Adding an Email Sender

The email sender allows for XML messages to be sent as email messages through an SMTP server. It can be used in notification download processes to send a response as an email message. The email sender supports standard email functionality such as "CCs" and attachments.

The content of the email message is controlled by the XSL script defined in the XAI route type of the NDS message. The XSL script has access to all context records of the NDS message as well as the input XAI message that was created by processing the NDS.

An email sender must point to the XAI Class EMAILSENDER. In addition, the following context records should be defined for senders of this type.

Context Type Description Values
SMTP Host name The SMTP server host name.  
SMTP Username The user ID used to access the SMTP server.  
SMTP Password The password used to access the SMTP server.  
Fastpath: Refer to How an Email Message is Constructed for more information.