Report Definition - Main

Navigate to this page using Admin Menu > Report Definition.

Important! If you introduce new report definitions, you must prefix the report code with CM. If you do not do this, there is a slight possibility that a future release of the application could introduce a new system report with the name you allocated.

Description of page

Enter an easily recognizable Report Code and Description for each report. Use the External Reference ID to define the identifier for this report in your external reporting tool.

Define an application service to enable users to request submission of this report online or to view report history for this report. Once you define an application service for each report, use application security to define which users may access this report.

Note: Access Mode. The access mode for application services related to reports must be set to Submit/View Report.

If you have more than one parameter defined for your report and you wish to perform cross-validation for more than one parameter, provide an appropriate Validation Algorithm. Click here to see the algorithm types available for this system event.

Enter a Long Description to more fully describe the functionality of this report. This information is displayed to the user when attempting to submit the report online or when viewing history for this report.

For BI Publisher, if you want to use one of the sample reports provided by the system, but with a different layout, indicate the layout to use for the report in the Customer Specific Font/ Layout fieldand BI Publisher uses this information instead. The name for base report layout is <report code>_Base. For example, a base layout for CI_VACANT is named CI_VACANT_Base.

For Business Objects Enterprise, the Report Font and Report Font Size are used to control the display of the report information. If you wish to use one of the sample reports provided by the system, but wish to use a different font and font size, indicate your Customer Specific Font in the Customer Specific Font/ Layout field and Business Objects Enterprise uses this information instead.