

Destination Field Type: Temporary Storage

Destination Field Name: SAVE_NEEDED

410 Conditional Branch

Compare Field Type: Temporary Storage

Compare Field Name: SAVE_NEEDED

Condition: =

Comparison Field Type: Predefined Value

Comparison Field Name: FALSE

If TRUE, Go To Step: 440

If FALSE, Go To Step: 420

420 Set focus to a field <font color=red>You have not saved this information!</font> Press <i>Continue</i> after saving.

Destination Field Name: IM_SAVE

(note, this positions the cursor on the save button)

430 Go to a step Next step: 400
440 Navigate to a page Navigation Option: Control Central - Pay Pan (update)
450 Display text Script complete, please confirm the customer's credit and collection's information