Reprint A Bill - Short Version

The following is an example of a script that causes a bill to be reprinted. This script prompts the user to select a bill and then sets up a new bill routing to cause it to be reprinted. This script is an alternate version of Reprint A Bill - Long Version. Take the time to contrast these two versions before you decide how to construct your scripts.

Step No Step Type Text Displayed In Script Area Additional Information On The Step
5 Label   Prompt user for account whose bill should be reprinted.
10 Prompt user Select an option and then press <font color=red>Continue</font>

Prompt Type: Dropdown

First Prompt Value - Text: View bills for the customer in the dashboard (default turned on), Next Step: 20

Second Prompt Value - Text: View bills for a different customer, Next Step: 40

20 Move data  

Source Field Type: Predefined Value

Source Field Value: %CONTEXT-ACCOUNTID (note, this is a global variable that contains the ID of the current account)

Destination Field Type: Page Data Model

Destination Field Name: ACCT_ID

Note, this step is done in anticipation of step 50, which transfers the user to the bill page. This step simply moves the account ID saved above to some place on the page. The name of the destination field is important; it must be the same as one of the fields defined on the Navigation Option used to transfer to the destination transaction (this navigation option is defined on step 50). To find the appropriate field name for any transaction, display the navigation option in question.

30 Go to a step   Next step: 50
40 Move data  

Source Field Type: Predefined Value

Source Field Value: %BLANK (note, this is a global variable that contains the a blank value)

Destination Field Type: Page Data Model

Destination Field Name: ACCT_ID

Note, this step is done in anticipation of the following step that transfers the user to the bill page. This step simply resets the account ID that will be passed to the bill search page. The name of the destination field is important; it must be the same as one of the fields defined on the Navigation Option used to transfer to the destination transaction (this navigation option is defined on the next step). To find the appropriate field name for any transaction, display the navigation option in question.

45 Label   Navigate to Bill Routing page and select desired bill
50 Navigate to a page   Navigation Option: Bill - Routing (update)
60 Prompt user Press <font color=orange>OK</font> after a bill has been selected

Prompt Type: Button(s)

First Prompt Value - Text: OK, Next Step: 70

65 Label   User should confirm the bill routing details and Save.
70 Move data  

Source Field Type: Page Data Model

Source Field Name: ENDING_BAL

Destination Field Type: Temporary Storage

Destination Field Name: ENDING_BALANCE

80 Move data  

Source Field Type: Page Data Model

Source Field Name: COMPLETE_DTTM

Destination Field Type: Temporary Storage

Destination Field Name: COMPLETION_DTTM

90 Press a button   Button Name: IM_ScrollCtrl_addBtn
100 Set focus to a field This bill for %ENDING_BALANCE was completed on %COMPLETION_DTTM. <br>Please confirm / change the name and address of the bill. Destination Field Name: BILL_RTGS$ENTITY_NAME1
110 Set focus to a field Press the Save button (Alt+S) to save the bill routing information Destination Field Name: IM_SAVE
115 Label   Verify Save
120 Move data  

Source Field Type: Predefined Value

Source Field Name: %SAVE-REQUIRED

Destination Field Type: Temporary Storage

Destination Field Name: SAVE_NEEDED

130 Conditional Branch  

Compare Field Type: Temporary Storage

Compare Field Name: SAVE_NEEDED

Condition: =

Comparison Field Type: Predefined Value

Comparison Field Name: FALSE

If TRUE, Go To Step: 160

If FALSE, Go To Step: 140

140 Set focus to a field <font color=red>You have not saved this information!</font> Press <i>Continue</i> after saving.

Destination Field Name: IM_SAVE

(note, this positions the cursor on the save button)

150 Go to a step   Next step: 120
205 Label   Display confirmation
160 Move data  

Source Field Type: Page Data Model

Source Field Name: BILL_RTG$BATCH_CD

Destination Field Type: Temporary Storage

Destination Field Name: BATCH_CODE

170 Display text Script complete. The bill will be sent to the recipient the next time the %BATCH_CODE process executes